



FigureOne is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to create, animate and interact with shapes, text and equations in a browser. FigureOne can be used to create animated and interactive diagrams, slide shows and video like experiences.


In FigureOne, shapes are typically formed from multiple triangles.

Thus, in FigureOne a shape is a collection points that describe the vertices each triangle in a shape.


A transform describes a spatial change, for example a translation or rotation.

Mathematically, a transform is a 4x4 matrix that when mulitiplied with a point creates a new point that undergoes the transform. For example:

All transforms in FigureOne create such a matrix, and can be used to transform points.

Transforms can be chained together, so a rotation transform can be chained with a translation transform to both rotate and translate. Transform chains can be arbitrarily long, and include multiple transforms of the same type.

In the language of FigureOne, a Transform is made up of a series of transform components where each component is a single transform step (like a rotation or translation).

The Transform class makes creating transforms easy.

// Create a transform
const transform = new Fig.Transform().scale(2).rotate(Math.PI / 2).translate(0, 1);
// Get the transform matrix
const matrix = transform.matrix();
// Define a point
const p = new Fig.Point(2, 3);
// Transform the point
const transformedPoint = p.transformBy(matrix);

FigureOne uses WebGL for drawing shapes. As of September 2021, WebGL is supported by 97.72% of browsers (with Opera Mini at 1.15%, Android Browser before 2014 at 0.35% and Internet Explorer before 2013 at 0.19% being the main browsers without support).

WebGL leverages GPU hardware to accelerate rendering. As such very complex shapes (with millions of vertices) can be rendered efficiently on low end clients. WebGL does this by limiting the amount of data transferred between the CPU and GPU on each draw frame, and moving as much of the the per vertex calculations into the GPU (where there are many parallel cores) as possible. A standard WebGL work flow is:

  • Define the vertices of a shape once, and load them into a GPU memory buffer
  • On each draw frame, pass a transform matrix from the CPU to GPU that will transform all the points in the shape
  • The GPU then transforms each vertex in its memory buffer with the transform for final screen rendering

WebGL is very powerful, but can be hard to get started with due to its low-level nature relative to JavaScript. While FigureOne hides the complexity of WebGL from the user, it is still useful to understand the above workflow as FigureOne is organized with this work flow in mind, and the more such a work flow can be followed, then the more performant the end result will be.

FigureOne also supports the cases where this work flow is not adequate, for example when vertices of a shape are morphing into a different shape. In such cases care needs to be taken to ensure a good end user experience. See morphing for more information.

Figures, Primitives and Collections

A figure is composed of one or more figure elements. A figure element is a shape, some text, or it may be a collection of other elements. These elements combine to create a complex drawing, graph or equation.

In the language of FigureOne, there are two types of FigureElement:

Each FigureElement has a Transform that transforms an element in space (e.g. rotates, translates, scales etc) when it is time to draw the element. In the case of a FigureElementPrimitive, the shape or text will be transformed. In the case of a FigureElementCollection, all the figure elements it contains will have their transforms cascaded with the collection's transform.

This means there is a heierachy of FigureElement objects, where the parent transform is combined with (cascaded with) the child transform. Therefore collections can be thought of as modular building blocks of a more complex figure.


As an example, let's say we want to create a labeled line where the line and label both rotate together.

To create this, we could use a line and text primitive within a collection:

To rotate both label and line in tandem, we simply need to rotate the collection.


Let's see the code for the example above. Two files, index.html and index.js should be in the same folder.

<!-- index.html -->
<!doctype html>
    <div id="figureOneContainer" style="width: 1200px; height: 800px; background-color: white;">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=''></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src='./index.js'></script>
// Note: the `position` property is a short hand way of defining a transform with a
// translation component.

// Set the figure limits to be 0 ≤ x ≤ 6 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 4
const figure = new Fig.Figure({ scene: [0, 0, 6, 4] });
    name: 'labeledLine',
    make: 'collection',
    elements: [
        make: 'line',
        p1: [0, 0],
        p2: [2, 0],
        width: 0.01,
        color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
        make: 'text',
        text: 'Line 1',
        // Set the label position to be at the middle point of the line
        // And slightly above it
        position: [1, 0.1],
        font: { color: [1, 0, 0, 1] },
        xAlign: 'center',
    // Set the position of the collection such that the end of the line is
    // in the middle of the figure
    position: [3, 2],
    touchBorder: 0.3,
    move: {
      type: 'rotation',

This code positions text relative to the middle of a line of length 2.

It then positions the collection so the line end is in the middle of the figure.

Coordinate spaces

FigureOne renders shapes in WebGL, text with the HTML Canvas API and can even manipulate html elements as figure elements. As WebGL is used most in FigureOne, it will be used as an example to introduce coorindate spaces and why they matter.

WebGL is rendered in a html canvas element.

The canvas element is defined in screen pixels. WebGL re-maps the canvas pixels to -1 to +1 coordinates in both the vertical and horizontal directions, independent on the aspect ratio of the canvas.

When the canvas aspect ratio is not a square, or it is more convenient to create a figure in a coordinate space not mapped between -1 to +1, then it is useful to have a separate figure space. In the example above, the figure space re-maps the GL space to 0 to 6 in the horizontal and 0 to 4 in the vertical.

These are three examples of different coordinate spaces - pixel space, GL space (also called clip space in WebGL nomenclature) and figure space.

If you want to move or modify an element, you need to think about what you want to modify it relative to. Do you want to move it relative to other elements in the figure? In other words, do you want to move it in figure space? Or do you want to move it relative to other elements within the parent collection - local space. Alternately, you might want to modify the vertices of the shape, in draw space.

In simple figures, where no collections are used, or collections don't transform their child elements you don't really need to think about what space you are working in. Figure space will be the same as local space, if you aren't changing vertices of primitives then draw space won't be used, and GL and pixel spaces are rarely needed for most figures as FigureOne handles touch events.

But if you are using collections you may need to convert points between the different spaces. In addition, it is useful to know about these different spaces as sometimes they are referred to in the documentation.

One way to think about what space you are modifying is:

  • Elements that are direct children of the figure: element transforms move the element in figure space
  • Elements that are direct children of a collection: element transforms move the element in local space (the space of the parent colleciton)
  • Vertex or text definitions in element primitives: draw space
  • A collection's children are in the collection's draw space

For example, a square's vertices are defined in draw space.

The transform of the figure element primitive that draws the square will move the square in local space - the space relative to all other elements that are the children of the same parent collection.

If the parent collection's parent is the figure itself, then its transform will move the collection in figure space.

Converting between spaces is relatively straight forward. Figure elements have methods to find their position or bounds in figure, local or draw space. The figure has transforms that allow conversion between figure, GL and pixel spaces. For example see:

An example of where this is useful is if two FigureElements have different parents, and you want to move one to be in the same position as the other. To do this you would convert the target FigureElement position to figure space, and then to the local space of the FigureElement to move.


When it is time to draw the scene, the figure will pass an initial transform to the first element in the hierarchy. In the example above, the "Labeled Line" collection. This transform will include any translations and scaling needed to convert from figure space to GL space for actual rendering.

The "Labeled Line" collection will then cascade this transform with it's own rotation and translation transform, and pass this to its children, the "Label" and "Line" primitives.

The "Label" primitive has it's own transform that translates it to the middle of the horizontal line in local space. The transform will be combined with the one from its parent, creating a final transform to draw the label with.

The primitive's shape or text definition never needs to change. At draw time, it is simply transformed by it's own transform and all the ancestors directly above it in the hierarchy. This is the same method used by WebGL as it reduces the amount of data that needs to be loaded into the graphics memory each draw frame. All the vertices of a shape are loaded into the graphics memory just once, and for each frame just a transform is passed to inform the graphics processor how to orient the vertices.

If you have a dynamic shape whose vertices do change every frame (like a morphing animation), you can choose to load the vertices every frame. However, depending on the performance of the browser's host machine, and the number of vertices being adjusted, you might see a performance impact compared to a shape with a similar amount of vertices that do not change. That said, for shapes of reasonable size, this will not be a problem.

Creating Shapes

There are several ways to define a shape that a FigureElementPrimitive will draw. FigureOne comes with:

  • Built-in shapes
  • Generic (custom) shapes
  • Low level GL shapes through which WebGL concepts such as shaders, attributes, uniforms and textures can be defined allowing for complete customization and performance optimization
Built-In Shapes

FigureOne comes with a number of common, customizable shapes. For example, to add a polygon to a figure (see OBJ_Polygon for all possible polygon options):

  make: 'polygon',
  sides: 6,
  radius: 0.5,

When adding an element to the figure, the most important property (and only one that is required to be defined) is make which tells FigureOne which built-in shape to use. The remaining properties are optional.

For a complete list of built in shapes see:

Generic Shapes

If you need to create a shape that is very different from the built-in shapes then the generic or generic3 primitive can be used. Most commonly, the points used to define the shape actually define a series of triangles that create a fill. The example below creates two triangles.

  make: 'generic',
  points: [
    [-1, -1], [0, -1], [0, 1],
    [0, -1], [1, -1], [1, 1],

For more information on drawing generic shapes see:

Low Level GL Shapes

FigureElements are optimized for both performance and convenience. To fully optimize for performance, a lower level GL primitive can be used (see OBJ_GenericGL).

Using this primitive requires some familiarity with the concepts of WebGL. It provides an easy way to create custom shaders with custom attributes and uniforms.

This primitive still handles all calls to the WebGL API, and so it is a relatively easy way to get started with WebGL shaders.

The OBJ_GenericGL has example code on how to use this primitive.

It is not in the scope of this documentation to explain what WebGL is, and how to use it. There are many good resources on the web that already do this - for example WebGLFundamentals gives an excellent introduction to WebGL and this quick reference guid is useful to refer to especially when writing shaders.

Using FigureOne

The example above shows how a figure can be defined with simple javascript objects, that are able to be encoded in JSON. This means complex figures or modules can be shared and reused easily.

For many uses, it is fine to fully define a figure and all its elements before a user interacts with it.

Figures can also be defined more dynamically, such as in the example below which has exactly the same function as the example above.

// index.js
const figure = new Fig.Figure({ scene: [0, 0, 6, 4 ]});

const label = figure.primitives.text({
  text: 'Line 1',
  position: [1, 0.1],
  font: { color: [0, 0, 1, 1] },
  xAlign: 'center',
const line = figure.primitives.line({
  p1: [0, 0],
  p2: [2, 0],
  width: 0.01,
  color: [0, 0, 1, 1],

const labeledLine = figure.collections.collection({
  position: [3, 2],
  touchBorder: 0.3,
figure.elements.add('labeledLine', labeledLine);
labeledLine.add('line', line);
labeledLine.add('label', label);
labeledLine.move.type = 'rotation';

Boilerplate Code

To test examples within the API reference create an index.html file and index.js file. All examples are snippets which can be appended to the end of the index.js file.

The index.html file is the same for all examples:

<!-- index.html -->
<!doctype html>
    <div id="figureOneContainer" style="width: 800px; height: 800px; background-color: white;">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=''></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src='./index.js'></script>

The index.js file is different depending on the example.

2D Boilerplate
// index.js
const figure = new Fig.Figure({ scene: [-3, -3, 3, 3], color: [1, 0, 0, 1], lineWidth: 0.01, font: { size: 0.1 } });
3D Boilerplate
// Create the figure and set the scene
const figure = new Fig.Figure({
  scene: {
    style: 'orthographic',
    camera: { position: [2, 1, 1], up: [0, 1, 0] },
    light: { directional: [0.7, 0.5, 0.2] } },

// Add x, y, z axis
    make: 'collections.axis3',
    start: -1,
    width: 0.01,
    length: 2,
Text Boilerplate
// index.js
const figure = new Fig.Figure({ scene: [-3, -3, 3, 3], color: [1, 0, 0, 1], lineWidth: 0.01, font: { size: 0.1 } });
    name: 'origin',
    make: 'polygon',
    radius: 0.01,
    line: { width: 0.01 },
    sides: 10,
    color: [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1]
    name: 'gridMinor',
    make: 'grid',
    bounds: [-3, -3, 6, 6],
    step: 0.1,
    color: [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1],
    line: { width: 0.001 },
    name: 'gridMajor',
    make: 'grid',
    bounds: [-3, -3, 6, 6],
    step: 0.5,
    color: [0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1],
    line: { width: 0.004 },
Animation Boilerplate
// index.js
const figure = new Fig.Figure({ scene: [-3, -3, 3, 3], color: [1, 0, 0, 1], lineWidth: 0.01, font: { size: 0.1 } });

// grid
    name: 'origin',
    make: 'polygon',
    radius: 0.01,
    line: { width: 0.01 },
    sides: 10,
    color: [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1]
    name: 'grid',
    make: 'grid',
    bounds: [-3, -3, 6, 6],
    step: 0.1,
    color: [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1],
    line: { width: 0.001 },
    name: 'gridMajor',
    make: 'grid',
    bounds: [-3, -3, 6, 6],
    step: 0.5,
    color: [0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1],
    line: { width: 0.004 }

// shape to animate
const p = figure.add(
    name: 'p',
    make: 'polygon',
    sides: 4,
    radius: 0.5,
    position: [0, 0],


To define many shapes, geometric concepts such as points and lines need to be used.

FigureOne includes classes that define a:

Each of these classes have convenience methods that make it easy to to work with them such as

  • Checking if two points are equal or within some delta
  • Adding, subtracting and multiplying points
  • Checking if a point is on a line, or inside a rectangle
  • Finding the intersection between two lines
  • Transforming a point with a transform
  • Chaining transforms together

There are many more methods in each class and it is recommended you quickly review them so you know what is available and don't need to reimplement existing logic.

Many of these classes are used by each other. For instance, Line makes a lot of use of Point. Therefore instead of defining a point by instantiating a class each time, short hand, parsable equivalents for Points, Lines, Rectangles and Transforms are available. For more information refer to:


Object representing a point or vector.

Contains methods that makes it convenient to work with points and vectors.

xOrArray ((Type3Components | Type2Components | number))
y (number = 0)
z (number = 0)
TypeParsablePoint , isParsablePoint
// get Point from Fig
const { Point } = Fig;

// define a point at (0, 2)
const p = new Point(0, 2);

// find the distance to another point (0, 1) which will be 1
const d = p.distance([0, 1]);

// add to another point (3, 1) which will result in (3, 3)
const q = p.add(3, 1);
Instance Members
sub(pointOrX, y, z)
add(pointOrX, y, z)
clip(min, max)
rotate(angle, center, axis)
isEqualTo(p, precision, delta)
isNotEqualTo(p, precision, delta)


Object representing a Line.

Contains methods that makes it conventient to use lines in calculations.

p2 (TypeParsablePoint = [0,0])
ends ((0 | 1 | 2) = 2) number of ends the line has. 2 ends is a finite line. 1 end is an infinite line that terminates at the first point, and goes through the second point to infinity. 0 ends is an infinite line that goes through both first and second points to infinity.
// get Line from Fig
const { Line } = Fig;

// define a line from [0, 0] to [1, 0]
const l = new Line([0, 0], [1, 0]);

// find the length of the line
const len = l.length();

// get the point at length 0.2 along the line
const p = l.pointAtLength(0.2);

// find the intersect with another line
const i = l.intersectsWith([[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, -0.5]]);
Instance Members
hasPointAlong(point, precision)
hasPointOn(point, precision)
isParallelTo(line, precision)
isEqualTo(line2, precision, delta)
hasLineWithin(line, precision)
isAlongLine(line, precision)
isWithinLine(line, precision)
offset(direction, dist, perpendicular)
offset2D(direction, dist)
distanceToLine(line, precision)
intersectsWith(line, precision)
clipPoint(point, precision)


Object representing a plane.

Contains methods that makes it convenient to operate on planes, points and lines.

A plane can either be created with:

  • a point on the plane and a normal
  • 3 points on the plane

If defined with 3 points P1, P2, and P3, then the normal will be in the direction of the cross product of vectors P1P2 and P1P3.

p1OrDef ((TypeParsablePlane | TypeParsablePoint) = [[0,0,0],[0,0,1]]) position of plane or parsable plane definition
normalOrP2 ((TypeParsablePoint | null) = null) if p1OrDef is a point and p3 is null , then this parameter will define the plane normal ( null )
p3 ((TypeParsablePoint | null) = null) if defined, then p1OrDef and normalOrP2 will define the first two points of a three point plane definition
// define a plane at the origin in the XZ plane
const p = new Plane([0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]);

// see if a point is on the plane
const result = p.hasPointOn([1, 0, 1]);

// find the intersect with a line
const i = lineIntersect([[0, -0.5, 0], [0, 0.5, 0]])
Static Members
Instance Members
hasPointOn(p, precision)
isEqualTo(plane, includeNormal, precision)
isParallelTo(plane, precision)
intersectsWith(plane, precision)
isParallelToLine(line, precision)
lineIntersect(line, precision)
hasLineOn(line, precision)


An object representing a rectangle.

left (number) left location
bottom (number) bottom location
width (number) rectangle width
height (number) rectangle height
// get Rect from Fig
const { Rect } = Fig;

// define a rect centered at origin with width 4 and height 2
const r = new Rect(-2, -1, 4, 2);
Instance Members
isPointInside(point, precision)


A Transform is a chain or cascade of transform components, such as rotations and translations.

The transform components cascade to form a single 3D transform matrix in homogenous coordinates - meaning the result is a 4x4 matrix. This matrix can be used to transform a point in space.

There are several built in transform components:

  • Translation
  • Scale
  • Rotation
  • Direction transform
  • Custom (where a specific matrix can be defined)
  • Change of basis from standard basis
  • Change of basis from an initial basis

Matrix multiplication is not commutative, and so chaining transforms is not commutative. This means the order of components is important.

For example, if a point (1, 0) is first translated by (1, 0) and then rotated by π / 2, then it will start at (1, 0), then move to (2, 0), then rotate to (0, 2).

In comparison if the same point is first rotated by π / 2 then translated by (1, 0) it will start at (1, 0), then rotate to (0, 1), then move to (1, 1).

In this Transform object, the order that components are defined, is the order the resulting transform will represent.

A transform can be created by either chaining transform component methods on an instantiated Transform object, or using an array definition of components. For example the following two transforms are the same:

const t1 = new Transform().scale(1).translate(1, 0);
const t2 = new Transform([['s', 1], ['t', 1, 0]]);
chain (TypeParsableTransform = []) chain of transform components.
See TypeParsableTransform for the different ways to define a transform.
Instance Members
setComponent(index, def)
translate(xOrTranslation, y, z)
rotate(rotation, axisOrX, y, z)
direction(xOrDirection, y, z)
basisToBasis(fromBasis, toBasis, fromeBasis)
scale(sOrSxOrPoint, sy, sz)
getComponentIndex(type, n)
updateTranslation(translation, n)
toDelta(delta, percent, translationStyle, translationOptions)
updateScale(scale, n)
updateRotation(r, axis, n)
updateDirection(d, n)
updateCustom(c, n)
updateBasis(b, n)
updateBasisToBasis(fromBasis, toBasis, n)
isEqualTo(transformToCompare, precision)
isWithinDelta(transformToCompare, delta)


Animations are simply interpolating each value within a rotation definition independently (either between a start and target or from a start with velocity). Therefore, animating any values that belong to vectors (direction ('dir' or 'rd'), change of basis ('rbasis' or 'rb'), or the axis of axis/angle) may result in unexpected animations. For example, if animating a rotation direction from [1, 0, 0] to [-1, 0, 0] it might be expected that a π radians rotation would occur. Instead, it will look like no rotation will have started, then a π rotation will happen in a single frame, and then it will look stationary again. This is because only the x component of the direction vector will change each animation frame. As a rotation direciton that is [0.5, 0, 0] is the same as [1, 0, 0], then for half the animation it will look like nothing is changing. When the x component cross from the 0 point, the element's rotation will instantly flip. Then for the second have of the rotation as the x component gets more negative it will once again look stationary.

If wanting to animate a direction vector, use directionToAxisAngle or angleFromVectors and then use a axis/angle rotation keeping the axis constant. If wanting to animate a change of basis rotation, then use a CustomAnimationStep to manage how to change the basis vectors over time.

Instance Members
setComponent(index, def)
translate(xOrTranslation, y, z)
rotate(rotation, axisOrX, y, z)
direction(xOrDirection, y, z)
basisToBasis(fromBasis, toBasis, fromeBasis)
scale(sOrSxOrPoint, sy, sz)
getComponentIndex(type, n)
updateTranslation(translation, n)
toDelta(delta, percent, translationStyle, translationOptions)
updateScale(scale, n)
updateRotation(r, axis, n)
updateDirection(d, n)
updateCustom(c, n)
updateBasis(b, n)
updateBasisToBasis(fromBasis, toBasis, n)
isEqualTo(transformToCompare, precision)
isWithinDelta(transformToCompare, delta)


A Point can be defined in several ways

  • As an instantiated Point
  • As an x, y tuple: [number, number]
  • As an x, y, z tuple: [number, number, number]
  • As an x, y string: '[number, number]'
  • As an x, y, z string: '[number, number, number]'
  • As a recorder state definition: { f1Type: 'p', state: [number, number, number] } }
  • A string representation of all options except the first

If points are defined with only a x and y component, then z will be set to 0 automatically.

Type: (Type2Components | Type3Components | Point | string | TypeF1DefPoint)

// p1, p2, p3 and p4 are all the same when parsed by `getPoint`
p1 = new Fig.Point(2, 3);
p2 = [2, 3];
p3 = '[2, 3]';
p4 = { f1Type: 'p', state: [2, 3] };
p5 = [2, 3, 0];


A Line is defined with either:

  • an instantiated Line
  • two points [{@link TypeParsablePoint}, {@link TypeParsablePoint}]
  • two points and the number of ends [{@link TypeParsablePoint}, {@link TypeParsablePoint}, 1 | 2 | 0]
  • a line definition object OBJ_LineDefinition
  • A recorder state definition TypeF1DefLine
  • A string representation of all options except the first

The ends defines whether a line is finite (a line segment between two points - ends = 2), a ray (a line extending to infinity in one direction from a point - ends = 1), or a infinite line (a line extending to infinity in both directions - ends = 0).

Type: ([TypeParsablePoint, TypeParsablePoint, (2 | 1 | 0)] | [TypeParsablePoint, TypeParsablePoint] | OBJ_LineDefinition | TypeF1DefLine | Line)

// l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, and l6 are all the same
l1 = new Fig.Line([0, 0], [2, 0]);
l2 = Fig.getLine([[0, 0], [2, 0]]);
l3 = Fig.getLine({ p1: [0, 0], length: 2, direction: [1, 0] });
l4 = Fig.getLine({ p1: [0, 0], length: 2, angle: 0 });
l5 = Fig.getLine({ p1: [0, 0], length: 2, theta: Math.PI / 2, phi: 0 });
l6 = Fig.getLine({ p1: [0, 0], p2: [2, 0] });


A Plane is defined with either:

  • an instantiated Plane
  • a position and normal vector [{@link TypeParsablePoint}, {@link TypeParsablePoint}]
  • three points [{@link TypeParsablePoint}, {@link TypeParsablePoint}, {@link TypeParsablePoint}]
  • A recorder state definition TypeF1DefPlane
  • A string representation of all options except the first

When defining 3 points p1, p2 and p3, the normal will be in the direction of the cross product of p12 with p13.

Type: ([TypeParsablePoint, TypeParsablePoint] | [TypeParsablePoint, TypeParsablePoint, TypeParsablePoint] | Plane | string)

// p1, p2, and p3 are all equal planes
p1 = new Fig.Plane([0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]);
p2 = Fig.getPlane([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]]);
p3 = Fig.getPlane([[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]);


A Rect can be defined with either

  • an instantiated Rect
  • an array of left, bottom, width, height values [number, number, number, number]
  • a recorder state definition TypeF1DefRect
  • a string representation of all options except the first

Type: ([number, number, number, number] | Rect | TypeF1DefRect | string)

// All rectangles are the same when parsed by `getRect` and have a lower
left corner of `(-2, -1)`, a width of `4`, and a height of `2`
const r1 = Fig.getRect([-2, -1, 4, 2]);
const r2 = new Fig.Rect(-2, -1, 4, 2);
const r3 = Fig.getRect('[-2, -1, 4, 2]');


A transform is defined with either:

Type: (TypeTransformUserDefinition | TypeTransformComponentUserDefinition | Transform | TypeF1DefTransform)

See Transform for a summary of transfom components available.
// t1, t2 and t3 are all equal transforms
const t1 = new Fig.Transform().scale(2).rotate(Math.PI / 2).translate(1, 1);
const t2 = new Fig.Transform([['s', 2], ['r', Math.PI / 2], ['t', 1, 1]]);
const t3 = Fig.getTransform([['s', 2], ['r', Math.PI / 2], ['t', 1, 1]]);


Figure Setup

To attach a figure to a HTML document:

  • The HTML document needs a div element to which FigureOne will attach the drawing canvas to. By default FigureOne will look for a div with ID 'figureOneContainer'. A custom ID can be specificed if desired or more than one figure in the document will be created.
  • The FigureOne library figureone.min.js needs to be loaded either from a public CDN (like below), or from a local source
  • A JavaScript file (in this case index.js) that creates the figure, and adds elements to it needs to be loaded and executed.
<!-- index.html -->
<!doctype html>
    <div id="figureOneContainer" style="width: 1200px; height: 800px; background-color: white;">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=''></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src='./index.js'></script>

In index.js, the figure can be created using the OBJ_Figure options object as a parameter to Figure. One of the most commonly used properties sets the figure's scene (the expanse of space to show).

const figure = new Fig.Figure({
  scene: [0, 0, 6, 4],

For 2D figures, a simple array containing the left, bottom, right and top limits can be used. In three dimensions, the scene also defines from where the visible space is viewed (camera) and lighting (see 3D Shape Primitives for a detailed explanation).

Now the figure is setup, shapes can be added to it.


Primary Figure class.

A figure will attach a WebGL canvas and 2D canvas to the html div element with id "figureOneContainer".

The figure creates and manages all drawing elements, renders the drawing elements on a browser's animation frames and listens for guestures from the user.

The figure also has a recorder, allowing it to record and playback states, and gestures.

To attach to a different div, use the htmlId property in the class constructor.

If a figure is paused, then all drawing element animations will also be paused.

Figure has a number of convenience methods for creating drawing elements and useful transforms for converting between the different spaces (e.g. pixel, GL, figure).

Notifications - The notification manager property notifications will publish the following events:

  • beforeDraw: published before a frame is drawn
  • afterDraw: published after a frame is drawn
  • resize: published after a resize event, but before frame drawing
options (OBJ_Figure = {})
primitives (FigurePrimitives) : create figure primitives such as shapes, lines and grids
collections (FigureCollections) : create figure collections such as advanced lines, shapes, equations and plots
notifications (NotificationManager) : notification manager for element
fonts (FontManager) : watches and reports on font availability
// Simple html and javascript example to create a figure, and add a
// hexagon.
// For additional examples, see
// Two files `index.html` and `index.js` in the same directory

// index.html
<!doctype html>
    <div id="figureOneContainer" style="width: 800px; height: 800px; background-color: white;">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=' figureone@0.15.10/figureone.min.js'></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src='./index.js'></script>

// index.js
const figure = new Fig.Figure({ scene: [-1, -1, 1, 1 ]});
    name: 'p',
    make: 'polygon',
    radius: 0.5,
    sides: 6,
// Alternately, an element can be added programatically
// index.js
const figure = new Fig.Figure({ scene: [-1, -1, 1, 1 ]});
const hex = figure.shapes.polygon({
  radius: 0.5,
  sides: 6,
figure.add('hexagon', hex);
Instance Members
add(nameOrElementOrElementDefinition, elementToAdd)
getElement(elementName, elementPath)
spaceTransformMatrix(from, to)
transformPoint(point, fromSpace, toSpace, plane)
setScenarios(scenarioName, onlyIfVisible)
showTouchBorders(element, colors)
showBorders(border, element, colors)
animateNextFrame(draw, fromWhere)
addFrameRate(numFrames, options)


Figure options object

Type: {htmlId: string?, scene: (OBJ_Scene | TypeParsableRect)?, color: TypeColor?, font: OBJ_Font?, lineWidth: number?, length: number?, backgroundColor: number?}

htmlId (string?) : HTML div tag id to tie figure to ( "figureOneContainer" )
scene ((OBJ_Scene | TypeParsableRect)?) : define 2D or 3D scene. 3D can be orthographic or perspective projection, and include camera position and lighting definition. A 2D scene can be defined using left , right , bottom and top , or the short hand rectangle definition.
color (TypeColor?) : default shape color ( [0, 0, 0, 1] )
font (OBJ_Font?) : default shape font ( { family: 'Helvetica, size: 0.2, style: 'normal', weight: 'normal' } )
lineWidth (number?) : default shape line width
length (number?) : default shape primary dimension
backgroundColor (TypeColor?) : background color for the figure. Use [r, g, b, 1] for opaque and [0, 0, 0, 0] for transparent.

Figure Elements


Figure Element base class

The set of properties and methods shared by all figure elements

A figure element has several color related properties. Color is defined as an RGBA array with values between 0 and 1. The alpha channel defines the transparency or opacity of the color where 1 is fully opaque and 0 is fully transparent.

The color property stores the element's current color, while the defaultColor property stores the element's color when not dimmed or dissolving. Color should only be set using the setColor method.

An element can be "dimmed" or "undimmed". For instance, a red element might turn grey when dimmed. The property dimColor stores the desired color to dim to and should be set with setDimColor()

An element can be dissolved in or out with animation. Dissolving an element out transitions its opacity from its current value to 0. The opacity property is used when dissolving. The opacity is multiplied by the alpha channel of color to net a final opacity. Opacity should not be set directly as it will be overwritten by dissolve animations.

Notifications - The notification manager property notifications will publish the following events:

  • beforeSetTransform: published just before the transform property is changed
  • setTransform: published whenever the transform property is changed
  • startBeingMoved: published when the element starts being moved by touch
  • stopBeingMoved: published when the element stops being moved by touch
  • startMovingFreely
  • stopMovingFreely
  • show: published when element is shown
  • hide: published when element is hidden
  • visibility: published when element element is shown or hidden
  • onClick: published when element is clicked on
  • color: published whenever color is set
  • beforeDraw
  • afterDraw
  • setState: state of element has been set
name (string) : reference name of element
isShown (boolean) : if false then element will not be processed on next draw
transform (Transform) : transform to apply element
lastDrawTransform (Transform) : transform last used for drawing - includes cascade or all parent transforms
parent ((FigureElement | null)) : parent figure element - null if at top level of figure
isTouchable (boolean) : must be true to move or execute onClick
isMovable (boolean) : must be true to move
color ([number, number, number, number]) : element's current color defined as red, green, blue, alpha with range 0 to 1
dimColor ([number, number, number, number]) : color to use when dimming element
defaultColor ([number, number, number, number]) : color to go to when undimming element
opacity (number) : number between 0 and 1 that is multiplied with color alpha channel to get final opacity
move (OBJ_ElementMove) : movement parameters
scenarios (OBJ_Scenarios) : scenario presets
state (ElementState) : current state of element
animations (AnimationManager) : element animation manager
notifications (NotificationManager) : notification manager for element
fnMap (FunctionMap) : function map for use with Recorder
customState (Object) : put any custom state information that needs to be captured with recorder here - only stringify-able values can go in this object like strings, numbers, booleans and nested arrays or objects containing these. Functions should not be put in here - use string identifiers to fnMap if functions are needed.
Instance Members
setPosition(pointOrX, y, z)
setRotation(r, axis, rotation)
setScale(scaleOrX, y, z)
setTransform(transform, publish)
setColor(color, setDefault = true)
setScenario(scenario, scenarioName?, onlyIfVisible?)
saveScenario(scenarioName, keys)
transformPoint(point, fromSpace, toSpace, toSpacePlane, plane)
spaceTransformMatrix(from, to, precision)
getBorder(space, border)
getPosition(space, xAlign, yAlign)


Primitive figure element

A primitive figure element is one that handles an object (drawingObject) that draws to the screen. This object may be a GLObject, a TextObject or a HTMLObject.

Extends FigureElement

drawingObject (DrawingObject) an object that handles drawing to the screen or manages a HTML element
transform (Transform = new Transform()) initial transform to set
color ([number, number, number, number] = [0.5,0.5,0.5,1]) color to set
parent ((FigureElement | null) = null) parent element
name (string = generateUniqueId('element_'))
timeKeeper (TimeKeeper = new TimeKeeper())
Instance Members


Collection figure element

A collection manages a number of children FigureElements, be they primitives or collections.

A collection's transform will be passed onto all the children elements.

Extends FigureElement

Instance Members
toFront(elementsIn, elements)
toBack(elementsIn, elements)
add(nameOrElementOrElementDefinition, elementToAdd)
getBorder(space, border, children, shownOnly)
setScenarios(scenarioName?, onlyIfVisible = false)

2D Shape Primitives

Each FigureElementPrimitive element manages drawing a shape, drawing text, or manipulating a HTML element.

FigureOne's built-in shapes are drawn using WebGL, which uses triangles to create different shapes. To draw a shape, you define the verticies of the triangles. Every drawing frame (animation or screen refresh), the color of the vertices and the transform that moves them around is used to render the final shape to the screen.

Shapes Boilerplate

To test examples within the 'Shapes' sections of the API reference create an index.html file and index.js file.

All examples are snippets which can be appended to the end of the index.js file.

<!-- index.html -->
<!doctype html>
    <div id="figureOneContainer" style="width: 800px; height: 800px; background-color: white;">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=''></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src='./index.js'></script>
// index.js
const figure = new Fig.Figure({ scene: [-3, -3, 3, 3], color: [1, 0, 0, 1], lineWidth: 0.01, font: { size: 0.1 } });

Quick Start

Let's start by creating a FigureElementPrimitive element that draws a polygon and adding it to the figure.

// create the `FigureElementPrimitive`
const p = figure.primitives.polygon({
  name: 'p',
  radius: 0.2,
  color: [0, 0, 1, 1],
  sides: 6,
// add it to the figure

Another way to create and add the same shape to the figure is to use the Figure.add method with an options definition of a polygon:

  name: 'p',
  make: 'polygon',
  radius: 0.2,
  color: [0, 0, 1, 1],
  sides: 6,

Both ways create the same element. The first way is especially useful when extending shape creation classes, or creating elements dynamically. The second way can allow you to layout an entire figure in a single object that is compatible with JSON. This means it is relatively straight forward to share figure elements between projects. When using code folding in an IDE, the second way also makes it easy to work with a figure's with many elements by hiding elements that aren't being worked on.

For most of the API reference, the second way will be used.

Also note that for both examples the name property was used. It is often not necessary to use it, and it will only be used sometimes within the API reference. The three reasons to use it are:

  • Makes code more readable - especially for figures with lots of elements
  • Makes debugging easier
  • Naming elements makes accessing elements within a figure using the get method easier

Built-in Shapes

There are several built in primitive shape methods that can be used to create complex figures:

Drawing a generic shape

While there are several built-in shapes such as polygons, rectangles and polylines in FigureOne, there is also a 'generic' method that will allow creation of any shape. In fact, all the built in shapes use this generic method themselves.

To use the generic method however, it is important to understand how WebGL uses triangles to create shapes.

Any shape approximated with triangles. For instance, the figure below shows a rectangle broken into two triangles with vertices labeled.

To draw this shape, you would need to draw the two triangles, which means drawing 6 vertices:

  • 1, 2, 3
  • 1, 3, 4
  name: 'rectangle',
  make: 'generic',
  points: [
    [-2, -1], [-2, 1], [2, 1],
    [-2, -1], [2, 1], [2, -1],
  drawType: 'TRIANGLES',

This method will be able to draw almost anything.

However, for some shapes there are simpler ways to draw the same thing with fewer repeated vertices.

drawType: 'STRIP'

A strip starts with one triangle, and then every subsequent vertex will create a triangle with the last two vertices.

Therefore, to draw the same rectangle we would draw the first triangle with the vertices 2, 1 and then 3. Then 1 and 3 could be used with 4 to create the second triangle.

  name: 'rectangle',
  make: 'generic',
  points: [
    [-2, 1], [-2, -1], [2, 1],  // first triangle
    [2, -1],                    // second triangle formed with vertices 1 and 3
  drawType: 'STRIP',

This method works well for continuous shapes, but will not work for shapes that have gaps.

A good example of a shape that works with 'STRIP' is below. The vertices are labeled in the order they would be defined.

drawType: 'FAN'

A fan starts with one point. The next two points create the first triangle, and then every subsequent point uses the first and last point to create the next triangle.

Therefore, to draw the same rectangle we would draw the first point 1, then complete the first triangle with 2 and 3. Then we would draw point 4 to make the second triangle with points 1 and 3.

  name: 'rectangle',
  make: 'generic',
  points: [
    [-2, -1],         // first point (vertex 1)
    [-2, 1], [2, 1],  // complete first triangle (vertices 2, 3)
    [2, -1],          // second triangle formed with first and last vertex (1, 3)
  drawType: 'FAN',

This method works for any shape that can be broken into triangles that all share a common point. For example:

Note, 'STRIP' can create any shape 'FAN' can, but it can be a little more involved. For instance, the shape above would need to duplicate one of the vertices to fully fill it:

drawType: 'LINES'

'LINES' is the final style that WebGL accepts for drawing primitives. In this case vertex pairs are used to create lines.

This is not useful for drawing filled shapes, but is useful for drawing thin outlines.

For instance, to draw a rectangle outline:

  name: 'rectangle',
  make: 'generic',
  points: [
    [-2, -1], [-2, 1],  // left edge
    [-2, 1], [2, 1],    // top edge
    [2, 1], [2, -1],    // right edge
    [2, -1], [-2, -1],  // bottom edge
  drawType: 'LINES',


Options object for any FigureElementPrimitive.

These properties are available when defining any FigureElementPrimitive.

Type: {name: string?, position: TypeParsablePoint?, transform: TypeParsableTransform?, color: TypeColor?, touch: (boolean | OBJ_Touch)?, move: (boolean | OBJ_ElementMove)?, dimColor: TypeColor?, defaultColor: TypeColor?, scenarios: OBJ_Scenarios?, scene: (Scene | OBJ_Scene)?}

name (string?) : name of figure element
position (TypeParsablePoint?) : position overrides transform translation
transform (TypeParsableTransform?) : transform to apply to element
color (TypeColor?) : color to apply to element (is passed as the 'u_color' uniform to the fragment shader)
touch ((boolean | OBJ_Touch)?) : true , number or TypeParsablePoint will set the element as touchable. If number , then element touch volume is the scaled actual volume in x, y, and z. For example, if 2 , then the touchable volume is twice the actual volume. If TypeParsablePoint then the x, y, and z scales can be set independantly ( false )
move ((boolean | OBJ_ElementMove)?) : setting this to anything but false will set the element as movable. Use OBJ_ElementMove to customize the movement options
dimColor (TypeColor?) : RGBA is used when vertex colors are from a uniform, otherwise just the alpha channel is used.
defaultColor (TypeColor?)
scenarios (OBJ_Scenarios?) : Define position/transform/rotation/scale/color scenarios tied to the element
scene (Scene?) : Give the element a custom scene that is independant of the figure scene. For example, use this to create a 3D object in a 2D figure.


Options object for a FigureElementPrimitive of a generic shape

points will define either triangles or lines which combine to make the shape.

drawType defines what sort of triangles or lines the points make. The most useful, common and generic drawType is 'TRIANGLES' which can be used to create any shape.

The shape's points can be duplicated using the copy property to conveniently create multiple copies (like grids) of shapes.

The shape is colored with either color or texture.

When shapes move, or are touched, borders are needed to bound their movement, and figure out if a touch happened within the shape. Shapes that do not move, or are not interactive, do not need borders.

A shape can have several kinds of borders. "Draw borders" (drawBorder and drawBorderBuffer) are sets of points that define reference borders for a shape. The shapes higher level borders border and touchBorder may then use these draw borders to define how a shape will interact with a figure's bounds, or where a shape can be touched.

drawBorder and drawBorderBuffer are each point arrays that define the outer limits of the shape. For non-contigous shapes (like islands of shapes), an array of point arrays can be used. Both borders can be anything, but typically a drawBorder would define the border of the visible shape, and a drawBorderBuffer would define some extra space, or buffer, around the visible shape (particulaly useful for defining the touchBorder later).

border is used for checking if the shape is within some bounds. When shapes are moved, if their bounds are limited, this border will define when the shape is at a limit. The border property can be:

  • draw: use drawBorder points
  • buffer: use drawBorderBuffer points
  • rect: use a rectangle bounding drawBorder
  • number: use a rectangle that is number larger than the rectangle bounding drawBorder
  • Array<TypeParsablePoint>: a custom contiguous border
  • Array<Array<TypeParsablePoint>>: a custom border of several contiguous portions

touchBorder is used for checking if a shape is touched. The touchBorder property can be:

  • draw: use drawBorder points
  • buffer: use drawBorderBuffer points
  • border: use same as border
  • rect: use a rectangle bounding border
  • number: use a rectangle that is number larger than the rectangle bounding border
  • Array<TypeParsablePoint>: a custom contiguous border
  • Array<Array<TypeParsablePoint>>: a custom border of several contiguous portions

Type: any

drawType (TypeGLPrimitive?) : ( 'TRIANGLES' )
copy ((Array<(CPY_Step | string)> | CPY_Step)?) : use drawType as 'TRIANGLES' when using copy ( [] )
texture (OBJ_Texture?) : override color with a texture if defined
drawBorder (TypeParsableBorder?) : ,
drawBorderBuffer (TypeParsableBorder?) : ,
border ((TypeParsableBuffer | TypeParsableBorder | "buffer" | "draw" | "rect")?) : defines border of primitive. Use draw to use the drawBorder of the element. Use 'buffer' to use the drawBorderBuffer property of the element. Use 'rect' for the bounding rectangle of drawBorder . Use TypeParsableBuffer for the bounding rectangle of drawBorder . Use TypeParsableBorder for a custom border. ( 'draw' )
touchBorder ((TypeParsableBorder | "rect" | "border" | "buffer" | "draw")?) : defines touch border of the primitive. Use border to use the same border as border . Use draw to use the drawBorder of the element. Use 'buffer' to use the drawBorderBuffer property of the element. Use 'rect' for the bounding rectangle of drawBorderBuffer . Use TypeParsableBuffer for the bounding rectangle of drawBorderBuffer . Use TypeParsableBorder for a custom border. ( 'border' )
pulse ((OBJ_PulseScale | number)?) : set default scale pulse options ( OBJ_PulseScale ) or pulse scale directly ( number )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Square and triangle
  name: 'squareAndTri',
  make: 'generic',
  points: [
    [-1, 0.5], [-1, -0.5], [0, 0.5],
    [0, 0.5], [-1, -0.5], [0, -0.5],
    [0, -0.5], [1, 0.5], [1, -0.5],
// rhombus with larger touch borders
  name: 'rhombus',
  make: 'generic',
  points: [
    [-0.5, -0.5], [0, 0.5], [1, 0.5],
    [-0.5, -0.5], [1, 0.5], [0.5, -0.5],
  border: [[
    [-1, -1], [-0.5, 1], [1.5, 1], [1, -1],
  mods: {
    isMovable: true,
    move: {
      bounds: 'figure',
// Grid of triangles
  name: 'gridOfTris',
  make: 'generic',
  points: [
    [-1, -1], [-0.7, -1], [-1, -0.7],
  copy: [
    { along: 'x', num: 5, step: 0.4 },
    { along: 'y', num: 5, step: 0.4 },


Line definition options object that extends OBJ_Generic (without drawType) and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

A line can either be defined as two points p1 and p2, or a single point p1, a length and an angle.

The line has some width that will be filled on both sides of the line points evenly ('mid'), or on one side only. The line's 'positive' side is the side to which it rotates toward when rotating in the positive angle direction around p1. Similarly the line's 'negative' side is the opposite.

The line can be solid or dashed using the dash property.

The line can have arrows at one or both ends using the arrow property.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Generic

p1 (TypeParsablePoint?) : start point of line
p2 (TypeParsablePoint?) : end point of line
length (number?) : length of line from p1
angle (number?) : angle of line from p1
width (number?) : ( 0.01 )
widthIs (("mid" | "positive" | "negative" | number)?) : defines how the width is grown from the polyline's points. Only "mid" is fully compatible with all options in arrow . ( "mid" )
dash (TypeDash?) : leave empty for solid line - use array of numbers for dash line where first number is length of line, second number is length of gap and then the pattern repeats - can use more than one dash length and gap - e.g. [0.1, 0.01, 0.02, 0.01] produces a lines with a long dash, short gap, short dash, short gap and then repeats.
arrow ((OBJ_LineArrows | TypeArrowHead)?) : either an object defining custom arrows or a string representing the name of an arrow head style can be used. If a string is used, then the line will have an arrow at both ends. Arrows are only available for widthIs: 'mid' and linePrimitives: false
linePrimitives (boolean?) : Use WebGL line primitives instead of triangle primitives to draw the line ( false )
lineNum (number?) : Number of line primitives to use when linePrimitivs : true ( 2 )
drawBorderBuffer ((number | TypeParsableBorder)?) : override OBJ_Generic drawBorderBuffer with number to make the drawBorderBuffer the same as the line with additional number thickness on each side and the ends ( 0 )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple line defined by two points
  name: 'l',
  make: 'line',
  p1: [0, 0],
  p2: [0, 1],
  width: 0.02,
// Dashed line defined by a point, a length and an angle
  name: 'l',
  make: 'line',
  p1: [0, 0],
  length: 1,
  angle: Math.PI / 2,
  width: 0.03,
  dash: [0.1, 0.02, 0.03, 0.02],
// Line with two different arrows on ends
  name: 'l',
  make: 'line',
  p1: [0, 0],
  p2: [0, 1],
  width: 0.03,
  arrow: {
    start: 'rectangle',
    end: 'barb',


Polyline shape options object that extends OBJ_Generic (without drawType) and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

A polyline is a series of lines that are connected end to end. It is defined by a series of points which are the ends and corners of the polyline.

The series of points is a zero width ideal polyline, and so to see it we must give it some width. This width can either be grown on one side of the ideal polyline or grown on both sides of it equally using widthIs.

A polyline can have a "positive" or "negative" side, and an "inside" or "outside".

If a line is defined from p1 to p2, then the positive side is the side where the line moves if it is rotated around p1 in the positive (counter clockwise) direction. Thus the order of the points that define the line defines which side is positive and negative. A polyline is made up of many lines end to end, and thus itself will have a positive and negative side dependent on the order of points.

Similarly we can define a line's side as either inside or outside. Each corner in the polyline will have an angle on the negative side of the line and a explementary angle on the positive side of the line. The inside side of the line is the same as the negative side if the sum of all the negative side angles is smaller than the sum of all positive side angles.

Both positive/negative and inside/outside are provided to define a line's side as different situations make different side definitions more intuitive. For instance, a closed, simple polygon has an obvious "inside" and "outside", but how the points are ordered would define if the "inside" is "positive" or "negative". In comparison, it would be more intuitive to use "positive" or "negative" for a polyline that has an overall trend in a single direction.

Therefore, the polyline width can be grown on either the 'positive', 'negative', 'inside', or 'outside' side of the line or around the middle of the line with 'mid'. In addition, a number between 0 and 1 can be used where 0 is the same as 'positive', 1 the same as 'negative' and 0.5 the same as 'mid'.

Each point, or line connection, creates a corner that will have an inside angle (<180º) and an outside angle (>180º or reflex angle).

Growing width on an outside corner can be challenging. As the corner becomes sharper, the outside width joins at a point further and further from the ideal corner. Eventually trucating the corner makes more visual sense and therefore, a minimum angle (minAutoCornerAngle) is used to specify when the corner should be drawn, and when it should be truncated.

By default, the border of the polyline is the line itself (border = 'line'). The border can also just be the points on the positive side of the line, or the negative side of the line. This is useful for capturing the hole shape of a closed polyline within a border. The border can also be the encompassing rectangle of the polyline (border = 'rect') or defined as a custom set of points.

The touch border can either be the same as the border ('border'), the encompassing rect ('rect'), a custom set of points, or the same as the line but with some buffer that effectively increases the width on both sides of the line.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Generic

width (number?) : ( 0.01 )
close (boolean?) : close the polyline on itself ( false )
simple (boolean?) : simple and minimum computation polyline. Good for large numbers of points that need to be updated every animation frame. widthIs , dash , arrow and all corner and line primitive properties are not available when a polyline is simple. ( false )
widthIs (("mid" | "outside" | "inside" | "positive" | "negative" | number)?) : defines how the width is grown from the polyline's points. Only "mid" is fully compatible with all options in cornerStyle and dash . ( "mid" )
drawBorder (("line" | "positive" | "negative" | TypeParsableBorder)?) : override OBJ_Generic drawBorder with 'line' to make the drawBorder just the line itself, 'positive' to make the drawBorder the positive side of the line, and 'negative' to make the drawBorder the negative side of the line. Use array definition for custom drawBorder ( 'line' )
drawBorderBuffer ((number | TypeParsableBorder)?) : override OBJ_Generic drawBorderBuffer with number to make the drawBorderBuffer the same as the line with additional number thickness on either side ( 0 )
cornerStyle (("auto" | "none" | "radius" | "fill")?) : "auto" : sharp corners sharp when angle is less than minAutoCornerAngle , "none" : no corners, "radius" : curved corners, "fill" : fills the gapes between the line ends, ( "auto" )
cornerSize (number?) : only used when cornerStyle = radius ( 0.01 )
cornerSides (number?) : number of sides in curve - only used when cornerStyle = radius ( 10 )
cornersOnly (boolean?) : draw only the corners with size cornerSize ( false )
cornerLength (number?) : use only with cornersOnly = true - length of corner to draw ( 0.1 )
minAutoCornerAngle (number?) : see cornerStyle = auto ( π/7 )
dash (TypeDash?) : leave empty for solid line - use array of numbers for dash line where first number is length of line, second number is length of gap and then the pattern repeats - can use more than one dash length and gap - e.g. [0.1, 0.01, 0.02, 0.01] produces a lines with a long dash, short gap, short dash, short gap and then repeats.
arrow ((OBJ_LineArrows | TypeArrowHead)?) : either an object defining custom arrows or a string representing the name of an arrow head style can be used. If a string is used, then the line will have an arrow at both ends. Arrows are only available for close: false , widthIs: 'mid' and linePrimitives: false
linePrimitives (boolean?) : Use WebGL line primitives instead of triangle primitives to draw the line ( false )
lineNum (number?) : Number of line primitives to use when linePrimitivs : true ( 2 )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Line
    name: 'p',
    make: 'polyline',
    points: [[-0.5, -0.5], [-0.1, 0.5], [0.3, -0.2], [0.5, 0.5]],
    width: 0.05,
// Square with rounded corners and dot-dash line
    name: 'p',
    make: 'polyline',
    points: [[-0.5, -0.5], [0.5, -0.5], [0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5]],
    width: 0.05,
    dash: [0.17, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05],
    close: true,
    cornerStyle: 'radius',
    cornerSize: 0.1,
// Corners only of a triangle
   name: 'p',
   make: 'polyline',
   points: [[-0.5, -0.5], [0.5, -0.5], [0, 0.5]],
   width: 0.05,
   close: true,
   cornersOnly: true,
   cornerLength: 0.2,
// Zig zag with arrows
  name: 'arrowedLine',
  make: 'polyline',
  points: [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0.7], [1, 0.7]],
  width: 0.05,
  cornerStyle: 'fill',
  arrow: {
    scale: 0.7,
    start: {
      head: 'triangle',
      reverse: true,
    end: 'barb',


Arrow options object that extends OBJ_Generic (without drawType) and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

An arrow has a head, tail, length and width. The head defines the head style of the arrow. The length, width (or radius for polygon and circle head styles) define the size of the arrow and tail defines wether it has a tail and how long it is.

All properties have default values that can be scaled with the scale property. So a scale of 2 will double the size of the default arrow.

An arrow can be aligned and oriented with align and angle. align positions the tip, start, tail or middle part of the arrow at (0, 0) in draw space. This part of the arrow will therefore be at the position or translation of the transform. angle then gives the arrow some drawn rotation.

Alignment definitions are:

  • tip: arrow tip
  • start: opposite side of tip
  • mid: mid points between start and tip - useful for polygon, circle and bar arrows without tails when the head should be on a point, not next to it
  • tail: the end of the tail when a tail exists, or where a tail would start if it doesn't exist.

Setting the tail property to false will draw only the arrow head, true will draw a tail of length 0, and a tail with a custom length can be defined with a number. A tail length of 0 will only extend a tail to the boundaries of the head. A positive tail, will extend it beyond the boundaries.

For arrow heads that use length and width properties, the length is the dimension along the line. It includes both the head and the tail, so an arrow with length 1 and tailLength 0.4 will have a head length of 0.6.

For polygon and circle arrows, only radius and tail are used to determine the dimension of the arrow (length and width are ignored).

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Generic

head (TypeArrowHead?) : head style ( 'triangle' )
scale (number?) : scale the default dimensions of the arrow
length (number?) : dimension of the arrow head along the line
width (number?) : dimension of the arrow head along the line width
rotation (number?) : rotation of the polygon when head = 'polygon'
sides (number?) : number of sides in polygon or circle arrow head
radius (number?) : radius of polygon or circle arrow head
barb (number?) : barb length (along the length of the line) of the barb arrow head
tailWidth (number?) : width of the line that joins the arrow - if defined this will create minimum dimensions for the arrow
tail ((boolean | number)?) : true includes a tail in the arrow of with tailWidth . A number gives the tail a length where 0 will not extend the tail beyond the boundaries of the head
align (("tip" | "start" | "mid" | "tail")?) : define which part of the arrow is aligned at (0, 0) in draw space ( 'tip' )
angle (number?) : angle the arrow is drawn at ( 0 )
// Triangle arrow with tail
  name: 'a',
  make: 'arrow',
  head: 'triangle',
  tail: 0.15,
  length: 0.5,
// Barb arrow with 0 tail
  name: 'a',
  make: 'arrow',
  head: 'barb',
  angle: Math.PI / 2,
  tail: 0,
// Create a vector map with arrows by copying an original arrow by a
// transforms defining the position, rotation and scale of the arrows

// Create transforms to apply to each arrow
const r = Fig.range(0, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 18);
const x = [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2];
const y = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2];
const s = [0.5, 0.8, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.6, 0.5, 0.8, 0.6];
const transforms = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i += 1) {
  transforms.push(new Fig.Transform().scale(s[i], s[i]).rotate(r[i]).translate(x[i], y[i]));

// Create arrow and copy to transforms
  name: 'a',
  make: 'arrow',
  head: 'barb',
  align: 'mid',
  length: 0.7,
  copy: {
    to: transforms,
    original: false,


Triangle shape options object that extends OBJ_Generic (without drawType) and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

The most generic way to define a triangle is with three points (points property). When using points, all the other properties that can also define a triangle are ignored: width, height, top, SSS, ASA, AAS, SAS, direction, rotation, xAlign and yAlign.

The other ways to define a triangle are (in order of highest override preference to lowest if more than one is defined in the object):

  • ASA or Angle-Side-Angle
  • SAS or Side-Angle-Side
  • AAS or Angle-Angle-Side
  • SSS or Side-Side-Side
  • width, height and top location

All these methods also use direction to define the triangles, and rotation, xAlign and yAlign to position the triangles. Each corner and side of the triangle is indexed, and can be used for positioning.

A triangle starts with an angle (a1) at (0, 0) and base side extending along the x axis to a second angle a2. The base side is side 1 (s1).

Angles a1 and a2 extend the triangle above s1 if direction is 1, and below s1 when direction is -1.

s2, a3, and s3 are then the consecutive sides and angles.

Triangles can be defined with a combination of side length and angle using ASA, SAS, AAS and SSS, where the first side or angle is s1 or a1 respectively, and the subsequent sides and angles progress consecutively. For instance, ASA defines the angle a1, then side length s1, then angle a2. SSS defines the side lenghts s1, s2 then s3. All these combinations of three properties are sufficient to define a unique triangle completely.

When defining the triangle with width, height and top, the base side s1 is the width, and the top point is either aligned with the left, center or right of the base at some height above s1.

When defined, a triangle's a1 corner will be at (0, 0), and s1 will be along the x axis. Next, a rotation can be applied to the triangle. A rotation can either be a number rotating it relative to its definition, or relative to one of its sides: s1, s2 or s3.

Finally, the triangle can be positioned (in draw space) using xAlign and yAlign. An xAlign of 'left' will position the triangle so that it's left most point will be at (0, 0). Similarly, a yAlign of 'top' will position the triangle so its top most point is at (0, 0). Triangles can also be aligned by angles (corners) and side mid points. For instance, an xAlign of 'a2', will position the a2 corner at x = 0. Similarly a yAlign of 's3' will position the triangle vertically such that the mid point of s3 is at y = 0. 'centroid' is relative to the geometric center of the triangle.

Once a triangle is defined and positioned in draw space, it can then be copied (copy) if more than one triangle is desired.

The triangle(s) can then be positioned (position) or transformed (transform) in the FigureElementPrimitive local space.

Triangles can either be a solid fill, texture fill or outline. When line is not defined, the triangle will be filled.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Generic

points (Array<Point>?) : defining points will take precedence over all other ways to define a triangle.
width (number?)
height (number?)
top (("left" | "right" | "center")?) : ( center )
SSS ([number, number, number]?)
ASA ([number, number, number]?)
AAS ([number, number, number]?)
SAS ([number, number, number]?)
direction ((1 | -1)?)
rotation ((number | "s1" | "s2" | "s3" | OBJ_TriangleSideRotationAlignment)?)
xAlign (("left" | "center" | "right" | number | "a1" | "a2" | "a3" | "s1" | "s2" | "s3" | "centroid" | "points")?) : ( 'centroid' )
yAlign (("bottom" | "middle" | "top" | number | "a1" | "a2" | "a3" | "s1" | "s2" | "s3" | "centroid" | "points")?) : ( 'centroid' )
line (OBJ_LineStyleSimple?) : line style options - do not use any corner options
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Right angle triangle
  name: 't',
  make: 'triangle',
  width: 0.5,
  height: 1,
  top: 'right',
// 30-60-90 triangle with dashed line
const t = figure.primitives.triangle({
  ASA: [Math.PI / 2, 1, Math.PI / 6],
  line: {
    width: 0.02,
    dash: [0.12, 0.04],
figure.elements.add('t', t);
// Star from 4 equilateral triangles
  name: 'star',
  make: 'triangle',
  SSS: [1, 1, 1],
  xAlign: 'centroid',
  yAlign: 'centroid',
  copy: {
    along: 'rotation',
    num: 3,
    step: Math.PI / 6,


Rectangle shape options object that extends OBJ_Generic (without `drawType) and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Generic

width (number?) : ( 1 )
height (number?) : ( 1 )
yAlign (("bottom" | "middle" | "top" | number)?) : ( 'middle' )
xAlign (("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?) : ( 'center' )
corner (OBJ_CurvedCorner?) : define for rounded corners
line (OBJ_LineStyleSimple?) : line style options
drawBorderBuffer ((number | TypeParsableBorder)?) : override the OBJ_Generic drawBorderBuffer with number to make the drawBorderBuffer a rectangle that is number wider and higher on each side ( 0 )
offset (TypeParsablePoint?)
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Filled rectangle
  name: 'r',
  make: 'rectangle',
  width: 1,
  height: 0.5,
// Corners with radius and dashed line
  name: 'r',
  make: 'rectangle',
  width: 0.5,
  height: 0.5,
  line: {
    width: 0.02,
    dash: [0.05, 0.03]
  corner: {
    radius: 0.1,
    sides: 10,
// Rectangle copies rotated
  name: 'r',
  make: 'rectangle',
  width: 0.5,
  height: 0.5,
  line: {
    width: 0.01,
  copy: {
    along: 'rotation',
    num: 3,
    step: Math.PI / 2 / 3


Ellipse shape options object that extends OBJ_Generic (without drawType) and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Generic

width (number?) : ( 1 )
height (number?) : ( 1 )
yAlign (("bottom" | "middle" | "top" | number)?) : ( 'middle' )
xAlign (("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?) : ( 'center' )
sides (number?) : number of sides to draw ellipse with ( 20 )
line (OBJ_LineStyleSimple?) : line style options
drawBorderBuffer ((number | TypeParsableBorder)?) : override the OBJ_Generic drawBorderBuffer with number to make the drawBorderBuffer a ellipse that is number thicker around its border ( 0 )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Filled ellipse
  name: 'e',
  make: 'ellipse',
  height: 1,
  width: 0.5,
  sides: 100,
// Dashed line circle
  name: 'e',
  make: 'ellipse',
  height: 1,
  width: 1,
  sides: 100,
  line: {
    width: 0.02,
    dash: [0.05, 0.02],
// Ellipse grid
  name: 'e',
  make: 'ellipse',
  height: 0.08,
  width: 0.2,
  sides: 20,
  copy: [
    { along: 'x', step: 0.25, num: 5 },
    { along: 'y', step: 0.15, num: 5 },


Arc shape options object that extends OBJ_Generic (without drawType) and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Generic

radius (number?)
sides (number?) : ( 20 )
startAngle (number?) : ( 0 )
angle (number?) : ( 1 )
line (OBJ_LineStyleSimple?) : line style options
drawBorderBuffer ((number | TypeParsableBorder)?) : override the OBJ_Generic drawBorderBuffer with number to make the drawBorderBuffer a ellipse that is number thicker around its border ( 0 )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple fill
  make: 'arc',
  angle: Math.PI * 2 / 3,
  radius: 1,
// Fill to center
  make: 'arc',
  angle: Math.PI * 2 / 3,
  startAngle: Math.PI / 3,
  radius: 1,
  fillCenter: true,
// Arc line
  make: 'arc',
  angle: Math.PI / 3,
  radius: 1,
  line: { width: 0.05, widthIs: 'inside' },
// Arc dashed line
  make: 'arc',
  angle: Math.PI * 3 / 2,
  radius: 1,
  sides: 100,
  line: { width: 0.05, dash: [0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1] },


Polygon or partial polygon shape options object that extends OBJ_Generic (without drawType)

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Generic

sides (number?) : ( 4 )
radius (number?) : ( 1 )
rotation (number?) : shape rotation during vertex definition (different to a rotation step in a trasform) ( 0 )
offset (TypeParsablePoint?) : shape center offset from origin during vertex definition (different to a translation step in a transform) ( [0, 0] )
sidesToDraw (number?) : number of sides to draw (all sides)
angleToDraw (number?) : same as sidesToDraw but using angle for the definition ( )
direction ((-1 | 1)?) : direction to draw polygon where 1 is counter clockwise and -1 is clockwise ( 1 ) center. This is different to position or transform as these translate the vertices on each draw. ( [0, 0] )
line (OBJ_LineStyleSimple?) : line style options
drawBorderBuffer ((number | TypeParsableBorder)?) : override the OBJ_Generic drawBorderBuffer with number to make the drawBorderBuffer a polygon that is wider by number ( 0 )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple filled hexagon
  name: 'hexagon',
  make: 'polygon',
  sides: 6,
  radius: 0.5,
// Circle from dashed line
const circ = figure.primitives.polygon({
  sides: 100,
  radius: 0.5,
  line: {
    width: 0.03,
    dash: [0.1, 0.03 ],
figure.elements.add('circle', circ);
// Half octagon rotated
  name: 'halfOctagon',
  make: 'polygon',
  sides: 8,
  radius: 0.5,
  angleToDraw: Math.PI,
  line: {
    width: 0.03,
  direction: -1,
  rotation: Math.PI / 2,


Star options object that extends OBJ_Generic (without drawType) and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Generic

sides (number?) : ( 4 )
radius (number?) : ( 1 )
innerRadius (number?) : ( radius / 2 )
rotation (number?) : shape rotation during vertex definition (different to a rotation step in a trasform) ( 0 )
offset (TypeParsablePoint?) : shape center offset from origin during vertex definition (different to a translation step in a transform) ( [0, 0] )
line (OBJ_LineStyleSimple?) : line style options
drawBorderBuffer ((number | TypeParsableBorder)?) : override the OBJ_Generic drawBorderBuffer with number to make the drawBorderBuffer a polygon that is number thicker than the radius ( 0 )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple 5 pointed star
  name: 's',
  make: 'star',
  radius: 0.5,
  sides: 5,
// 7 pointed dashed line star
  name: 's',
  make: 'star',
  radius: 0.5,
  innerRadius: 0.3,
  sides: 7,
  line: {
    width: 0.02,
    dash: [0.05, 0.01],
// Star surrounded by stars
  name: 's',
  make: 'star',
  radius: 0.1,
  sides: 5,
  rotation: -Math.PI / 2,
  // line: { width: 0.01 },
  copy: [
      to: [0.6, 0],
      original: false,
      along: 'rotation',
      num: 16,
      step: Math.PI * 2 / 16,
      start: 1,
      to: new Fig.Transform().scale(3, 3).rotate(Math.PI / 2),
      start: 0,
      end: 1,


Grid shape options object that extends OBJ_Generic (without drawType) and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

A grid is a rectangle divided into a series of vertical and horizontal lines.

The rectangle is defined by bounds.

xNum and yNum can be used to defined a number of equally spaced lines in the rectangle (including the edges).

Alternatively xStep and yStep can be used to define the spacing between lines from the bottom left corner.

The line width and style is defined with line.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Generic

bounds (TypeParsableRect?) : rectangle definition
step (number?) : distance between grid lines
xStep (number?) : distance between vertical lines in grid from left - use this instead of xNum . This will override step .
yStep (number?) : distance between horizontal lines in grid from bottom - use this instead of yNum . This will override step .
num (number?) : number of grid lines. This will override step .
xNum (number?) : number of vertical lines in grid including top and bottom lines - overrides num and xStep .
yNum (number?) : number of horizontal lines in grid including left and right lines - overrides num and yStep .
line (OBJ_LineStyle?) : line style options - do not use any corner options
drawBorderBuffer ((number | TypeParsableBorder)?) : override OBJ_Generic drawBorderBuffer with number to make the drawBorderBuffer the same as the grid outline with additional number buffer each side ( 0 )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Grid defined by xStep and yStep
  name: 'g',
  make: 'grid',
  bounds: [-0.5, -0.5, 1, 1],
  xStep: 0.25,
  yStep: 0.25,
  line: {
    width: 0.03,
// Grid defined by xNum and yNum with dashed lines
const grid = figure.primitives.grid({
  bounds: [-0.5, -0.5, 1, 1],
  xNum: 4,
  yNum: 4,
  line: {
    width: 0.03,
    dash: [0.1, 0.02],
figure.elements.add('g', grid);
// Grid of grids
  name: 'g',
  make: 'grid',
  bounds: [-0.7, -0.7, 0.6, 0.6],
  xNum: 4,
  yNum: 4,
  line: {
    width: 0.03,
  copy: [
    { along: 'x', num: 1, step: 0.8},
    { along: 'y', num: 1, step: 0.8},


FigureOne has several different ways to typeset and render text.

Text Typesetting

Text can either be type-set as:

This guide will cover plain and formatted text. Thissection is then dedicated to equations.

Plain Text

The most simple way to create text is with the 'text' primitive (with options OBJ_Text).

    make: 'text',
    text: 'Hello World',
    xAlign: 'center',
    yAlign: 'middle',

The text primitive can be used to create text with a number of horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, and font options.

    make: 'text',
    text: 'Hello World',
    xAlign: 'right',
    yAlign: 'top',
    font: { family: 'Times New Roman', style: 'italic' },
    color: [0, 0, 1, 1],

The text primitive can also be used to create many different strings of text at different locations. All strings will share the same alignment and font options.

    make: 'text',
    text: ['North', 'West', 'South', 'East'],
    location: [[0, 0.5], [-1, 0], [0, -0.5], [1, 0]],
    xAlign: 'center',
    yAlign: 'middle',
    color: [0, 0, 1, 1],

To update text, use the setText method on the created element. The below example updates the text everytime the text is touched.

let counter = 1;
  make: 'text',
  text: '0',
  touch: {
    onClick: (e) => {
      counter += 1;

Formatted Text

Formatted text is created with the ftext make definition and supports:

  • Multiple lines
  • Multiple fonts
  • Multiple touch definitions
  • Embedded equations

Multiple lines of text can be created by defining an array of strings as the text. Each element in the array is a new line.

  make: 'ftext',
  text: ['First line', 'This is line two', 'Third line'],

Each line can have individual formatting by using a line definition object instead of a string.

  make: 'ftext',
  text: [
    'First line',
    'This is line two',
    { text: 'Third line', font: { style: 'italic', color: [0, 0, 1, 1] } },

Strings withing lines can be formatted by surrounding the string with '|' characters and then defining the modification with the modifiers property. Any string within '|' characters will become a unique identifier that is referenced in the modifiers property. If more than one strings share the same unique identifier, then the will all be modified the same.

  make: 'ftext',
  text: [
    'First |line|',
    'This is |line| two',
    'Third |line2|',
  modifiers: {
    line: { font: { color: [0, 0, 1, 1] } },
    line2: { text: 'line', font: { color: [0, 0.8, 0, 1] } },

Modifiers can also be used to define specific portions of text that are interactive.

  make: 'ftext',
  text: [
    'First |line|',
    'This is |line2| two',
    'Third |line3|',
  modifiers: {
    line: {
      font: { color: [0, 0, 1, 1] },
      onClick: () => console.log('line 1'),
    line2: {
      text: 'line',
      font: { color: [0, 0.8, 0, 1] },
      onClick: () => console.log('line 2'),
    line3: {
      text: 'line',
      font: { color: [0, 0.8, 0.8, 1] },
      onClick: () => console.log('line 3'),

Modifiers can also be used to embed equations into the text. An equation phrase (TypeEquationPhrase) is used to define the equation, and if necessary, the elements property can be used to customize elements within the equation.

  make: 'ftext',
  text: [
    'Equation |e| in text',
  xAlign: 'center',
  modifiers: {
    e: {
      eqn: { frac: ['1', 'vinculum', { root: ['rad', '2'] }] },
      offset: [0, 0.1],
  elements: {
    rad: { symbol: 'radical', color: [0, 0, 1, 1] },

If formatted text is not sufficent, then use Equation for full typesetting customization.

Text Rendering

In FigureOne, text can be rendered to either the WebGL canvas, or a 2D canvas.

Both canvases are different HTML elements, and typically in FigureOne the 2D canvas will be above the WebGL canvas. This means rendering text to the 2D canvas results in text that is always above any and all shapes in the WebGL canvas (which is where all shapes are drawn). However 2D canvas text is drawn natively by the system, and does not have pixelation or resizing challenges that WebGL text has.

On the other hand, WebGL is great at drawing triangles, but as text can be challenging and expensive to decompose into triangles in real time, a common method to draw text is by using an image containing a grid of all the individual letters of the text (this is called a texture atlas of glyphs, where a glyph is a character like 'a' or 'C', and the atlas is a grid of characters, and texture is another name for an image).

WebGL with a texture atlas is very fast at drawing text, but because the text comes from an image, if the resolution of the image does not align well with the screen resolution then there can be pixelation. This means text that is scaled a lot, or a WebGL canvas that resizes a lot may have some cases where the text is not as crisp as it would be on the 2D canvas. Atlases can either be user defined or generated by FigureOne automatically. When generated automatically, the recreateAtlases method on Figure can be used to regenerate the atlases whenever needed to reduce pixelation.

An example atlas is below:

The main advantage of using WebGL rendered text is the text is on the same canvas as all the shapes. This means the draw order of shapes and text is respected and it is easy to chose which text should be infront of shapes and which text should be behind shapes.

To summarize the trade-offs between rendering text in the 2D cavnas and the WebGL canvas:

  • WebGL:

    • Pros: Can be covered by shapes, fast to draw large amounts of static text
    • Cons: Pixelation when resizing a lot, requires glyph definition and generation
  • 2D Canvas:

    • Pros: No pixelation, atlas management or glyph limitations
    • Cons: Always on top (or below) WebGL shapes

By default text is rendered to the 2D canvas. For many cases this will be easiest to deal with. When text is desired in the WebGL canvas, anytime a font definition (@link OBJ_Font) is used, the render property can be set to 'gl'.

This can either be done globally on the figure by defining it at figure creation:

const figure = new Fig.Figure({
  font: { render: '2d' }

Or it can be done at an element level:

const figure = new Fig.Figure();
  make: 'text',
  text: 'Hello World',
  font: { color: [0, 0, 1, 1], style: 'italic', render: 'gl' },


In FigureOne, a font OBJ_Font defines many properties of text including:

  • family (eg: Times New Roman or Helvetica)
  • size (vertical height)
  • weight (eg: bold, light)
  • style (eg: italic, normal)
  • underline
  • outline
  • color
  • available glyphs
  • glyph size modifiers and adjustments (sometimes the browser or FigureOne measures fonts slightly wrong - especially in the case of obsure or italized fonts)
  • atlas options (if using a WebGL font)
  • render target (WebGL or 2D canvas)

In general, fonts will mostly be used to change the family, size, weight, style, outline, underline and color of text.

// Simple color and italic font definition
  make: 'text',
  text: 'Engage!',
  font: {
    color: [0, 0, 1, 1],
    style: 'italic'
  xAlign: 'center',
  position: [0, 0.5],

// Font definition with family, color, outline, size and underline
  make: 'text',
  text: 'Make it so!',
  font: {
    family: 'monospace',
    color: [1, 1, 0, 1],
    outline: { fill: true, color: [1, 0, 0, 1], width: 0.02 },
    size: 0.6,
    underline: { color: [0, 0, 1, 1] },
  xAlign: 'center',
  position: [0, -0.5],

Web Fonts

When a web page uses a font that isn't provided by the browser by default, the font will be loaded asynchronously. This often means the JavaScript program that creates the FigureOne figure will execute before the font has finished loading.

HTML uses a fallback mechanism for fonts meaning if the font family "Helvetica" is defined but unavailable, then the default "sans serif" font will be used instead. As most fonts have different dimensions (like width), this means any text elements created before the font has loaded will have a dimension related to the default font and not the desired one.

Therefore, FigureOne internally tracks when fonts are loaded, and will automatically redimension text elements when a font becomes available.

Similarly, if automatically generated font atlases are used with WebGL rendered fonts, these atlases will automatically be regenerated when a font is loaded.

This should work for most people most of the time.

However, there may be some cases where it is desirable to do this process manually, or execute additional logic when fonts become available.

Therefore, every Figure has a FontManager as a property. The FontManager can be used to watch when fonts become available.


Text options object that extends OBJ_FigurePrimitive.

A text element can either be defined as a single string, or an array of strings combined with an array of locations.

The adjustments property allows customization of the borders around the text. This may be needed when the browser or FigureOne does not accurately calculate the size of the text (usually for non-standard fonts, and sometimes italized fonts).

Atlernately border and touchBorder can also be used for complete customization.

All text in this element will use the same font, x and y alignment, and adjustments.

Note - Text can be rendered to either the WebGL canvas or the 2D canvas using the render property in font. For more information, see OBJ_Font.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_FigurePrimitive

text ((string | Array<string>)?) : string or array of strings to render
location ((TypeParsablePoint | Array<TypeParsablePoint>)?) : draw space location of each string ( [0, 0] )
font (OBJ_Font?) : defaults to default Figure font
xAlign (("left" | "center" | "right")?) : ( 'left' )
yAlign (("top" | "bottom" | "middle" | "alphabetic" | "baseline")?) : ( 'baseline' )
adjustments (OBJ_TextAdjustments?)
border ((TypeParsableBuffer | TypeParsableBorder | "buffer" | "draw" | "rect")?)
touchBorder ((TypeParsableBuffer | TypeParsableBorder | "rect" | "border" | "buffer" | "draw")?)
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple text
  make: 'text',
  text: 'Hello World',
// Custom Font
  make: 'text',
  text: 'Hello World',
  font: { family: 'Times New Roman', style: 'italic', underline: true },
// Aligned text
  make: 'text',
  text: 'Aligned Text',
  xAlign: 'center',
  yAlign: 'top',
  color: [0, 0, 1, 1],
// Multi Text
  make: 'text',
  text: ['0', '1', '2'],
  location: [[-0.5, -0.5], [0, 0.5], [0.5, -0.5]],
// Change Text
t = figure.add({
  make: 'text',
  text: 'Hello World',
t.setText('Changed Text')
// Change text and options
t = figure.add({
  make: 'text',
  text: 'Hello World',
  text: 'Changed Text',
  xAlign: 'center',
  font: { family: 'Times New Roman' },


FormattedText options object that extends OBJ_Collection options object (without parent).

Formatted text allows:

  • Use of more than one font
  • Multi-line text
  • Embedded equations
  • Interactivity on select strings

If text is defined as an array of strings of line definition objects, then each element of the array will be a new line of text.

All text will be laid out with the default font (or default line font if a line definition object is used).

To modify the font of portions of text within a line, surround the text to modify with '|' characters. The string surrounded by the '|' characters will then be a unique identifier that can be referenced in the modifiers property which will then allow for replacing that text with some other text, changing the font of the text, changing the touchability of the text and/or replacing the text with an embedded equation.

If a string is surrounded by '|' characters but not defined in modifiers then that string will have the formmating of the accent property applied to it.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Collection

text ((Array<(string | OBJ_TextLineDefinition)> | string)?) : array of line strings - single string is single line only.
modifiers (OBJ_TextModifiersDefinition?) : modifier definitions
font (OBJ_Font?) : Default font to use in lines
defaultTextTouchBorder (TypeParsableBuffer?) : default buffer for touch property in OBJ_TextModifiersDefinition
elements (EQN_EquationElements?) : equation elements to use within the equation phrases defined in modifiers
lineSpace (number?) : Space between ascent of each line with descent of previous line ( font.size * 0.5 )
baselineSpace (number?) : Space between baselines of lines. This will override lineSpace for all lines including individual line settings ( undefined )
xAlign (("left" | "right" | "center")?) : horizontal alignment of lines with position ( left )
yAlign (("bottom" | "baseline" | "middle" | "top")?) : vertical alignment of lines with position ( baseline )
border ((TypeParsableBuffer | TypeParsableBorder | "children" | "rect" | number)?) : border used for keeping shape within limits ( 'draw' )
touchBorder ((TypeParsableBuffer | TypeParsableBorder | "border" | "children" | "rect" | number)?) : border used for determining shape was touched. number and 'rect' use the the points in 'buffer' to calculate the bounding rects ( 'buffer' ).
accent (OBJ_Font?) : default modifier for accented text without a specific modification. By default accented text will be italic.
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate

// Accent a word figure.add({ make: 'ftext', text: 'Hello |World|', });

// Multi-line center justified
  make: 'ftext',
  text: ['First line', 'Second line'],
  justify: 'center',
// Modifiers
  make: 'ftext',
  text: ['|First| |line|', 'Second |line2|'],
  modifiers: {
    First: { font: { underline: 'true', color: [0, 0.7, 0.7, 1] } },
    line: { font: { color: [0, 0, 1, 1] } },
    line2: { text: 'line', font: { color: [0, 0.7, 0, 1], style: 'italic' } },
// Interactive words in formatted text
  make: 'ftext',
  text: 'Touch |here| or |here2|',
  modifiers: {
    here: {
      font: { underline: true, color: [0, 0, 1, 1] },
      touch: 0.1,
      onClick: () => console.log('here 1'),
    here2: {
      text: 'here',
      font: { underline: true, color: [0, 0.8, 0, 1] },
      touch: 0.1,
      onClick: () => console.log('here 2'),
  xAlign: 'center',
// Embedded equation (inline form definition)
  make: 'ftext',
  text: '|root2| is irrational',
  modifiers: {
    root2: { eqn: { root: ['radical', '2'] } },
  xAlign: 'center',
// Embedded equation with defined, touchable elements
  name: 't',
  make: 'ftext',
  text: ['A fraction is |fraction|', 'Touch it!'],
  modifiers: {
    fraction: {
      eqn: {
        scale: [{ frac: ['num', 'v', 'den'] }, 0.7],
      offset: [0, 0.2],
      touch: 0.1,
      onClick: () => figure.get('t').pulse({
        elements: ['num', 'den', 'v'],
        centerOn: 'v',
        xAlign: 'left',
        scale: 1.3,
      space: 0.3,
  elements: {
    num: 'numerator',
    den: { text: 'denominator', color: [0, 0, 1, 1], style: 'italic' },
    v: { symbol: 'vinculum' },
  xAlign: 'center',


Font definition object.

A font can be defined either from a subset of the properties used to define fonts in css, or by using a texture altas of the various glyphs to be used.

A font can be rendered into a 2D canvas or into the WebGL canvas using the texture atlas.

A texture atlas can either be supplied as an image, or generated automatically by FigureOne based on css font definitions.

Choosing how to render text depends on the application.

If text size is to be animated through a large scale range, then rendering on the 2D canvas is advantageous as it can scale text to any size without a loss of sharpness. The main disadvantage of the 2D canvas is the fact that it's a different HTML canvas element to the WebGL canvas. Thus all text on the 2D canvas will always be above (default) or below the WebGl canvas independent of when it is drawn. This means text will always be above or below shapes. regenerated each time the size changes by some threshold.

Conversely, drawing text on the WebGL canvas provides control on which shapes can hide text and vise versa. The disadvantage is that text is drawn from a texture atlas of bitmapped fonts. This means as text is progressively scaled up or down, the the text will look more pixelated or blurry. For many scalings (like common scalings in an equation), this will likely not be a problem. But for large changes in animated scale, it will be better to use the 2D canvas. Scaling also needs to be considered if the WebGL canvas is expected to be resized. On a desktop browser, a canvas element can be resized a lot, and so if using the WebGL atlas, it may need to be

Note, the choice of where to render text can be made for each text element. Therefore it is possible to have some text rendered to the 2D canvas, and other text rendered to the WebGL canvas in the same figure.

A texture atlas can either be supplied as an image, or generated automatically by FigureOne based on the css font definitions.

CSS font definition:

  • family - the typeface family from which it comes (e.g. 'Helvetica', 'Times New Roman')
  • style - its slope (e.g. 'italic')
  • weight - its thickness (e.g. 'bold')
  • size

Atlas font definition:

  • src - the image or url to the image - if not supplied then atlas will be generated automatically
  • map - description of location and size of each glyph in the atlas
  • glyphs - the available glyphs in the atlas. To reduce the size of the atlas, include only the glyphs that are being used, or use a preset alphabet (like 'latin', or 'math')
  • atlasColor - if true then the rendered glyph color will be the same as that in the texture. If false, then only the transparency channel of the texture will be used and color will be defined by the FigureElement drawing the text.
  • atlasSize - if defined, and if the glyphs are generated automatically then the glyphs will be created with a pixel size that is atlasSize portion of the canvas height. If undefined, then the glyphs will be created with a pixel size that is the ratio of the font size to the scene height portion of the canvas height.

A font can also have a number of modifying properties:

  • color - fill or outline color of each glyph - not used if the texture atlas color is to be used
  • underline
  • outline - defines whether the font is filled, is an outline, or both

Fonts that are generated automatically rely on the client's browser to measure the font's width. From this the ascent and descent of each glyph is then estimated. Each glyph's width, ascent and descent is used to layout the glyphs in regular text and equations, as well as determine the borders and touch borders of FigureElements that draw the text.

However, this estimate for different font families is not always perfectly accurate. If the estimate is not sufficient, then it can be modified by using the following properties (where each property is a proportion of the width of a character 'a'):

  • maxAscent: Maximum ascent of glyphs like "A" or "$"
  • midAscent: ascent of mid level glyphs like "a" and "g"
  • descent: descent of glyphs that do not noticeably go below the baseline (but often do a little) like "a" and "b"
  • midDescent: descent of glyphs that go a little below the baseline like "," and ";"
  • maxDescent: maximum descent of glyphs like "g" and "|"

Individual glyphs can also be modified (for atlas based fonts only) using the modifiers property.

Type: {family: string?, weight: TypeFontWeight?, style: ("normal" | "italic" | "oblique")?, size: number?, underline: (boolean | OBJ_Underline)?, color: (TypeColor | null)?, outline: (boolean | OBJ_Outline)?, descent: number?, maxDescent: number?, midDescent: number?, maxAscent: number?, midAscent: number?, modifiers: OBJ_GlyphModifiers?, src: (Image | string)?, map: OBJ_AtlasMap?, glyphs: (string | "greek" | "math" | "latin" | "all" | "common" | "mathExt")?, loadColor: TypeColor?, atlasColor: boolean?, atlasSize: (number | null)?, timeout: number?, modifiers: OBJ_GlyphModifiers?, render: ("gl" | "2d" | "html")?}

family (string?) : The font family ( 'Times New Roman' )
style (("normal" | "italic" | "oblique")?) : ( 'normal' )
weight (TypeFontWeight?) : font weight ( 'normal' )
size (number?) : size of font in draw space ( 0.2 )
underline ((boolean | OBJ_Underline)?) : true to include an underline or use object to define its properties ( false )
color ([number, number, number, number]?) : Font color [red, green, blue, alpha] between 0 and 1 - ( [1, 0, 0, 1] )
outline (OBJ_Outline?) : options to draw the text in outline instead of or in addition to a fill ( false )
descent (number?) : ( 0.8 )
maxDescent (number?) : ( 0.2 )
midDescent (number?) : ( 0.5 )
maxAscent (number?) : ( 0.95 )
midAscent (number?) : ( 1.4 )
modifiers (OBJ_GlyphModifiers?) : individual glyph adjustments for texture atlas fonts
src ((Image | string)?) : source image or url for atlas
map (OBJ_AtlasMap?) : atlas definition needed if using a source image or url
glyphs ((string | "greek" | "math" | "latin" | "all" | "common" | "mathExt" | Array<string>)?) : glyphs included in the font - an array can be used combining glyphs together
atlasSize ((null | number)?) : font size of atlas as a proportion of the WebGL canvas height. If this is null, then the atlas font size is calculated from the font size, scene height and number of pixels in the canvas height. ( null )
loadColor (TypeColor?) : color of temporary texture while actual texture is loading
atlasColor (boolean?) : true to use the color of the glyphs in the atlas. false will just use the opacity and color the glyphs from the FigureElement drawing them
render (("gl" | "2d" | "html")?) : render the associated text to either the WebGL canvas, the 2D canvas, or the HTML canvas.
timeout (number?)
// Full font definition
const font = new FigureFont({
  family: 'Helvetica',
  style: 'italic',
  weight: 'bold',
  color: [1, 1, 0, 1],
  opacity: 1,
// Define style only, remaining properties are defaults
const font = new FigureFont({
  style: 'italic',


Font manager can be used to query if fonts are available, and watch to see when they load or time out.

Notifications - The notification manager property notifications will publish the following events:

  • fontsLoaded: published when all fonts have been loaded or timed out
  • fontLoaded: published after each font is loaded
  • fontUnavailable: published when loading a font has timed out
fnMap (FunctionMap = new FunctionMap())
notifications (NotificationManager = new NotificationManager())
Instance Members
areWeightsAvailable(fontDefinition, weights)
watch(fontOrElement, optionsOrCallback)

3D Shape Primitives

3D shapes can be drawn, animated and interacted with in FigureOne.

FigureOne tries to simplify the process for using 3D as much as possible. In fact, a number of simple shapes like cubes, spheres and surfaces can be created similarly to shapes in 2D.

However, there are a number of concepts that are useful to know when dealing with 3D that are not needed for 2D. These concepts are especially useful if customizing shapes, or if creating your own.



In FigureOne, the Point class is used extensively to define shapes and their properties. Points can be defined by instantiating a Point or by using array notation. For example, creating two rectangles with different positions in two dimensions could look like:

// Create two rectangles. One centered at [0.5, 0.5], and the other at
// [-0.5, -0.5]
  { make: 'rectangle', position: new Fig.Point(0.5, 0.5) },
  { make: 'rectangle', position: [-0.5, -0.5] },

All points in FigureOne have an x, y, and z component. If working in two dimensions, then the z component never has to be defined (as above), and will be 0 by default. When working in three dimensions, the z component can be added.

// Create two rectangles. One centered at [0.5, 0.5, 1], and the other at
// [-0.5, -0.5, -1]
  { make: 'rectangle', position: new Fig.Point(0.5, 0.5, 1) },
  { make: 'rectangle', position: [-0.5, -0.5, -1] },

While Point, Line and Rect are used to define most geometries in two dimensions, a Plane is required for some three dimensional definitions.

A plane is defined as a position and a normal vector to the plane.

// Create an XZ plane at [0, 0, 0] (the normal is thus along the y axis)
const p = new Fig.Plane([0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]);

The Plane object has a number of useful methods for working with planes and can determine things like:

  • if a point is on the plane
  • if two planes are equal
  • if two planes are parallel
  • the line at the intersection of two planes
  • if a line is parallel to the plane
  • the intersect point of a line and plane
  • if a line lies on the plane
  • a point's projection onto the plane
  • the distance between the plane and a point


In FigureOne shapes are created in a space. The Scene then defines how the shapes are presented to the user (what portion of space gets shown to the user).

Two Dimensions

In two dimensions the Scene simply defines the range of x and y values that will be shown. Four properties are used for this:

  • left - the minimum x value
  • right - the maximum x value
  • bottom - the minimum y value
  • top - the maximum y value
Three Dimensions

In three dimensions, we want capture a three dimensional space or volume and draw it to a two dimensional screen. To do this we:

  • Choose a position from which to observe the space from
  • Choose a direction to look at
  • Choose which direction is up
  • Choose the limits of the space we want to view in the direction we are looking
  • Choose whether proximity changes the size of things (in the real world, things further away look smaller)
  • Choose how to light the scene (without lighting, three dimensional objects look flat)

These choices are bundled into three categories:

  • Camera
  • Projection
  • Light

The camera is the observer of the scene. defines how we are looking at the space we which to draw. It has the properties

  • position - where the camera is located
  • lookAt - where the camera is looking at
  • up - which direction is up for the camera


Setting up the camera defines how we are looking at the 3D space. We then need to project what we are looking at into two dimensions for the screen.

In three dimensions, some objects will be closer to the camera and others further away.

In real life, objects that are further away look smaller than closer objects. But in technical drawings, it is often useful to have an object's size remain constant (no matter the distance from the camera) so proportions of objects can be properly compared.

Therefore the projection can have two styles:

  • perspective projection - shapes get smaller the further they are away from the camera
  • orthographic projection - shape size is the same at all distances to the camera

Orthographic Projection

Depending on the style of projection, the expanse of space to be captured in the projection can be defined.

For orthographic projection, adding near and far to left, right, bottom, and top creates a rectangular prism in front of the camera. Any shapes (or portions of shapes) within this prism will be shown. The property names are relative to the camera. camera.lookAt will be a normal to the near and far sides of the prism. camera.up will orient the the top of the prism. camera.position and near will then position the prism while far will give it depth.

Perspective Projection

These same properties cannot be used for perspective projection because size changes with distance from camera. For example the width left and right will be different closer to the camera compared with further away. Therefore, a frustum is used to define visible space with the properties:

  • fieldOfView: the angular field of view in the camera.up direction
  • aspectRatio: the ratio of width to height
  • near: the closest visible point to the camera
  • far: the furthest visible point to the camera


Light is an important factor in vizualizing 3D. If all surfaces of an object are illuminated equally (no lighting modifier, or ambient light), then different faces or curvature of the surface will be indistinguishable. The image will look flat.

FigureOne lighting is a color modifier based on the amount of light reflected from a surface. If all light is reflected from a surface, then the surface color will be the original color. If only a portion of light is reflected from the surface, then the surface color will be a darker form of the original color.

The amount of light reflected from a surface is a function of the direction of the light relative to the surface, and whether the surface faces the light source or not. The direction the surface faces is the direction of its normal.

If L is the normalized light incidence vector and n is the normalized surface normal, then the color modifier m is given by:

Where m will be a value between 0 (no light) and 1 (full light), and a is the ambient light (also between 0 and 1) and is the minimum amount of light that each surface will reflect.

The goal of FigureOne lighting is to provide simple lighting options that can easily show the curvature of a 3D object. It is not realistic:

  • It does not cast shaddows
  • It lights surfaces from behind
  • A surface color is the same on top and below the surface

If more realistic lighting, shaddows or multiple light sources are required, then custom shaders can be used.

FigureOne provides four simple lighting options:

  • no light: All surfaces are the shape color with no lighting modification (looks flat)
  • ambient light: All surfaces of a shape reflect the same amount of light. If ambient light is less than 1, then the color of each surface will be a darker shade of the shape color (also looks flat).
  • directional light: All surfaces of a shape use the same light incidence vector L. This is similar to a plane of light coming from a single direction. The direciton light vector definition points toward the light source.
  • point light: All surfaces of a shape use a L equal to the vector between the point source and the surface position.

As an example, let's create a cube with directional lighting. The light source will be predominantly from the x direction, and so the +x face of the cube will be brightest.

const figure = new Fig.Figure();
figure.scene.setProjection({ style: 'orthographic' });
figure.scene.setCamera({ position: [2, 1, 1], up: [0, 1, 0] });
// Setup the direction of directional light. Note, this vector describes where
// the light is coming from.
figure.scene.setLight({ directional: [1, 0.5, -0.1] });

    make: 'cube',
    color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
    side: 0.5,
    // Note: 'directional' is the default value, and so when using direcitonal
    // light this line is not required. It is here for example only.
    light: 'directional',


The only information needed for a 2D rotation is the magnitude of rotation and direction. The rotation axis is always along the z axis.

In three dimensions, a rotation can be around any arbitrary axis, and therefore 4 numbers are required. The rotation, and the x, y, and z components of the axis vector.

Both a transform object, or short-hand transform notation can be used to define a 3D rotation. In both cases, first the rotation value is defined, then the axis of rotation.

// Create a rotation component in a transform object
const t1 = new Fig.Transform().rotate(Math.PI / 2, [1, 0, 0]);
// Create a transform from short hand transform notation
const t2 = Fig.getTransform(['r', Math.PI / 2, 1, 0, 0]);

For example, to rotate a cube around the x-Axis

const cube = figure.add({
  make: 'cube',
  side: 0.5,
  color: [0, 1, 1, 1],
  // Set the transform so the rotation is arount the x axis
  transform: ['r', 0, 1, 0, 0],

// Animate rotation around the x axis
  .rotation({ velocity: 0.5, duration: null })

3D Shape Primitives Boilerplate

To test examples within the '3D Shape Primitives' section of the API reference create an index.html file and index.js file.

All examples are snippets which can be appended to the end of the index.js file.

<!-- index.html -->
<!doctype html>
    <div id="figureOneContainer" style="width: 800px; height: 800px; background-color: white;">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=''></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src='./index.js'></script>
// index.js
const figure = new Fig.Figure({
  scene: {
    style: 'orthographic',
    camera: {
      position: [2, 1, 1],
      up: [0, 1, 0],
    light: {
      directional: [0.7, 0.5, 1],


Type: {light: ("directional" | "point" | "ambient" | null)?, copy: (Array<(CPY_Step | string)> | CPY_Step)?, usage: TypeGLBufferUsage?, touchScale: (number | TypeParsablePoint)?}

light (("directional" | "point" | null)?) : the scene light that will be cast on the shape. Use null for no lighting - all surfaces will have the defined color. ( 'directional' )
copy ((Array<(CPY_Step | string)> | CPY_Step)?) : Create copies the shapes vertices to replicate the shape in space. Copies of normals, colors (if defined) and texture coordinates (if defined) will also be made.
usage (TypeGLBufferUsage?) : use 'DYNAMIC' if the shape's vertices will be updated very frequently ( 'STATIC' )
touchScale ((number | TypeParsablePoint)?)


Options object for a FigureElementPrimitive of a generic 3D shape. Extends OBJ_Generic3All and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

OBJ_GenericGL can be used for shape creation with custom shaders.

But for many custom shapes, only points and normals of the shape need to be defined, without needing to customize the shaders.

OBJ_Generic3 Provides the ability to create many custom shapes that don't need shader customization.

Type: any

glPrimitive (("TRIANGLES" | "POINTS" | "FAN" | "STRIP" | "LINES")?) : ( 'TRIANGLES' )
points (Array<TypeParsablePoint>?) : positions of vertices of shape
normals (Array<TypeParsablePoint>?) : normals for each vertex
colors (Array<TypeColor>?) : define a color for each vertex if the shape will be more than just a single color. Otherwise use color if a single color.
texture (OBJ_Texture?) : use to overlay a texture onto the shape's surfaces
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Cubes with texture on each face
figure.scene.setProjection({ style: 'orthographic' });
figure.scene.setCamera({ position: [1, 1, 2] });
figure.scene.setLight({ directional: [0.7, 0.5, 1] });

const [points, normals] = Fig.cube({ side: 0.8 });

  make: 'generic3',
  texture: {
    src: './flowers.jpeg',
    coords: [
      0, 0, 0.333, 0, 0.333, 0.5,
      0, 0, 0.333, 0.5, 0, 0.5,
      0.333, 0, 0.666, 0, 0.666, 0.5,
      0.333, 0, 0.666, 0.5, 0.333, 0.5,
      0.666, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0.5,
      0.666, 0, 1, 0.5, 0.666, 0.5,
      0, 0.5, 0.333, 1, 0, 1,
      0, 0.5, 0.333, 0.5, 0.333, 1,
      0.333, 0.5, 0.666, 1, 0.333, 1,
      0.333, 0.5, 0.666, 0.5, 0.666, 1,
      0.666, 0.5, 1, 1, 0.666, 1,
      0.666, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 1, 1,
    loadColor: [0, 0, 0, 0],
// Create a a ring around a sphere.
figure.scene.setProjection({ style: 'orthographic' });
figure.scene.setCamera({ position: [1, 1, 2] });
figure.scene.setLight({ directional: [0.7, 0.5, 1] });
const { sphere, polygon, revolve } = Fig;
const [spherePoints, sphereNormals] = sphere({ radius: 0.15 });
// The ring is a flattened doughnut
const [ringPoints, ringNormals] = revolve({
  profile: polygon({
    close: true,
    sides: 20,
    radius: 0.05,
    center: [0, 0.3],
    direction: -1,
    transform: ['s', 0.1, 1, 1],
  normals: 'curve',
  sides: 50,
  transform: ['d', 0, 1, 0],
const a = figure.add({
  make: 'generic3',
  points: [...spherePoints, ...ringPoints],
  normals: [...sphereNormals, ...ringNormals],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  transform: [['r', 0.15, 1, 0, 0], ['r', 0.3, 0, 1, 0]],
// Animate the shape to slowly rotate around the x and y axes
    callback: (t) => {
      a.transform.updateRotation(t * 0.15);
      a.transform.updateRotation(t * 0.3, null, 1);
    duration: null,


Cube shape options object that extends OBJ_Generic3All and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

By default, a cube will be constructed around the origin, with the xyz axes being normal to the cube faces.

Type: any

side (number?) : side length ( 1 )
center (TypeParsablePoint?) : center point ( [0, 0] ) points of cube
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the 12 edges of the cube will be returned. If false , then points representing two triangles per face (12 triangles, 36 points) and an associated normal for each point will be returned. ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
  make: 'cube',
  side: 0.5,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// 3x3 grid of cubes
  make: 'cube',
  side: 0.2,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  copy: [
    { along: 'x', num: 2, step: 0.22 },
    { along: 'y', num: 2, step: 0.22 },
    { along: 'z', num: 2, step: 0.22 },
// Wire mesh cube
  make: 'cube',
  side: 0.5,
  lines: true,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],


Sphere shape options object that extends OBJ_Generic3All and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

By default, a sphere with its center at the origin will be created.

Type: any

sides (number?) : number of sides around sphere's half great circle ( 10 )
radius (number?) : radius of sphere ( 1 )
normals (("curve" | "flat")?) : flat normals will make light shading across a face cone constant. curve will gradiate the shading. Use curve to make a surface look more round with fewer number of sides. ( flat )
center (TypeParsablePoint?) : center position of sphere ( [0, 0] )
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the edes of the faces will be returned. If false , then points representing two triangles per face and an associated normal for each point will be returned.
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
  make: 'sphere',
  radius: 0.5,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// Sphere with 'curve' normals
  make: 'sphere',
  radius: 0.5,
  normals: 'curve',
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// Wire mesh sphere
  make: 'sphere',
  radius: 0.5,
  sides: 30,
  lines: true,
  normals: 'curve',
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// Ring of spheres, rotated to by in xz plane
  make: 'sphere',
  radius: 0.1,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  center: [0.3, 0, 0],
  normals: 'curve',
  copy: [
    { along: 'rotation', num: 10, step: Math.PI * 2 / 10 },
  transform: ['r', Math.PI / 2, 1, 0, 0],


Cylinder shape options object that extends OBJ_Generic3All and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

By default, a cylinder along the x axis will be created.

Type: any

sides (number?) : number of cylinder sides ( 10 )
radius (number?) : radius of cylinder ( 1 )
normals (("curve" | "flat")?) : flat normals will make shading (from light source) across a face cone constant. curve will gradiate the shading. Use curve to make a surface look more round with fewer number of sides. ( flat )
line (TypeParsableLine?) : line that can position and orient the cylinder. First point of line is cylinder base center, and second point is the top center.
length (number?) : length of the cylinder if line isn't defined ( 1 )
ends ((boolean | 1 | 2)?) : true fills both ends of the cylinder. false does not fill ends. 1 fills only the first end. 2 fills only the the second end. ( true )
rotation (number?) : rotation of base - this is only noticable for small numbers of sides ( 0 ) points of cube
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the edes of the faces will be returned. If false , then points representing two triangles per face and an associated normal for each point will be returned.
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
  make: 'cylinder',
  radius: 0.2,
  length: 0.5,
  sides: 20,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// Use curve normals to give rounder looks for same number of sides
  make: 'cylinder',
  radius: 0.2,
  length: 0.5,
  sides: 20,
  normals: 'curve',
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// Wire mesh cylinder
  make: 'cylinder',
  radius: 0.2,
  length: 0.2,
  lines: true,
  sides: 50,
  ends: false,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// Three cylinders as x, y, z axes
    make: 'cylinder',
    radius: 0.02,
    line: [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0, 0]],
    color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
    make: 'cylinder',
    radius: 0.02,
    line: [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0.5, 0]],
    color: [0, 1, 0, 1],
    make: 'cylinder',
    radius: 0.02,
    line: [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.5]],
    color: [0, 0, 1, 1],


Cone shape options object that extends OBJ_Generic3All and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

By default, a cone with its base at the origin and its tip along the x axis will be created.

Type: any

sides (number?) : number of sides ( 10 )
radius (number?) : radius of cube base
normals (("curve" | "flat")?) : flat normals will make light shading across a face cone constant. curve will gradiate the shading. Use curve to make a surface look more round with fewer number of sides. ( flat )
line (TypeParsableLine?) : line that can position and orient the cone. First point of line is cone base center, and second point is cone tip.
length (number?) : length of the cone along the x axis if line isn't defined ( 1 )
rotation (number?) : rotation of base - this is only noticable for small numbers of sides ( 0 ) points of cube
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the edes of the faces will be returned. If false , then points representing two triangles per face and an associated normal for each point will be returned.
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
  make: 'cone',
  radius: 0.2,
  sides: 20,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  line: [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0.5, 0]],
// Cone with curve normals
  make: 'cone',
  radius: 0.2,
  normals: 'curve',
  sides: 20,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  line: [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0.5, 0]],
// Wire mesh cone
  make: 'cone',
  radius: 0.2,
  normals: 'curve',
  sides: 20,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  line: [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0.5, 0]],
  lines: true,


Prism shape options object that extends OBJ_Generic3All and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

A prism base is defined in the XY plane, and it's length extends into +z. Use transform to orient it in any other way.

Triangles will be created for the ends if the base is convex. If the base is not convex, use baseTriangles to define the triangles.

Type: any

base (number?) : base border points defined in the XY plane - the points should be defined in the counter-clock-wise direction.
baseTriangles (Array<TypeParsablePoint>) : triangles in the XY plane that create the base fill. If the base is convex, then the triangles can be auto-generated and this property left undefined.
length (number?) : length of the prism
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the edges of the prism will be returned. If false , then points representing triangle faces and associated normals will be returned. ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Create a rectangular prism
    make: 'prism',
    base: [[0, 0], [0.5, 0], [0.5, 0.2], [0, 0.2]],
    color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// Create a hexagonal prism along the x axis with lines
    make: 'prism',
    base: Fig.polygon({ radius: 0.1, sides: 6 }),
    color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
    transform: ['r', Math.PI / 2, 0, 1, 0],
    lines: true,
// Create a bow tie prism defining the base triangles
    make: 'prism',
    base: [[0, 0], [0.25, 0.1], [0.5, 0], [0.5, 0.3], [0.25, 0.2], [0, 0.3]],
    baseTriangles: [
      [0, 0], [0.25, 0.1], [0.25, 0.2],
      [0, 0], [0.25, 0.2], [0, 0.3],
      [0.25, 0.1], [0.5, 0], [0.5, 0.3],
      [0.25, 0.1], [0.5, 0.3], [0.25, 0.2],
    color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
    transform: ['r', Math.PI / 2, 0, 1, 0],


3D Line options object that extends OBJ_Generic3All and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

A 3D line is a cylinder with optional arrows on the end. Unlike a 2D line, the arrow profiles can only be simple triangles.

Type: any

p1 (TypeParsablePoint?) : ( [0, 0, 0] )
p2 (TypeParsablePoint?) : (default: p1 + [1, 0, 0] )
width (number?) : width of line
arrow ((OBJ_Line3Arrow | boolean)?) : define to use arrows at one or both ends of the line
sides (number?) : number of sides ( 10 )
normals (("curve" | "flat")?) : flat normals will make light shading across a line face constant. curve will gradiate the shading. Use curve to make a surface look more round with fewer number of sides. ( curve )
rotation (number?) : rotation of line around its axis - this is only noticable for small numbers of sides ( 0 )
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the edes of the faces will be returned. If false , then points representing two triangles per face and an associated normal for each point will be returned.
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple line
  make: 'line3',
  p1: [0, 0, 0],
  p2: [0, 1, 0],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// Thick line with arrows on both ends
  make: 'line3',
  p1: [0, 0, 0],
  p2: [0, 1, 0],
  arrow: { ends: 'all', width: 0.1, length: 0.1 },
  sides: 30,
  width: 0.05,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// Wire mesh line with arrow
  make: 'line3',
  p1: [0, 0, 0],
  p2: [0, 1, 0],
  arrow: { ends: 'end' },
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  lines: true,
// Ball of arrows
    make: 'line3',
    p1: [0, 0, 0],
    p2: [0, 0.4, 0],
    color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
    width: 0.01,
    arrow: { end: 'end', width: 0.02 },
    copy: [
      { along: 'rotation', num: 20, step: Math.PI * 2 / 20 },
      { along: 'rotation', axis: [0, 1, 0], num: 20, step: Math.PI * 2 / 20 },


Revolve shape options object that extends OBJ_Generic3All and OBJ_FigurePrimitive.

Revolve (or radially sweep) a profile in the XY plane around the x axis to form a 3D surface. The profile y values must be greater than or equal to 0.

Profiles can be open (start and end point are different) or closed (start and end point are equal).

For predictable lighting results, profiles should be created with the following rules:

  • An open profile's start points should have an x value less than its end point
  • Closed profiles where all points have y > 0 should be defined in the clockwise direction when looking at the XY plane from the +z axis.

If an open profile's start and ends points are at y = 0, then the final shape will look solid.

If an open profile's start and/or ends points have y > 0, then the final shape will look like a surface open at the ends with y > 0. As a surface can have only one color, then looking inside the shape the surface lighting will be opposite to that expected. To create open ended solids with lighting that is as expected, create the outside and inside surface with a closed profile.

Type: any

profile (Array<TypeParsablePoint>) : XY plane profile to be radially swept around the x axis
sides (number?) : number of sides in the radial sweep
normals (("flat" | "curveRows" | "curveRadial" | "curve")?) : flat normals will make shading (from a light source) across a face of the object a constant color. curveProfile will gradiate the shading along the profile. curveRadial will gradiate the shading around the radial sweep. curve will gradiate the shading both around the radial sweep and along the profile. Use curve , curveProfile , or curveRadial to make a surface look more round with fewer number of sides.
rotation (number?) : by default the profile will start in the XY plane and sweep around the x axis following the right hand rule. Use rotation to start the sweep at some angle where 0º is in the XY for +y and 90º is in the XZ plane for +z. initial angle of the revolve rotation
axis (TypeParsablePoint?) : orient the draw space vertices of the shape so its axis is along this vector
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the edes of the faces will be returned. If false , then points representing two triangles per face and an associated normal for each point will be returned.
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
  make: 'revolve',
  profile: [[0, 0], [0, 0.05], [0.5, 0.05], [0.6, 0.1], [0.7, 0]],
  axis: [0, 1, 0],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  sides: 20,
// If creating a shell, then also create the inside surface as this will make
// lighting more correct (note there is not shaddows).
// Ensure to close the shell by adding the first point to the end of the
// profile
  make: 'revolve',
  profile: [[0, 0.15], [0.5, 0.3], [0.5, 0.29], [0, 0.14], [0, 0.15]],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  sides: 30,
  normals: 'curveRadial',
// Curvy vase like shape
const x = Fig.range(0, 0.5, 0.01);
const profile = => [_x, 0.1 + 0.05 * Math.sin(_x * 2 * Math.PI * 2)]);
  make: 'revolve',
  profile: [...profile, [0.4, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0.1]],
  axis: [0, 1, 0],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  sides: 30,
// Make a torus by revolving a polygon around the axis. As the polygon is above
// the x axis, a hole will be created
// Try using `normals: 'curve'`, `normals: 'curveProfile'`, and
// `normals: 'curveRadial'` to see different curve options.
const { polygon } = Fig;
  make: 'revolve',
  profile: polygon({
    radius: 0.1, center: [0, 0.3], sides: 20, direction: -1, close: true,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  sides: 30,
// Wire mesh arrow
  make: 'revolve',
  profile: [[0, 0.03], [0.4, 0.03], [0.4, 0.09], [0.7, 0]],
  axis: [0, 1, 0],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  sides: 20,
  lines: true,
// Open profile y = 0 at ends
  make: 'revolve',
  profile: [[0, 0], [0, 0.3], [0.5, 0.2], [1, 0.3], [1, 0]],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  sides: 30,
// Open profile y > 0 at ends
  make: 'revolve',
  profile: [[0, 0.3], [0.5, 0.2], [1, 0.3]],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  sides: 30,
// Closed Profile
  make: 'revolve',
  profile: [[0, 0.3], [0.5, 0.2], [1, 0.3], [1, 0.29], [0.5, 0.19], [0, 0.29], [0, 0.3]],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  sides: 30,


Surface shape options object that extends OBJ_Generic3All and OBJ_FigurePrimitive.

A surface is defined with a 2D matrix of points. Triangles that fill the surface are created between neighboring points in the matrix.

If a surface is defined with 9 points (an array or arrays in JavaScript):

Then triangles will be created between adb, deb, bec, efc, dge, ghe, ehf, and hif.

The normal for triangle 'adb' is in the direction of the cross product of vector 'ad' with vector 'ab' (use the right hand rule where the fingers of the right hand curl from vector 'ad' to 'ab', and the thumb will then be the direction of the normal). Similarly, the normal of hif will be the direction of the cross product of hi with hf.

Use the property invertNormals to make all the normals go in the reverse direction.

A surface can be open or closed at the end rows or columns of the matrix. For example, a surface has closed columns if the first and last column of the matrix have identical points. A surface is has open rows if the first and last row of the matrix have different points.

If using curved normals ('curve', 'curveRows' or 'curveColumns') with closed surfaces, use closeRows or closeColumns to ensure normal curvature is maintained at the end rows and columns.

Type: any

points (Array<Array<TypeParsablePoint>>?) : A grid of points that define a 3D surface
normals (("curveColumns" | "curveRows" | "curve" | "flat")?) : flat normals will make shading (from a light source) across a face of the object a constant color. curveRows will gradiate the shading along the rows of the grid. curveColumns will gradiate the shading along the columns of the grid. curve will gradiate the shading along both rows and columns. Use curve , curveRows , or curveColumns to make a surface look more round with fewer number of sides.
closeRows (boolean?) : Set to true if first row and last row are the same, and normals is 'curveRows' or 'curve' to get correct normal calculations ( false )
closeColumns (boolean?) : Set to true if first row and last column are the same, and normals is 'curveColumns' or 'curve' to get correct normal calculations ( false ) shape
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the edes of the faces will be returned. If false , then points representing two triangles per face and an associated normal for each point will be returned.
invertNormals (boolean?) : if true then all normals will be inverted
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
const points = Fig.surfaceGrid({
  x: [-0.8, 0.7, 0.03],
  y: [-0.8, 0.7, 0.03],
  z: x => 0.2 * Math.cos(x * 2 * Math.PI),
figure.scene.setCamera({ up: [0, 0, 1] });
  make: 'surface',
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// Surface wire mesh
const points = Fig.surfaceGrid({
  x: [-0.8, 0.8, 0.03],
  y: [-0.8, 0.8, 0.03],
  z: (x, y) => y * 0.2 * Math.cos(x * 2 * Math.PI),
figure.scene.setCamera({ position: [-1, -1, 0.7], up: [0, 0, 1] });
  make: 'surface',
  lines: true,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// Surface with wire mesh and fill
const points = Fig.surfaceGrid({
  x: [-0.8, 0.8, 0.03],
  y: [-0.8, 0.8, 0.03],
  z: (x, y) => {
    const r = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) * Math.PI * 2 * 2;
    return Math.sin(r) / r;
// Orient the camera so z is up
figure.scene.setCamera({ up: [0, 0, 1] });
  make: 'surface',
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  make: 'surface',
  lines: true,
  color: [0, 0, 0, 1],
// Simple Closed surface around the x axis
  make: 'surface',
  normals: 'curveColumns',
  closeRows: true,
  points: [
    [[0, 0, 0.5], [1, 0, 0.5]],
    [[0, -0.5, 0], [1, -0.5, 0]],
    [[0, 0, -0.5], [1, 0, -0.5]],
    [[0, 0.5, 0], [1, 0.5, 0]],
    [[0, 0, 0.5], [1, 0, 0.5]],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// Simple Closed surface around the x axis with curved normals
  make: 'surface',
  normals: 'curveColumns',
  closeRows: true,
  points: [
    [[0, 0, 0.5], [1, 0, 0.5]],
    [[0, -0.5, 0], [1, -0.5, 0]],
    [[0, 0, -0.5], [1, 0, -0.5]],
    [[0, 0.5, 0], [1, 0.5, 0]],
    [[0, 0, 0.5], [1, 0, 0.5]],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// Create a matrix of points by taking a profile in XY and rotating
// it around the x axis
const { Point, Transform } = Fig;
const points = [];

// Rotation step
const dr = Math.PI * 2 / 50;
for (let r = 0; r < Math.PI * 2 + dr / 2; r += dr) {
  // Rotation matrix of rotation step around x axis
  const m = new Transform().rotate(r, 1, 0, 0).matrix();

  // A row of points is a profile rotated by some amount r
  // Make a profile for x values from 0 to 1
  for (let x = 0; x < 1; x += 0.05) {
    // The y coordinate of the profile changes with both x value, and
    // rotation value
    const y = 0.1 * Math.sin(6 * x) + 0.25 + 0.1 * Math.cos(3 * r);
    const p = new Point(x, y).transformBy(m);
    points[points.length - 1].push(p);
  make: 'surface',
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],

2D Shape Collections

FigureOne provides a number of collections shapes that combine simple shapes into more complex objects.

Collections shapes are FigureElementCollections that manage a number of FigureElements, and may provide methods to dynamically update and change the shapes, additional animation steps specific to to shape, and additional ways to interact with the shape.


FigureElementCollection options object.

A collection is a group of other FigureElements that will all inherit the parent collections transform.

Type: {transform: TypeParsableTransform?, position: TypeParsablePoint?, color: TypeColor?, parent: (FigureElement | null)?, border: (TypeParsableBuffer | TypeParsableBorder | "children" | "rect" | number)?, touchBorder: (TypeParsableBuffer | TypeParsableBorder | "border" | "children" | number | "rect")?}

transform (TypeParsableTransform?)
position (TypeParsablePoint?) : if defined, will overwrite first translation of transform
color (TypeColor?) : default color
parent ((FigureElement | null)?) : parent of collection
border ((TypeParsableBuffer | TypeParsableBorder | "children" | "rect")?) : defines border of collection. Use children to use the borders of the children. Use 'rect' for the bounding rectangle of the borders of the children. Use TypeParsableBuffer for the bounding rectangle of the borders of the children with some buffer. Use TypeParsableBorder for a custom border. ( 'children' )
touchBorder ((TypeParsableBuffer | TypeParsableBorder | "border" | "rect")?) : defines the touch border of the collection. Use 'border' to use the same as the border of the collection. Use children to use the touch borders of the children. Use 'rect' for the bounding rectangle of the touch borders of the children. Use TypeParsableBuffer for the bounding rectangle of the touch borders of the children with some buffer. Use TypeParsableBorder for a custom touch border. ( 'children' )
    name: 'c',
    make: 'collection',
    elements: [         // add two elements to the collection
        name: 'hex',
        make: 'polygon',
        sides: 6,
        radius: 0.5,
        name: 'text',
        make: 'text',
        text: 'hexagon',
        position: [0, -0.8],
        xAlign: 'center',
        font: { size: 0.3 },

// When a collection rotates, then so does all its elements
  .rotation({ target: Math.PI * 1.999, direction: 1, duration: 5 })
// Collections and primitives can also be created from `figure.collections`
// and `figure.primitives`.
const c = figure.collections.collection();
const hex = figure.primitives.polygon({
  sides: 6,
  radius: 0.5,
const text = figure.primitives.text({
  text: 'hexagon',
  position: [0, -0.8],
  xAlign: 'center',
  font: { size: 0.3 },
c.add('hex', hex);
c.add('text', text);
figure.add('c', c);

// When a collection rotates, then so does all its elements
  .rotation({ target: Math.PI * 1.999, direction: 1, duration: 5 })


FigureElementCollection representing a line.

This object defines a convient and powerful line FigureElementCollection that includes a solid or dashed line, arrows, a label annotation that can self align with line orientation, and some methods to make it convient to use dynamically.

See COL_Line for the options that can be used when creating the line.

The object contains a two additional animation steps. length animates changing the line length, and pulseWidth animates the pulseWidth method. The animation steps are available in the animation manager (FigureElement.animations), and in the animation builder ( and animations.builder).

Some of the useful methods included in an collections line are:

  • pulseWidth - pulses the line without changing its length
  • grow - starts and animation that executes a single length animation step
  • grow - overrides FigureElement.setMovable and allowing for more complex move options.

Extends FigureElementCollection

See OBJ_LengthAnimationStep for angle animation step options.

See OBJ_PulseWidthAnimationStep for pulse angle animation step options.

To test examples below, append them to the boilerplate.

// Pulse an annotated line
  name: 'l',
  make: 'collections.line',
  p1: [-1, 0],
  p2: [1, 0],
  arrow: 'triangle',
  label: {
    text: 'length',
    offset: 0.04,

figure.elements._l.pulseWidth({ duration: 2 });
// Animate growing a line while showing it's length
  name: 'l',
  make: 'collections.line',
  p1: [-1, 0],
  p2: [-0.5, 0],
  align: 'start',
  arrow: { end: { head: 'barb', scale: 2 } },
  label: {
    text: null,
    offset: 0.03,
    precision: 2,
    location: 'start'

const l = figure.elements._l;
  .length({ start: 0.5, target: 2, duration: 2 })
// Example showing dashed line with an equation label that stays horizontal
const l = figure.collections.line({
  p1: [0, 0],
  p2: [1.4, 0],
  align: 'start',
  label: {
    text: {                             // label text is an equation
      elements: {
        twopi: '2\u03C0',
      forms: {
        base: ['twopi', ' ', { frac: ['a', 'vinculum', 'b'] } ]
    offset: 0.03,
    orientation: 'horizontal',          // keep label horizontal
    location: 'top',                    // keep label on top of line
  dash: [0.08, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02],
figure.add('l', l);
l.setMovable({ type: 'centerTranslateEndRotation'})
Instance Members
setMove(movableOrOptions = {})
getAngle(units = 'rad')
setLength(length, align)
setEndPoints(p1, p2, offset)


CollectionsLine options object that extends OBJ_Collection options object (without parent).

The Collections Line is a convient and powerful line FigureElementCollection that includes the line, arrows, a label annotation and some methods to make it convient to use dynamically.

A line can either be defined by its two end points (p1, p2), or a point (p1), length and angle.

offset can be used to draw the line some offset away from the line definition where a positive offset is on the side of the line that the line rotates toward when rotating in the positive direction. This is especially useful for creating lines that show dimensions of shapes.

The line also has a control point which is positioned on the line with the align property. The control point is the line's center of rotation, and fixes the point from which the line changes length. This is also the point where the line collection position will be if getPosition is called on the element.

For instance, setting the control point at align: 'start' will mean that if the line can rotate, it will rotate around p1, and if the length is changed, then p1 will remain fixed while p2 changes.

width sets the width of the line. Setting the width to 0 will hide the line itself, but if arrows or a label are defined they will still be displayed.

Use the label property to define and position a label relative to the line. The label can be any string, equation or the actual length of the line and be oriented relative to the line or always be horizontal.

Use the arrow and dash properties to define arrows and the line style.

Pulsing this collection normally would pulse both the length and width of the line. If it often desirable to pulse a line without changing its length, and so this collection provides a method pulseWidth to allow this. This options object can define the default values for pulseWidth if desired.

Default pulse values can then be specified with the pulse property.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Collection

p1 (TypeParsablePoint?) : First point of line
p2 (TypeParsablePoint?) : Will override length / angle definition
angle (number?) : line angle
length (number?) : line length
offset (number?) : line offset
align (("start" | "end" | "center" | number)?) : rotation center of line (only needed if rotating line)
width (number?) : line width
label (OBJ_LineLabel?) : label annotation
arrow ((OBJ_LineArrows | TypeArrowHead)?) : line arrow(s)
dash (TypeDash?) : make the line dashed
pulseWidth (OBJ_PulseWidth?) : default options for pulseWidth pulse
pulse (OBJ_Pulse?) : default options for normal pulse
move (OBJ_LineMove?) : line move options


FigureElementCollection representing an angle.

This object defines a convient and powerful angle FigureElementCollection that includes one or more curve annotations, arrows, a label annotation that can self align and some methods to make it convient to use dynamically.

See COL_Angle for the options that can be used when creating the angle.

The object contains two additional animation steps angle and pulseAngle that animate a change in angle, and animate a pulsing of the angle respectively. The animation steps are available in the animation manager (FigureElement.animations), and in the animation builder ( and animations.builder).

Some of the useful methods included in an collections angle are:

Extends FigureElementCollection

See OBJ_AngleAnimationStep for angle animation step options.

See OBJ_PulseAngleAnimationStep for pulse angle animation step options.

To test examples below, append them to the boilerplate.

// Angle with size label
  name: 'a',
  make: 'collections.angle',
  angle: Math.PI / 4,
  label: null,
  curve: {
    radius: 0.5,
    width: 0.01,
  corner: {
    width: 0.01,
    length: 1,
// Right angle, created from figure.collections
const a = figure.collections.angle({
  angle: Math.PI / 2,
  curve: {
    autoRightAngle: true,
    width: 0.01,
  corner: {
    width: 0.01,
    length: 1,
figure.add('a', a);
// Multi colored angle with arrows and an equation label
  name: 'a',
  make: 'collections.angle',
  angle: Math.PI / 4 * 3,
  label: {
    text: {
      elements: {
        theta: { text: '\u03b8', color: [1, 0, 1, 1] },
      forms: {
        0: { frac: ['theta', 'vinculum', '2']},
    offset: 0.05,
    location: 'inside',
    color: [0, 0, 1, 1],
  curve: {
    radius: 0.5,
    width: 0.01,
  arrow: 'barb',
  corner: {
    width: 0.01,
    length: 1,
    color: [0, 0.5, 0, 1],
// Multiple curve angle, without corner
const a = figure.collections.angle({
  angle: Math.PI / 4,
  curve: {
    num: 3,
    step: -0.03,
    radius: 0.5,
    width: 0.01,
  label: {
    text: 'a',
    offset: 0.05,
figure.add('a', a);
// Change angle animation
  name: 'a',
  make: 'collections.angle',
  angle: Math.PI / 4,
  label: null,
  curve: {
    radius: 0.5,
    width: 0.01,
  corner: {
    width: 0.01,
    length: 1,
  .angle({ start: Math.PI / 4, target: Math.PI / 4 * 3, duration: 3 })
// Movable angle
  name: 'a',
  make: 'collections.angle',
  angle: Math.PI / 4 * 3,
  label: {
    text: null,
    location: 'outside',
    orientation: 'horizontal',
    offset: 0.1,
    update: true,
    sides: 200,
  curve: {
    radius: 0.3,
    fill: true,
  corner: {
    width: 0.02,
    length: 1,
    color: [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1],
  startArm: 'rotation',
  endArm: 'angle',
  movePadRadius: 0.3,
Instance Members
updateLabel(rotationOffset, forceShow)


CollectionsAngle options object that extends OBJ_Collection options object (without parent).

The Collections Angle is a convient and powerful angle FigureElementCollection that can draw one or several arcs of an angle annotation, a label, arrows, and the corner of an angle. It also includes some methods to make it convient to use dynamically.

There are two ways to define an angle. With a position, startAngle and angle, or with three points. The angle can then be annotated with a curve and a label on either side of the corner using the direction property.

The first way to define an angle is with position, startAngle and angle. position is the location of the vertex of the corner. Two lines join to make a corner, from which an angle annotation can be superimposed. The first line is defined with startAngle and the second line defined by angle relative to the first line. angle can either be positive or negative to define the second line.

The second way to define an angle is with three points p1, p2 and p3. p2 is the vertex position of the corner. Line21 is first line of the corner and Line23 is the second.

An angle can be annotated with a curve (or many multiple curves) and a label. direction defines which side of the corner the annotations will be drawn. direction can either be positive or negative (1 or -1).

A positive direction will place the annotations:

  • on the angle formed between startAngle and angle
  • OR the angle formed between Line21 and Line23 in the positive rotation direction

A negative direction will place the annotations on the other side of the corner.

A curve with multiple lines and/or arrows can be defined with curve.

A label that can be the real angle in degrees or radians, text or an equation can be defined with label.

The annotations will be placed at some radius from the corner vertex. offset can be used to draw the line some offset away from the line definition where a positive offset is on the side of the line that the line rotates toward when rotating in the positive direction.

Pulsing this collection normally would pulse the scale of everything. If it often desirable to pulse only parts of the angle in special ways. Therefore this collection provides a method pulseAngle to allow this. This options object can define the default values for pulseAngle if desired.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Collection

position (Point?) : position of the angle vertex
startAngle (number?) : rotation where the angle should start
angle (number?) : size of the angle
p1 (Point?) : alternate way to define startAngle with p2 and p3
p2 (Point?) : alternate way to define position of the angle vertex with p2 and p3
p3 (Point?) : alternate way to define size of angle with p2 and p3
direction ((1 | -1)?) : side of the corner the angle annotations reside
curve (OBJ_AngleCurve?) : options for a curve annotation
arrow (TypeAngleArrows?) : options for arrow annotations
corner (OBJ_AngleCorner?) : options for drawing a corner
label (TypeAngleLabelOptions?) : options for label annotations
pulseAngle (OBJ_PulseAngle?) : default pulseAngle options


FigureElementCollection representing a polyline.

This object defines a convient and powerful polyline FigureElementCollection that includes a solid or dashed, open or closed polyline, arrows, angle annotations for polyline corners, side annotations for straight lines between points and move pads at polyline points to dynamically adjust the polyline.

See COL_Polyline for the options that can be used when creating the line.

Available notifications:

Extends FigureElementCollection

To test examples below, append them to the boilerplate .
// Polyline with angle annotations
  name: 'p',
  make: 'collections.polyline',
  points: [[1, 0], [0, 0], [0.5, 1], [1.5, 1]],
  arrow: 'triangle',
  angle: {
    label: null,
    curve: {
      radius: 0.3,
// Triangle with unknown angle
  name: 'p',
  make: 'collections.polyline',
  points: [[1, 1], [1, 0], [0, 0]],
  close: true,
  side: {
    label: null,
  angle: {
    label: {
      text: '?',
      offset: 0.05,
    curve: {
      radius: 0.4,
    show: [1],
// Dimensioned square
  name: 'p',
  make: 'collections.polyline',
  points: [[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0], [0, 0]],
  close: true,
  side: {
    showLine: true,
    offset: 0.2,
    color: [0, 0, 1, 1],
    arrow: 'barb',
    width: 0.01,
    label: null,
    dash: [0.05, 0.02],
    0: { label: { text: 'a' } },    // Customize side 0
  angle: {
    curve: {
      autoRightAngle: true,
      radius: 0.3,
// User adjustable polyline
  name: 'p',
  make: 'collections.polyline',
  points: [[-0.5, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0], [1, -0.5]],
  dash: [0.05, 0.02],
  pad: {
    radius: 0.2,
    color: [1, 0, 0, 0.5],    // make alpha 0 to hide pad
    isMovable: true,
// Annotations that automatically updates as user changes triangle
  name: 'p',
  make: 'collections.polyline',
  points: [[-1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]],
  close: true,
  makeValid: {
    shape: 'triangle',
    hide: {
      minAngle: Math.PI / 8,
  side: {
    showLine: true,
    offset: 0.2,
    color: [0.3, 0.6, 1, 1],
    arrow: 'barb',
    width: 0.01,
    label: {
      text: null,
  angle: {
    label: null,
    curve: { radius: 0.25 },
  pad: {
    radius: 0.4,
    color: [1, 0, 0, 0.005],
    isMovable: true,
Instance Members
updatePoints(newPointsIn, doNotPublishUpdatePoints)
setPositionWithoutMoving(newPositionPointOrX, newPositionY)
setScaleWithoutMoving(newScalePointOrX, newScaleY)


CollectionsPolyline options object that extends OBJ_Polyline and OBJ_Collection options object (without parent).

The Collections Polyline is a convient and powerful polyline FigureElementCollection that includes the polyline, angle annotations, side label and arrow annotations, and movable pads on each polyline point for the user to adjust dynamically.

The polyline itself is defined with an OBJ_Polyline options Object.

Angle and side annotations can be defined as COL_Angle and COL_Line, and movable pads defined with (OBJ_Polygon & OBJ_PolylinePad).

Angles, sides and pads can all be defined either as an options object or an array of options objects. If an array, then each element in the array will correspond with a pad on the polyline. If there are less elements in the array than pads on the polyline, then the elements will recycle from the start.

Using object definitions allows for a definition of all angles, sides and pads. To customize for specific side, angle or pad indexes use = OBJ_PolylineCustomization.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Polyline, OBJ_Collection

showLine (boolean?) : false will hide the polyline's line ( true )
angle ((OBJ_PolylineAngle | Array<COL_Angle>)?) : angle annotations - leave undefined for no angle annotations
side ((OBJ_PolylineSide | Array<COL_Line>)?) : side annotations - leave undefined for no side annotations
pad ((OBJ_PolylinePad | Array<OBJ_PolylinePadSingle>)?) : move pad - leave undefined for no move pads
makeValid ((null | OBJ_ValidShape)?) : if defined, whenever points are updated the shape will be checked to ensure consistency with displayed labels of angles and sides.
font (OBJ_Font?) : default font to use for labels


FigureElementCollection representing a rectangle.

This object defines a rectangle FigureElementCollection that may include:

  • border (line)
  • fill
  • label
  • ability to surround another FigureElement with some space
  • button behavior when clicked

Surrounding another element can be executed through either the surround method or the OBJ_SurroundAnimationStep found in the in the animation manager (FigureElement.animations), and in the animation builder ( and animations.builder).

Button behavior means the button will temporarily change a different color when it is clicked. By default, the button will become a little more transparent, but colors for the fill, label and border can also be specified.

Extends FigureElementCollection

See COL_Rectangle for setup options.

See OBJ_SurroundAnimationStep for surround animation step options.

To test examples below, append them to the boilerplate.

// Simple rectangle
  name: 'rect',
  make: 'collections.rectangle',
  width: 2,
  height: 1,
// Round corner rectangle with fill and outside line
const rect = figure.collections.rectangle({
  width: 2,
  height: 1,
  line: {
    width: 0.02,
    widthIs: 'outside',
    dash: [0.1, 0.02],
  corner: {
    radius: 0.2,
    sides: 10,
  fill: [0.7, 0.7, 1, 1],
figure.add('rect', rect);
// Rectangle surrounds elements of an equation
    name: 'rect',
    make: 'collections.rectangle',
    color: [0.3, 0.3, 1, 1],
    line: { width: 0.01 },
    name: 'eqn',
    make: 'equation',
    forms: { 0: [{ frac: ['a', 'vinculum', 'b'] }, ' ', 'c'] },
    position: [1, 0],
    scale: 1.5,

const rect = figure.getElement('rect');
const eqn = figure.getElement('eqn');

rect.surround(eqn._a, 0.03);
  .pulse({ delay: 1, scale: 1.5 })
  .surround({ target: eqn._b, space: 0.03, duration: 1 })
  .pulse({ delay: 1, scale: 1.5 })
  .surround({ target: eqn._c, space: 0.03, duration: 1 })
  .pulse({ delay: 1, scale: 1.5 })
// Make a rectangle that behaves like a button
    name: 'rect',
    make: 'collections.rectangle',
    width: 0.5,
    height: 0.3,
    color: [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1],
    label: 'Save',
    corner: { radius: 0.05, sides: 10 },
    fill: [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1],
    button: {
      fill: [0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1],
    mods: {
      isTouchable: true,
      onClick: () => console.log('clicked'),
Instance Members
surround(element, space, isInLocalSpace)


CollectionsRectangle options object that extends OBJ_Collection options object (without parent).

This rectangle is similar to OBJ_Rectangle, except it can accomodate both a fill and a border or line simultaneously with different colors.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Collection

width (number?) : rectangle width
height (number?) : rectangle height
xAlign (("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?) : horiztonal alignment of the rectangle
yAlign (("bottom" | "middle" | "top" | number)?) : vertical alignment of the rectangle
line (OBJ_LineStyleSimple?) : lines style - leave empty if only want fill
fill ((TypeColor | OBJ_Texture)?) : fill color or texture
corner (OBJ_CurvedCorner?) : corner style of rectangle
label (OBJ_TextLines?) : Rectangle label
button ((boolean | TypeColor | OBJ_ButtonColor)?) : true to make the rectangle behave like a button when clicked. TypeColor to make fill, line and label the same color when clicked or OBJ_ButtonColor to specify click colors for each ( false )


FigureElementCollection representing a button.

A button can be simple, or it can change state with each press.

Notifications - The notification manager property notifications will publish the following events:

  • touch: button is pressed - the current state index is passed to the subscriber

See COL_Button for setup options.

To test examples below, append them to the boilerplate

Extends FigureElementCollection

// Simple button
  make: 'collections.button',
  label: 'Start',
// Borderless button
  make: 'collections.button',
  label: 'Start',
  colorFill: [0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1],
  line: null,
// Button that changes state and has a touch buffer of 0.1 around it
const button = figure.add({
  make: 'collections.button',
  states: ['Slow', 'Medium', 'Fast'],
  width: 0.7,
  height: 0.3,
  touchBorder: 0.1,

button.notifications.add('touch', (index) => {
Instance Members


CollectionsButton options object that extends OBJ_Collection options object (without parent).

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Collection

width (number?) : button width
height (number?) : button height
corner (OBJ_CurvedCorner?) : button corner
line ((null | OBJ_LineStyleSimple)?) : button outline - use null to remove the default line
label (OBJ_ButtonLabel?) : button label
colorLine (TypeColor?)
colorFill (TypeColor?)
colorLabel (TypeColor?)
states (Array<(OBJ_ButtonState | string)>?)


FigureElementCollection representing a toggle switch.

The toggle switch can be turned on or off.

Notifications - The notification manager property notifications will publish the following events:

  • toggle: switch is changed - true will be passed if the switch is changed to on, and false will be passed if the switch is changed to off
  • on: switch is changed to on
  • off: switch is changed to off

See COL_Toggle for setup options.

To test examples below, append them to the boilerplate

Extends FigureElementCollection

// Simple toggle switch with notification causing a console statement
const toggle = figure.add({
  make: 'collections.toggle',
  label: {
    text: 'Control',
    location: 'bottom',
    scale: 0.6,

toggle.notifications.add('toggle', (state) => {
  state ? console.log('on') : console.log('off');
Instance Members
on(notify, null)
off(notify, null)


CollectionsToggle options object that extends OBJ_Collection options object (without parent).

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Collection

width (number?) : toggle width
height (number?) : toggle height
barHeight (number?) : height of toggle bar showing on or off
sides (number?) : number of sides in curves ( 20 )
theme (("dark" | "light")?) : selects default colors for a light or dark switch ( dark )
colorOff (TypeColor?) : toggle off color
colorOn (TypeColor?) : toggle on color ( [0, 1, 0, 1] )
circleBorder (OBJ_ToggleBorder?) : border around circle (defaults to on where width is half the figure's default line width)
barBorder (OBJ_ToggleBorder?) : border around bar (defaults to off - width = 0)
label (OBJ_ToggleLabel?)


FigureElementCollection representing a slider control.

Notifications - The notification manager property notifications will publish the following events:

  • changed: slider value is changed - slider position in percent is passed as parameter to callback.

See COL_Slider for setup options.

To test examples below, append them to the boilerplate

Extends FigureElementCollection

// Simple slider with notification causing a console statement
const slider = figure.add({
  make: 'collections.slider',
  barHeight: 0.02,
  height: 0.1,
  width: 1,
  color: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1],
  touchBorder: 0.2,

slider.notifications.add('changed', (position) => {
// Slider without a marker and red fill for on
  make: 'collections.slider',
  barHeight: 0.1,
  colorOn: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  width: 1,
  touchBorder: 0.2,
  marker: 'none',
// Slider with rectangle marker and multi-colors
const slider = figure.add({
  make: 'collections.slider',
  barHeight: 0.02,
  height: 0.1,
  width: 1,
  marker: 'rectangle',
  colorOff: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  colorOn: [0, 0.8, 0, 1],
  color: [0, 0, 0, 1],
Instance Members
setValue(percentage, notify)


CollectionsSlider options object that extends OBJ_Collection options object (without parent).

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Collection

width (number?) : slider width
height (number?) : slider height
barHeight (number?) : height of slider bar bar
sides (number?) : number of sides in curves ( 20 )
marker ((OBJ_SliderMarker | "polygon" | "rectangle" | "none")?) : marker style ( 'polygon' )
theme (("dark" | "light")?) : selects default colors for a light or dark switch ( dark )
colorOff (TypeColor?) : slider off color (bar color from slider value to 1)
colorOn (TypeColor?) : slider on color (bar color from 0 to slider value ( [0, 1, 0, 1] )
markerBorder (OBJ_SliderBorder?) : border around circle (defaults to on where width is half the figure's default line width)
barBorder (OBJ_SliderBorder?) : border around bar (defaults to off - width = 0)


FigureElementCollection representing an Axis.

This object defines an axis with an axis line, tick marks, labels, grid lines and a title.

See COL_Axis for the options that can be used when creating the axis.

An axis is drawn to a length. It will have values along its length from start to stop. Ticks, grid lines and labels are all drawn at axis value positions. All other dimensions, such as line lengths, widths, positions, spaces and offsets are defined in draw space, or in the same space as the length of the axis.

The object contains additional methods that convert between axis values and draw space positions, as well as a convenience method to report if a value is within an axis.

To test examples below, append them to the boilerplate.

For more examples of axis labels and axis ticks, see OBJ_AxisLabels and OBJ_AxisTicks.

Extends FigureElementCollection

COL_Axis for parameter descriptions
// By default an axis is an 'x' axis
  make: 'collections.axis',
// An axis can also be created and then added to a figure
// An axis can have specific start and stop values
// An axis can be a y axis
const axis = figure.collections.axis({
  axis: 'y',
  start: -10,
  stop: 10,
  step: 5,
figure.add('axis', axis);
// An axis can have multiple sets of ticks and a title
  make: 'collections.axis',
  step: [0.2, 0.05],
  ticks: [
    { length: 0.04, location: 'bottom' },
  title: 'time (s)',
// An axis line and ticks can be customized to be dashed
// and have arrows
  make: 'collections.axis',
  length: 2.5,
  start: -100,
  stop: 100,
  step: 25,
  line: {
    dash: [0.01, 0.01],
    arrow: 'barb',
  ticks: { dash: [0.01, 0.01] },
  title: {
    font: { style: 'italic', family: 'Times New Roman' },
    text: 'x',
    location: 'right',
// An axis can have grid lines extend from it, and
// multi-line, formatted titles
  make: 'collections.axis',
  stop: 2,
  step: [0.5, 0.1],
  grid: [
    { length: 1, color: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1] },
    { length: 1, dash: [0.01, 0.01], color: [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1] },
  title: {
    font: { color: [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1] },
    text: [
      'Total Time',
        text: 'in seconds',
        font: { size: 0.1 },
        lineSpace: 0.12,
Instance Members
pan(toValue, atDraw)
zoom(value, drawPosition, mag)
zoomValue(value, mag)
zoomDelta(value, magDelta)
inAxis(value, precision)


CollectionsAxis options object that extends OBJ_Collection options object (without parent).

A zoom axis can be used to create a number line, used as an axis in COL_Plot and/or used to plot a COL_Trace against.

An axis is a line that may have

  • tick marks
  • labels
  • grid lines
  • a title

An axis is drawn to a length. It will have values along its length from start to stop. Ticks, grid lines and labels are all drawn at axis value positions. All other dimensions, such as line lengths, widths, positions, spaces and offsets are defined in draw space, or in the same space as the length of the axis.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Collection

axis (("x" | "y")?) : 'x' axes are horizontal, 'y' axes are vertical ( 'x' )
length (number?) : length of the axis in draw space
line ((OBJ_AxisLineStyle | boolean)?) : line style of the axis - false will draw no line. By default, a solid line will be drawn if not defined.
start (number?) : start value of axis ( 0 )
stop (number?) : stop value of axis. stop must be larger than start ( start + 1 )
ticks ((OBJ_AxisTicks | Array<OBJ_AxisTicks> | boolean)?) : tick options. Use an Array to setup multiple sets/styles of ticks. Use a boolean value to turn ticks on or off. Use a TypeTickLocation to only set tick location property ( false )
grid ((OBJ_AxisTicks | Array<OBJ_AxisTicks> | boolean)?) : grid options. Use an array for multiple sets of grids, and use a boolean to turn grids on and off ( false )
title ((OBJ_AxisTitle | string)?) : axis title
font (OBJ_Font?) : default font of axis (used by title and labels)
show (boolean?) : false hides the axis. Two axes are needed to plot an CollectionsTrace on a CollectionsPlot , but if either or both axes aren't to be drawn, then use false to hide each axis ( true )
auto ([number, number]?) : Will select automatic values for start , stop , and step that cover the range [min, max]
autoStep ((boolean | "decimal")?) : If true then start, stop and step tick, grid and label values will be automatically calculated such that they land on 0 and either double/half the original step ( true ) or ensure the steps land on factors of 10 ( 'decimal' ). This needs to be not false if panning or zooming. If false , then the tick, grid and label values will be from the start , stop and step properties. ( false )
min ((number | null)) : minimum value axis can be zoomed or panned to where null no limit ( null )
max ((number | null)) : maximum value axis can be zoomed or panned to where null no limit ( null )
position (TypeParsablePoint?) : axis position ( [0, 0] )
values (Array<number>?) : custom values for labels, ticks and grid. Only works for one level of ticks and grid, and doesn't not accomodate zooming or panning.


FigureElementCollection representing a plot including axes, traces, labels and titles.

This object provides convient and customizable plot functionality.

At its simplist, just the points of the trace to be plotted need to be passed in to get a plot with automatically generated axes, tick marks, labels and grid lines.

Additional options can be used to finely customize each of these, as well as add and customize plot and axis titles, a legend, and a frame around the entire plot.

Plots can also be interactive, with both zoom and pan functionality from mouse, mouse wheel, touch and pinch gestures.

Extends FigureElementCollection

See COL_Axis , OBJ_AxisLabels , OBJ_AxisTicks , COL_Trace and COL_PlotLegend for more examples of customizing specific parts of the plot.

To test examples below, append them to the boilerplate.

All examples below also use this power function to generate the traces:

const pow = (pow = 2, start = 0, stop = 10, step = 0.05) => {
  const xValues = Fig.range(start, stop, step);
  return => new Fig.Point(x, x ** pow));
// Plot of single trace with auto axis scaling
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: pow(),
// Multiple traces with a legend
// Some traces are customized beyond the default color to include dashes and
// markers
  make: 'collections.plot',
  width: 2,                                    // Plot width in figure
  height: 2,                                   // Plot height in figure
  y: { start: 0, stop: 50 },                   // Customize y axis limits
  trace: [
    { points: pow(1.5), name: 'Power 1.5' },   // Trace names are for legend
    {                                          // Trace with only markers
      points: pow(2, 0, 10, 0.5),
      name: 'Power 2',
      markers: { sides: 4, radius: 0.03 },
    {                                          // Trace with markers and
      points: pow(3, 0, 10, 0.5),              // dashed line
      name: 'Power 3',
      markers: { radius: 0.03, sides: 10, line: { width: 0.005 } },
      line: { dash: [0.04, 0.01] },
  legend: true,
// Multiple grids and simple titles
  make: 'collections.plot',
  y: {
    start: -50,
    stop: 50,
    step: [25, 5],
    grid: [
      { width: 0.005, dash: [0.01, 0.01], color: [1, 0.7, 0.7, 1] },
    title: 'velocity (m/s)',
  x: {
    start: -5,
    stop: 5,
    step: [2.5, 0.5, 0.1],
    grid: [
      { width: 0.005, dash: [0.01, 0.01], color: [1, 0.7, 0.7, 1] },
    title: 'time (s)',
  trace: pow(3, -10, 10),
  title: 'Velocity over Time',
// Hide axes
// Use plot frame and plot area
// Title has a subtitle
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: pow(3),
  x: { show: false },
  y: { show: false },
  plotArea: [0.93, 0.93, 0.93, 1],
  frame: {
    line: { width: 0.005, color: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1] },
    corner: { radius: 0.1, sides: 10 },
    space: 0.15,
  title: {
    text: [
      'Velocity over Time',
      { text: 'For object A', lineSpace: 0.13, font: { size: 0.08 } },
    offset: [0, 0],
// Secondary y axis
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: pow(2),
  y: {
    title: {
      text: 'velocity (m/s)',
      rotation: 0,
      xAlign: 'right',
  x: { title: 'time (s)' },
  axes: [
      axis: 'y',
      start: 0,
      stop: 900,
      step: 300,
      color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
      location: 'right',
      title: {
        offset: [0.6, 0.1],
        text: 'displacment (m)',
        rotation: 0,
  position: [-1, -1],
// Cartesian axes crossing at the zero point
// Automatic layout doesn't support this, but axes, ticks, labels and titles
// can all be customized to create it.
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: pow(3, -10, 10),
  font: { size: 0.1 },
  styleTheme: 'numberLine',
  x: {
    title: {
      text: 'x',
      font: { style: 'italic', family: 'Times New Roman', size: 0.15 },
  y: {
    step: 500,
    title: {
      text: 'y',
      font: { style: 'italic', family: 'Times New Roman', size: 0.15 },
  grid: false,
// Zoomable and Pannable plot

// Create the points for the plot
const points = Array(3000).fill(0).map(() => {
  const x = Math.random() * 8 - 4;
  const y = Math.random() / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * Math.exp(-0.5 * x ** 2);
  return [x, y];

// Make a zoomable and pannable plot
const plot = figure.add({
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: { points, markers: { sides: 6, radius: 0.01 } },
  zoom: { axis: 'xy', min: 0.5, max: 16 },
  pan: true,

// Initialize by zooming in by a magnification factor of 10
plot.zoomValue([1.8333, 0.06672], 10);
Instance Members
pointToDraw(point, xAxisName, yAxisName)
drawToPoint(drawSpacePoint, xAxisName, yAxisName)
setElementTo(element, point)


CollectionsPlot options object that extends OBJ_Collection options object (without parent).

A plot is a collection of axes and traces, and may include a title, legend and bounding frame.

Use width, height and position to define the size of the plot area (area where the traces are drawn) and where it is in the figure.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Collection

width (number?) : width of the plot area
height (number?) : height of the plot area
x ((OBJ_PlotAxis | boolean)?) : customize the x axis, or use false to hide it
y ((OBJ_PlotAxis | boolean)?) : customize the y axis, or use false to hide it
axes (Array<OBJ_PlotAxis>?) : add axes additional to x and y
grid (boolean?) : turn on and off the grid - use the grid options in x axis, y axis or axes for finer customization
title ((OBJ_PlotTitle | string)?) : plot title can be simply a string or fully customized with OBJ_PlotTitle
trace ((Array<(COL_Trace | TypeParsablePoint)> | COL_Trace | Array<TypeParsablePoint>)?) : Use array if plotting more than one trace. Use COL_Trace to customize the trace.
legend ((COL_PlotLegend | boolean)?) : true to turn the legend on, or use COL_PlotLegend to customize it's location and layout
frame ((boolean | TypeColor | OBJ_PlotFrame)?) : frame around the plot can be turned on with true , can be a simple color fill using Array<number> as a color, or can be fully customized with OBJ_PlotFrame
plotArea ((TypeColor | COL_Rectangle)?) : plot area can be a color fill with TypeColor as a color, or be fully customized with COL_Rectangle
font (OBJ_Font?) : Default font for plot (title, axes, labels, etc.)
color (TypeColor?) : Default color
position (TypeParsablePoint?) : Position of the plot
zoom ((OBJ_PlotZoomOptions | "x" | "y" | "xy")?) : options for interactive zooming
pan ((OBJ_PlotPanOptions | "x" | "y" | "xy")?) : options for interactive panning
cross (TypeParsablePoint?) : value where the default x and y axes should cross. If defined, each axis.position will be overridden. If the cross point is outside of the plot area, then the axes will be drawn on the border of the plot area. ( undefined )
plotAreaLabels ((boolean | OBJ_PlotAreaLabelBuffer)?) : if true then axes with a cross point will be drawn such that the labels stay within the plot area. So, if the labels are on the left side of a y axis, and the cross point is out of the plot area to the left, then instead of the axis being drawn on the left edge of the plot area, it will be drawn within the plot area such that its labels are within the plot area ( false ).
autoGrid (boolean?) : if true sets the grid for an axes to expand accross the entire plot area. Set to false if only a partial length grid is needed ( true )
styleTheme (("box" | "numberLine" | "positiveNumberLine")?) : defines default values for tick, label, axis locations and cross points. ( 'box' )
colorTheme (("light" | "dark")?) : defines defaul colors. 'dark' theme is better on light backgrounds while ' light' theme is better on dark backgrounds ( 'dark' )
gestureArea (OBJ_GestureArea?) : the gesture area is the plot area by default. Use this property to extend the gesture area beyond the plot area. This is useful for the user to zoom in on areas on the edge of the plot area.

3D Shape Collections


FigureElementCollection representing x, y, z axes.

This object creates an x, y, and z axes.

The axes can be created uniformly, or customized individually.

See COL_Axis3 for setup options.

To test examples below, append them to the boilerplate

Extends FigureElementCollection

// Create positive x, y, and z axes
    make: 'collections.axis3',
    arrow: true,
    length: 0.5,
// Create full x, y, and z axes with arrows
    make: 'collections.axis3',
    arrow: { ends: 'all' },
    start: -0.5,
    length: 1,
// Customize each axis
    make: 'collections.axis3',
    arrow: [{ ends: 'end' }, false, { ends: 'all', width: 0.02 }],
    width: 0.02,
    start: [0, 0, -0.5],
    length: [0.5, 0.5, 1],
// Lines axes all the same color
    make: 'collections.axis3',
    arrow: { ends: 'all' },
    start: -0.5,
    length: 1,
    lines: true,
    color: [1, 0, 0, 1],


CollectionsAxis3 options object that extends OBJ_Collection options object (without parent).

Each option can either be singular and applied to all axes, or in a 3 element tuple where the first, second and third elements apply to the x, y, and z axes respectively.

To not create an axis, use a width of exactly 0.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Collection

width ((number | [number, number, number])?) : width of axis
start ((number | [number, number, number])?) : start value of axis ( 0 )
length ((number | [number, number, number])?) : length of axis
sides ((number | [number, number, number])?) : number of sides in cross section of axis ( 10 )
lines ((number | [number, number, number])?) : true if to draw as lines instead of a solid ( false )
color ((TypeColor | [TypeColor, TypeColor, TypeColor])?) : axes color - default is x: red, y: green, z: blue.



Figure elements can be made touchable (or clickable with a mouse).

To set an element as touchable, use the touch property during its definition or the FigureElement.setTouchable() method on the element after its creation.

The following three examples all set an element to be touchable, and trigger a console statement when touched.

// Use a notification to handle a touch event
const hex = figure.add({
  make: 'polygon',
  sides: 6,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  touch: true,
hex.notifications.add('onClick', () => console.log('Touched!'));
// Create a touchable element
  make: 'polygon',
  sides: 6,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  // simply including the `touch` property will make the element touchable
  touch: {
    onClick: () => console.log('Touched!'),
// Set an element to be touchable after creation
const hex = figure.add({
  make: 'polygon',
  sides: 6,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
hex.setTouchable({ onClick: () => console.log('Touched!')});

Sometimes touching small elements can be challenging with a finger. Therefore it is useful to set how much of the area around an element can also trigger a touch event. To do so, borders and touch borders of elements can be defined.


Two Dimensions

Two dimensional shapes can have borders and touch borders to determine when shapes overlap, or when a touch event is on a shape.

Each FigureElementPrimitive has drawBorder and drawBorderBuffer properties. The drawBorder is typically a border (convex hull) around all the vertices that make up the shape. The drawBorderBuffer is usually equal to or larger than the drawBorder and often follows the contours of the border but with some additional buffer. Built-in shapes will generate these automatically, but they can also be be fully customized with a TypeParsableBorder by the user.

drawBorder and drawBorderBuffer are then used to calculate the border and touchBorder of a shape. The border can be used for determining the shape's visual edge, and therefore any collision it has with other shapes or the figure's edge. The touchBorder is used to determine when a touch event is on the shape.

The border and touch borders can be defined with either the drawBorder or drawBorderBuffer directly, as a rectangle with or without some buffer around these properties, or as a fully customized TypeParsableBorder.

The documentation in OBJ_Generic has the specifics on how to define borders and touch borders for FigureElementPrimitives. Similarly the documentation for @{OBJ_Collection} details the same for FigureElementCollections.

The border for a FigureElement can be retrieved with FigureElementPrimitive.getBorder() and FigureElementCollection.getBorder()

When debugging, the borders and touchBorders of all shapes can be shown with Figure.showBorders() and Figure.showTouchBorders().

Borders and touch borders can be created during an object's creation:

const figure = new Fig.Figure();
    make: 'polygon',
    sides: 8,
    radius: 0.2,
    // create a touch border that is a rectangle around the border
    // with a buffer of 0.1 on the left and right, and 0.3 on bottom
    // and top
    touchBorder: [0.1, 0.3],
    touch: true,
    color: [1, 0, 0, 1],

Three Dimensions

In two dimensions, polygon borders are used to define where a figure element can be touched. This is useful in examples such as equations, where equation elements are touchable, but spaced different to each other, so maximizing touch locations between elements means having touch borders that have different buffers on each side of the element.

In three dimensions, defining volumes in which to select becomes challenging, both to define the volumes and to decide which volume was selected in a quick time on lower end client devices.

Therefore, selection of 3D objects is performed in FigureOne by:

  • Rendering each touchable element into a temporary texture
  • Each element is rendered with a unique color
  • The temporary texture pixels are mapped to the screen pixels and the corresponding touched pixel found
  • The color of the pixel touched is mapped to the figure element with that color

This method is commonly used, performant, simple (as complex touch volumes don't need to be defined), and will automatically handle depth - elements in front of other elements relative to the camera will be selected.

When a larger touch border is required for a 3D element, use the touchScale property to scale the element in the temporary texture.

When debugging, the Figure.showTouchable() method can be used to render the temporary texture being used to determine what is touched to the screen.

const figure = new Fig.Figure({ scene: { style: 'orthographic' } });

  make: 'cube',
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  touch: true,
  touchScale: 1.5,

Move Interactivity

Once an element is touched, it can be moved.

To make an element movable, use the move property during its definition or use the FigureElement.setMove() on an instantiated element.

const figure = new Fig.Figure();
    make: 'polygon',
    sides: 8,
    radius: 0.2,
    move: true,
    color: [1, 0, 0, 1],

By default, element movement will be translation. OBJ_ElementMove options can be used to make movement a rotation or scaling and add bounds to movement.

Moving Freely

When an element is being moved and is released it can either immediately stop, or continue on with its current velocity and some deceleration (move freely).

By default, elements will move freely after they are released (if they were released during movement). The options for if and how they move freely are set within the OBJ_ElementMove options object.

This example makes the free movement deceleration small (so free movement is pronounced), and only allows movement within rectangular bounds.

const figure = new Fig.Figure()
    make: 'polygon',
    sides: 8,
    radius: 0.2,
    move: {
      freely: {
        deceleration: 0.01,
      bounds: { left: -0.8, bottom: -0.8, right: 0.8, top: 0.8 },
    color: [1, 0, 0, 1],


Often it is desirable to change the state of other elements when an element is moved. Use the FigureElement's NotificationManager to get notifications when an element has moved. Useful notifications are:

  • beforeMove - sent before the element transform has been updated with a move event
  • beforeMovingFreely - sent before the element transform has been updated with a move freely frame
  • setTransform - sent after the element transform has been updated
Three Dimensions

In three dimensions a choice needs to be made about how a mouse of finger movement on a 2D screen translates to a movement in 3D space.

The default way to do this in FigureOne is to use a movement plane (element.move.plane). FigureOne will automatically project a movement on the screen onto this plane and move the element accordingly.

For example, to create a cube that can be translated in the YZ plane:

For the following examples, use 3D boiler plate.

// Add a grid in the YZ plane
    make: 'grid',
    bounds: [-0.8, -0.8, 1.6, 1.6],
    xStep: 0.05,
    yStep: 0.05,
    line: { width: 0.002 },
    color: [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1],
    // By default, the grid is created in the XY plane
    // To rotate it to the XZ plane rotate π/2 around the y axis
    transform: ['r', Math.PI / 2, 0, 1, 0],

// Add a red cube movable in the XZ plane
  make: 'cube',
  side: 0.3,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  move: {
    plane: [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]],

Camera Interactivity

In 3D figures, it is often useful to allow a user to change the scene manually using gestures. This can be achieved by changing the scene with setCamera to change the camera location and setProjection to change the expanse of visible space.

FigureOne also provides a built-in FigureElementPrimitive cameraControl (see OBJ_CameraControl) which defines a transparent rectangle in which the user can swipe horizontally to rotate a scene around a vertical axis, and swipe vertically to change the elevation of the camera relative to the vertical axis.

    make: 'cube',
    side: 0.5,
    color: [0, 1, 1, 1],
    transform: ['r', 0, 1, 0, 0],
    make: 'cameraControl',


Figure element move parameters

Type: {type: ("rotation" | "translation" | "position" | "scale" | "scaleX" | "scaleY" | "scaleZ")?, bounds: TypeParsableBounds?, plane: Plane?, maxVelocity: (number | TypeParsablePoint)?, freely: (OBJ_ElementMoveFreely | false)?, element: (FigureElement | null | string)?}

bounds (TypeParsableBounds) : rectangle to limit movement within
plane (Plane) : movement plane
maxVelocity (TypeTransformValue) : maximum velocity allowed (5)
freely (OBJ_ElementMoveFreely) : free movement parameters - use false for disabling free movement after touch up
element ((FigureElement | null | string))
type (("rotation" | "translation" | "position" | "scale" | "scaleX" | "scaleY" | "scaleZ")?)


Figure element move freely parameters

If a figure element is released from moving with some velocity then these parameters will define how it continues to move freely

Type: {zeroVelocityThreshold: number, deceleration: number, bounceLoss: number, callback: (string | function (boolean): void)?}

zeroVelocityThreshold (TypeTransformValue) : used to overcome limitations of floating point numbers not reaching 0
deceleration (TypeTransformValue) : amount to decelerate in local space units per second squared
bounceLoss (TypeTransformValue) : 0.5 results in 50% velocity loss if bouncing of boundary
callback ((string | function (boolean): void)?)


Camera control definition object that extends and OBJ_FigurePrimitive

A camera control is a transparent rectangle that uses touch and drag gestures to rotate the position of the camera in a 3D scene around a vertical axis.

The vertical axis will always remain vertical. Left/right movements will rotate the scene around the vertical axis (in the azimuth of the vertical axis), while up/down movements will change the elevation relative to the vertical axis.

The transparent rectangle will be positioned relative to the 2D HTML canvas the figure is drawn in on the screen. The left, bottom, width and height properties are numbers from 0 to 1 which represent percentage of the screen width and height.

Thus for the rectangle to cover the entire screen, values of left: 0, bottom: 0, width: 1 and height: 1 would be used (these are the default values as well).

By default, the figure's Scene camera position is modified. If an element's custom scene is to be controlled, use the scene property to link to it.

How fast the camera is rotated in the aziumuth and elevation is controlled by the sensitivity, xSensitivity and ySensitivity properties. A higher sensitivity value will result in more rotation for the same user movement. If only azimuthal or elevation rotation is desired set ySensitivity or xSensitivity to 0 respectively.

Type: any

left (number?) : screen left position to place the control rectangle. 0 is the left edge, while 1 is the right edge ( 0 ).
bottom (number?) : screen bottom position to place the control rectangle. 0 is the bottom edge, while 1 is the top edge ( 0 ).
width (number?) : width of control rectangle. 1 is the full width of the drawing canvas ( 1 ).
height (number?) : height of control rectangle. 1 is the full height of the drawing canvas ( 1 ).
axis (TypeParsablePoint?) : Axis to keep vertical as camera is rotated. The axis vector and vector should be in the same plane ( [0, 1, 0] )
controlScene ((Scene | string)?) : Use this to control a scene that is not the default Figure scene.
sensitivity (number?) : sensitivity of camera position relative to user movement where larger numbers result in more rotation for the same movement ( 5 )
xSensitivity (number?) : sensitivity to a horizontal user movement. Setting this to 0 will mean the scene doesn't not rotate aziumthally ( 1 )
ySensitivity (number?) : sensitivity to a vertical user movement. Setting this to 0 will mean the elevation does not change ( 1 )
back (boolean?) : if true then all 2D and 3D objects that can be touched will be touched before the camera control, regardless of where it is on the drawing stack. This should be used everytime 3D objects need priority over the camera control ( true )
// Add a camera control that will cover the whole screen

    make: 'cylinder',
    radius: 0.01,
    color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
    line: [[-1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]],
    make: 'cylinder',
    radius: 0.01,
    color: [0, 1, 0, 1],
    line: [[0, -1, 0], [0, 1, 0]],
    make: 'cylinder',
    radius: 0.01,
    color: [0, 0, 1, 1],
    line: [[0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 1]],
    make: 'grid',
    bounds: [-0.8, -0.8, 1.6, 1.6],
    xStep: 0.05,
    yStep: 0.05,
    line: { width: 0.002 },
    color: [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1],
    transform: ['r', Math.PI / 2, 1, 0, 0],

// Add camera control
  make: 'cameraControl',
// Add a thin bar at the bottom of the figure that rotates the scene in the
// azimuth only

    make: 'cylinder',
    radius: 0.01,
    color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
    line: [[-1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]],
    make: 'cylinder',
    radius: 0.01,
    color: [0, 1, 0, 1],
    line: [[0, -1, 0], [0, 1, 0]],
    make: 'cylinder',
    radius: 0.01,
    color: [0, 0, 1, 1],
    line: [[0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 1]],
    make: 'grid',
    bounds: [-0.8, -0.8, 1.6, 1.6],
    xStep: 0.05,
    yStep: 0.05,
    line: { width: 0.002 },
    color: [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1],
    transform: ['r', Math.PI / 2, 1, 0, 0],

// Add a moveable cube
  make: 'cube',
  side: 0.3,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  center: [0.3, 0, 0],
  move: {
    plane: [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]],

// Add camera control bar at the bottom of the screen that only allows
// rotation in the azimuth. As the camera control bar does not overlap the
// cube, then both the cube can moved, and the scene rotated with the bar.
  make: 'cameraControl',
  color: [0, 0, 0, 0.2],
  ySensitivity: 0,
  height: 0.1,


Type: any

Extends OBJ_Generic

zoom ((OBJ_ZoomOptions | boolean)?) : zoom options - if not false then zoom will be enabled ( false )
pan ((OBJ_PanOptions | boolean)?) : pan options - if not false then pan will be enabled ( false )
onlyWhenTouched (boolean?) : (mouse wheel zoom/pan and pinch zoom) only notify when element gesture rectangle is being touched ( true )
back (boolean?) : if true 3D shape interactivity will be prioritized ( true )
width (number?) : width of rectangle - defaults to full scene width
height (number?) : height of rectangle - defaults to full scene height
scene ((OBJ_Scene | Scene)?) : define if gesture should be an independeant scene (like if the gestures are being used to change the default figure scene) - defaults to Figure scene
changeScene (OBJ_Scene?) : if defined, this scene will be automatically updated with any pan and zoom events
xAlign (("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?) : x alignment of rectangle ( 'center' )
yAlign (("bottom" | "middle" | "top" | number)?) : y alignment of rectangle ( 'middle' )


Gesture rectangle.

This primitive creates a rectangle within which pan and zoom gestures can be captured (from mouse and touch events) and transformed into pan and zoom values. The pan and zoom values can be used to change Scene objects directly, or used for some custom purpose.

The pan and zoom values are relative to the gesture rectangle and the Scene it is drawn with.

Performing a drag gesture over half the width of the rectangle, will create a pan value that is half the width of the rectangle.

Performing a 2x zoom gesture at a point within the rectangle will create a pan value that is the delta between the original rectangle center and the center of the new zoomed rectangle, and a magnification value of 2.

Any combination of zoom and pan can be expressed as a pan value, that offsets the original rectangle such that when it is then zoomed, the zoom position will be at the same relative position of the original and zoomed rectangle.

Whenever a gesture changes the pan or zoom, then 'pan' or 'zoom' notifications will be published by the primitive's NotificationManger (element.notifications).

The handled gestures are:

  • Mouse wheel change (often used for zooming and panning with a mouse)
  • Drag (often used for panning with touch devices or a mouse)
  • Pinching (often used for zooming and panning on touch devices)


A pan is an offset in xy.

The gestures that can generate pan events are:

  • Mouse click then drag
  • Finger touch then drag (touch devices)
  • Mouse wheel change

For the mouse click and drag, and finger touch and drag gestures, the pan value tracks the change in position of the mouse/finger in the gesture primitive rectangle. For example, if the rectangle has a width of 2, and the mouse or touch moves across half the width of the rectangle, then the pan offset will be 1.

For the mouse wheel change, a wheelSensitivity value is used to speed up or slow down the pan.

When a pan event happens, a 'pan' notification is published. The parameter passed to any subscribers is the pan offset value, but if more information is needed (like the pan delta from the last pan) then getPan() can be called.


A zoom is a magnification at a point in the rectangle. The zoom point will stay stationary, while the other points around it spread out (when zooming in) or compress in (when zooming out). The zoom event thus includes a pan offset to ensure the zoom point stays stationary, as well as a magnification value.

The gestures that can generate zoom events are:

  • Mouse wheel vertical change
  • Finger touch pinch

A wheelSensitivity or pinchSenstivity value is used to speed up or slow down zooming.

When a zoom event happens, a 'zoom' notification is published. The parameters passed to any subscribers are the zoom magnification value and pan offset, but if more information is needed (like the zoom position) then getZoom() can be called.

Zoom and pan events can be used in many ways. One of the most common ways will be to change a Scene that contains one or more FigureElements allowing a user to pan or zoom through the scene.

In such cases, the zoomScene() and panScene() methods can be used to do this directly.

Alternately, a changeScene can be defined which will be automatically panned and zoomed by this primitive.

In general the scene that is being used to draw the gesture primitive should not be panned or zoomed by the gesture primitive, as this will produce unexpected results (especially when panning). If the gesture primitive is setup to change the same scene as it uses itself, then it will assign itself a duplicate scene.

Extends FigureElementPrimitive

drawingObject (DrawingObject)
transform (Transform)
color (TypeColor)
parent ((FigureElement | null))
name (string)
timeKeeper (TimeKeeper)
// Gesture primitive pans and zooms a figure scene
const figure = new Fig.Figure({ color: [1, 0, 0, 1] });

// Elements within the figure to zoom and pan
  { make: 'rectangle', width: 0.2, height: 0.2, position: [-0.3, 0] },
  { make: 'triangle', width: 0.2, height: 0.2, position: [0.02, -0.025] },
  { make: 'ellipse', width: 0.2, height: 0.2, position: [0.3, 0] },

// Gesture Primitive
  make: 'gesture',
  changeScene: figure.scene,
  pan: true,
  zoom: true,
// Using zoom and pan notifications when the gestures are confied
// to a green rectangle
const figure = new Fig.Figure({ color: [1, 0, 0, 1] });

const gesture = figure.add({
  make: 'gesture',
  color: [0, 1, 0, 0.3],
  width: 0.5,
  height: 1,
  pan: true,
  zoom: true,

  'pan', offset => console.log('Pan: ', offset.x, offset.y),
  'zoom', (mag, offset) => console.log('Zoom: ', mag, offset.x, offset.y),
Instance Members
zoomElement(element, originalPosition, scale)
setZoom(zoom, notify)
setPan(offset, notify)


Touch options for a FigureElement.

Type: {onClick: (string | function (Point, FigureElement): void)?, colorSeed: string?, enable: boolean?}

enable (boolean?) : true to enable touch ( true )
colorSeed (string?) : use a unique string to reset color generation of unique colors used for touch determination (debug only) ( 'default' )
onClick ((string | function (Point, FigureElement): void)?)


Range bounds object definition.

A range bounds defines a minimum and maximum value.

Type: {min: (number | null)?, max: (number | null)?, precision: number?}

min ((number | null)?) : minimum value boundary, null for unbounded ( null )
max ((number | null)?) : maximum value boundary, null for unbounded ( null )
precision (number?) : precision with which to calculate boundary intersect and contains ( 8 )


A line bounds defines a line boundary.

Type: any

precision (number?) : precision with which to calculate boundary intersect and contains ( 8 )


A RectBounds is a rectangle bounds around a point in a plane.

It is defined by:

  • a position in plane around which rectangle is formed
  • topDirection/rightDirection vectors that orient the rectangle
  • left/right magnitudes that define the width of the rectangle
  • bottom/top magnitudes that define the height of the rectangle
----------------------------------------------     A
|                                            |     |
|        Top Vector                          |     |
|             A                              |     | top
|             |                              |     |
|             |                              |     |
|    position *----->                        |   ---
|                   Right Vector             |     |
|                                            |     | bottom
|                                            |     |
----------------------------------------------     V
.             |
.             |
left                right

A rectangle can be defined in one of several ways:

  • position, plane normal, one direction vecvtor (top or right)
  • position, top and right direction vectors

By default the rectangle will be in the XY plane (+z normal) with a rightDirection vector along the +x axis.

Type: {position: TypeParsablePoint?, normal: TypeParsablePoint?, rightDirection: TypeParsablePoint?, topDirection: TypeParsablePoint?, left: number?, right: number?, up: number?, down: number?, pecision: number?}

position (TypeParsablePoint?)
normal (TypeParsablePoint?)
rightDirection (TypeParsablePoint?)
topDirection (TypeParsablePoint?)
left (number?)
right (number?)
up (number?)
down (number?)
precision (number?) : precision with which to calculate boundary intersect and contains ( 8 )
pecision (number?)


Parsable bounds definition.

null |Bounds | RectBounds|LineBounds|RangeBounds |OBJ_RectBounds|OBJ_LineBounds|OBJ_RangeBounds |TypeF1DefRangeBounds|TypeF1DefRectBounds|TypeF1DefLineBounds

Type: (null | Bounds | RectBounds | LineBounds | RangeBounds | OBJ_RectBounds | OBJ_LineBounds | OBJ_RangeBounds | TypeF1DefRangeBounds | TypeF1DefRectBounds | TypeF1DefLineBounds)


Animations change figure elements over time.

Each figure element has its own AnimationManager (animations property) that can coordinate animations for any element.

An animation is a number of AnimationSteps in either series or parallel. The animation manager provides a way to create these steps, build them into a complete animation, and then manage their execution.

Animation Examples

Let's create a simple animation. Start by defining a figure and retrieving the element to animate by creating the boilerplate files above.

A PositionAnimationStep can be created to translate the shape, and a RotationAnimationStep to rotate it

const translate = p.animations.position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 });
const rotate = p.animations.rotation({ target: Math.PI, duration: 2 });

The animation can then be created and started

A more convenient way to chain animation steps in series is to create them inline. The method returns an AnimationBuilder that allows for inline step creation.
  .position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 })
  .rotation({ target: Math.PI, duration: 2 })

An animation manager is tied to one element, but can be used to animate other elements too

// add another element
const q = figure.add({
  make: 'polygon',
  radius: 0.5,
  sides: 3,
  position: [-1, 0]

// Use p animation manager to animate q
  .translation({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 })
  .rotation({ element: q, target: Math.PI / 3 * 2, duration: 2})

Multiple animations can be added to a single element, but if they modify the same property of the element, then the latter one will overwrite the earlier on each animation frame. In the next example, both animations animate different parts of the element's transform and so will happen in parallel.

// animate the translation
  .translation({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 })

// animate the rotation
  .rotation({ target: Math.PI / 2 * 3, duration: 2 })

While this is one way to do a parallel animation, a more convenient way (especially when dealing with many steps) is to use a parallel animation step:
    p.animations.translation({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 }),
    p.animations.rotation({ target: Math.PI / 2 * 3, duration: 2 }),
    p.animations.color({ target: [0, 0, 1, 1], delay: 1, duration: 2 }),

Callbacks can be defined when animations finish
  .transform({ target: new Fig.Transform().scale(0.5, 2).rotate(Math.PI).translate(1, 0), duration: 2 })
  .scale({ target: [1, 1], duration: 2 })
  .whenFinished(() => { console.log('animation done') })

Stopping animations

Animations can be stopped from the animation, element and figure levels.'mover')
  .position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 4})

// after 1 second, cancel the specific animation by freezing it in place
setTimeout(() => {
  p.animations.cancel('mover', 'freeze');
}, 1000);
  .position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 4})

// after 1 second, cancel all an element's animations by instantly completing them
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
  .position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 4})

// after 1 second, cancel all figure animations by freezing them
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);


Animation Manager

This class manages animations and creates animation steps for use in animations.

Each FigureElement has its own AnimationManager in the animations property, though any animation manager can animate any other element. Therefore all parallel animations can go through the same manager, or be spread throughout different element's animation managers. Spread animations out between elements, or keeping them all in one AnimationManager can change how readable code is, how convenient it is to cancel running animations, and what order the animations are performed in (AnimationManagers tied to elements drawn earlier will perform their animation steps before those tied to elements drawn later). AnimationManagers will only be processed on each animation frame if the element they are tied to is not hidden.

The animations property within AnimationManager is simply an array that contains a number AnimationSteps that are executed in parallel. Typically, these steps would themselves be SerialAnimationSteps or a series of animations. This means the animation manager is running a number of animation series in parallel.

The AnimationManagers on FigureElements should be used instead of instantiating this class separately, as those on FigureElements will be automatically processed every animation frame.

state (("animating" | "idle" | "waitingToStart"))
animations (Array<AnimationStep>)
notifications (NotificationManager)
FigureElement AnimationBuilder
// At its heart the `AnimationManager` is just executing
// an array of animation steps.

// Create animation steps
const position = new Fig.Animation.PositionAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  target: [1, 0],
  duration: 2,
const rotation = new Fig.Animation.RotationAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  target: Math.PI,
  duration: 2,

// Combine the animations into a SerialAnimationStep
const series = new Fig.Animation.SerialAnimationStep([

// Add the animations to the animation manager and start
// Using the `new` method in `AnimationManager` creates a convenient
// `AnimationBuilder` which extends a `SerialAnimationStep` by using
// a fluent API pattern
// Create animation steps
const position = new Fig.Animation.PositionAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  target: [1, 0],
  duration: 2,
const rotation = new Fig.Animation.RotationAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  target: Math.PI,
  duration: 2,

// Build and start the animation
// `AnimationStep`s can also be created from the `AnimationManager`
// with the added convenience that the `FigureElement` that
// has the `AnimationManager` will be used as the default
// `element` property. This combined with the `AnimationBuilder`
// makes defining most animations clean and readable code

// Build and start the animation
  .position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 })
  .rotation({ target: Math.PI, duration: 2 })
// Parallel animations however still need to use explicit animation steps.
// Creating the steps from the `AnimationManager` means the `element` doesn't
// need to be defined.
    p.animations.position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 }),
    p.animations.rotation({ target: Math.PI, duration: 2 })
Instance Members
rotation(targetOrOptions, options)
scale(targetOrOptionsOrX, y, z)
translation(targetOrOptionsOrX, y, z)
position(targetOrOptionsOrX, y, z)
dissolveIn(durationOrOptions, timeOrOptions)
scenarios(scenarioOrOptions, scenarioNameOrOptions)
cancel(name, force)
getRemainingTime(animationNames, now)


Animation Builder

Convenient way to build animation steps in serial. Each step returns the same builder object, and so chaining in a fluent like API can be achieved.

Extends SerialAnimationStep

  .position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 })
  .rotation({ target: Math.PI, duration: 2 })
Instance Members
rotation(targetOrOptions, ry, rz)
position(targetOrOptionsOrX, y, z)
translation(targetOrOptionsOrX, y, z)
scale(targetOrOptionsOrX, y, z)
scenarios(scenarioOrOptions, scenarioNameOrOptions)
inParallel(stepsOrOptions, options)
inSerial(stepsOrOptions, options)


Position animation step

The position animation step animates the first Translation transform in the FigureElement's Transform.

By default, the position will start with the element's current position.

Use either delta or target to define it's end point.

The path of travel between start and target can either be a straight line ('linear') or a quadratic bezier curve ('curve')

For custom paths, the CustomAnimationStep can be used.

Extends ElementAnimationStep

To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Using duration
  .position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 })
// Using velocity
  .position({ target: [1, 0], velocity: 0.5 })
// Linear and curved path
  .position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 })
    target: [0, 0],
    duration: 2,
    path: {
      style: 'curve',
      magnitude: 0.8,
      direction: 'up',
// Different ways to create a stand-alone step
const step1 = p.animations.position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 });
const step2 = new Fig.Animation.PositionAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  target: [0, 0],
  duration: 2,


Rotation animation step

The rotation animation step animates the first Rotation transform in the FigureElement's Transform.

By default, the rotation will start with the element's current rotation.

Use either delta or target to define it's end point

Extends ElementAnimationStep

To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Using duration
  .rotation({ target: Math.PI, duration: 2 })
// Using velocity
  .rotation({ target: Math.PI, velocity: Math.PI / 2 })
// Different ways to create a stand-alone step
const step1 = p.animations.rotation({ target: Math.PI, duration: 2 });
const step2 = new Fig.Animation.RotationAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  target: 0,
  duration: 2,


Scale Animation Step

The scale animation step animates the first Scale transform in the FigureElement's Transform.

By default, the scale will start with the element's current scale.

Use either delta or target to define it's end point.

Scale can be defined as either a point or number. If number, both x and y scale terms will be the same.

Extends ElementAnimationStep

To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Using duration
  .scale({ target: 2, duration: 2 })
// Using velocity
  .scale({ target: 2, velocity: 0.5 })
// Different ways to create a stand-alone step
const step1 = p.animations.scale({ target: 1.5, duration: 2 });
const step2 = new Fig.Animation.ScaleAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  target: 1,
  duration: 2,


Transform Animation Step

By default, the transform will start with the element's current transform.

A Transform chains many transform links where each link might be a Rotation, Scale or Translation transform.

start, target and delta should have the same order of transform links as the element's transform.

The TransformAnimationStep will animate each of these links with the same duration. If velocity is used to calculate the duration, then the link with the longest duration will define the duration of the animation. velocity can either be a transform with the same order of transform links as the element or it can be a constant value, which will be applied to all transform links. velocity cannot be 0.

Use either delta or target to define it's end point of the animation.

Extends ElementAnimationStep

To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Using duration
    target: new Fig.Transform().scale(2, 2).rotate(0.5).translate(1, 0),
    duration: 2,
// Using velocity as a transform
    target: new Fig.Transform().scale(2, 2).rotate(0.5).translate(1, 0),
    velocity: new Fig.Transform().scale(0.5, 0.5).rotate(0.25).translate(0.5, 0.5),
// Using velocity as a number
    target: new Fig.Transform().scale(2, 2).rotate(0.5).translate(1, 0),
    velocity: 0.5,
// Using TypeParsableTransform as transform definition
    target: [['s', 1.5, 1.5], ['r', 0.5], ['t', 1, 0]],
    duration: 2,
// Different ways to create a stand-alone step
const step1 = p.animations.transform({
  target: [['s', 1.5, 1.5], ['r', 1], ['t', 1, 0]],
  duration: 2,
const step2 = new Fig.Animation.TransformAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  target: [['s', 1, 1], ['r', 0], ['t', 0, 0]],
  duration: 2,


Scenario Animation Step

A scenario defines an element's transform and color and can be used to make code more readable and reusable.

By default, the scenario will start with the element's current transform and color.

Extends ElementAnimationStep

To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// NOTE - use these scenario definitions for all examples below
p.scenarios['center'] = { position: [0, 0], scale: [1, 1], color: [1, 0, 0, 1] };
p.scenarios['right'] = { position: [1, 0], scale: [2, 1], color: [0, 0, 1, 1] };
p.scenarios['bottom'] = { position: [0, -0.5], scale: [0.5, 1], color: [0, 0.5, 0, 1] };
// Using duration
  .scenario({ target: 'right', duration: 2 })
  .scenario({ target: 'bottom', duration: 2 })
  .scenario({ target: 'center', duration: 2 })
// Using velocity
    target: 'right',
    velocity: { position: 0.5, scale: 0.2 },
  .scenario({ target: 'bottom', velocity: { position: 0.5 } })
  .scenario({ target: 'center', velocity: { color: 0.2 } })
// Different ways to create a stand-alone step
const step1 = p.animations.scenario({
  target: 'right',
  duration: 2,
const step2 = new Fig.Animation.ScenarioAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  target: 'bottom',
  duration: 2,


Pulse animation step

The pulse animation step animates a pulse.

The options are the same as those in the * pulse method.

Extends ElementAnimationStep

To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Scale pulse, rotation pulse and translation pulse
    scale: 1.5,
    duration: 1,
    duration: 1,
    rotation: 0.15,
    frequency: 4,
    duration: 1,
    translation: 0.02,
    min: -0.02,
    frequency: 4,
// Different ways to create a stand-alone step
const step1 = p.animations.pulse({
  scale: 1.5,
  duration: 1,
const step2 = new Fig.Animation.PulseAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  rotation: 0.15,
  frequency: 4,


Color animation Step

By default, the color will start with the element's current color.

Use either delta or target to define the end color

In an interactive figure, it is often useful to highlight elements of the figure by coloring them and greying out, or dimming the elements not of interest. As such, a FigureElement has several color attributes:

  • color - current color
  • dimColor - color to dim to
  • defaultColor - color to undim to

The target property can accept 'dim' and 'undim' as shortcuts to dim or undim the element.

In addition, the DimAnimationStep and UndimAnimationStep can be used to do the same, which is especially useful when trying to build easy to read code in a complex animation.

Extends ElementAnimationStep

To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Using duration
  .color({ target: [0, 0, 1, 1], duration: 1 })
  .color({ target: [0, 0.8, 0, 1], duration: 1 })
  .color({ target: [1, 0, 0, 1], duration: 1 })
// dim and undim an element using dim and undim animation steps
// Different ways to create a stand-alone step
const step1 = p.animations.color({
  target: [0, 0, 1, 1],
  duration: 2,
const step2 = new Fig.Animation.ColorAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  target: [0, 0.8, 0, 1],
  duration: 2,


Dim color animation step

Animates color of element to the dimColor property of FigureElement

Extends ColorAnimationStep

durationOrOptions ((number | OBJ_ElementAnimationStep))
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple dim
// Dim using options object
  .dim({ delay: 1, duration: 2 })
// Different ways to create a stand-alone step
const step1 = p.animations.dim(2);
const step2 = new Fig.Animation.DimAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  duration: 2,


Undim color animation step

Animates color of element to the defaultColor property of FigureElement

Extends ColorAnimationStep

durationOrOptions ((number | OBJ_ElementAnimationStep))
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple undim
// Undim using options object
  .undim({ delay: 1, duration: 2 })
// Different ways to create a stand-alone step
const step1 = p.animations.undim(2);
const step2 = new Fig.Animation.UndimAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  duration: 2,



Opacity Animation Step

A FigureElement has color and opacity properties. The color property has an alpha channel that defines opacity, but it should be used as a base color definition, and not used to dissolve an element in and out.

Therefore, to animate an element's opacity or temporarily dissolve in or out an element, use an opacity animation step.

The opacity is multiplied by the color alpha channel to get the final opacity of the element.

By default, the opacity will start with the FigureElement's current opacity unless dissolving. If dissolving, the opacity will start at 0 if dissolving in, or 1 if dissolving out unless dissolveFromCurrent is true in which case the opacity will start from the current opacity.

The DissolveInAnimationStep and DissolveOutAnimationStep extend the OpacityAnimationStep to make it even more convenient to dissolve.

Extends ElementAnimationStep

To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Using numerical values for opacity
  .opacity({ target: 0.4, duration: 2 })
  .opacity({ target: 1, duration: 2 })
// Dissolve out then in
  .opacity({ dissolve: 'out', duration: 2 })
  .opacity({ dissolve: 'in', duration: 2 })
// Using the dissolve animation step
  .dissolveIn({ delay: 1, duration: 2 })
// Different ways to create a stand-alone step
const step1 = p.animations.opacity({
  target: 0,
  duration: 2,
const step2 = new Fig.Animation.OpacityAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  target: 1,
  duration: 2,
const step3 = p.animations.dissolveOut({
  duration: 2,
const step4 = new Fig.Animation.DissolveInAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  duration: 2,


Dissolve in animation step

Animates opacity of element to dissolve in.

Extends OpacityAnimationStep

durationOrOptions ((number | OBJ_ElementAnimationStep))
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple dissolve in
// Dissolve in using options object
  .dissolveIn({ delay: 1, duration: 2 })
// Different ways to create a stand-alone step
const step1 = p.animations.dissolveIn(2);
const step2 = new Fig.Animation.DissolveInAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  duration: 2,



Dissolve out animation step

Animates opacity of element to dissolve out.

Extends OpacityAnimationStep

durationOrOptions ((number | OBJ_ElementAnimationStep))
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple dissolve out
// Dissolve out using options object
  .dissolveOut({ delay: 1, duration: 2 })
// Different ways to create a stand-alone step
const step1 = p.animations.dissolveOut(2);
const step2 = new Fig.Animation.DissolveOutAnimationStep({
  element: p,
  duration: 2,


Trigger Animation Step

A trigger step executes a custom function

A delay will delay the triggering of the custom function while duration will pad time at the end of the trigger before the animation step finishes.

Extends AnimationStep

options ((OBJ_TriggerAnimationStep | function (): void))
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple trigger
  .position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 })
  .trigger(() => { console.log('arrived at (1, 0)') })
  .position({ target: [0, 0], duration: 2 })
  .trigger(() => { console.log('arrived at (0, 0)') })
// Trigger with delay, duration and payload
const printPosition = (pos) => {
  console.log(`arrived at ${pos}`);
  .position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 })
    delay: 1,
    callback: printPosition,
    payload: '(1, 0)',
    duration: 1,
  .position({ target: [0, 0], duration: 2 })
  .trigger({ callback: printPosition, payload: '(0, 0)' })
// Different ways to create a stand-alone step
const step1 = p.animations.trigger({
  callback: () => { console.log('arrived at (1, 0)') },
const step2 = new Fig.Animation.TriggerAnimationStep({
  callback: () => { console.log('arrived at (0, 0)') },
  .position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 })
  .position({ target: [0, 0], duration: 2 })


Custom animation step

Custom animation steps are useful for orchestrating complex animations, or performing non-linear animations.

This step will execute a custom callback function on each animation frame. Custom animations can either have finite duration or infinite (duration = null). If finite, the callback function will be passed percentage progress through the duration. If infinite, the callback function will be passed the delta time from the start of the animation.

The animation can be stopped at any time by returning true from the callback funciton/

For finite durations, the percentage progress can either be linear with time, or non-linear. Built-in non-linear progressions are 'easeinout', 'easein' and 'easeout' which will slow progress at the start and/or end of the animation. A function to create a custom non-linear progressor can also be used.

Extends AnimationStep

To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Move an object through a sine wave of wavelength 1 from
// x = -1 to x = 1
function sine(percentComplete) {
  const x = -1 + percentComplete * 2;
  const y = 0.5 * Math.sin(Math.PI * 2 * x);
  p.setPosition(x, y);
  .custom({ callback: sine, duration: 5 })
// Animate a object in a circle indefinitely at a frequency of 0.1Hz
    callback: (t) => {
      const x = 0.5 * Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * 0.1 * t);
      const y = 0.5 * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * 0.1 * t);
      p.setPosition(x, y);
    duration: null,


Execute an array of AnimationSteps in series.

Often the AnimationBuilder class which extends SerialAnimationStep can be used to create serial animations in a more clean way.

Extends AnimationStep

steps ((Array<AnimationStep> | OBJ_SerialAnimationStep)) animation steps to perform in serial
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Using a SerialAnimation step can be cumbersome, but
// can be useful if modularizing animations between files
const Rot = Fig.Animation.RotationAnimationStep;
const Delay = Fig.Animation.DelayAnimationStep;
const Pos = Fig.Animation.PositionAnimationStep;

const series = new Fig.Animation.SerialAnimationStep([
  new Rot({ element: p, target: Math.PI / 2, duration: 2 }),
  new Delay({ duration: 0.2 }),
  new Rot({ element: p, target: Math.PI, duration: 2 }),
  new Delay({ duration: 0.2 }),
  new Rot({ element: p, target: 0, direction: -1, duration: 1.3, progression: 'easein' }),
  new Pos({ element: p, target: [1, 0], duration: 2, progression: 'easeout' }),

// Same animation but with `AnimationBuilder` (which is an extension of
// `SerialAnimationStep`)
  .rotation({ target: Math.PI / 2, duration: 2 })
  .rotation({ target: Math.PI, duration: 2 })
  .rotation({ target: 0, duration: 1, direction: -1, progression: 'easein' })
  .position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2, progression: 'easeout' })


Execute an array of {@link AnimationStep}s in parallel.

The parallel animation step will not complete till all steps are finished.

Extends AnimationStep

steps ((Array<AnimationStep> | OBJ_SerialAnimationStep)) animation steps to perform in serial
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
    p.animations.position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 }),
    p.animations.scale({ target: 2, duration: 2 }),
// One of the parallel steps is a series of steps
      .scale({ target: 0.5, duration: 1 })
      .scale({ target: 2, duration: 1 })
      .scale({ target: 1, duration: 2 }),
    p.animations.color({ target: [0, 0, 1, 1], duration: 4 }),
    p.animations.rotation({ target: Math.PI, duration: 4 }),


Delay animation step

While all animations steps accept a delay property, having this step sometimes makes the animation seem more readable.

Extends AnimationStep

delayOrOptions ((number | OBJ_AnimationStep))


An equation is a set of terms and operators arranged to make some mathematical statement.

Consider the equation:

a = b + c

Where the terms and operators are:

  • terms: a, b, c
  • operators: =, +

An equation can have different forms. One form is above, but it can be rearranged into a different form:

a - b = c

In FigureOne, an equation is a collection (FigureElementCollection) of terms and operators (which are FigureElementPrimitives). A form defines the layout of terms and operators to create an equation. An equation can have many forms, and animation can be used to move between forms.

As the equation, terms and operators are all FigureElements, then they have all the same interactivety and animation abilities as shapes and text.

Quick Start

First let's create an equation, with red as the default color:

const equation = figure.collections.equation({ color: [1, 0, 0, 1] });

Next lets add the definitions for the terms and operators, or the equation elements. The keys of the object are unique identifiers that will be used in the equation forms to layout the elements appropriately. The values of the object are the text to display in the equation, or objects that define the text with additional options including formatting.

  a: 'a',
  b: 'b',
  c: { text: 'c', color: [0, 0, 1, 1] },
  equals: ' = ',
  times: ' \u00D7 ',

The simplest form defintion is one that lays out the elements in a line. Here the array values are the unique identifiers (the keys) of the addElements object:

  a: ['a', 'equals', 'b', 'times', 'c'],

An array of elements is called an equation phrase. In the example above, the form is a simple phrase, but in more complicated examples there may be several nested phrases.

Finally, we can add the equation to the figure and show the form:

figure.add('equation', equation);

Symbols and Equation Functions

Mathematics has many special symbols that operate on terms, or annotate an equation. These symbols and their associated terms usually have a special layout.

FigureOne treats symbols like any other equation element, and uses FigureElementPrimitives to draw them. FigureOne then provides a series of functions that can layout terms around these symbols.

Let's take the equation from the last example, and show the form as a fraction.

Start by adding a vinculum symbol (with id 'v') to the equation's elements:

  v: { symbol: 'vinculum'},

The equation is a FigureElementCollection with an eqn property that contains equation specific information, such as forms and special layout functions, such as frac. Let's use this to add the form:

const e = equation.eqn.functions;
  b: ['b', 'equals', e.frac(['a', 'v', 'c'])],

Finally, we can display the form:


Combine all the steps above gives:

const equation = figure.collections.equation({ color: [1, 0, 0, 1] });
  a: 'a',
  b: 'b',
  c: { text: 'c', color: [0, 0, 1, 1] },
  v: { symbol: 'vinculum'},
  equals: ' = ',
  times: ' \u00D7 ',

const e = equation.eqn.functions;
  a: ['a', 'equals', 'b', 'times', 'c'],
  b: ['b', 'equals', e.frac(['a', 'v', 'c'])],

figure.add('equation', equation);

Equation Animation

Equations can animate between forms. For example, to animate from form a to b in the equation above:

  form: 'b',
  animate: 'move',
  duration: 2,

The animation can be improved by moving the terms of the equation in curves instead of linearly. To do this we can use the object definition of a form that also defines translation animation properties:

  bCurve: {
    content: ['b', 'equals', { frac: ['a', 'v', 'c'] }],
    translation: {
      a: { style: 'curve', direction: 'up', mag: 0.8 },
      b: { style: 'curve', direction: 'down', mag: 1.2 },

  form: 'bCurve',
  animate: 'move',
  duration: 2,
  delay: 1,

Object Definition

Similar to shapes and text, the same equation above can be defined with an options object. For complicated equations, options objects can be used with code folding in an IDE to more easily read and navigate an equation definition. Also, because object form is JSON compatible, complex equations can be easily shared.

const equation = figure.add(
  make: 'equation',
    color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
    font: { size: 0.2 },
    elements: {
      a: 'a',
      b: 'b',
      c: { text: 'c', color: [0, 0, 1, 1] },
      v: { symbol: 'vinculum'},
      equals: ' = ',
      times: ' \u00D7 ',  // unicode times symbol
    forms: {
      a: ['a', 'equals', 'b', 'times', 'c'],
      b: ['b', 'equals', { frac: ['a', 'v', 'c'] }],
      bCurve: {
      content: ['b', 'equals', { frac: ['a', 'v', 'c'] }],
        translation: {
          a: { style: 'curve', direction: 'up', mag: 0.8 },
          b: { style: 'curve', direction: 'down', mag: 1.2 },

Equation highlighting and interactivity

Just like any FigureElement, an equation or its elements can be pulsed, touched or moved.

For example, an element can be pulsed:

// Pulse the c element
const c = figure.getElement('equation.c');
c.pulse({ scale: 2, yAlign: 'top' });

An element can be touched:

c.onClick = () => { console.log('c was touched') }

And the equation can be moved:


Managing Equations

Complicated equations can have long definitions that may be hard to read.

Therefore there are several useful shortcuts when defining equations that are useful to improve readability.

Inline element definitions

Equation elements can all be defined in the elements property. However, simple elements that have the same text as its unique identifier can be defined inline.

For instance, we can recreate the example above as:

const equation = figure.add({
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    times: ' \u00D7 ',
    equals: ' = ',
    c: { color: [0, 0, 1, 1] },
  forms: {
    1: ['a', 'equals', 'b', 'times', 'c'],

Elements 'a' and 'b' are defined inline. 'c' is still defined in the elements as it has a color customization. Its definition is shorter however, as the text property is not required if the text is the same as the unique identifier.

Elements defined inline can be used in other forms:

const eqn = figure.add({
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    times: ' \u00D7 ',
    equals: ' = ',
    v: { symbol: 'vinculum' },
  forms: {
    1: ['a', 'equals', 'b', 'times', 'c'],
    2: ['b', 'equals', { frac: ['a', 'v', 'c'] }],
  form: 2,
  animate: 'move',
  delay: 1,

Even symbols can be defined inline:

  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    equals: ' = ',
  forms: {
    1: ['b', 'equals', { frac: ['a', 'vinculum', 'c'] }],

Underscores have a special meaning for inline definitions.

Underscores before text will be hidden when rendered, but can make unique ids that are valid javascript object keys (a requirement for a unique id). In javascript, a space cannot be the first character of an object key, but it can be after the first character.

Underscores after text can be used to create unique identifiers and therefore used to make multiple elements with the same text. The underscore, and all text after it will not be rendered.

  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    1: ['2', 'a', '_ = ', 'a_1', '_ + ', 'a_2'],

Underscores can also be used to give inline symbol definitions unqiue identifiers. In this case, the text before the underscore is the unique identifier, and the text after defines the symbol.

const eqn = figure.add({
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    1: ['b', '_ = ', { frac: ['a', 'v_vinculum', 'c'] }],
    2: ['c', '_ = ', { frac: ['a', 'v', 'b'] }],
  form: '2',
  animate: 'move',
  delay: 1,

Function Definitions

Function definitions can either be array definitions (an equation phrase) or object definitions. Array definitions are useful in simple definitions with minimal layout customizations. Object definitions are more readable when many options are required to customize a layout, or the input to the functions are more complicated equation phrases.

Array definitions, or equation phrases, can also be spread over several lines to increase readability.

  // name needs to be defined as it is used to get the element in the onClick method
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    v: { symbol: 'vinculum' },
  forms: {
    // Array definition for simple fraction
    1: { frac: ['a', 'v', 'b']},
    // Object definition for fraction with complex phrases
    2: {
      frac: {
        numerator: ['a', '_ + ', 'c'],
        symbol: 'v',
        denominator: ['t', { sub: ['b', '2'] }],
    // Array definition split over several lines
    3: {
      frac: [
        ['a', '_ + ', 'x'],
        ['t', { sub: ['b', '3'] }],
    // Object definition when additional options are needed
    4: {
      frac: {
        numerator: 'a',
        symbol: 'v',
        denominator: 'b',
        numeratorSpace: 0.07,
        denominatorSpace: 0.07,
        overhang: 0.1,
        scale: 1.5,
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3', '4'],
  mods: {
    isTouchable: true,
    // eqn isn't instantiated when this is defined, so need to use the element's name
    // to get the element at click time
    onClick: () => figure.get('eqn').nextForm(),
    touchBorder: 0.5,

Here, the touchability of the equation is setup in the mods property. The keys in mods represent property names of the equation FigureElementCollection.

The above example also uses a form series. A form series allows animation between equation forms using the equation.nextForm and equation.prevForm methods.


Often different forms of an equation reuse equation phrases, like fractions. To make equation forms more readable, it can be useful to define a phrase once, and then refer to its identifier throughout the forms.

  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    v: { symbol: 'vinculum' },
    times: ' \u00d7 ',
    div: ' \u00f7 ',
    lb: { symbol: 'bracket', side: 'left' },
    rb: { symbol: 'bracket', side: 'right' },
  phrases: {
    ac: ['a', '_ + ', 'c'],
    // Phrases can be nested
    br: { brac: ['lb', 'ac', 'rb'] },
  forms: {
    1: ['d', 'times', 'br'],
    2: ['d', 'times', { bottomComment: ['br', ['div', 'b']] }],
    3: ['d', 'times', { frac: ['ac', 'v', 'b']},],
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3'],
  mods: {
    onClick: () => figure.getElement('eqn').nextForm(),
    touchBorder: 0.5,
    isTouchable: true,

Element interaction

In the last two examples, equation touchability was setup in the mods property of the equation definition object. Similarly, equation elements can be set up in a similar way.

  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    a: {
      mods: {
        isTouchable: true, touchBorder: 0.1, onClick: () => console.log('a'),
    b: {
      isTouchable: true, touchBorder: 0.1, onClick: () => console.log('b'),
    c: {
      isTouchable: true, touchBorder: 0.1, onClick: () => console.log('c'),
    times: ' \u00d7 ',
    equals: ' = ',
  forms: {
    1: ['a', 'equals', 'b', 'times', 'c'],

Element 'a' is setup with the mods property. However, as isTouchable, touchBorder and onClick are frequenty used, they are also native options in the element definition object. As such, elements 'b' and 'c' do not use the mods property.


An Equation is a collection of elements that can be arranged into different forms.

Equation should be instantiated from an object definition, or from the figure.collections.equation method.

Equation includes two additional animation steps in Equation.animations:

Extends FigureElementCollection

options (EQN_Equation)
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Create with options definition
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    a: 'a',
    b: { color: [0, 0, 1, 1] },
    c: 'c',
    equals: ' = ',
    plus: ' + ',
  forms: {
    1: ['a', 'equals', 'b', 'plus', 'c'],
// Create with methods
const eqn = figure.collections.equation();
  a: 'a',
  b: { color: [0, 0, 1, 1] },
  c: 'c',
  equals: ' = ',
  plus: ' + ',
  1: ['a', 'equals', 'b', 'plus', 'c'],
figure.add('eqn', eqn);
Instance Members
layoutForms(forms, show)
updateElementText(elements, layoutForms = 'none')
getFormElements(form, includeHidden)
showForm(formOrName, animationStop)
prevForm(durationOrOptions, delay)
nextForm(durationOrOptions, delay)


Options objects to construct an Equation class.

All properties are optional.

Type: {color: TypeColor?, dimColor: TypeColor?, font: OBJ_Font?, textFont: OBJ_Font?, scale: number?, elements: EQN_EquationElements?, formDefaults: EQN_FormDefaults, forms: EQN_Forms?, initialForm: string?, formSeries: (Array<string> | {})?, defaultFormSeries: string?, formRestart: EQN_FormRestart?, position: TypeParsablePoint?, transform: Transform?}

color (TypeColor?) : default equation color
dimColor (TypeColor?) : default equation dim color
font (OBJ_Font?) : default FigureFont for math elements in the equation
textFont (OBJ_Font?) : default FigureFont for text elements in the equation (defaults to font )
scale (number?) : equation scale ( 0.7 )
elements (EQN_EquationElements?) : equation element definitions
forms (EQN_Forms?) : form definitions
initialForm (string?) : form to show when first added to a figure
formDefaults (EQN_FormDefaults?) : default form options applied to all forms
formSeries ((Array<string> | Object<Array<string>>)?) : an object with each key being a form series name, and each value an array for form names. If defined as an array, then a form series object is created where the form series name is 'base'. Default: {}
defaultFormSeries (string?) : If more than one form series is defined, then a default must be chosen to be the first current one. Default: first form defined
formRestart (EQN_FormRestart??) : behavior when form transitions from last in form series back to first
position (TypeParsablePoint?) : position will override first translation element of transform
transform (Transform?)


Object where keys are element names, and values are the element definitions

Type: {}

_elementName (TypeEquationElement?)


An equation element can be any of the below. If string, then a EQN_TextElement will be used where the text property is the string.

Type: (string | FigureElementPrimitive | FigureElementCollection | EQN_TextElement | EQN_VinculumSymbol | EQN_BoxSymbol | EQN_ArrowSymbol | EQN_SumSymbol | EQN_ProdSymbol | EQN_IntegralSymbol | EQN_StrikeSymbol | EQN_BracketSymbol | EQN_AngleBracketSymbol | EQN_BraceSymbol | EQN_BarSymbol | EQN_SquareBracketSymbol | EQN_LineSymbol | EQN_RadicalSymbol)


Definition of a text or equation element.

The properties 'color', 'isTouchable', 'onClick' and touchBorder modify the corresponding properties on the FigureElementPrimitive itself, and so could equally be set in mods. They are provided in the root object for convenience as they are commonly used.

Type: (string | {text: string?, font: OBJ_Font?, style: ("italic" | "normal" | null)?, weight: ("normal" | "bold" | "lighter" | "bolder" | "100" | "200" | "300" | "400" | "500" | "600" | "700" | "800" | "900")?, size: number?, color: TypeColor?, isTouchable: boolean?, onClick: function (): (void | "string" | null)?, touchBorder: (TypeBorder | "border" | number | "rect" | "draw" | "buffer")?, mods: OBJ_ElementMods?} | FigureElementPrimitive | FigureElementCollection)

text (string?) : Text element only
font (OBJ_Font?) : Text element only
style (("italic" | "normal")?) : Text element only
mods (object?) : Properties to set on instantiated element
color (TypeColor?) : Color to set the element
isTouchable (boolean?) : make the element touchable
touchBorder ((TypeBorder | "border" | number | "rect" | "draw" | "buffer")?) : set the element's touch border
mods (OBJ_ElementMods?)


An object of equation forms where each key is the form name and each value is a form defintion TypeEquationForm

Type: {}

_formName (TypeEquationForm?)


A form definition can either be:

Type: (TypeEquationPhrase | EQN_FormObjectDefinition)


In mathematics, an equation form is a specific arrangement of an equation's terms and operators. Different forms will have different arrangements, that can be achieved by performing a series of operations to both sides of the equation.

For instance, the equation:

a + b = c

can be rearranged to a different form:

a = c - b

From a FigureOne figure's perspective, a form is a specific layout of equation elements.

This object defines a how the elements are laid out, what properties the elements have, and some animation properties for when animating to this form.

Type: {content: TypeEquationPhrase, scale: number?, alignment: EQN_FormAlignment?, description: string?, modifiers: {}?, duration: number??, translation: EQN_TranslationStyles?, onShow: (string | function (): void)?, onTransition: (string | function (): void)?, elementMods: OBJ_ElementMods?, fromForm: EQN_FromForms, ignoreColor: boolean?}

content (TypeEquationPhrase) : The equation phrase of the form defines how the elements are laid out
scale (number?) : scaling factor for this form
alignment (EQN_FormAlignment?) : how the equation's position is aligned with this form
description (string?) : description of this form
modifiers ({}?) : description modifiers
duration (number??) : duration if animating to this form, use null for velocity based duration
translation (EQN_TranslationStyles?) : translation style when animating to this form
elementMods (OBJ_ElementMods?) : properties to set in the equation element (@FigureElementPrimitive) when this form is shown
fromForm (EQN_FromForms?) : override duration , translation onTransition and/or onShow with this if coming from specific forms
ignoreColor (boolean?) : when false , color will be set automatically in the equation based on EQN_Color equation functions. In such cases, colors that are set external to the equation will be overridden. Use true to allow setting of colors externally only. ( false )
onShow ((string | function (): void)?)
onTransition ((string | function (): void)?)
// Simple form definition of two different forms of the same equation and one
// of the elements is colored blue in one form and red in the other
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: { equals: ' = ', plus: ' + ', minus: ' \u2212 ' },
  forms: {
    form1: {
      content: ['a', 'plus', 'b', 'equals', 'c'],
      elementMods: {
        a: { color: [0, 0, 1, 1] },
    form2: {
      content: ['a', 'equals', 'c', 'minus', 'b'],
      elementMods: {
        a: { color: [1, 0, 0, 1] },
// Example showing all form options
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: {
      content: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
      subForm: 'deg',
      scale: 1.2,
      alignment: {
        fixTo: 'b',
        xAlign: 'center',
        yAlign: 'bottom',
      description: '|Form| 1 |description|',
      modifiers: {
        Form: { font: { color: [0, 0, 1, 0] } },
      elementMods: {
        a: {
          color: [0, 0, 1, 1],
          isTouchable: true,
      duration: 1,
      translation: {
        a: {
          style: 'curved',
          direction: 'up',
          mag: 0.95,
        b: ['curved', 'down', 0.45],
      fromPrev: {
        duration: null,
        translation: {
          a: ['curved', 'down', 0.2],
          b: ['curved', 'down', 0.2],
      fromNext: {
        duration: 2,
        translation: {
          a: ['curved', 'down', 0.2],
          b: ['curved', 'down', 0.2],


An equation phrase is used to define an equation form and can be any of the below:

Type: (string | number | {frac: EQN_Fraction} | {strike: EQN_Strike} | {box: EQN_Box} | {tBox: EQN_TouchBox} | {root: EQN_Root} | {brac: EQN_Bracket} | {sub: EQN_Subscript} | {sup: EQN_Superscript} | {supSub: EQN_SuperscriptSubscript} | {topBar: EQN_Bar} | {bottomBar: EQN_Bar} | {annotate: EQN_Annotate} | {topComment: EQN_Comment} | {bottomComment: EQN_Comment} | {pad: EQN_Pad} | {bar: EQN_Bar} | {scale: EQN_Scale} | {container: EQN_Container} | {offset: EQN_Offset} | {matrix: EQN_Matrix} | {matrix: EQN_Lines} | {int: EQN_Integral} | {sumOf: EQN_SumOf} | {prodOf: EQN_ProdOf} | {topStrike: EQN_StrikeComment} | {bottomStrike: EQN_StrikeComment} | Array<TypeEquationPhrase> | FigureElementPrimitive | FigureElementCollection | Elements | Element | BaseAnnotationFunction)

  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: { equals: ' = ' },
  forms: {
    form1: 'a',
    form2: ['a', 'equals', 'b'],
    form3: [{
      frac: {
        numerator: 'a',
        symbol: 'vinculum',
        denominator: 'c',
    }, 'equals', 'b'],
    form4: { frac: ['a', 'vinculum', 'c'] },

  .goToForm({ target: 'form2', animate: 'move', delay: 1 })
  .goToForm({ target: 'form3', animate: 'move', delay: 1 })
  .goToForm({ target: 'form4', animate: 'move', delay: 1 })


Form alignment object definition.

Each equation form is positioned within the Equation FigureElementCollection draw space (0, 0) point. This object defines how the form is aligned with this (0, 0) point.

Using the fixTo property forms can either be aligned relative to the bounds of the form itself, or to an element within the form, or to a position other than the (0, 0) in in the equation's collection draw space.

If fixTo is an element in the equation:

  • the fixTo element is positioned at (0, 0), and all other elements repositioned relative to that.
  • The equation collection setPosition (or translation transform) can then be used to position the equation in the figure (or relative collection space)
  • if xAlign is:

    • 'center': the fixTo element is centered in x around (0, 0)
    • 'right': the fixTo element right most point is at x = 0
    • 'left': default - the fixTo element x position at 0
  • if yAlign is:

    • 'middle': the fixTo element is centered in y around (0, 0)
    • 'bottom': the fixTo element bottom most point is at y = 0
    • 'top': the fixTo element top most point is at y = 0
    • 'baseline': default - the fixTo element y position at 0

If fixTo is a Point, the equation is positioned at that point in the equation's draw space.

  • xAlign:

    • 'left': The equation's left most element's left most point is at Point.x
    • 'right': The equation's right most element's right most point is at Point.x
    • 'center': The equation is centered horizontally around Point.x
  • yAlign:

    • 'baseline': The equation's baseline is at Point.y
    • 'top': The equation's top most element's top most point is at Point.y
    • 'bottom': The equation's top most element's top most point is at Point.y
    • 'middle': The equation is centered vertically around Point.y

Type: {fixTo: (FigureElement | TypeParsablePoint | string), xAlign: TypeHAlign, yAlign: TypeVAlign}

fixTo ((FigureElement | TypeParsablePoint | string)?) : ( [0, 0] )
xAlign (TypeHAlign?) : ( 'left' )
yAlign (TypeVAlign?) : ( 'baseline' )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Note - the points are drawn in the figure's draw space, but as the
// equation collection is at (0, 0) and it has not scaling applied, then
// the equation's draw space is the same as the figure's draw space.

// Draw (0, 0) point in equation collection
  make: 'polygon', options: { radius: 0.01, color: [0, 0, 1, 1], sides: 9 },
// Default alignment is left, baseline
    make: 'equation',
    forms: { 0: ['a', '_ = ', 'bg'] },
// Draw (0, 0) point in equation collection
  make: 'polygon', options: { radius: 0.01, color: [0, 0, 1, 1], sides: 9 },
// Align with right, middle
    make: 'equation',
    forms: { 0: ['a', '_ = ', 'bg'] },
    formDefaults: {
      alignment: {
        xAlign: 'right',
        yAlign: 'middle',
// Draw (0, 0) point in equation collection
  make: 'polygon', options: { radius: 0.01, color: [0, 0, 1, 1], sides: 9 },
// Align with center of equals sign
    make: 'equation',
    forms: { 0: ['a', '_ = ', 'bg'] },
    formDefaults: {
      alignment: {
        fixTo: '_ = ',
        xAlign: 'center',
        yAlign: 'baseline',
// Draw (0, 0) and (0.2, 0.1) points
    make: 'polygon',
    options: { radius: 0.01, color: [0, 0, 1, 1], sides: 9 }
    make: 'polygon',
    options: {
      radius: 0.01, color: [0, 0.8, 0, 1], sides: 9, position: [0.2, 0.1],
// Align with point (0.2, 0.1) in the equation collection
    make: 'equation',
    forms: { 0: ['a', '_ = ', 'bg'] },
    formDefaults: {
      alignment: {
        fixTo: [0.2, 0.1],
        xAlign: 'right',
        yAlign: 'baseline',


Equation form FromForm definition.

When animating from a specific form, it can be useful to customize some of the form properties specific to that transition.

To do so, use this options object where each key is the specific form from which the equation is animating from, and the value is the specific properties.

Type: {}

_formName (EQN_FromForm?)
EQN_FromForm , EQN_FormObjectDefinition


From form options object.

Any defined properties will override the corrsponding properties of the form if it being animated to from a specific form.

Type: {onTransition: (null | string | function (): void)?, onShow: (null | string | function (): void)?, duration: number?, translation: {}?, elementMods: OBJ_ElementMods?}

duration (number??) : duration if animating to this form, use null for velocity based duration
translation (EQN_TranslationStyle?) : translation style when animating to this form
elementMods (OBJ_ElementMods?) : properties to set in the equation element (@FigureElementPrimitive) when this form is shown
onTransition ((null | string | function (): void)?)
onShow ((null | string | function (): void)?)


Form translation properties

Type: {style: ("curved" | "linear"), direction: ("up" | "down")?, mag: number}

style (("curved" | "linear")) : element should move in a straight line, or through a curve. Default: "linear"
direction (("up" | "down")?) : curve only - element should move through an up or down curve
mag (number?) : the magnitude of the curve


Default form values applied to all forms

Type: {alignment: EQN_FormAlignment?, elementMods: OBJ_ElementMods?, duration: number?, translation: EQN_TranslationStyle?, onShow: (null | string | function (): void)?, onTransition: (null | string | function (): void)?, layout: ("lazy" | "init" | "always")?, ignoreColor: boolean?}

alignment (EQN_FormAlignment?)
elementMods (OBJ_ElementMods?)
duration (number?)
translation (EQN_TranslationStyle?)
onShow ((null | string | function (): void)?)
onTransition ((null | string | function (): void)?)
layout (("lazy" | "init" | "always")?)
ignoreColor (boolean?)


When an equation form series is restarted, or cycled back to the first form in the series, then two special animations can be defined with this object:

  • moveFrom: the equation will move from a location (usually another equation of the same form)
  • pulse: An element will be pulsed when the animation is finished.

The default values in the pulse object are are:

  • duration: 1s
  • scale: 1.1

Type: {moveFrom: (Point? | FigureElementCollection)?, pulse: {duration: number?, scale: number?, element: FigureElement??}?}

moveFrom ((Point? | FigureElementCollection)?)
pulse ({duration: number?, scale: number?, element: FigureElement??}?)

Equation Layout


Equation fraction options

A fraction has a numerator and denominator separated by a vinculum symbol EQN_VinculumSymbol.

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({numerator: TypeEquationPhrase, symbol: string, denominator: TypeEquationPhrase, scale: number?, numeratorSpace: number?, denominatorSpace: number?, overhang: number?, offsetY: number?, baseline: ("numerator" | "denominator" | "vinculum")?, fullContentBounds: boolean?} | [TypeEquationPhrase, string, TypeEquationPhrase, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, ("numerator" | "denominator" | "vinculum")?, boolean?])

numerator (TypeEquationPhrase)
symbol (string) : Vinculum symbol
denominator (TypeEquationPhrase)
scale (number?) : ( 1 )
numeratorSpace (number?) : ( 0.05 )
denominatorSpace (number?) : ( 0.05 )
overhang (number?) : Vinculum extends beyond the content horizontally by the this amount ( 0.05 )
offsetY (number?) : Offset fraction in y ( 0.07 )
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : Use full bounds with content ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    1: { frac: ['a', 'vinculum', 'b'] },
// Example showing object and array fraction definitions, and nesting
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    v1: { symbol: 'vinculum' },
    v2: { symbol: 'vinculum' },
    plus: '  +  ',
  forms: {
    // Fraction object form
    1: {
      frac: {
        numerator: 'a',
        denominator: 'b',
        symbol: 'v1',
    // Fraction array form
    2: { frac: ['a', 'v1', 'd'] },
    // Nested
    3: {
      frac: {
        numerator: [{ frac: ['a', 'v1', 'd', 0.7] }, 'plus', '_1'],
        symbol: 'v2',
        denominator: 'b',
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3'],
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();
// Create equation object then add to figure
const eqn = figure.collections.equation({
  elements: {
      v1: { symbol: 'vinculum' },
      v2: { symbol: 'vinculum' },
      plus: '  +  ',
    forms: {
      1: {
        frac: {
          numerator: 'a',
          denominator: 'b',
          symbol: 'v1',
      2: { frac: ['a', 'v1', 'd'] },
      3: {
        frac: {
          numerator: [{ frac: ['a', 'v1', 'd', 0.7] }, 'plus', '_1'],
          symbol: 'v2',
          denominator: 'b',
    formSeries: ['1', '2', '3'],
figure.add('eqn', eqn);
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation root

Surround an equation phrase with a radical symbol EQN_RadicalSymbol and add a custom root if needed

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below.

Type: ({symbol: string, content: TypeEquationPhrase, inSize: boolean?, space: number?, topSpace: number?, rightSpace: number?, bottomSpace: number?, leftSpace: number?, root: TypeEquationPhrase, rootOffset: number?, rootScale: number?, fullContentBounds: boolean?, useFullBounds: boolean?} | [string, TypeEquationPhrase, boolean?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, TypeEquationPhrase?, number?, number?, boolean?, boolean?])

symbol (string) : radical symbol
content (TypeEquationPhrase)
inSize (boolean?) : false excludes radical symbol and root (if defined) from size of resulting phrase ( true )
space (number?) : ( 0.02 ) default space between content and radical symbol in left, right, top and bottom directions.
topSpace (number?) : space between content top and radical symbol horiztonal line ( space )
rightSpace (number?) : radical symbol overhang of content on right ( space )
bottomSpace (number?) : radical symbol descent below content ( space )
leftSpace (number?) : space between radical symbol up stroke and content ( space )
root (TypeEquationPhrase?) : custom root
rootOffset (number?) : custom root offset ( [0, 0.06] )
rootScale (number?) : custom root scale ( 0.6 )
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : use full bounds of content, overriding any inSize=false properties in the content ( false )
useFullBounds (boolean?) : make the bounds of this phrase equal to the full bounds of the content even if fullContentBounds=false and the brackets only surround a portion of the content ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    1: { root: ['radical', 'a'] },
// Example showing object and array root definitions, and custom roots
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    r: { symbol: 'radical' },
    plus: '  +  ',
  formDefaults: { alignment: { fixTo: 'd' } },
  forms: {
    // Root object form
    1: {
      root: {
        symbol: 'r',
        content: ['a', 'plus', 'd'],
    // Root array form
    2: { root: ['r', 'd'] },
    // Cube root
    3: { root: { content: 'd', symbol: 'r', root: '_3' } },
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3'],
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();
// Create equation object then add to figure
const eqn = figure.collections.equation({
  elements: {
    r: { symbol: 'radical' },
    plus: '  +  ',
  formDefaults: {
    alignment: { fixTo: 'd' },
  forms: {
    1: {
      root: {
        symbol: 'r',
        content: ['a', 'plus', 'd'],
    2: { root: ['r', 'd'] },
    3: { root: { content: 'd', symbol: 'r', root: '_3' } },
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3'],
figure.add('eqn', eqn);
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation subscript

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({content: TypeEquationPhrase, subscript: TypeEquationPhrase, scale: number?, offset: TypeParsablePoint?, inSize: boolean} | [TypeEquationPhrase, TypeEquationPhrase, number?, TypeParsablePoint?, boolean?])

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
subscript (TypeEquationPhrase)
scale (number?) : scale of subscript ( 0.5 )
offset (TypeParsablePoint?) : offset of subscript ( [0, 0] )
inSize (boolean?) : true excludes subscript from size of resulting phrase ( true )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    1: { sub: ['x', '_2'] },
// Example showing different subscript options
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    // Object form
    1: {
      sub: {
        content: 'x',
        subscript: 'b',
    // Array form
    2: [{ sub: ['x', 'b'] }, ' ', { sub: ['y', 'd'] }],
    3: { sub: ['x', ['b', '  ', '+', '  ', 'd']] },
    // Subscript offset to adjust layout to keep animation smooth
    4: {
      sub: {
        content: 'x',
        subscript: { frac: [['b', '  ', '+', '  ', 'd'], 'vinculum', '_2'] },
        offset: [-0.025, -0.02],
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3', '4'],
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation superscript

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({content: TypeEquationPhrase, superscript: TypeEquationPhrase, scale: number?, offset: TypeParsablePoint?, inSize: boolean} | [TypeEquationPhrase, TypeEquationPhrase, number?, TypeParsablePoint?, boolean?])

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
superscript (TypeEquationPhrase)
scale (number?) : scale of superscript ( 0.5 )
offset (TypeParsablePoint?) : offset of superscript ( [0, 0] )
inSize (boolean?) : true excludes superscript from size of resulting phrase ( true )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    1: { sup: ['e', 'x'] },
// Examples of superscript animations
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    // Object form
    1: {
      sup: {
        content: 'e',
        superscript: 'x',
    // Array form
    2: [{ sup: ['e', 'x'] }, '  ', { sup: ['e_1', 'y'] }],
    3: { sup: ['e', ['x', '  ', '+', '  ', 'y']] },
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3'],
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation superscript and subscript

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({content: TypeEquationPhrase, subscript: TypeEquationPhrase, superscript: TypeEquationPhrase, scale: number?, superscriptOffset: TypeParsablePoint?, subscriptOffset: TypeParsablePoint?, inSize: boolean?} | [TypeEquationPhrase, TypeEquationPhrase, TypeEquationPhrase, number?, TypeParsablePoint?, TypeParsablePoint?, boolean?])

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
superscript (TypeEquationPhrase)
subscript (TypeEquationPhrase)
scale (number?) : scale of superscript ( 0.5 )
superscriptOffset (TypeParsablePoint?) : offset of superscript ( [0, 0] )
subscriptOffset (TypeParsablePoint?) : offset of subscript ( [0, 0] )
inSize (boolean?) : true excludes superscript from size of resulting phrase ( true )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    1: { supSub: ['x', 'b', 'a'] },
// Example showing different super-sub script options
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    // Object form
    1: {
      supSub: {
        content: 'x',
        superscript: 'b',
        subscript: 'a',
    // Array form
    2: [{ supSub: ['x', 'b', 'a'] }, '  ', { supSub: ['x_1', 'c', 'a_1'] }],
    3: { supSub: ['x', ['b', '  ', '+', '  ', 'c'], 'a'] },
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3'],
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation matrix

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({order: [number, number]?, left: string?, content: TypeEquationPhrase, right: string?, scale: number?, fit: ("max" | "min" | TypeParsablePoint)?, space: TypeParsablePoint?, yAlign: ("baseline" | "middle")?, brac: EQN_Bracket?, fullContentBounds: boolean?} | [[number, number]?, string?, TypeEquationPhrase, string?, number?, ("max"? | "min"), TypeParsablePoint?, ("baseline"? | "middle"), EQN_Bracket?, boolean?])

order ([number, number]?) : ( [1, length-of-content] )
left (string?) : left bracket symbol
content (Array<TypeEquationPhrase>?) : Array of equation phrases where each element is a matrix element
right (string?) : right bracket symbol
scale (number?) : scale of matrix elements ( 0.7 )
fit (("max" | "min" | TypeParsablePoint)?) : cell size - min each cell is a rectangle with width equal to largest width in its column, and height equal to largest height in its row - max all cells are a square with dimension equal to the largest dimension of the largest cell - point all cells are a rectangle with width as point.x and height as point.y - note - max and point only work with yAlign = 'middle' ( 'min' )
space (TypeParsablePoint?) : space between each cell ( [0.05, 0.05] )
yAlign (("baseline" | "middle")?) : align cells in a row with the text baseline, or middle of the cell ( baseline )
brac (EQN_Bracket?) : bracket options not including the symbols ( {} )
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : use full bounds of content, overriding any inSize=false properties in the content ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    lb: { symbol: 'squareBracket', side: 'left' },
    rb: { symbol: 'squareBracket', side: 'right' },
  forms: {
    1: { matrix: [[2, 2], 'lb', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'rb'] },
// Some different equation examples
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    lb: { symbol: 'squareBracket', side: 'left' },
    rb: { symbol: 'squareBracket', side: 'right' },
    v: { symbol: 'vinculum' },
  phrases: {
    f: { frac: ['a', 'v', 'b'] },
  forms: {
    // Array equation 2x2 matrix
    1: { matrix: [[2, 2], 'lb', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'rb'] },
    // Object definition vector
    2: {
      matrix: {
        content: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
        left: 'lb',
        right: 'rb',
        order: [1, 4],
    // Additional options for layout
    3: {
      matrix: {
        content: ['f', 'wxyz', 'c', 'd'],
        symbol: 'bSqr',
        left: 'lb',
        right: 'rb',
        order: [2, 2],
    // Fixed size matrix cells
    4: {
      matrix: {
        content: ['f', 'wxyz', 'c', 'd'],
        symbol: 'bSqr',
        left: 'lb',
        right: 'rb',
        order: [2, 2],
        fit: [0.2, 0.2],
        yAlign: 'middle',
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3', '4']
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation integral

Place an integral (with optional limits) before an equation phrase

Use with a EQN_IntegralSymbol symbol.

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below.

Type: ({symbol: string?, content: TypeEquationPhrase?, from: TypeEquationPhrase?, to: TypeEquationPhrase?, inSize: boolean?, space: number?, topSpace: number?, bottomSpace: number?, height: number?, yOffset: number?, scale: number?, fromScale: number?, toScale: number?, fromOffset: TypeParsablePoint?, toOffset: TypeParsablePoint?, limitsPosition: ("side" | "topBottom" | "topBottomCenter")?, limitsAroundContent: boolean?, fromXPosition: ("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?, fromYPosition: ("bottom" | "top" | "middle" | "baseline" | number)?, fromXAlign: ("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?, fromYAlign: ("bottom" | "top" | "middle" | "baseline" | number)?, toXPosition: ("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?, toYPosition: ("bottom" | "top" | "middle" | "baseline" | number)?, toXAlign: ("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?, toYAlign: ("bottom" | "top" | "middle" | "baseline" | number)?, fullBoundsContent: boolean?, useFullBounds: boolean?} | [string?, TypeEquationPhrase?, TypeEquationPhrase?, TypeEquationPhrase?, boolean?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, TypeParsablePoint?, TypeParsablePoint?, ("side"? | "topBottom" | "topBottomCenter"), boolean?, ("left"? | "center" | "right" | number), ("bottom"? | "top" | "middle" | "baseline" | number), ("left"? | "center" | "right" | number), ("bottom"? | "top" | "middle" | "baseline" | number), ("left"? | "center" | "right" | number), ("bottom"? | "top" | "middle" | "baseline" | number), ("left"? | "center" | "right" | number), ("bottom"? | "top" | "middle" | "baseline" | number), boolean?, boolean?])

symbol (string)
content (TypeEquationPhrase)
from (TypeEquationPhrase?) : bottom limit
to (TypeEquationPhrase?) : top limit
inSize (boolean?) : false excludes box symbol from size of resulting phrase ( true )
space (number?) : horizontal space between symbol and content ( 0.05 )
topSpace (number?) : space between content top and symbol top ( 0.1 )
bottomSpace (number?) : space between content bottom and symbol bottom ( 0.1 )
height (number?) : force height of symbol
yOffset (number?) : y offset of symbol ( 0 )
scale (number?) : content scale ( 1 )
fromScale (number?) : scale of from (bottom) limit ( 0.5 )
toScale (number?) : scale of to (top) limit ( 0.5 )
fromOffset (TypeParsablePoint?) : from limit offest ( side : [0, 0] , topBottom : [0, -0.04] , topBottomCenter : [0, -0.04] )
toOffset (TypeParsablePoint?) : to limit offest ( side : [0, 0] topBottom : [0, 0.04] , topBottomCenter : [0, 0.04] )
limitsPosition (("side" | "topBottom" | "topBottomCenter")?) : limits relative to symbol. side is to the right of the symbol ends, topBottom is above and below the symbol ends and topBottomCenter is above and below the integral mid point ( 'side' )
limitsAroundContent (boolean?) : false means content left is aligned with furthest right of limits
fromXPosition (("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?) : x position of limit relative to the symbol ( side : 0.5 , topBottom : 0.1 , topBottomCenter : 'center' )
fromYPositio (("bottom" | "top" | "middle" | "baseline" | number)?) : y position of the limit relavite to the symbol ( 'bottom' )
fromXAlign (("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?) : limit x alignment ( side : 'left' , topBottom : center , topBottomCenter : 'center' )
fromYAlign (("bottom" | "top" | "middle" | "baseline" | number)?) : limit y alignment ( side : 'middle' , topBottom : 'top' , topBottomCenter : 'top' )
toXPosition (("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?) : x position of limit relative to the symbol ( side : 'right' , topBottom : 0.9 , topBottomCenter : 'center' )
toYPosition (("bottom" | "top" | "middle" | "baseline" | number)?) : y position of the limit relavite to the symbol ( side : 'top' , topBottom : top , topBottomCenter : 'top' )
toXAlign (("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?) : limit x alignment ( side : 'left' , topBottom : center , topBottomCenter : 'center' )
toYAlign (("bottom" | "top" | "middle" | "baseline" | number)?) : limit y alignment ( side : 'middle' , topBottom : bottom , topBottomCenter : 'bottom' )
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : use full bounds of content, overriding any inSize=false properties in the content ( false )
useFullBounds (boolean?) : make the bounds of this phrase equal to the full bounds of the content even if fullContentBounds=false and the brackets only surround a portion of the content ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    1: { int: ['int', 'x dx', 'a', 'b'] },
// Example showing different integral options
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    i: { symbol: 'int' },
    // ic: { symbol: 'int', num: 1, type: 'line' },
  formDefaults: { alignment: { fixTo: 'x' } },
  forms: {
    // Root object form
    1: {
      int: {
        symbol: 'i',
        content: ['x', ' ', 'dx'],
        from: 'a',
        to: 'b',
    // Root array form
    2: { int: ['i', ['x', '  ', '+', ' ', '_1', ' ', 'dx'], 'a', 'b'] },
    // Indefinite tripple integral
    3: { int: ['i', ['x', '  ', '+', ' ', '_1', ' ', 'dx']] },
    // Custom spacing
    4: {
      int: {
        symbol: 'i',
        content: ['x', '  ', '+', ' ', '_1', ' ', 'dx'],
        to: 'b',
        from: { frac: ['a', 'vinculum', 'd + 2'] },
        topSpace: 0.2,
        bottomSpace: 0.2,
        limitsAroundContent: false,
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3', '4'],
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation sum of

Place an equation phrase in a sum of operation with the symbol EQN_SumSymbol.

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({symbol: string?, content: TypeEquationPhrase, from: TypeEquationPhrase?, to: TypeEquationPhrase?, inSize: boolean?, space: number?, topSpace: number?, bottomSpace: number?, height: number?, yOffset: number?, scale: number?, fromScale: number?, toScale: number?, fromSpace: number?, toSpace: number?, fromOffset: TypeParsablePoint?, toOffset: TypeParsablePoint?, fullBoundsContent: boolean?, useFullBounds: boolean?} | [string?, TypeEquationPhrase, TypeEquationPhrase?, TypeEquationPhrase?, boolean?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, (TypeParsablePoint? | null), (TypeParsablePoint? | null), boolean?, boolean?])

symbol (string)
content (TypeEquationPhrase)
inSize (boolean?) : false excludes sum of operator from size of resulting phrase ( true )
space (number?) : horiztonaly space between symbol and content ( 0.1 )
topSpace (number?) : space symbol extends above content top ( 0.07 )
bottomSpace (number?) : space symbol extends below content bottom ( 0.07 )
height (number?) : force height of symbol overwriting topSpace
yOffset (number?) : offset of symbol in y ( 0 )
scale (number?) : content scale ( 1 )
fromScale (number?) : scale of from phrase ( 0.5 )
toScale (number?) : scale of to phrase ( 0.5 )
fromSpace (number?) : space between symbol and from phrase ( 0.04 )
toSpace (number?) : space between symbol and to phrase ( 0.04 )
fromOffset (TypeParsablePoint?) : offset of from phrase ( [0, 0] )
toOffset (TypeParsablePoint?) : offset of to phrase ( [0, 0] )
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : use full bounds of content, overriding any inSize=false properties in the content ( false )
useFullBounds (boolean?) : make the bounds of this phrase equal to the full bounds of the content even if fullContentBounds=false and the brackets only surround a portion of the content ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    1: { sumOf: ['sum', 'x', 'b', 'a'] },
// Example showing different options
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    s: { symbol: 'sum', draw: 'dynamic' },
    inf: '\u221e',
  forms: {
    // Object form
    1: {
      sumOf: {
        symbol: 's',
        content: [{ sup: ['x', 'n'] }],
        from: ['n_1', ' ', '=', ' ', '_0'],
        to: '_10',
    // Array form
    2: { sumOf: ['s', [{ sup: ['x', 'm'] }], 'm_1', null]},
    // Styling with options
    3: {
      sumOf: {
        symbol: 's',
        content: { frac: [['x', ' ', '+', ' ', 'm'], 'vinculum', 'a'] },
        from: ['m_1', ' ', '=', ' ', '_0'],
        to: 'inf',
        fromScale: 0.8,
        toScale: 0.8,
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3'],
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Place an equation phrase in a product of operation with the symbol EQN_ProdSymbol.

Place an equation phrase in a product of operation

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({symbol: string?, content: TypeEquationPhrase, from: TypeEquationPhrase?, to: TypeEquationPhrase?, inSize: boolean?, space: number?, topSpace: number?, bottomSpace: number?, height: number?, yOffset: number?, scale: number?, fromScale: number?, toScale: number?, fromSpace: number?, toSpace: number?, fromOffset: TypeParsablePoint?, toOffset: TypeParsablePoint?, fullBoundsContent: boolean?, useFullBounds: boolean?} | [string?, TypeEquationPhrase, TypeEquationPhrase?, TypeEquationPhrase?, boolean?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, (TypeParsablePoint? | null), (TypeParsablePoint? | null), boolean?, boolean?])

symbol (string)
content (TypeEquationPhrase)
inSize (boolean?) : false excludes product of operator from size of resulting phrase ( true )
space (number?) : horiztonaly space between symbol and content ( 0.1 )
topSpace (number?) : space symbol extends above content top ( 0.07 )
bottomSpace (number?) : space symbol extends below content bottom ( 0.07 )
height (number?) : force height of symbol overwriting topSpace
yOffset (number?) : offset of symbol in y ( 0 )
scale (number?) : content scale ( 1 )
fromScale (number?) : scale of from phrase ( 0.5 )
toScale (number?) : scale of to phrase ( 0.5 )
fromSpace (number?) : space between symbol and from phrase ( 0.04 )
toSpace (number?) : space between symbol and to phrase ( 0.04 )
fromOffset (TypeParsablePoint?) : offset of from phrase ( [0, 0] )
toOffset (TypeParsablePoint?) : offset of to phrase ( [0, 0] )
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : use full bounds of content, overriding any inSize=false properties in the content ( false )
useFullBounds (boolean?) : make the bounds of this phrase equal to the full bounds of the content even if fullContentBounds=false and the brackets only surround a portion of the content ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    1: { prodOf: ['prod', 'x', 'b', 'a'] },
// Example showing different options
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    p: { symbol: 'prod', draw: 'dynamic' },
    inf: '\u221e',
  forms: {
    // Object form
    1: {
      prodOf: {
        symbol: 'p',
        content: [{ sup: ['x', 'n'] }],
        from: ['n_1', ' ', '=', ' ', '_0'],
        to: '_10',
    // Array form
    2: { prodOf: ['p', [{ sup: ['x', 'm'] }], 'm_1', null]},
    // Styling with options
    3: {
      prodOf: {
        symbol: 'p',
        content: { frac: [['x', ' ', '+', ' ', 'm'], 'vinculum', 'a'] },
        from: ['m_1', ' ', '=', ' ', '_0'],
        to: 'inf',
        fromScale: 0.8,
        toScale: 0.8,
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3'],
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation bar

Place a bar (or bracket) symbol to the side of an equation phrase.

Symbols that can be used with bar are:

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({content: TypeEquationPhrase, symbol: string?, inSize: boolean?, space: number?, overhang: number?, length: number?, left: number?, right: number?, top: number?, bottom: number?, side: ("left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom")?, minContentHeight: number?, minContentDescent: number?, minContentAscent: number?, descent: number?, fullContentBounds: boolean?, useFullBounds: boolean?} | [TypeEquationPhrase, string?, boolean?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, ("left"? | "right" | "top" | "bottom"), number?, number?, number?, number?, boolean?, boolean?])

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
symbol (string)
inSize (boolean?) : false excludes box symbol from size of resulting phrase ( true )
space (number?) : space between content and the symbol ( 0.03 )
overhang (number?) : amount symbol extends beyond content ( 0 )
length (number?) : total length of symbol (overrides overhang )
left (number?) : amount symbol extends beyond content to the left (overrides overhang and length , and only for side 'top' or 'bottom' )
right (number?) : amount symbol extends beyond content to the right (overrides overhang and length , and only for side 'top' or 'bottom' )
top (number?) : amount symbol extends beyond content to the top (overrides overhang and length , and only for side 'left' or 'right' )
bottom (number?) : amount symbol extends beyond content to the bottom (overrides overhang and length , and only for side 'left' or 'right' )
side (("left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom")?) : ( top )
minContentHeight (number?) : custom min content height for auto symbol sizing when side is 'top' or 'bottom'
minContentDescent (number?) : custom min content descent for auto symbol sizing when side is 'top' or 'bottom'
minContentAscent (number?) : custom min content ascent for auto symbol sizing when side is 'top' or 'bottom'
descent (number?) : force descent of symbol when side is 'top' or 'bottom' - height is forced with length property
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : use full bounds of content, overriding any inSize=false properties in the content ( false )
useFullBounds (boolean?) : make the bounds of this phrase equal to the full bounds of the content even if fullContentBounds=false and the brackets only surround a portion of the content ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    bar: { symbol: 'bar', side: 'top' },
  forms: {
    1: { bar: ['a', 'bar', 'top'] },
// Some different bar examples
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    hBar: { symbol: 'bar', side: 'top' },
    vBar: { symbol: 'bar', side: 'right' },
    hArrow: { symbol: 'arrow', direction: 'right' },
  forms: {
    // Array equation
    1: { bar: [['a', 'b'], 'hBar', 'top'] },
    // Object definition
    2: {
      bar: {
        content: ['a', 'b'],
        symbol: 'hBar',
        side: 'bottom',
    // Additional options for layout
    3: {
      bar: {
        content: ['a', 'b'],
        symbol: 'vBar',
        side: 'right',
        overhang: 0.1,
    // Vector arrow
    4: {
      bar: {
        content: ['a', 'b'],
        symbol: 'hArrow',
        side: 'top',
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3', '4']
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation bracket

Surround an equation phrase with brackets.

Symbols that can be used with bracket are:

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({left: string?, content: TypeEquationPhrase, right: string?, inSize: boolean?, insideSpace: number?, outsideSpace: number?, topSpace: number?, bottomSpace: number?, minContentHeight: number?, minContentDescent: number?, height: number?, descent: number?, fullContentBounds: boolean?, useFullBounds: boolean?} | [string, TypeEquationPhrase, string?, boolean?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, boolean?, boolean?])

left (string?) : left bracket symbol
content (TypeEquationPhrase?)
right (string?) : right bracket symbol
inSize (boolean?) : false excludes bracket symbols from size of resulting phrase ( true )
insideSpace (number?) : space between brackets and content ( 0.03 )
outsideSpace (number?) : space between brackets and neighboring phrases( 0.03 )
topSpace (number?) : how far the brackets extend above the content ( 0.05 )
bottomSpace (number?) : how far the brackets extend below the content ( 0.05 )
minContentHeight (number?) : if content height is less than this, then this number will be used when sizing the brackets (unless it is null ) ( null )
minContentDescent (number?) : if content descent is less than this, then this number will be used when sizing the brackets (unless it is null ) ( null )
height (number?) : force height of brackets ( null )
descent (number?) : force descent of brackets ( null )
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : use full bounds of content, overriding any inSize=false properties in the content ( false )
useFullBounds (boolean?) : make the bounds of this phrase equal to the full bounds of the content even if fullContentBounds=false and the brackets only surround a portion of the content ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    lb: { symbol: 'bracket', side: 'left' },
    rb: { symbol: 'bracket', side: 'right' },
  forms: {
    1: ['a', { brac: ['lb', ['b', '_ + ', 'c'], 'rb'] }],
// Some different bracket examples
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    lb: { symbol: 'bracket', side: 'left' },
    rb: { symbol: 'bracket', side: 'right' },
    lsb: { symbol: 'squareBracket', side: 'left' },
    rsb: { symbol: 'squareBracket', side: 'right' },
    leftBrace: { }
  forms: {
    // Array definition
    1: ['a', { brac: ['lb', ['b', '_ + ', 'c'], 'rb'] }],
    // Object definition
    2: ['a', {
      brac: {
        left: 'lb',
        content: { frac: ['b', 'vinculum', 'c'] },
        right: 'rb',
    // Square brackets
    3: ['a', { brac: ['lsb', ['b', '_ + ', 'c'], 'rsb'] }],
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3']
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation lines.

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

The equation lines function can split an equation into multiple lines. This might be because one line is too long, or it might be convenient to display different forms of the same equation simultaneously on different lines and then animate between them.

Lines can be justified to the left, center or right, or lines can be aligned with a specific element from each line (for instance an equals sign). To justify to a specific element, use justify: 'element' and then define the element name in the justify property of each line.

Lines can be aligned in y with either the top most part of the top line, the bottom most part of the bottom line, the middle of the lines or any of the line's baselines.

Spacing between lines is defined as either the space between the lowest point (descent) of one line to the highest point (ascent) of the next, or as the space between line baselines.

Type: {content: Array<(TypeEquationPhrase | EQN_Line)>, justify: ("left" | "right" | "center" | "element")?, baselineSpace: (null | number)?, space: number?, yAlign: ("bottom" | "top" | "middle" | number)?, fullContentBounds: boolean?}

content (Array<(EQN_Line | TypeEquationPhrase)>) : Array of equation phrases or equation line objects
justify (("left" | "center" | "right" | "element")?) : how to align the lines in x. Use 'element' to align the lines with a specific element from each line (that is defined with the justify property in each line) ( 'left' )
baselineSpace ((number | null)?) : default space between baselines of lines. If not null then will override space ( null ).
space (number?) : default space between descent of one line and ascent of the next line ( 0 ).
yAlign (("bottom" | "middle" | "top" | number)?) : How to align the lines in y. number can be any line index, and it will align the baseline of that line. So, using 0 will align the first line's baseline. ( 0 )
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : use full bounds of content, overriding any inSize=false properties in the content ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Two lines, array definition
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    0: {
      lines: [
          ['a', '_ = ', 'b', '_ + _1', 'c', '_ - _1', 'd'],
          ['_ + _2', 'e', '_ - _2', 'f'],
// Two lines animating to 1
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    equals1: ' = ',
    equals2: ' = ',
  forms: {
    0: {
      lines: {
        content: [
            content: ['a_1', 'equals1', 'b', '_ + ', 'c'],
            justify: 'equals1',
            content: ['d', '_ - ', 'e', 'equals2', 'a_2'],
            justify: 'equals2',
        space: 0.08,
        justify: 'element',
    1: ['d', '_ - ', 'e', 'equals1', 'b', '_ + ', 'c'],

    delay: 1, target: '1', duration: 1, animate: 'move',


Equation box

Place a EQN_BoxSymbol around an equation phrase

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({content: TypeEquationPhrase, symbol: string, inSize: boolean?, space: number?, topSpace: number?, rightSpace: number?, bottomSpace: number?, leftSpace: number?, fullContentBounds: boolean?, useFullBounds: boolean?} | [TypeEquationPhrase, string, boolean?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, boolean?, boolean?])

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
symbol (string)
inSize (boolean?) : false excludes box symbol from size of resulting phrase ( false )
space (number?) : space between box symbol and content on the left, right, bottom and top sides ( 0 )
topSpace (number?) : use when top space between content and box should be different thant space property ( space )
rightSpace (number?) : use when right space between content and box should be different thant space property ( space )
bottomSpace (number?) : use when bottom space between content and box should be different thant space property ( space )
leftSpace (number?) : use when left space between content and box should be different thant space property ( space )
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : use full bounds of content, overriding any inSize=false properties in the content ( false )
useFullBounds (boolean?) : make the bounds of this phrase equal to the full bounds of the content even if fullContentBounds=false and the brackets only surround a portion of the content ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    1: { box: ['a', 'box', true, 0.1] },
// Some different box examples
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    box: { symbol: 'box' },
  forms: {
    // Array equation
    1: ['a', { box: ['b', 'box'] }, 'c'],
    // Object definition
    2: {
      box: {
        content: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
        symbol: 'box',
    // Additional options for layout
    3: {
      box: {
        content: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
        symbol: 'box',
        space: 0.2,
    // Box is included in the layout spacing
    4: [
        box: {
          content: 'b',
          symbol: 'box',
          space: 0.2,
          inSize: true,
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3', '4']
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation strike-through

Overlay a strike symbol on an equation phrase.

Use with EQN_Strike symbol.

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({content: TypeEquationPhrase, symbol: string, inSize: boolean?, space: number?, topSpace: number?, rightSpace: number?, bottomSpace: number?, leftSpace: number?, fullContentBounds: boolean?, useFullBounds: boolean?} | [TypeEquationPhrase, string, boolean?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, boolean?, boolean?])

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
symbol (string)
inSize (boolean?) : false excludes strike symbol from size of resulting phrase ( false )
space (number?) : amount the strike symbol overhangs the content on the left, right, bottom and top sides ( 0.02 )
topSpace (number?) : use when top overhang between content and strike should be different thant space property ( space )
rightSpace (number?) : use when right overhang between content and strike should be different thant space property ( space )
bottomSpace (number?) : use when bottom overhang between content and strike should be different thant space property ( space )
leftSpace (number?) : use when left overhang between content and strike should be different thant space property ( space )
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : use full bounds of content, overriding any inSize=false properties in the content ( false )
useFullBounds (boolean?) : make the bounds of this phrase equal to the full bounds of the content even if fullContentBounds=false and the brackets only surround a portion of the content ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    x: { symbol: 'strike', color: [0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1] },
  forms: {
    1: [{ strike: ['a', 'x']}, ' ', 'b'],
// Some different strike examples
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    s1: { symbol: 'strike', color: [0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1] },
    s2: { symbol: 'strike', style: 'forward', color: [0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1] },
  forms: {
    // Array definition
    1: [{ strike: ['a', 's1']}, ' ', 'b'],
    // Object definition
    2: {
      strike: {
        content: ['a', '_ + ', 'b'],
        symbol: 's1',
    // Additional options to make strike overhang more
    3: {
      strike: {
        content: ['a', 'b'],
        symbol: 's1',
        topSpace: 0.2,
        rightSpace: 0.2,
        leftSpace: 0.2,
        bottomSpace: 0.2,
    // Forward strike
    4: { strike: [['a', '_ +', 'b'], 's2'] },
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3', '4']
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation strike with comment options used with topStrike and bottomStrike functions.

Use with EQN_Strike symbol.

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({content: TypeEquationPhrase?, symbol: string?, comment: TypeEquationPhrase?, inSize: boolean?, space: number?, scale: number?, commentSpace: number?} | [TypeEquationPhrase?, string?, TypeEquationPhrase?, boolean?, number?, number?, number?])

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
symbol (string) : strike symbol
comment (TypeEquationPhrase)
inSize (boolean?) : false excludes the symbol and comment from thre resulting size of the equation phrase ( true )
space (number?) : top, right, bottom and left extension of symbol beyond content ( 0.03 )
scale (number?) : comment scale ( 0.6 )
commentSpace (number?) : space from symbol to comment ( 0.03 )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    x: { symbol: 'strike', color: [0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1] },
  forms: {
    1: { topStrike: ['radius', 'x', 'radius = 1'] },
// Some different strike examples
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    s1: { symbol: 'strike', style: 'forward', color: [0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1] },
  forms: {
    // Array equation
    1: { topStrike: ['radius', 's1', 'radius = 1'] },
    // Object definition
    2: {
      bottomStrike: {
        content: 'radius',
        symbol: 's1',
        comment: 'radius = 1',
    // Additional options for layout
    3: {
      bottomStrike: {
        content: 'radius',
        comment: 'radius = 1',
        symbol: 's1',
        scale: 0.8,
        space: 0.1,
        commentSpace: 0.01,
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3']
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation comment options used with topComment and bottomComment functions.

A symbol between the content and comment is optional.

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({content: TypeEquationPhrase, comment: TypeEquationPhrase, symbol: string?, contentSpace: number?, commentSpace: number?, contentLineSpace: number?, commentLineSpace: number?, scale: number?, inSize: boolean?, fullContentBounds: boolean?, useFullBounds: boolean?} | [TypeEquationPhrase, TypeEquationPhrase, string, number?, number?, number?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?])

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
comment (TypeEquationPhrase)
symbol (string?) : optional symbol between content and comment
contentSpace (number?) : space from content to symbol ( 0.03 )
commentSpace (number?) : space from symbol to comment ( 0.03 )
contentLineSpace (number?) : space between a line symbol and content ( 0.03 )
commentLineSpace (number?) : space between a line symbol and comment ( 0.03 )
scale (number?) : comment scale ( 0.6 )
inSize (boolean?) : false excludes the symbol and comment from thre resulting size of the equation phrase ( true )
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : use full bounds of content, overriding any inSize=false properties in the content ( false )
useFullBounds (boolean?) : make the bounds of this phrase equal to the full bounds of the content even if fullContentBounds=false and the brackets only surround a portion of the content ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    1: { topComment: ['radius', 'r = 1'] },
// Some different comment examples
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    bBkt: { symbol: 'bracket', side: 'bottom' },
    tBrc: { symbol: 'brace', side: 'top' },
    bSqr: { symbol: 'squareBracket', side: 'bottom' },
  forms: {
    // Array equation
    1: { topComment: ['a \u00d7 b \u00d7 c', 'b = 1, c = 1', 'tBrc'] },
    // Object definition
    2: {
      bottomComment: {
        content: 'a \u00d7 b \u00d7 c',
        symbol: 'bBkt',
        comment: 'b = 1, c = 1',
    // Additional options for layout
    3: {
      bottomComment: {
        content: 'a \u00d7 b \u00d7 c',
        symbol: 'bSqr',
        comment: 'b = 1, c = 1',
        contentSpace: 0.1,
        commentSpace: 0.1,
        scale: 0.7,
    // Just comment
    4: {
      bottomComment: {
        content: 'a \u00d7 b \u00d7 c',
        comment: 'for a > 3',
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3', '4']
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation padding options.

Pads the size of the equation phrase with space.

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({content: TypeEquationPhrase, top: number?, right: number?, bottom: number?, left: number?} | [TypeEquationPhrase, number?, number?, number?, number?])

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
top (number?) : ( 0 )
right (number?) : ( 0 )
bottom (number?) : ( 0 )
left (number?) : ( 0 )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    1: ['a', { pad: ['b', 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1] }, 'c'],
// Some different padding examples
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    // No padding
    1: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    // Array form
    2: ['a', { pad: ['b', 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1] }, 'c'],
    // Object form
    3: [
        pad: {
          content: 'b',
          left: 0.3,
          right: 0.1,
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3'],
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation scale

Scale an equation phrase

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({content: TypeEquationPhrase, scale: number?, fullContentBounds: boolean?} | [TypeEquationPhrase, number?, boolean?])

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
scale (number?) : ( 1 )
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : Use full bounds with content ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    2: ['a', { scale: ['b', 2] }, 'c'],

// Some different bracket examples
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    // Default
    1: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    // Array definition magnify
    2: ['a', { scale: ['b', 2] }, 'c'],
    // Object definition shrink
    3: [
        scale: {
          content: ['b', 1],
          scale: 0.5,
    // Back to start
    4: ['a', { scale: ['b', 1] }, 'c'],
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3']
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation container options

A container is useful to fix spacing around content as it changes between equation forms.

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({content: TypeEquationPhrase, width: number?, inSize: boolean?, descent: number?, ascent: number?, xAlign: ("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?, yAlign: ("bottom" | "middle" | "top" | "baseline" | number)?, fit: ("width" | "height" | "contain")?, scale: number?, fullContentBounds: boolean?, showContent: boolean?} | [TypeEquationPhrase, number?, boolean?, number?, number?, ("left"? | "center" | "right" | number), ("bottom"? | "middle" | "top" | "baseline" | number), ("width"? | "height" | "contain"), number?, boolean?, boolean?])

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
width (number?) : ( null )
inSize (boolean?) : (`true)
descent (number?) : ( null )
ascent (number?) : ( null )
xAlign (("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?) : ( 'center' )
yAlign (("bottom" | "middle" | "top" | "baseline" | number)?) : ( 'baseline' )
fit (("width" | "height" | "contain")?) : fit width, ascent and descent to either match width, height or fully contain the content ( null )
scale (number?) : ( 1 )
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : ( false )
showContent (boolean?) : if false , a container will be created around the content, but the content will not be shown ( true )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Example showing the difference between with and without container
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    // Container object definition
    1: [
        container: {
          content: 'width',
          width: 0.5,
    // Container array definition
    2: ['length', { container: ['w', 0.5] }, 'height'],
    // No container
    3: ['length', ' ', 'w', ' ', 'height']
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3'],
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();
// Create equation object then add to figure
const eqn = figure.collections.equation({
  forms: {
    1: [
      { container: { content: 'width', width: 0.5 } },
    2: ['length', { container: ['w', 0.5] }, 'height'],
    3: ['length', ' ', 'w', ' ', 'height']
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3'],
figure.add('eqn', eqn);
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();


Equation touch box

Place a box symbol around an equation phrase

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({content: TypeEquationPhrase, symbol: string, space: number?, topSpace: number?, rightSpace: number?, bottomSpace: number?, leftSpace: number?} | [TypeEquationPhrase, string, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?])

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
symbol (string)
space (number?) : space between box symbol and content on the left, right, bottom and top sides ( 0 )
topSpace (number?) : use when top space between content and box should be different thant space property ( space )
rightSpace (number?) : use when right space between content and box should be different thant space property ( space )
bottomSpace (number?) : use when bottom space between content and box should be different thant space property ( space )
leftSpace (number?) : use when left space between content and box should be different thant space property ( space )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate


Equation offset options

Offset a phrase from the position it would normally be. An offest phrase will not contribute to layout of subsequent equation elements and phrases.

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({content: TypeEquationPhrase, offset: TypeParsablePoint?, inSize: boolean?, fullContentBounds: boolean?} | [TypeEquationPhrase, TypeParsablePoint?, boolean?, boolean?])

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
offset (TypeParsablePoint?) : ( [0, 0] )
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
    name: 'rect1',
    make: 'equation',
    forms: {
      0: [
        'a', '_ = ', 'n',
        { offset: ['for a > 0', [0.3, 0]] },


Equation color

Color an equation phrase.

Options can be an object, or an array in the property order below

Type: ({content: TypeEquationPhrase, color: TypeColor, fullContentBounds: boolean?} | [TypeEquationPhrase, TypeColor, boolean?])

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
color (TypeColor)
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : Use full bounds with content ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Simple Array Definition
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    0: ['a', { color: ['b', [0, 0, 1, 1]] }, 'c'],
// Simple Object Definition
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    0: [
        color: {
          content: 'b',
          color: [0, 0, 1, 1],
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    equals: ' = ',
    plus: ' + ',
    brace: { symbol: 'brace', side: 'top' },
  forms: {
    0: ['2', 'plus', '3', 'equals', 'x'],
    1: [
        color: {
          content: { topComment: [['2', 'plus', '3'], '5', 'brace'] },
          color: [0, 0, 1, 1],
      'equals', 'x',
    2: ['5', 'equals', 'x'],
  touch: { onClick: e => e.nextForm() },


Equation annotation

An annotation is an equation phrase ('annotation') which is laid out relative to another equation phrase ('content'). For example:


The options for defining how to annotate one equation phrase with another is EQN_Annotation

Content can also be annotated with a glyph (that itself may also be annotated). The glyph can either encompass the content, or can be to the top, bottom, left or right of the content

                        Top Glyph
                 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG     Encompassing Glyph
       GGG       GGG                 GGG        GGG
       GGG       GGG     CCCCCCC     GGG        GGG
Left   GGG       GGG     CCCCCCC     GGG        GGG   Right
Glyph  GGG       GGG     CCCCCCC     GGG        GGG   Glyph
       GGG       GGG                 GGG        GGG

                      Bottom Glyph

This function is used internally by almost all equation functions (except for fraction) for their layout. As such, it is very generic and powerful. It should also almost never neeed to be used as most layouts can be achieved with a different functions that will have more succinct code that is more readable.

This is provided so all layout corner cases not covered by the functions above are possible - including with custom glyphs.

Options can only be an object.

Type: {content: TypeEquationPhrase, annotation: EQN_Annotation?, annotations: Array<EQN_Annotation>?, fullContentBounds: boolean?, useFullBounds: boolean?, glyphs: EQN_Glyphs?, inSize: boolean?, space: number?, topSpace: number?, bottomSpace: number?, leftSpace: number?, rightSpace: number?, contentScale: number?}

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
annotation (EQN_Annotation?) : use for just one annotation
annotations (Array<EQN_Annotation>?) : use for multiple annotations
inSize (boolean?) : true means resulting size includes annotations ( true )
space (number?) : extend resulting equation phrase size by space on top, right, bottom and left sides ( 0 )
topSpace (number?) : extend resulting equation phrase size by space on top
bottomSpace (number?) : extend resulting equation phrase size by space on bottom
leftSpace (number?) : extend resulting equation phrase size by space on left
rightSpace (number?) : extend resulting equation phrase size by space on right
contentScale (number?) : scale content ( 1 )
glyphs (EQN_Glyphs?) : glyphs to annotate content with
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : use full bounds of content, overriding any inSize=false properties in the content ( false )
useFullBounds (boolean?) : make the bounds of this phrase equal to the full bounds of the content even if fullContentBounds=false and the brackets only surround a portion of the content ( false )
To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Some different annotation examples
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    bar: { symbol: 'bar', side: 'right' },
  forms: {
    // Single annotation
    1: {
      annotate: {
        content: 'a',
        annotation: {
          content: 'bbb',
          yPosition: 'top',
          yAlign: 'bottom',
          xPosition: 'left',
          xAlign: 'right',
          scale: 0.5,
    // Multiple annotations
    2: {
      annotate: {
        content: 'a',
        annotations: [
            content: 'bbb',
            yPosition: 'top',
            yAlign: 'bottom',
            xPosition: 'left',
            xAlign: 'right',
            scale: 0.5,
            content: 'ccc',
            xPosition: 'right',
            yPosition: 'middle',
            xAlign: 'left',
            yAlign: 'middle',
            scale: 0.5,
            offset: [0.05, 0],
    // With glyph
    3: {
      annotate: {
        content: 'a',
        glyphs: {
            symbol: 'bar',
            overhang: 0.1,
            annotation: {
              content: 'bbb',
              xPosition: 'right',
              yPosition: 'bottom',
              xAlign: 'left',
              yAlign: 'middle',
              scale: 0.5,
  formSeries: ['1', '2', '3'],
const eqn = figure.elements._eqn;
eqn.onClick = () => eqn.nextForm();

Equation Symbols


Base object options for all equation symbols

isTouchable, touchBorder, color and onClick change the corresponding properties on the FigureElementPrimitive, and could therefore also be set in mods. However, as these are commonly used, they are included in the root object for convenience.

Type: {color: TypeColor?, isTouchable: boolean?, touchBorder: (TypeBorder | "border" | number | "rect" | "draw" | "buffer")?, onClick: function (): (void | string | null)?, mods: Object?}

color (TypeColor?)
isTouchable (boolean?)
touchBorder ((TypeBorder | "border" | number | "rect" | "draw" | "buffer")?)
onClick (function (): (void | string | null)?)
mods (Object?)


Vinculum symbol used in fractions (EQN_Fraction equation function).

      |                                          |
      |                                          | ____
      00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   A
      00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   |  lineWidth
      00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 __V_

Type: any

Extends EQN_Symbol

symbol ("vinculum")
lineWidth (number?) : ( 0.01 )
draw (("static" | "dynamic")?) : 'dynamic' updates vertices on resize, 'static' only changes scale transform ( 'dynamic' )
staticWidth ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets width of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets width based on first use ( 'first' )
// Define as element
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    v: { symbol: 'vinculum' },
  forms: {
    form1: { frac: ['a', 'v', 'b'] },
// Define inline simple one use
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { frac: ['a', 'vinculum', 'b'] },
// Define inline with reuse
const eqn = figure.add({
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { frac: ['a', 'v1_vinculum', { frac: ['c', 'v2_vinculum', 'b'] }] },
    form2: { frac: [['a', 'ef'], 'v1', { frac: ['c', 'v2', 'd'] }] },
  .goToForm({ delay: 1, target: 'form2', animate: 'move' })
// Define inline with customization
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
      form1: { frac: ['a', { vinculum: { lineWidth: 0.004 } }, 'b'] },


Box equation symbol used in EQN_Box and as a EQN_EncompassGlyph.

                |                                                     |
                |                                                     |

        ------- 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
        A       0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
        |       0000                                               0000
        |       0000                                               0000
        |       0000                                               0000
 height |       0000                                               0000
        |       0000                                               0000
        |       0000                                               0000
        |       0000                                               0000
        |       0000                                               0000
        |       0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
        V______ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Type: any

Extends EQN_Symbol

symbol ("box")
lineWidth (number?) : ( 0.01 )
fill (boolean?) : ( false )
width (number?) : force width instead of auto calculation
height (number?) : force height instead of auto calculation
draw (("static" | "dynamic")?) : 'dynamic' updates vertices on resize, 'static' only changes scale transform ( dynamic )
staticWidth ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets width of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets width based on first use
staticHeight ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets height of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets height based on first use
// Define in element
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    b: { symbol: 'box', lineWidth: 0.008 },
  forms: {
    form1: { box: ['a', 'b', true, 0.1] },
// Define inline simple one use
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { box: ['a', 'box', true, 0.1] },
// Define inline with reuse
const eqn = figure.add({
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { box: ['a', 'b_box', false, 0.1] },
    form2: { box: ['a', 'b', false, 0.2] },
  .goToForm({ delay: 1, target: 'form2', animate: 'move' })
// Define inline with customization
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { box: ['a', { box: { lineWidth: 0.004 } }, true, 0.1] },


Arrow equation symbol.

The arrow direction defines where it can be used:

Note, as the default direciton is 'right', using the inline definition of arrow will only work with EQN_Bar (top and bottom sides), EQN_Comment, and EQN_LeftRightGlyph.

                        |                 |
                        |                 |
                 -------|------- 0        |
                 A      |      00000      |
   arrowHeight   |      |     0000000     |
                 |      |   00000000000   |
                 V      | 000000000000000 |
                 ------ 0000000000000000000
                              |     |
                              |     |

Type: any

Extends EQN_Symbol

symbol ("arrow")
direction (("up" | "down" | "left" | "right")?) : ( 'right' )
lineWidth (number?) : ( 0.01 )
arrowWidth (number?) : ( 0.01 )
arrowHeight (number?) : ( 0.04 )
lineWidth (number?) : ( 0.01 )
draw (("static" | "dynamic")?) : 'dynamic' updates vertices on resize, 'static' only changes scale transform ( dynamic )
staticHeight ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets height of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets height based on first use ( 'first' )
// Define in element
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    rightArrow: { symbol: 'arrow', direction: 'right' },
  forms: {
    form1: { bar: ['a', 'rightArrow', false, 0.05, 0.03] },
// Define inline simple one use
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { bar: ['a', 'arrow', false, 0.05, 0.03] },
// Define inline with reuse
const eqn = figure.add({
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { bar: ['a', 'ar_arrow', false, 0.05, 0] },
    form2: { bar: ['a', 'ar', false, 0.05, 0.1] },
  .goToForm({ delay: 1, target: 'form2', animate: 'move' })
// Define inline with customization
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: {
      bar: {
        content: 'a',
        side: 'left',
        symbol: { arrow: { direction: 'up' } },
        overhang: 0.1,


Sum equation symbol used with the EQN_SumOf equation function.

         ---------- 00000000000000000000000000000000000
         A            0000000                     000000
         |              0000000                      000
         |                0000000                      00
         |                  0000000
         |                    0000000
         |                      0000000
         |                        0000000
         |                          0000000
         |                            0000000
         |                              0000000
         |                                000000
         |                                  000
         |                                0000
  height |                              0000
         |                            0000   \
         |                          0000      \
         |                        0000         lineWidth
         |                      0000
         |                    0000
         |                  0000
         |                0000                          00
         |              0000                          000|
         |            0000                         000000|
         V          000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
         --------  000000000000000000000000000000000000  |
                  |                                      |
                  |                                      |
                  |                 width                |

Type: any

Extends EQN_Symbol

symbol ("sum")
lineWidth (number?) : ( height * 0.88 / (25 * height + 15) )
sides (number?) : number of sides that make up serif curve ( 5 )
draw (("static" | "dynamic")?) : 'static' updates vertices on resize, 'static' only changes scale transform ( dynamic )
staticHeight ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets height of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets height based on first use ( 'first' )
// Define in element
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    sigma: { symbol: 'sum' },
  forms: {
    form1: { sumOf: ['sigma', 'a', 'a = 0', 'n'] },
// Define inline simple one use
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { sumOf: ['sum', 'a', 'a = 0', 'n'] },
// Define inline with reuse
const eqn = figure.add({
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { sumOf: ['s1_sum', 'a', 'a = 0', 'n'] },
    form2: { sumOf: ['s1', 'a', 'a = 0', 'm'] },
  .goToForm({ delay: 1, target: 'form2', animate: 'move' })
// Define inline with customization
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { sumOf: [{ sum: { lineWidth: 0.01 } }, 'a', 'a = 0', 'n'] },


Product equation symbol used with the EQN_ProdOf equation function.

               |                                                           |
               |                                                           |
               |                                                           |
               |                          lineWidth                        |
               |                            /                              |
               |                           /                               |
         ---- 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
         A         000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
         |           00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
 height  |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |            00000000000                         00000000000
         |           0000000000000                       00000000000000
         V         00000000000000000                   000000000000000000
         ----- 0000000000000000000000000           00000000000000000000000000

Type: any

Extends EQN_Symbol

symbol ("prod")
lineWidth (number?) : (related to height)
sides (number?) : number of sides that make up serif curve ( 5 )
draw (("static" | "dynamic")?) : 'static' updates vertices on resize, 'static' only changes scale transform ( dynamic )
staticHeight ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets height of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets height based on first use ( 'first' )
// Define in element
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    sigma: { symbol: 'prod' },
  forms: {
    form1: { prodOf: ['sigma', 'a', 'a = 0', 'n'] },
// Define inline simple one use
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { prodOf: ['prod', 'a', 'a = 0', 'n'] },
// Define inline with reuse
const eqn = figure.add({
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { prodOf: ['p1_prod', 'a', 'a = 0', 'n'] },
    form2: { prodOf: ['p1', 'a', 'a = 0', 'm'] },
  .goToForm({ delay: 1, target: 'form2', animate: 'move' })
// Define inline with customization
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { prodOf: [{ prod: { lineWidth: 0.01 } }, 'a', 'a = 0', 'n'] },


Integral equation symbol used with the EQN_Integral equation function.

     --------------------------------------------------   0000000
    A                                              000000011111111
    |                                         0000000   111111111111
    |                                       0000000    11111111111111
    |                                      0000000     11111111111111
    |                                     0000000       111111111111
    |                                   000000000         11111111
    |                                  000000000
    |                                 0000000000
    |                                 000000000
    |                                0000000000
    |                                0000000000
    |                               00000000000
    |                              00000000000
    |                              000000000000
    |                             000000000000      lineWidth
    | height              ------->000000000000<----------
    |                             000000000000
    |                             000000000000
    |                            000000000000
    |                             00000000000
    |                            00000000000
    |                            0000000000
    |                            0000000000
    |     Serif                  000000000
    |       \                   000000000
    |        \                 0000000000
    |      11111111           000000000
    |    111111111111       00000000
    |   11111111111111     0000000
    |   11111111111111   0000000
    |    111111111111   0000000
    V      111111110000000
    -------  0000000

Type: any

Extends EQN_Symbol

symbol ("int")
lineWidth (number?) : (related to height)
sides (number?) : number of sides that make up s curve ( 30 )
num (number?) : number of integral symbols ( 1 )
type (("line" | "generic")?) : line draws a circle through the symbols denoting a line integral ( generic )
tipWidth (number?) : width of s curve tip (related to lineWidth)
serif (boolean?) : false to remove serifs ( true )
serifSides (number?) : number of sides in serif circles ( 10 )
lineIntegralSides (number?) : number of sides in line integral circle ( 20 )
draw (("static" | "dynamic")?) : 'static' updates vertices on resize, 'static' only changes scale transform ( dynamic )
staticHeight ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets height of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets height based on first use ( 'first' )
// Define in element
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    int: { symbol: 'int' },
  forms: {
    form1: { int: ['int', 'x dx', 'a', 'b'] },
// Triple Integral
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    int: { symbol: 'int', num: 3 },
  forms: {
    form1: { int: ['int', 'dx dy dz'] },
// Line Integral
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    int: { symbol: 'int', type: 'line' },
  forms: {
    form1: { int: ['int', 'r dr'] },
// Define inline simple one use
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { int: ['int', 'x dx', 'a', 'b'] },
// Define inline with reuse
const eqn = figure.add({
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { int: ['i1_int', 'x dx', 'a', 'b'] },
    form2: { int: ['i1', 'y dy', 'a', 'b'] },
  .goToForm({ delay: 1, target: 'form2', animate: 'move' })
// Define inline with customization
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { int: [{ int: { serif: false } }, 'x dx', 'a', 'b'] },


Strike equation symbol used in EQN_Strike.

Integral equation symbol used with the EQN_Strike and EQN_StrikeComment equation functions.

Four styles of strike symbol are available:

         000         000
           000     000
             000 000
               000                       0000000000000000
             000 000
           000     000
         000         000
              cross                         horizontal

                     000                 000
                   000                     000
                 000                         000
               000                             000
             000                                 000
           000                                     000
         000                                         000
            forward                        back

Type: any

Extends EQN_Symbol

symbol ("strike")
style (("cross" | "forward" | "back" | "horizontal")?) : ( 'cross' )
lineWidth (number?) : ( 0.015 )
width (number?) : force width of strike (normally defined by content size)
height (number?) : force height of strike (normally defined by content size)
draw (("static" | "dynamic")?) : 'static' updates vertices on resize, 'static' only changes scale transform ( dynamic )
staticHeight ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets height of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets height based on first use ( 'first' )
staticWidth ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets width of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets width based on first use ( 'first' )
// Define in element
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    s: { symbol: 'strike', style: 'cross', lineWidth: 0.01 },
  forms: {
    form1: { strike: ['ABC', 's'] },
// Forward Strike
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    s: { symbol: 'strike', style: 'forward', lineWidth: 0.01 },
  forms: {
    form1: { strike: ['ABC', 's'] },
// Back Strike
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    s: { symbol: 'strike', style: 'back', lineWidth: 0.01 },
  forms: {
    form1: { strike: ['ABC', 's'] },
// Horizontal Slash
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    s: { symbol: 'strike', style: 'horizontal', lineWidth: 0.01 },
  forms: {
    form1: { strike: ['ABC', 's'] },
// Define inline simple one use
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { strike: ['ABC', 'strike'] },
// Define inline with reuse
const eqn = figure.add({
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { strike: ['ABC', 's1_strike'] },
    form2: { strike: ['DEFGH', 's1'] },
  .goToForm({ delay: 1, target: 'form2', animate: 'move' })
// Define inline with customization
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { strike: ['ABC', { strike: { style: 'forward' } }] },


Bracket equation symbol used in EQN_Bracket, EQN_Bar, EQN_Matrix, and EQN_Comment.

                     ----->| |<---
                           | |
                           | |
       lineWidth   000000
                   | 000000
                   |   00000
                   |     0000
                   |       000
                   |         |
                   |         |

Type: any

Extends EQN_Symbol

symbol ("bracket")
side (("left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom")?) : how to orient the bracket ('left')
sides (number?) : number of sides in bracket curve ( 10 )
lineWidth (number?) : (depends on height)
tipWidth (number?) : (depends on lineWidth)
width (number?) : force width bracket (normally depends on height)
draw (("static" | "dynamic")?) : 'static' updates vertices on resize, 'static' only changes scale transform ( dynamic )
staticHeight ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets height of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets height based on first use ( 'first' )
// Define in element
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    lb: { symbol: 'bracket', side: 'left' },
    rb: { symbol: 'bracket', side: 'right' },
  forms: {
    form1: { brac: ['lb', 'a', 'rb'] },
// Define inline
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: {
      brac: [
        { lb_bracket: { side: 'left' } },
        { rb_bracket: { side: 'right' } },


Angle bracket equation symbol used in EQN_Bracket, EQN_Bar, EQN_Matrix, and EQN_Comment.

                  |         |
          --------|----- 0000
          A       |     0000
          |       |    0000
          |       |   0000
          |       |  0000
          |         0000
   height |        0000
          |        0000
          |         0000
          |          0000
          |           0000
          |            0000
          |             0000
          V_____________ 0000

Type: any

Extends EQN_Symbol

symbol ("angleBracket")
side (("left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom")?) : how to orient the angle bracket ('left')
lineWidth (number?) : (depends on height)
width (number?) : force width bracket (normally depends on height)
draw (("static" | "dynamic")?) : 'static' updates vertices on resize, 'static' only changes scale transform ( dynamic )
staticHeight ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets height of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets height based on first use ( 'first' )
// Define in element
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    lb: { symbol: 'angleBracket', side: 'left' },
    rb: { symbol: 'angleBracket', side: 'right' },
  forms: {
    form1: { brac: ['lb', 'a', 'rb'] },
// Define inline
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: {
      brac: [
        { lb_angleBracket: { side: 'left' } },
        { rb_angleBracket: { side: 'right' } },


Brace equation symbol used in EQN_Bracket, EQN_Bar, EQN_Matrix, and EQN_Comment.

            |        |
            |        |
            |      000
            |    000
            |   000
            |  0000
            |  0000
            |  0000
            |  0000
            |  000
            | 000
          - - -0000 - - - -
         |      000        |
         |       000       |
         |         000     |
          - - - - - - - - -
     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    |       00000000000000                            |
    |        00000000000000                           |
    |          000000000000                 tipWidth  |
    |            000000000000               |         |
    |              000000000000             |         |
    |                 0000000000000  _______V_        |
    |                     00000000000                 |
    |                         0000000_________        |
    |                                       A         |
     - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Type: any

Extends EQN_Symbol

symbol ("brace")
side (("left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom")?) : how to orient the brace ('left')
lineWidth (number?) : (depends on height)
tipWidth (number?) : (depends on lineWidth)
width (number?) : force width bracket (normally depends on height)
sides (number?) : number of sides in curved sections ( 10 )
draw (("static" | "dynamic")?) : 'static' updates vertices on resize, 'static' only changes scale transform ( dynamic )
staticHeight ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets height of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets height based on first use ( 'first' )
// Define in element
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    lb: { symbol: 'brace', side: 'left' },
    rb: { symbol: 'brace', side: 'right' },
  forms: {
    form1: { brac: ['lb', 'a', 'rb'] },
// Define inline
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: {
      brac: [
        { lb_brace: { side: 'left' } },
        { rb_brace: { side: 'right' } },


Bar equation symbol.

The bar side defines where it can be used:

Note, as the default direciton is 'right', using the inline definition of arrow will only work with EQN_Bar (top and bottom sides), EQN_Comment, and EQN_LeftRightGlyph.

       >| |<---- lineWidth
        | |
        | |

Type: any

Extends EQN_Symbol

symbol ("bar")
side (("left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom")?) : how to orient the bar ('left')
lineWidth (number?) : ( 0.01 )
draw (("static" | "dynamic")?) : 'static' updates vertices on resize, 'static' only changes scale transform ( dynamic )
staticHeight ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets height of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets height based on first use ( 'first' )
// Define in element
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    b: { symbol: 'bar', side: 'top' },
  forms: {
    form1: { bar: ['a', 'b', false, 0.05, 0.03] },
// Define inline simple one use
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: {
      bar: {
        content: 'a',
        symbol: 'bar',
        side: 'left',
        overhang: 0.1,
// Define inline with reuse
const eqn = figure.add({
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { bar: ['a', { bar: { side: 'top' } }, false, 0.05, 0.03] },
    form2: { bar: [['a', 'bc'], { bar: { side: 'top' } }, false, 0.05, 0.03] },
  .goToForm({ delay: 1, target: 'form2', animate: 'move' })
// Define inline with customization
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { bar: ['a', { bar: { side: 'top' } }, false, 0.05, 0.03] },


Square bracket equation symbol used in EQN_Bracket, EQN_Bar, EQN_Matrix, and EQN_Comment.

                 |                       |
           ___                              ____
          A      0000000000000000000000000     A
          |      0000000000000000000000000     | tipWidth
          |      0000000000000000000000000  ___V
          |      00000000
          |      00000000
          |      00000000
          |      00000000
 height   |      00000000
          |      00000000
          |      00000000
          |      00000000
          |      00000000
          |      00000000
          |      0000000000000000000000000
          |      0000000000000000000000000
          V___   0000000000000000000000000

                 |      |
                 |      |
                line width

Type: any

Extends EQN_Symbol

symbol ("squareBracket")
side (("left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom")?) : how to orient the square bracket ('left')
lineWidth (number?) : ( 0.01 )
tipWidth (number?) : ( 0.01 )
width (number?) : (depends on lineWidth)
radius (number?) : optional curved corner radius ( 0 )
sides (number?) : number of sides in curve ( 5 )
draw (("static" | "dynamic")?) : 'static' updates vertices on resize, 'static' only changes scale transform ( dynamic )
staticHeight ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets height of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets height based on first use ( 'first' )
// Define in element
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    lb: { symbol: 'squareBracket', side: 'left' },
    rb: { symbol: 'squareBracket', side: 'right' },
  forms: {
    form1: { brac: ['lb', 'a', 'rb'] },
// Define inline
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: {
      brac: [
        { lb_squareBracket: { side: 'left' } },
        { rb_squareBracket: { side: 'right' } },


Radical equation symbol used in EQN_Root.

The radical symbol allows customization on how to draw the radical. Mostly it will not be needed, but for edge case equation layouts it may be useful.

  |_____________________________ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  A                             X|
  |   startHeight              X |   CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
  |   |                       X  |   CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
  |   |    tickHeight        X   |   CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
  |   |    |                X    |   CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
  |   |____V____           X     |   CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
  |   A    |    X         X      |   CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
  |   |    |__X |X       X       |   CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
  |   |    A |  | X     X        |   CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
  |   |      |  |  X   X         |   CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
  |   |      |  |   X X          |   CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
  V___V______|__|____X           |
             |  |    |           |
             |  |    |           |
  tickWidth >|--|<   |           |
             |  |    |           |
             |  |<-->|downWidth  |
             |                   |

Type: any

Extends EQN_Symbol

symbol ("radical")
lineWidth (number?) : ( 0.01 )
width (number?) : force width of content area (normally defined by content size)
height (number?) : force height of content area (normally defined by content size)
startWidth (number?) : ( 0.5 )
startHeight (number?) : ( 0.5 )
maxStartWidth (number??) : ( 0.15 )
maxStartHeight (number??) : ( 0.15 )
tickHeight (number?)
tickWidth (number?)
downWidth (number?)
proportionalToHeight (boolean?) : true makes startHeight , startWidth , tickHeight , tickWidth , and downWidth a percentage of height instead of absolute ( true )
lineWidth2 (number?) : lineWidth of down stroke ( 2 x lineWidth )
draw (("static" | "dynamic")?) : 'static' updates vertices on resize, 'static' only changes scale transform ( dynamic )
staticHeight ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets height of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets height based on first use ( 'first' )
staticWidth ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets width of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets width based on first use ( 'first' )
// Define in element
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    r: { symbol: 'radical' },
  forms: {
    form1: { root: ['r', 'a', false, 0.05] },
// Define inline simple one use
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { root: ['radical', 'a', false, 0.05] },
// Define inline with reuse
const eqn = figure.add({
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { root: ['r1_radical', 'a', false, 0.05] },
    form2: { root: ['r1', ['a', 'b'], false, 0.05] },
  .goToForm({ delay: 1, target: 'form2', animate: 'move' })
// Define inline with customization
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { root: [{ radical: { lineWidth: 0.005 } }, 'a', false, 0.05] },


Division equation symbol used in EQN_Root.

The division symbol allows customization on how to draw the long form and short form division symbol. Mostly it will not be needed, but for edge case equation layouts it may be useful.

                           left space                right space
             bend width |<->|<---->|                     >|--|<
                        |   |      |                      |  |
                        |   |      |                      |  |
                A        X  |      |                      |_______|
                |         X |       CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC       A
                |          X        CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC    top space
                |           X       CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
         height |           X       CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
                |           X       CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
                |           X       CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
                |          X        CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
                |         X         CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
                |        X          CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC   bottom space
                V       X           CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC_______V
                ------ X _________________________________________|
                       |                                          A
                       |                                          |
                       |                  width                   |

Type: any

Extends EQN_Symbol

symbol ("division")
lineWidth (number?) : ( 0.01 )
width (number?) : force width of content area (normally defined by content size)
height (number?) : force height of content area (normally defined by content size)
bendWidth (number?) : ( 0 )
sides (number?) : ( 10 )
draw (("static" | "dynamic")?) : 'static' updates vertices on resize, 'static' only changes scale transform ( dynamic )
staticHeight ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets height of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets height based on first use ( 'first' )
staticWidth ((number | "first")?) : used when draw = static . number sets width of static symbol - 'first' calculates and sets width based on first use ( 'first' )
// Define in element
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    d: { symbol: 'division', bendWidth: 0.05 },
  forms: {
    form1: { box: ['abc', 'd'] },
// Define inline simple one use
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { box: ['abc', 'division'] },
// Define inline with reuse
const eqn = figure.add({
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { box: ['abc', 'd1_division'] },
    form2: { box: ['abc', 'd1'] },
  .goToForm({ delay: 1, target: 'form2', animate: 'move' })
// Define inline with customization
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { box: ['abc', { division: { lineWidth: 0.005 } }] },


A line symbol to be used in EQN_Annotate and EQN_Comment as an EQN_LineGlyph to draw a line between the content and an annotation.

The line can be solid or dashed, and have arrows on either or both ends.

Type: any

Extends EQN_Symbol

width (number?) : line width
dash (TypeDash?) : dash style of line
arrow (OBJ_LineArrows?) : arrow styles of line where start is toward the content
// Define in element
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    l: { symbol: 'line', arrow: 'barb', width: 0.005 },
  forms: {
    form1: { topComment: ['a', 'b', 'l', 0.2, 0.2] },
// Dashed line
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    l: { symbol: 'line', dash: [0.01, 0.01], width: 0.005 },
  forms: {
    form1: { topComment: ['a', 'b', 'l', 0.2, 0.2] },
// Define inline simple one use
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { topComment: ['a', 'b', 'line', 0.2, 0.2] },
// Define inline with reuse
const eqn = figure.add({
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { topComment: ['a', 'b', 'l1_line', 0.2, 0.2] },
    form2: { topComment: ['c', 'd', 'l1', 0.2, 0.2] },
  .goToForm({ delay: 1, target: 'form2', animate: 'move' })
// Define inline with customization
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: { topComment: ['a', 'b', { line: { arrow: 'barb' } }, 0.2, 0.2] },


A shape morphs when its vertices change relative to each other. For example, a square would morph into a circle.

Morph using updatePoints

FigureElementPrimitives generally come with an updatePoints method, which changes the vertices of a shape. If updatePoints is called on each animation frame, the shape can morph from one shape to another.

For instance, if we want to morph a straight line into a wave we could:

const figure = new Fig.Figure();

const sin = (mag) => {
  const xValues = Fig.range(-0.8, 0.8, 0.001);
  return => [x, mag * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * x / 0.5)]);

const line = figure.add({
  make: 'polyline',
  points: sin(0),
  width: 0.03,
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  simple: true,
    callback: p => line.custom.updatePoints({ points: sin(p / 2) }),
    progression: 'easeinout',
    duration: 2,

This works fine, even on low end clients. For example, a low end 2016 Chromebook can render this at over 40 frames per second. This example is a polyline of 1600 points, resulting in 6400 vertices, and you can do a lot with that.

However, if we increase this by an order of magnitude (polyline 16,000 points, 64,000 vertices), then the frame rate drops to 1-2 fps.

There are two reasons for this:

1) Calculations: each frame 16,000 polyline points need to be calculated, followed by the calculation of 64,000 vertices to give the line thickness 2) Memory: each frame, all vertices need to be transferred from a CPU related memory location to a GPU memory buffer

In this example 1) is probably more expensive than 2), but there will be other times where 2) is more expensive than 1).

So updatePoints is an easy and sufficient way to morph many things, but it will struggle when the number of vertices gets too high.

FigureElementPrimitive Morph

FigureOne has a FigureElementPrimitiveMorph optimized for morphing many vertices.

At initialization, multiple arrays are defined, and then loaded into GPU memory buffers. FigureElementPrimitiveMorph then animates between these point arrays by translating corresponding points in the GPU. This means on each animation frame there are no calculations done in the CPU, and no large memory buffers being transferred to the GPU.

As a result, hundreds of thousands of points can be morphed with minimal performance impact - even on low end clients.

A simple example using morph on just three vertices is:

const figure = new Fig.Figure();

const tri = figure.add({
  make: 'morph',
  points: [
    [0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5],
    [0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  .morph({ start: 0, target: 1, duration: 3 })

The points property defines the different vertex configurations. The first array of points, representing the first vertex configuration is [0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5] which defines three points [0, 0], [0.5, 0], and [0.5, 0.5].

The morph primitive comes with a built-in morph animation step, which can animate between configurations. This animation step is only available to FigureElementPrimitiveMorph primitives.

Let's now recreate the line to wave example above using morph.

const figure = new Fig.Figure();

const sin = (mag) => {
  const xValues = Fig.range(-0.8, 0.8, 0.001);
  return => [x, mag * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * x / 0.5)]);

const { pointsToShapes } = Fig.morph;

const [line] = pointsToShapes({
  points: sin(0),
  shape: 'hex',

const [sine] = pointsToShapes({
  points: sin(0.5),
  close: true,
  shape: 'hex',

const m = figure.add({
  make: 'morph',
  points: [line, sine],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  .morph({ start: 0, target: 1, duration: 10 })

Instead of morphing a polyline as before, we are now morphing a series of shapes distributed along a polyline. In this case the shapes are hexagons. If the shapes have more sides, the curves will look more natural for thicker lines. For this line thickness, hexagons are a good trade-off. For thinner lines, squares could be used, and for thicker lines polygons with more sides would be required.

This example comprises 1600 shapes along the line, each shape being 12 vertices - giving a total of 19,200 vertices.

The power of the morph primitive can be seen when using large numbers of vertices. When we increase the number of vertices by two orders of magnitude:

const sin = (mag) => {
  const xValues = Fig.range(-0.8, 0.8, 0.00001);
  return => [x, mag * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * x / 0.5)]);

we can still achieve 25 fps on the 2016 Chromebook, while morphing 1.9 million vertices.

Tips for Morphing Lines

It will often take fewer vertices to construct a polyline with rectangular line segments between polyline corners, compared to a string of shapes along the polyline. This is especially the case when the polyline has straight segments that are longer than the required distance between shapes needed to make the line look smooth (usually a fraction of the shape with).

Nevertheless, most times it will be better to use a string of shapes to represent a morphing line, as the line will look more natural during the morph.

The FigureElementPrimitiveMorph primitive linearly translates all vertices from one location to another. If a rectangular line segment's angle changes significantly, the transition between the two states may involve the rectange width temporarily reducing.

An extreme example is when we change angle by 180º:

const figure = new Fig.Figure();
const { polyline } = Fig.morph;

const line = figure.add({
  make: 'morph',
  points: [
    polyline({ points: [[0, 0], [0.5, 0]], width: 0.04 }),
    polyline({ points: [[0, 0], [-0.5, 0]], width: 0.04 }),
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  .morph({ start: 0, target: 1, duration: 4 })

Compare this to a string of points that has no width change:

const figure = new Fig.Figure();
const { polylineToShapes } = Fig.morph;

const line = figure.add({
  make: 'morph',
  points: [
    polylineToShapes({ points: [[0, 0], [0.5, 0]], num: 20, size: 0.04 })[0],
    polylineToShapes({ points: [[0, 0], [-0.5, 0]], num: 20, size: 0.04 })[0],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  .morph({ start: 0, target: 1, duration: 3 })


Morphing hundreds of thousands of points with minimal performance impact is useful for many situations, but will not solve every problem.

This approach is good for problems with deterministic start and end states (meaning you can calculate the point arrays at initialization).

The challenges with this approach are:

  • translation between corresponding vertices is linear - so if for example you want a line to uncurl in a very specific way, then using updatePoints or a custom shader will be a better solution
  • vertex configurations that cannot be pre-caclculated cannot be handled - so if for example user feedback is morphing a shape unpredictably in real time, then updatePoints or a custom shader will be a better solution

Morph Tools

FigureOne has a number of tools that can create vertices ready for morphing:

  • pointsToShapes can create a number of shapes centered at defined points
  • polylineToShapes can distribute a number of shapes along a polyline
  • imageToShapes can create a number of shapes from pixels of an image
  • polygonCloudShapes can create a number of shapes distributed randomly within a polygon border
  • circleCloudShapes can create a number of shapes distributed randomly within a circle border
  • rectangleCloudShapes can create a number of shapes distributed randomly within a rectangle border
  • getPolygonCorners can calulate the corner points of a polygon
  • polyline can create vertices that represent a polyline with some width

Generic Morphing

It can be challenging to construct vertices that represent a relatively arbitrary shape. It is even tougher to align those vertices to those in another shape so the two shapes can be morphed.

imageToShapes can help with this problem (to a degree), as it can scan an image and create shapes that represent the pixels of that image. Additionally, filters can be used to only create shapes for some pixels. So for example if you have a shape with a transparent background, you can use a filter that rejects transparent pixels and only processes pixels with a color.

const figure = new Fig.Figure();
const { imageToShapes } = Fig.morph;

const micImage = new Image();
micImage.src = './mic.png';
const headphonesImage = new Image();
headphonesImage.src = './headphones.png';

let index = 0;
const loaded = () => {
  index += 1;
  if (index < 2) {

  const [mic, micColors] = imageToShapes({
    image: micImage,
    width: 0.7,
    filter: c => c[3] > 0,

  const [headphones, headphoneColors] = imageToShapes({
    image: headphonesImage,
    width: 0.7,
    filter: c => c[3] > 0,
    num: mic.length / 6 / 2,

  const m = figure.add({
    make: 'morph',
    points: [mic, headphones],
    color: [micColors, headphoneColors],
    .morph({ start: 0, target: 1, duration: 2 })

micImage.onload = loaded.bind(this);
headphonesImage.onload = loaded.bind(this);

The mic image has 31,720 pixels, which we are reducing to 17,516 pixels by filtering out the completely transparent pixels (we are keeping semi-transparent pixels as they make the transitions from opaque pixels to transparent pixels look more natural). This means that even though these images are relatively small, we are still creating 105,096 vertices.

For larger images, consider reducing the vertices by just taking a random sampling of pixels from the image. This produces a cloud like effect for the image, and it won't always be appropriate, but in this case we will reduce the number of vertices by almost an order of magnitude and still communicate the same information.

In the prior example, we are loading the first image, and using the number of shapes produced to define the number of shapes for the second image (as the second image has less colored pixels than the first).

This time, we will limit the number of shapes to just 2000 per image. We will play with the shape size, and force a dither (random offset) to the pixels to make the spaces look intentional. The result is just 12,000 vertices.

const figure = new Fig.Figure();
const { imageToShapes } = Fig.morph;

const micImage = new Image();
micImage.src = './mic.png';
const headphonesImage = new Image();
headphonesImage.src = './headphones.png';

let index = 0;
const loaded = () => {
  index += 1;
  if (index < 2) {

  const num = 2000;
  const [mic, micColors] = imageToShapes({
    image: micImage,
    width: 0.7,
    filter: c => c[3] > 0,
    size: 0.01,
    dither: 0.005,

  const [headphones, headphoneColors] = imageToShapes({
    image: headphonesImage,
    width: 0.7,
    filter: c => c[3] > 0,
    size: 0.007,
    dither: 0.005,

  const m = figure.add({
    make: 'morph',
    points: [mic, headphones],
    color: [micColors, headphoneColors],
    .morph({ start: 0, target: 1, duration: 2 })

micImage.onload = loaded.bind(this);
headphonesImage.onload = loaded.bind(this);


FigureElementPrimitive that can efficiently translate large numbers of points.

The morph primitive is optimized to animate hundreds of thousands of points with minimal performance impact.

Multiple arrays of points can be defined, and the translation of corresponding points in two arrays can be animated.

Being able to accomodate so many points means this primitive can be used to efficiently morph shapes.

All points in all point arrays can be assigned an individual color if desired. Use color: TypeColor to assign all points in all arrays the same color, color: Array<TypeColor> to assign all points in each array a specific color, color: Array<Array<TypeColor>> to assign each point in each array a specific color, and color: Array<TypeColor | Array<TypeColor> to assign some point arrays with one color, and others with a specific color per point.

A point array is an array of numbers representing consecutive x, y points. For example, [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...].

A color array is an array of numbers representing the color of each points. For example, [r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2, ...].

If color is an array of colors and/or color arrays, then the its length must be equal to the number of point Arrays. The colors in the array will be matched up with the corresponding point arrays in points.

This element's specialty is creating a visual effect, and so does not automatically calculate touch borders, and doesn't allow for color changes (with the setColor, dim, and undim methods). If touch borders are desired then either setup touch borders manually, or use a different element as a touch pad.

This element comes with two specialized methods and an animation step:

  • setPoints - sets points to a specific point array
  • setPointsBetween - sets points to a position between two point arrays
  • animations.morph - morph between start and target

Note, while animation is efficient, loading or generating hundreds of thousands of points when first instantiated can be slow on lower end systems, and may need to be accounted for (like letting the user know that loading is ongoing).

Extends FigureElementPrimitive

const { polylineToShapes, getPolygonCorners } = Fig.morph;
const { range } = Fig;

// Number of shapes that make up the lines
const n = 300;

// Generate a line of points along a sinc function
const sinc = (xIn, a, b) => {
  const x = xIn === 0 ? 0.00001 : xIn;
  return a * Math.sin(b * x) / (b * x);

// Generate line of shapes along a sinc function
const xValues = range(-0.8, 0.8, 0.01);
const [sincPoints] = polylineToShapes({
  points: => [x, sinc(x, 0.6, 20)]),
  num: n,
  size: 0.04,
  shape: 15,

// Generate a line of shapes along a square
const [squarePoints] = polylineToShapes({
  points: [[0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, -0.5], [0.5, -0.5]],
  num: n,
  size: 0.04,
  close: true,
  shape: 15,

// Generate a line of shapes along a circle
const [circlePoints] = polylineToShapes({
  points: getPolygonCorners({ radius: 0.5, sides: 50, rotation: Math.PI / 4 }),
  num: n,
  size: 0.04,
  close: true,
  shape: 15,

const morpher = figure.add({
  make: 'morph',
  names: ['sinc', 'square', 'circle'],
  points: [sincPoints, squarePoints, circlePoints],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],

// Animate morph
  .morph({ start: 'sinc', target: 'square', duration: 2 })
  .morph({ start: 'square', target: 'circle', duration: 2 })
  .morph({ start: 'circle', target: 'sinc', duration: 2 })
const { imageToShapes, circleCloudShapes, polylineToShapes } = Fig.morph;
const { range } = Fig;

const image = new Image();
image.src = './logocolored.png';
image.onload = () => {
  const [logo, logoColors] = imageToShapes({
    width: 2,
    height: 2,
    dither: 0.003,

  const n = logo.length / 2 / 6;
  const cloud = circleCloudShapes({
    radius: 3,
    num: n,
    size: 0.005,

  const xValues = range(-0.8, 0.8, 0.001);
  const [sine] = polylineToShapes({
    points: => [x, 0.3 * Math.sin(x * 2 * Math.PI / 0.4)]),
    num: n,
    size: 0.01,

  const m = figure.add({
    make: 'morph',
    points: [cloud, logo, sine],
    names: ['cloud', 'logo', 'sine'],
    color: [logoColors, logoColors, [0, 0, 1, 1]],

    .morph({ start: 'sine', target: 'cloud', duration: 2 })
    .morph({ start: 'cloud', target: 'logo', duration: 2 })
Instance Members
setPointsBetween(from, to, percent)


morph options object.

Type: {name: string?, pointArrays: Array<Array<number>>, color: (TypeColor | Array<(TypeColor | Array<TypeColor>)>), names: Array<string>, glPrimitive: ("TRIANGLES" | "POINTS" | "FAN" | "STRIP" | "LINES")}

name (string) : primitive name
pointArrays (Array<Array<number>>) : point arrays to morph between. Each point array is an array of consecutive x, y values of points. For example: [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...] .
color ((TypeColor | Array<(TypeColor | Array<TypeColor>)>)) : colors to be assigned to the points
names (Array<String>) : optional names for each point array. Names can be used when using the morph animation step instead of point array indeces.
glPrimitive (("TRIANGLES" | "POINTS" | "FAN" | "STRIP" | "LINES")?) : glPrimitive is the same for all point arrays ( 'TRIANGLES' )


pointsToShapes creates shapes at each point input.

This method is useful for morphing between shapes.

options (OBJ_PointsToShapes)
[Array<number>, Array<number>]: [vertices, colors]
const { pointsToShapes } = Fig.morph;

const xValues = Fig.range(-0.8, 0.8, 0.001);
const sinc = (xIn, a, b, c) => {
  const x = (xIn + c) === 0 ? 0.00001 : xIn + c;
  return a * Math.sin(b * x) / (b * x);

const [trace1] = pointsToShapes({
  points: => [x, sinc(x, 0.5, 20, 0)]),
  shape: 'hex',

const [trace2] = pointsToShapes({
  points: => [x, 0.4 * Math.sin(x * 2 * Math.PI / 0.5)]),
  shape: 'hex',

const m = figure.add({
  make: 'morph',
  points: [trace1, trace2],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  .morph({ start: 0, target: 1, duration: 2 })


Options obect for pointsToShapes that creates a shape at each point

Type: {points: Array<TypeParsablePoint>, size: number?, shape: (number | function (Point, number): Array<number>)?, makeColors: function (number, Point, number, number, number): Array<number>?}

points (Array<TypeParsablePoint>) : array of points to create shapes at
size (number) : size of shape
shape ((function (Point, number): Array<number> | number)?) : By default a square of two triangles is created (six vertices). Use a number to create a regular polygon with number sides. Use a custom function to make a custom shape. The function takes as input the [x, y] position of the point to build the shape around, and size . It outputs an array of interlaced x and y coordinates of triangle vertices - i.e.: [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ....]
makeColors (function (number, Point): Array<number>) : function that creates colors for each vertex of the shape. Function input parameters are the number of shape vertices to be colored, and the position of the shape. The function must return a single array containing all vertex colors.


polylineToShapes distributes a number of shapes equally along a polyline.

The polyline is defined by an array of points, where each point is a corner in the polyline

The start and ends of the polyline each have a centered shape

The polyline can be closed or open.

This method is useful for morphing between shapes.

[Array<number>, Array<number>]: [vertices, colors]
const { polylineToShapes, getPolygonCorners } = Fig.morph;

const [square] = polylineToShapes({
  points: [[0.5, 0], [0, 0.5], [-0.5, 0], [0, -0.5]],
  num: 50,
  size: 0.03,
  close: true,

const [circle] = polylineToShapes({
  points: getPolygonCorners({ radius: 0.5, sides: 30 }),
  num: 50,
  size: 0.03,
  close: true,

const m = figure.add({
  make: 'morph',
  points: [square, circle],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  .morph({ start:0, target: 1, duration: 2 })
const { polylineToShapes, getPolygonCorners } = Fig.morph;

const [square] = polylineToShapes({
  points: [[-0.5, 0], [0.5, 0]],
  num: 500,
  size: 0.02,
  shape: 'hex',

const [circle] = polylineToShapes({
  points: getPolygonCorners({ radius: 0.5, sides: 6, rotation: Math.PI / 2 }),
  num: 500,
  size: 0.02,
  close: true,
  shape: 'hex',

const m = figure.add({
  make: 'morph',
  points: [square, circle],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  .morph({ start:0, target: 1, duration: 2 })
const { polylineToShapes, getPolygonCorners } = Fig.morph;

const [square] = polylineToShapes({
  points: getPolygonCorners({ radius: 0.5, sides: 4, rotation: Math.PI / 4 }),
  num: 500,
  close: true,

const [circle] = polylineToShapes({
  points: getPolygonCorners({ radius: 0.25, sides: 100, rotation: Math.PI / 4 }),
  num: 500,
  close: true,

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
  const m = figure.add({
    make: 'morph',
    points: [square, circle],
    position: [0.2 - i / 30, 0.2 - i / 30],
    color: [1 - i / 10, 0, i / 10, 1],
    .delay(2 - i / 10)
    .morph({ start: 0, target: 1, duration: 2 })
    .morph({ start: 1, target: 0, duration: 2 })


Options obect for polylineToShapes that evenly distributes shapes along a line

Type: {points: Array<TypeParsablePoint>, num: number?, close: boolean?, size: number?, shape: (number | function (Point, number): Array<number>)?, makeColors: function (number, Point, number, number, number): Array<number>?}

points (Array<TypeParsablePoint>) : array of points representing a polyline where each point is a corner in the line
num (number) : number of shapes to distribute along line
close (boolean) : true closes the polyline
size (number) : size of shape
shape ((function (Point, number): Array<number> | number)?) : By default a square of two triangles is created (six vertices). Use a number to create a regular polygon with number sides. Use a custom function to make a custom shape. The function takes as input the [x, y] position of the point to build the shape around, and size . It outputs an array of interlaced x and y coordinates of triangle vertices - i.e.: [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ....]
makeColors (function (number, Point, number, number, number): Array<number>) : function that creates colors for each vertex of the shape. Function input parameters are the number of shape vertices to be colored, the center point coordinate, the previous polyline point index, the cumulative length from the start of the polyline, and the percentLength from the start of the polyline. The function must return a single array containing all vertex colors.


imageToShapes maps the pixels of an image to shapes that will be used to draw those pixels.

All pixels in an image can be made shapes, or a filter function can be used to only use desired pixels.

The shapes can be rasterized in order (raster from top left to bottom right) or be in a random order.

The image pixel centers are mapped to some width and height and aligned to a position relative to either all pixels in the original image, or just the filtered pixels. The shapes are centered on the pixel centers.

This method is useful for including images in morphing effects. It should not be used to simply show an image (use a texture with some FigureElementPrimitive for this).

options (OBJ_ImageToShapes)
[Array<number>, Array<number>]: [vertices, colors]
const { imageToShapes, rectangleCloudShapes } = Fig.morph;

const image = new Image();
image.src = './logo.png';
image.onload = () => {
  const [logo, logoColors] = imageToShapes({
    width: 0.7,
    height: 0.7,
    filter: c => c[3] > 0,

  const cloud = rectangleCloudShapes({
    width: 2,
    height: 2,
    num: logo.length / 2 / 6,

  const m = figure.add({
    make: 'morph',
    points: [cloud, logo],
    color: [logoColors, logoColors],
    .morph({ start: 0, target: 1, duration: 2 })
const { imageToShapes } = Fig.morph;

const micImage = new Image();
micImage.src = './mic.png';
const headphonesImage = new Image();
headphonesImage.src = './headphones.png';

let index = 0;
const loaded = () => {
  index += 1;
  if (index < 2) {

  const [mic, micColors] = imageToShapes({
    image: micImage,
    width: 0.7,
    filter: c => c[3] > 0,

  const [headphones, headphoneColors] = imageToShapes({
    image: headphonesImage,
    width: 0.7,
    filter: c => c[3] > 0,
    num: mic.length / 6 / 2,

  const m = figure.add({
    make: 'morph',
    points: [mic, headphones],
    color: [micColors, headphoneColors],
    .morph({ start: 0, target: 1, duration: 2 })

micImage.onload = loaded.bind(this);
headphonesImage.onload = loaded.bind(this);


Type: {image: Image, maxPoints: (number | null)?, xAlign: TypeHAlign?, yAlign: TypeVAlign?, align: ("image" | "filteredImage")?, distribution: ("raster" | "random")?, filter: ("none" | Array<number>)?, position: TypeParsablePoint?, dither: number?, width: (number | null)?, height: (number | null)?, size: number?, excess: ("repeatOpaqueOnly" | "lastOpaque" | "repeat")?, makeColors: function (TypeColor, number): Array<number>?, shape: (number | function (Point, number): Array<number>)?}

image (Image?)
num ((number | null)?) : maximum number of shapes to return - null defaults to the number of pixels (or filtered pixels if a filter is used) ( null )
excess (("repeatOpaqueOnly" | "lastOpaque" | "repeat")?) : if num is greater than the number of pixels, then either 'repeat' the shapes from all the pixels again, repeat the shapes from only the opaque pixels 'repeatOpaqueOnly' or put all execess shapes on the 'lastOpaque' pixel. Note, repeating pixels that are semitransparent will effectively put multiple pixels on top of each other, reducing the transparency of the pixel ( 'repeatOpaqueOnly' ).
distribution (("raster" | "random")?) : Returned shapes are randomly distributed throughout shape ( 'random' ) or rasterized in order from top left to bottom right of image (or filtered image) ( random )
width ((number | null)?) : width to map image pixels to. Width is between center of most left to most right pixels
height ((number | null)?) : height to map image pixels to. Height is between center of most bottom to most top pixels
size (number?) : shape size to map pixel to. Final points will have a width of width + size center of points are used to determine width and height . Default shape is a square, and default size (if left undefined) is the size needed to make adjacent square shapes touch
position (TypeParsablePoint?) : position to place shapes at
xAlign (TypeHAlign?) : align shapes horizontally around position
yAlign (TypeVAlign?) : align shapes vertically around position
align (("image" | "filteredImage")?) : image will align the shapes as if there were no pixels filtered out. filteredImage will align to only the shapes that exist.
dither (number?) : Add a random offset to each shape to create a dither effect
shape ((function (Point, number): Array<number> | number)?) : By default a square of two triangles is created (six vertices). Use a number to create a regular polygon with number sides. Use a custom function to make a custom shape. The function takes as input the [x, y] position of the point to build the shape around, and size . It outputs an array of interlaced x and y coordinates of triangle vertices - i.e.: [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ....]
makeColors (function (TypeColor, number): Array<number>?) : use this function to customze color mapping. The function takes as input the pixel's color, and the number of vertices that need to be colored. It outputs an array of colors for each vertex - i.e.: [r1, b1, g1, a1, r2, g2, b, a2, ...]
maxPoints ((number | null)?)
filter (("none" | Array<number>)?)


Generate random points within a polygon.

polygonCloudPoints (OBJ_PolygonCloudShapes)
Array<number>: array of interlaced x and y coordinates of vertices
const { polygonCloudShapes } = Fig.morph;

const cloud1 = polygonCloudShapes({
  num: 2000,
  radius: 0.5,
  sides: 5,

const cloud2 = polygonCloudShapes({
  num: 2000,
  radius: 0.5,
  sides: 100,

const m = figure.add({
  make: 'morph',
  points: [cloud1, cloud2],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  .morph({ start: 0, target: 1, duration: 2 })


Options object to generate shapes at random positions within a polygon.

Type: {radius: number?, sides: number?, position: TypeParsablePoint?, rotation: number?, num: number?, size: number?, shape: (number | function (Point, number): Array<number>)?}

num (number?) : number of shapes to generate ( 10 )
size (number?) : size of each shape ( 0.01 )
radius (number?) : radius of polygon ( 1 )
sides (number?) : number of polygon sides ( 4 )
position (TypeParsablePoint?) : center position of polygon ( [0, 0] )
rotation (number?) : polygon rotation (first vertex will be along the positive x axis) ( 0 )
shape ((function (Point, number): Array<number> | number)?) : By default a square of two triangles is created (six vertices). Use a number to create a regular polygon with number sides. Use a custom function to make a custom shape. The function takes as input the [x, y] position of the point to build the shape around, and size . It outputs an array of interlaced x and y coordinates of triangle vertices - i.e.: [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ....]


Generate random points within a circle.

Array<number>: array of interlaced x and y coordinates of vertices
const { circleCloudShapes } = Fig.morph;

const cloud1 = circleCloudShapes({
  num: 2000,
  radius: 2,

const cloud2 = circleCloudShapes({
  num: 2000,
  radius: 0.5,

const m = figure.add({
  make: 'morph',
  points: [cloud1, cloud2],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  .morph({ start: 0, target: 1, duration: 2 })


Options object to generate shapes at random positions within a circle.

Type: {radius: number?, position: TypeParsablePoint?, num: number?, shape: function ([number, number], number): Array<number>?, size: number?}

num (number?) : number of shapes to generate ( 10 )
pointSize (number?) : size of each shape ( 0.01 )
radius (number?) : radius of circle ( 1 )
position (TypeParsablePoint?) : center position of circle ( [0, 0] )
shape ((function (Point, number): Array<number> | number)?) : By default a square of two triangles is created (six vertices). Use a number to create a regular polygon with number sides. Use a custom function to make a custom shape. The function takes as input the [x, y] position of the point to build the shape around, and size . It outputs an array of interlaced x and y coordinates of triangle vertices - i.e.: [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ....]
size (number?)


Generate random points within a rectangle.

Array<number>: array of interlaced x and y coordinates of vertices
const { rectangleCloudShapes } = Fig.morph;

const cloud1 = rectangleCloudShapes({
  num: 1000,
  width: 0.5,
  height: 0.5,
  position: [-0.5, 0],

const cloud2 = rectangleCloudShapes({
  num: 1000,
  width: 0.7,
  height: 0.7,

const m = figure.add({
  make: 'morph',
  points: [cloud1, cloud2],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  .morph({ start: 0, target: 1, duration: 2 })


Options object to generate shapes at random positions within a rectangle.

Type: {width: number?, height: number?, position: TypeParsablePoint?, num: number?, shape: function ([number, number], number): Array<number>?, size: number?}

maxPoints (number?) : number of shapes to generate ( 10 )
pointSize (number?) : size of each shape ( 0.01 )
width (number?) : width of rectangle ( 1 )
height (number?) : height of rectangle ( 1 )
position (TypeParsablePoint?) : center position of rectangle ( [0, 0] )
shape ((function (Point, number): Array<number> | number)?) : By default a square of two triangles is created (six vertices). Use a number to create a regular polygon with number sides. Use a custom function to make a custom shape. The function takes as input the [x, y] position of the point to build the shape around, and size . It outputs an array of interlaced x and y coordinates of triangle vertices - i.e.: [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ....]
num (number?)
size (number?)

Slide Navigator


Slide Navigator

It is sometimes useful to break down a visualization into easier to consume parts.

For example, a complex figure or concept can be made easier if built up from a simple begining. Each step along the way might change the elements within the figure, or the form of an equation, and be accompanied by a corresponding description giving context, reasoning or next steps.

An analogy to this is a story or presentation, where each step along the way is a presentation slide.

This class is a simple slide navigator, providing a convenient way to define slides and step through them.

CollectionsSlideNavigator creates the navigation buttons, and textElement automatically, and will usually be more convenient than manually creating them (unless custom buttons are needed).

Notifications - The notification manager property notifications will publish the following events:

  • goToSlide: published when slide changes - will pass slide index to subscriber
  • steady: steady state reached (slide transition complete)
options ((OBJ_SlideNavigator | null) = null) use null to load options later with the load method. Options should only be loaded when an instantiated FigureElementCollection is available for the collections property.
notifications (NotificationManager) : notification manager for element
currentSlideIndex (number) : index of slide current shown
inTransition (boolean) : true if slide current transitioning
CollectionsSlideNavigator for examples.
Instance Members
goToSlide(slideIndex, from, index)


SlideNavigator options object

The options here associate a number of FigureElements with the SlideNavigator, which will be ustilized by the slide definitions in OBJ_SlideNavigatorSlide.

The collection property associates a FigureElementCollection. If a Figure is passed in, then the root level collection will be used. All animations in slide transitions should be attached to this collection or its children as this is the collection that will be stopped when skipping slides. All string definitions of other elements will be relative to this collection, and therefore must be children of this collection. A collection must be passed in.

prevButton and nextButton are buttons that can be used to progress backwards and forwards through the slides. The SlideNavigator will disable prevButton on the first slide and update nextButton label (if it exists) with 'restart' when at the last slide.

text is a OBJ_TextLines figure element that will be updated with the text property in OBJ_SlideNavigatorSlide

equation is one or more Equation elements to associate with the SlideNavigator. Each associated equation will be operated on by the form property in OBJ_SlideNavigatorSlide. Use OBJ_EquationDefaults to set default equation animation properties when form creates slide transitions.

Type: any

collection ((Figure | FigureElementCollection))
prevButton ((null | FigureElement | string)?)
nextButton ((null | FigureElement | string)?)
text ((null | string | FigureElementCollection)?)
equation ((Equation | string | Array<(string | Equation)>)?)
equationDefaults (OBJ_EquationDefaults?)


Slide definition options object.

This object defines the state the figure should be set to when this slide is navigated to.

A slide definition has several callback properties that can be used to set figure state including:

  • enterState: set an initial state
  • transition: define an animation for when moving to this slide
  • steadyState: set steady state, then wait for next navigation event
  • leaveState: set leave state when moving to another another slide

It is good practice to try and make each slide's state independant of other slides. If a square is shown on slides 4 and 5, then it should be explicitly shown on both slides. If it is only shown on slide 4, then it will be fine when the user navigates from slide 4 to 5, but will not be shown if the user is navigating from slide 6 to 5. Allowing users to go to specific slides out of order makes slide dependencies even more difficult.

Therefore, the enter, steady and leave states above should be used to fully define the figure's state on each slide.

However, while this approach will yield a good user experience, developing many slides, complex figures or numerous equation forms can make slide definition verbose. Even though each slide is different, many slides may share largely the same state, all of which needs to be explicitly defined for each slide.

The SlideNavigator tries to manage this by providing the fundamental state callbacks above, as well as properties that can be defined once, and shared between slides. Slides with shared, or common properties make copies of all the properties so each slide is independant, but require the developer to define them just once. If a slide doesn't define a common property, then it will use the definition in the last slide that defined it.

For example, the enterStateCommon property is a common property. If it is defined in slides 4 and 7, then slides 0-3 will not have the property, slides 4-6 will use the slide 4 definition, and slides 7 and after will all use slide 7's definition.

Common state properties include:

  • enterStateCommon
  • steadyStateCommon
  • leaveStateCommon

The reason some states have both a common and slide specific property (such as steadyState and steadyStateCommon) is so the common property can be best leveraged. If all properties were common, then they would need to be redefined every time a small change was made. Having both common and slide specific properties allows a balance of defining some state for a group of slides once, while allowing specific changes to that state where needed.

In addition to the above state properties, there are a number of short-cut properties, that make it easy to set state for common figure elements. When a SlideNavigator is instantiated, a text figure element, a figure collection and one or more equation elements can be associated with it.

The text, modifier and modifierCommon properties can be used to set the text of the text figure element associated with the SlideNavigator. text and modifierCommon are common properties.

The form property is also common and can be used to automatically set the form of the associated equation elements. A SlideNavigator can be associated with one or more equations. The form property defines the form each of the equations should be set to on this slide. If there is just one equation, then the form property can be a string that is the form name. For two or more equations, the form property should be an array of strings where each element is the form name for the corresponding equation. The order of equations passed into the SlideNavigator, needs to be the same as the order of strings in the form array. To hide an equation, use a null instead of a string. If the form property has less forms than equations, then all remaining equations will be hidden.

The form property is a short cut with several consequences:

  • All equations with null forms will be hidden prior to enterState.
  • If the slide doesn't have a transition defined, and if an equation form is changed, then a transition will be added that animates the equation form change. If transition is defined, and equation animation is required, then it needs to be defined in the transition property explicity.
  • Each equation with a defined form will have showForm called on that form prior to steadyState.

The life cycle of a slide change is:

  • leaveStateCommon (for current slide)
  • leaveState (for current slide)
  • stop all animations
  • Update associated text element with text property
  • Hide all figure elements in associated collection
  • showCommon
  • show
  • show navigator buttons and navigator text element
  • hideCommon
  • hide
  • show fromForm
  • show all elements that dissolveIn or dissolveOut in an auto transition
  • scenarioCommon
  • scenario
  • enterStateCommon (for new slide)
  • enterState
  • addReference
  • show all elements that dissolveOut and hide all elements that dissolveIn in an auto transition
  • publish beforeTransition notification
  • transition
  • show form
  • set targets from auto transition
  • steadyStateCommon
  • steadyState
  • update slide navigator buttons
  • publish steady notification

Type: {text: OBJ_FormattedText?, modifiersCommon: OBJ_TextModifiersDefinition?, modifiers: OBJ_TextModifiersDefinition?, showCommon: TypeElementPath?, show: TypeElementPath?, hideCommon: TypeElementPath?, hide: TypeElementPath?, enterStateCommon: TypeSlideStateCallback?, enterState: TypeSlideStateCallback?, transition: TypeTransitionDefinition?, steadyStateCommon: TypeSlideStateCallback?, steadyState: TypeSlideStateCallback?, leaveStateCommon: TypeSlideLeaveStateCallback?, leaveState: TypeSlideLeaveStateCallback?, fromForm: (string | Array<(string | null)> | null)?, form: (string | Array<(string | null)> | null)?, scenarioCommon: (string | Array<string>)?, scenario: (string | Array<string>)?, clear: boolean?, time: TypeRecorderTime?, delta: number?, exec: (Array<[TypeRecorderTime, string]> | [TypeRecorderTime, string])?, execDelta: (Array<[number, string]> | [number, string])?, addReference: boolean?}

text (OBJ_TextLines?) : common property - With modifiersCommon and modifiers define the text for the text element associated with the SlideNavigator
modifiersCommon (OBJ_TextModifiersDefinition?) : common property
modifiers (OBJ_TextModifiersDefinition?) : common property - will overwrite any keys from modifiersCommon with the same name
showCommon (TypeElementPath?) : common property
show (TypeElementPath?)
hideCommon (TypeElementPath?) : common property
hide (TypeElementPath?)
enterStateCommon (TypeSlideStateCallback?) : common property
enterState (TypeSlideStateCallback?)
transition (TypeTransitionDefinition?) : transititions are only called when moving between adjacent slides in the forward direction. Progressing backwards, or skipping around with goToSlide will not call transition . A transition is a callback where animations can be defined. A done function is passed to the callback and must be called at the end of the animation to allow slide steadyStates to be set.
steadyStateCommon (TypeSlideStateCallback?) : common property
steadyState (TypeSlideStateCallback?)
leaveStateCommon (TypeSlideLeaveStateCallback?) : common property
form ((string | Array<(string | null)> | null | Object)?) : common property
fromForm ((string | Array<(string | null)> | null | Object)?)
scenarioCommon ((string | Array<string>)?) : common property
scenario ((string | Array<string>)?)
animate (("move" | "dissolve" | "moveFrom" | "pulse" | "dissolveInThenMove")?) : override default animation option for automatic form animation using the 'form' property
clear (boolean?) : true does not use any prior common properties ( false )
time (TypeRecorderTime?) : recorder only - absolute time to transition to slide.
delta (number?) : recorder only - time delta in seconds from last slide transition to transition to this slide
exec ((Array<[TypeRecorderTime, string]> | [TypeRecorderTime, string])?) : recorder only - times to execute functions.
addReference (boolean) : recorder only true will add a new reference state based on the current state
execDelta ((Array<[number, string]> | [number, string])?)


FigureElementCollection that creates elements to work with SlideNavigator.

This object defines a rectangle FigureElementCollection that may include:

Extends FigureElementCollection

See SlideNavigator for information about what a slide navigator is.

To test examples below, append them to the boilerplate.

// At its simplest, the SlideNavigator can be used to navigate an equation
    name: 'eqn',
    make: 'equation',
    formDefaults: { alignment: { xAlign: 'center' } },
    forms: {
      0: ['a', '_ + ', 'b', '_ = ', 'c'],
      1: ['a', '_ + ', 'b', '_ - b_1', '_ = ', 'c', '_ - ', 'b_2'],
      2: ['a', '_ = ', 'c', '_ - ', 'b_2'],
    formSeries: ['0', '1', '2'],
    name: 'nav',
    make: 'collections.slideNavigator',
    equation: 'eqn',
// Text can be used to describe each slide
    name: 'eqn',
    make: 'equation',
    formDefaults: { alignment: { xAlign: 'center' } },
    forms: {
      0: ['a', '_ + ', 'b', '_ = ', 'c'],
      1: ['a', '_ + ', 'b', '_ - b_1', '_ = ', 'c', '_ - ', 'b_2'],
      2: ['a', '_ = ', 'c', '_ - ', 'b_2'],
    name: 'nav',
    make: 'collections.slideNavigator',
    equation: 'eqn',
    text: { position: [0, 0.3] },
    slides: [
      { text: 'Start with the equation', form: '0' },
      { text: 'Subtract b from both sides' },
      { form: '1' },
      { text: 'The b terms cancel on the left hand side' },
      { form: '2' },
// This example creates a story by evolving a description, a diagram
// and an equation.
  {   // Square drawing
    name: 'square',
    make: 'primitives.rectangle',
    width: 0.4,
    height: 0.4,
    line: { width: 0.005 },
  {   // Side length label
    name: 'label',
    make: 'text',
    yAlign: 'middle',
    position: [0.3, 0],
    font: { size: 0.1 },
  {   // Equation
    name: 'eqn',
    make: 'equation',
    elements: {
      eq1: '  =  ',
      eq2: '  =  ',
      eq3: '  =  ',
    phrases: {
      sideSqrd: { sup: ['side', '_2'] },
      areaEqSide: [{ bottomComment: ['Area', 'square'] }, 'eq1', 'sideSqrd'],
    formDefaults: { alignment: { xAlign: 'center' } },
    forms: {
      0: ['areaEqSide'],
      1: ['areaEqSide', 'eq2', { sup: ['_1', '_2_1'] }, 'eq3', '_1_1'],
      2: ['areaEqSide', 'eq2', { sup: ['_2_2', '_2_1'] }, 'eq3', '4'],
    position: [0, -0.8],
  {   // Slide Navigator
    name: 'nav',
    make: 'collections.slideNavigator',
    equation: 'eqn',
    nextButton: { type: 'arrow', position: [1.2, -0.8] },
    prevButton: { type: 'arrow', position: [-1.2, -0.8] },
    text: { position: [0, 0.7], font: { size: 0.12 } },

const square = figure.getElement('square');
const label = figure.getElement('label');

// Update the square size, and side label for any sideLength
const update = (sideLength) => {
  square.custom.updatePoints({ width: sideLength, height: sideLength });
  label.setPosition(sideLength / 2 + 0.1, 0);
  label.setText({ text: `${(sideLength / 0.4).toFixed(1)}` });

// Add slides to the navigator
    showCommon: ['square', 'label', 'eqn'],
    text: 'The area of a square is the side length squared',
    form: '0',
    steadyStateCommon: () => update(0.4),
  { text: 'So for side length of 1 we have and area of 1' },
  { form: '1' },
  { form: null, text: 'What is the area for side length 2?' },
    transition: (done) => {
          duration: 1,
          callback: p => update(0.4 + p * 0.4),
    steadyStateCommon: () => update(0.8),
  { form: '2' },
Instance Members


CollectionsSlideNavigator options object that extends OBJ_Collection options object (without parent).

This rectangle is similar to OBJ_Rectangle, except it can accomodate both a fill and a border or line simultaneously with different colors.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Collection

collection ((Figure | FigureElementCollection | string)?) : collection to tie slide navigator to. By default will tie to its parent.
prevButton ((COL_SlideNavigatorButton | null)?) : previous button options - use null to hide
nextButton ((COL_SlideNavigatorButton | null)?) : next button options
  • use null to hide
text ((OBJ_FormattedText | null)?) : text options - use null to hide
equation ((Equation | string | Array<(string | Equation)>)?) : equation to tie to SlideNavigator
equationDefaults (COL_SlideNavigatorEqnDefaults?) : default equation animation options
disableOpacity (number?) : opacity for previous button when disabled ( 0.7 )


Last slide shown

'next' | 'prev' | number

Type: ("next" | "prev" | number)


(currentIndex: number, nextIndex: number) => void

When using Recorder, a string from a FunctionMap can be used, as long as the function the string maps to allows for the same parameters as above.

Type: (string | function (number, number): void)


(currentIndex: number, from:TypeSlideFrom) => void

When using Recorder, a string from a FunctionMap can be used, as long as the function the string maps to allows for the same parameters as above.

Type: (string | function (TypeSlideFrom, number): void)


Callback definition for slide transition.

(done: () => void, currentIndex: number, from:TypeSlideFrom) => void

When using Recorder, a string from a FunctionMap can be used, as long as the function the string maps to allows for the same parameters as above.

Important note: the done parameter MUST be called at the end of the transition to allow the slide to progress to steady state.

Type: (string | function (function (): void, number, TypeSlideFrom): void)


Default equation animation properties.

Type: {duration: number?, animate: ("move" | "dissolve" | "moveFrom" | "pulse" | "dissolveInThenMove")?}

duration (number?)
animate (("move" | "dissolve" | "moveFrom" | "pulse" | "dissolveInThenMove")?)


Transition Definition

TypeSlideTransitionCallback | OBJ_AnimationDefinition | Array<OBJ_AnimationDefinition | Array<OBJ_AnimationDefinition>>

For complete control in creating a transition animation, and/or setting necessary transition state within an application, use a function definition TypeSlideTransitionCallback.

Many transitions will be simple animations, dissolving in elements, dissolving out elements, or animating between positions. For these, a short hand way of defining animations can be used.

OBJ_AnimationDefinition is a json like object that defines the animation. When used in an array, multiple animations will be executed in series.

If an array of OBJ_AnimationDefinition objects has an element that itself is an array of OBJ_AnimationDefinition objects, then the the animations within the nested array will be executed in parallel.

Type: (TypeSlideTransitionCallback | OBJ_AnimationDefinition | Array<(OBJ_AnimationDefinition | Array<OBJ_AnimationDefinition>)>)

To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Figure has two rectangles and a slide navigator. Slides will dissolve in,
// dissolve out, move and rotate rectangles
const [rect1, rect2] = figure.add([
    name: 'rect1',
    make: 'primitives.rectangle',
    width: 0.4,
    height: 0.4,
    position: [-0.5, 0.5],
    name: 'rect2',
    make: 'primitives.rectangle',
    width: 0.4,
    height: 0.4,
    position: [0.5, 0.5],
    name: 'nav',
    make: 'collections.slideNavigator',

const setPositionAndRotation = (r1Pos, r1Rot, r2Pos, r2Rot) => {

// Add slides to the navigator
  // Slide 1
    showCommon: 'rect1',
    enterStateCommon: () => setPositionAndRotation([-0.5, 0.5], 0, [0.5, 0.5],  * 0),

  // Slide 2
    transition: (done) => {
        .dissolveIn({ duration: 1 })
        .whenFinished(done)  // Make sure to process done when finished
    // When using a transition function, any changes during the transition
    // need to be explicitly set at steady state
    steadyState: () => {;

  // Slide 3
  // When using animation objects, the targets of animations will be
  // automatically set at steady state, so user does not need to set them
    showCommon: ['rect1', 'rect2'],
    transition: { position: 'rect2', target: [0.3, 0.5], duration: 1 },

  // Slide 4
  // Use an array of animation object definitions to create a sequence of steps
    enterState: () => setPositionAndRotation([-0.5, 0.5], 0, [0.3, 0.5], 0),
    transition: [
      { position: 'rect1', target: [-0.3, 0.5], duration: 1 },
      { rotation: 'rect1', target: Math.PI / 4, duration: 1 },
      { rotation: 'rect2', target: Math.PI / 4, duration: 1 },

  // Slide 5
  // Use an array within an array to create parallel steps
    enterState: () => setPositionAndRotation([-0.3, 0.5], Math.PI / 4, [0.3, 0. * 5], Math.PI / 4),
    transition: [
        { rotation: 'rect1', target: 0, duration: 1 },
        { rotation: 'rect2', target: 0, duration: 1 },
        { position: 'rect1', target: [-0.5, 0.5], duration: 1 },
        { position: 'rect2', target: [0.5, 0.5], duration: 1 },
      { out: ['rect1', 'rect2'] },

Interactive Video

With FigureOne, you can create a figure that can be both interactive and animated.

The evolution of this is interactive video, enabled by the Recorder class. For something to be video-like, it needs to have visual content, audio, and the ability to play, pause, stop and seek. The recorder class can:

  • record and playback events, such as function calls, mouse movements, mouse clicks and slide navigation - these can either be recorded by a user, or programmed for specific times
  • overlay an audio track on playback
  • record entire figure state at regular intervals (e.g. 1 second) as seek frames for the video
  • allow a user to pause video at any time and interact with the figure in its current state - on resuming playback, the figure will revert to its paused state

As such, the animation in FigureOne can be overlaid with audio to create a video like experience. Except in this case, content on the screen can be just as rich and interactive as that created normally with FigureOne.

State, Seeking and Pausing

Video seeking and pausing is enabled by recording and setting figure state.

A FigureOne diagram may contain numerous FigureElements arranged in a hierarchy of collections that group elements. Each FigureElement has properties that define how it behaves and is displayed, such as its visibility, color, transform, current or pending animations, and its behavior when touched or moved. These properties change over time, such as with animations and interactive actions from the user. We use the term 'state' to describe a snapshot of these property values at some instant in time. As such, individual FigureElements can have a state, and the state of all elements together is called the Figure state.

Part of creating a FigureOne interactive video, is to record figure state at regular intervals. These states are the seek frames. As a user is scrubbing through a video with the seek bar, the figure will be set into the state closest to the seek time. When play is pressed, the video will resume from this state.

Video pausing can happen at any time. Therefore, on pause, the figure state is captured and saved. If the figure is interacted with, and its state changes, then when play is resumed the pause state will be reloaded and playback will resume.

Note however that figure state only captures some of the figure state. For each FigureElement a state capture will include the properties:

  • animations,
  • color
  • opacity
  • dimColor
  • defaultColor
  • transform
  • isShown
  • isMovable
  • isTouchable
  • state
  • move
  • notifications
  • customState

So that means if the element manages a drawingObject whose vertices change over time, then the vertices will need to be updated when state is set. Use the setState notification from the notifications property of the element to do this.

Video Track

The video track of a FigureOne video contains the recorded event and state information. It is stored in json format, and so all information within it must be stringify-able. Therefore only numbers, booleans, strings and nested objects or arrays with the same types are acceptable.

However, some state information will refer to functions. For example, a trigger animation step has a callback function it needs to trigger. So how can you convert a function to a string?

FigureOne has a FunctionMap class which is a map of identifier strings to functions. When the figure is first loaded, functions are defined and stored in the map. When the functions need to be executed, the string is passed to the FunctionMap which then executes the associated function. When the function execution is recorded, just the string id and any associated parameters (that are also stringify-able) are recorded.

The Figure and each FigureElement within it has an fnMap property which is a local FunctionMap. Each FunctionMap also have a link to a global map of functions at FunctionMap will first try to execute a method from its local map. If it doesn't exist, then it will try the global map.

Functions can be added to FunctionMaps with the add() method and executed with the exec() method.

For example, to add a function toConsole to a FunctionMap and then execute it while passing in a parameter you can:

figure.fnMap.add('toConsole', s => console.log(s));
figure.fnMap.exec('toConsole', 'hello');

Advantages compared to Traditional Video


FigureOne videos can be made to be interactive. FigureOne elements, be they shapes, text or equations can all be made interactive and so video-like experiences can be made that are similarly interactive.

Some examples of how this could be used are:

  • Allow users to manipulate a diagram to help solidfy a concept being explained midway through a video
  • Allow users to explore and reformat presented data and/or plots
  • Allow feedback from users directly in the video, like with embedded quizzes
  • Allow users to discover concepts by providing interative tools, showing them how to experiment with the tools to discover some concept, and giving them hints along the way
File Size and Resolution

Similar to traditional videos, FigureOne interactive videos have a video and an audio track.

The audio track of both traditional and interactive video is similar, and has the same size vs quality trade-offs. For podcast like quality, a 64kbps mp3 file might be approximately 0.5MB/minute.

A traditional video track needs to store information for each pixel on each frame of the video. While significant compression is achieved in modern video, video file sizes are still considerable. For 1080p video at 30 fps it may take upwards of 20MB/minute, and for 4k video upwards of 90MB/minute. Traditional video is both resolution and frame rate dependent. As such, videos are often encoded with multiple resolutions for efficient deployment to clients with different screen resolutions and bandwidth capabilities.

In comparison, a FigureOne video track stores just the construction information of the figure elements on the screen, and how they are animating. This information can be stored as zipped json data, and is small. It is neither resolution nor frame rate dependant. For example, the compressed video data of example Trig 2 - Names is just 69kB for 4:27 minutes of video. Compared with what might be closer to 90MB for 1080p, this is a 1500x saving. In this case, the audio is the largest component of the video package at 2.1MB.

Thus, you might say that FigureOne video is video for the size of an audio file.

A helpful analogy comparing traditional video to FigureOne interactive video is that of a bitmap image file (traditional video) to a vector image file (FigureOne interactive video).

Disadvantages compared to Traditional Video

Creation Complexity

A FigureOne interactive video is created using javascript code. Though much can be simplified down to json like objects, it is still useful to have some programming experience - especially for complex interactivity.

In comparison, traditional videos can be created by a broader range of people with relatively easy to use equipment and video editing software.

Content Complexity

The complexity of the video content (number of different colored pixels and how often they change) on a traditional video impacts the size of the video, but has less impact on the final performance of displaying the video on the client device. Most client devices have significant optization at the OS and often hardware level to make playing video fast and smooth.

FigureOne interactive video is not a standard, and its performance is limited by the client's browser performance. On each video frame, FigureOne needs to calculate the video state and render it to the screen. To achive relatively smooth video, FigureOne needs render a frame in less than 15-20ms.

FigureOne uses WebGL for hardware accelarated graphics performance and so complex figures with lots vertices and animations can be created to perform well (>25 fps) on low end, or old client devices. However, if a figure contains hundreds of different elements, all shown and moving at the same time, then care needs to be taken to optimize the video for performance. As the content complexity increases significantly, the creation complexity increases to keep performance acceptable.

Full Screen Behavior in Safari

FigureOne is a javascript library that can be used in the browser, or in app frameworks that support javascript modules.

On iOS devices, Safari allows traditional video content to fully cover the screen (without menu bars) in landscape mode. This isn't available for other web content, and so for FigureOne to emulate a video experience in the browser then either the video height needs to be reduced, or the top portion of the video should have limited interactivity (as touching the top of the screen in landscape can show the menus).

Important Note

To significanty reduce the size of the seek states, states are generally saved as a delta to some reference state which is generated when the recorder starts, or when triggered with addCurrentStateAsReference.

Important note: within a state, if an array length is less than the length of the corresponding array in the reference state, then it will be padded with undefined elements to be the same length as in the reference.

This isn't ideal, and will be fixed in a future release.


The Recorder class provides functionality to record and playback video like experiences. It can:

  • record and playback events, such as function calls, mouse movements, mouse clicks and slide navigation - these can either be recorded by a user, or programmed for specific times
  • overlay an audio track on playback
  • record entire figure state at regular intervals (like 1 second) as seek frames for the video
  • allow a user to pause video at any time and interact with the figure in its current state - on resuming playback, the figure will revert to its paused state

For performance during recording, a separate javascript worker is used to parallelize state encoding. Therefore, in addition to the FigureOne library, a FigureOne worker file will need to be loaded. See the tutorials for examples on how this is done.

For tutorials and examples of how to use Recorder, see

Notifications - The notification manager property notifications will publish the following events:

  • timeUpdate: updated at period defined in property timeUpdates
  • durationUpdated: updated whenever audio or video are loaded, or when recording goes beyond the current duration
  • audioLoaded
  • videoLoaded
  • recordingStarted
  • recordingStopped
  • preparingToPlay
  • playbackStarted
  • preparingToPause
  • playbackStopped
  • seek
  • recordingStatesComplete - recording completed and recorded states ready
timeKeeper (TimeKeeper)
state (("recording" | "playing" | "idle" | "preparingToPlay" | "preparingToPause"))
isAudioPlaying (boolean)
duration (number) : in seconds
stateTimeStep (number) : in seconds - change this to change the duration between recorded seek frames
timeUpdates (number) : in seconds - how often to publish the 'timeUpdate' notification
notifications (NotificationManager) : use to subscribe to notifications
Instance Members
startRecording(fromTime, whilePlaying, includeStates)
genAutoMouseEvents(figureName, precision, encodeMove)
startPlayback(fromTimeIn, allowPauseResume, events)
loadVideoTrack(path, callback)


Function Map

In FigureOne Recorder, state is saved in stringified javascript objects. When the state includes a function (like a trigger method in an animation for example) then that function is referenced in the state object as a unique string id.

When a geometry is loaded, functions that will be captured in state objects need to be added to a function map. Both Figure and FigureElement have attached function maps as the property fnMap. Therefore, the method is added to either the figure or element function map, with an associated unique string id, and that string id is used when the function is used. For example as defined callbacks, triggerAnimationStep and customAnimationStep callbacks, or recorder slide definitions (entryState, steadyState, leaveState, exec, execDelta).

The funciton map has:

  • A map of functions
  • A link to a global map of functions (a singleton)
  • The ability to execute a function within the map

Extends GeneralFunctionMap

global (FunctionMap) : global function map
map (Object) : local function map where keys are unique identifiers and values are the associated functions
// Add a console function to a FunctionMap and execute it with a parameter
figure.fnMap.add('toConsole', s => console.log(s));
figure.fnMap.exec('toConsole', 'hello');
Instance Members
exec(idOrFn, args)
add(id, fn)


Recorder time format.

number | string

Use number for number of seconds, or use string with format 'm:s.s' (for example, '1:23.5' would define 1 minute, 23.5 seconds)

Type: (string | number)


WebGL utilizes hardware acceleration to draw very complex shapes - even on low end devices. Most FigureOne FigureElementPrimitives interface directly with WebGL to render the shapes, and as such a user doesn't need to know anything about WebGL to use FigureOne.

FigureOne also provides a FigureElementPrimitive OBJ_GenericGL with direct access to WebGL shaders and buffers. This means a user with some WebGL experience can write custom shaders which may dramatically increase the performance of a particularly complicated figure, or a figure with special graphical effects.

It is not in the scope of this API reference to explain what WebGL is, and how to use it. There are many good resources on the web that already do this - for example WebGLFundamentals gives an excellent introduction to WebGL and this quick reference guid is useful to refer to especially when writing shaders. A WebGL API reference is here.

For more detailed information on how to create a FigureOne OBJ_GenericGL, and customize shaders and buffers see this tutorial.

Another example of a OBJ_GenericGL in action is from the FigureOne examples here.


DiagramElementPrimitive with low level WegGL drawing object.

A number of WebGL specific properties can be defined.

WebGL specific properties are glPrimitive, vertexShader, fragmentShader attributes, uniforms and an optional texture. The nomencalture for these properties is directly from WebGL.

Properties vertices, colors, dimension, light and normals provide shortcuts for defining the shaders, attributes and uniforms when shaders are not customized.

Shaders are programs that run in the GPU and are written in a C-like language. Shaders operate on each vertex of a shape in parallel. The vertex shader transforms each vertex to some specific position, and performs color and lighting related calculations for scenarios when color and/or lighting are vertex specific. The fragment shader computes the final color of each pixel (fragment) between the vertices that make up a glPrimitive.

Data can be passed from the CPU (JavaScript) to the GPU with attributes and uniforms.

Attributes are arrays of numbers that represent data specific for each vertex in a shape. At a minimum, an attribute that defines the (x, y) or (x, y, z) coordinates of each vertex is needed. Other attributes might be color if all verticies do not have the same color, texture coordinates to map vertex color to a 2D image texture, and normal vectors for defining how light reflects from and thus brightens a surface. Each attribute must define data for every vertex in a shape. Attributes are typically defined and loaded into GPU buffers once. On each animation frame, the GPU will pass the buffered attributes to the shaders. Attributes are only passed to the vertex shader.

Uniforms are small amounts of data (vectors or square matrices with a maximum dimension/rank of 4) that are passed from the CPU to the GPU on each frame. A uniform value can be passed to both the vertex and fragment shader and is thus available to all vertices and fragments. A uniform is like a global variable whose value can change on each animation frame. Example uniforms are:

  • transform matrix that transforms all vertices in space the same way
  • color value that colors all vertices the same (instead of having to define a color for each vertex)
  • light source properties like position, direction, and amplitude

Data can be passed from the vertex shader to the fragment shader in variables called varyings. Example varyings include color attributes (color that is defined for each vertex) and lighting information if the lighting is vertex dependent.

Shaders source code can be defined as a string, or composed automatically from options including dimension, color and light. Shader source code contains attribute and uniform variables, and these attributes and uniforms need to be defined with attributes and uniforms.

If using automated shader composition, then only attributes need to be defined. The uniforms will be passed to the shader from the information in the color property of the FigureElementPrimitive and the scene used to draw the primitive. See OBJ_VertexShader and OBJ_FragmentShader for names of attributes and uniforms used in the shaders, and when they are used.

Type: any

glPrimitive (TypeGLPrimitive?)
vertexShader (TypeVertexShader?)
fragmentShader (TypeFragmentShader?)
attributes (Array<OBJ_GLAttribute>?)
uniforms (Array<OBJ_GLUniform>?)
texture (OBJ_Texture?)
dimension ((2 | 3)?) : default value for dimension in vertex shader if vertex shader is undefined ( 2`)
light (("point" | "directional" | null)?) : default value for light in vertex and fragment shader if shaders are not otherwise defined ( null )
colors ((Array<number> | OBJ_GLColorData)?) : default value for light in vertex and fragment shader if shaders are not otherwise defined ( uniform )
vertices (OBJ_GLVertexBuffer?) : create a a_vertex attribute for vertex coordinates
normals (OBJ_GLVertexBuffer?) : create a a_normal attribute
// Default options are 2D, uniform color, TRIANGLES.
// Create two red triangles (6 vertices, 12 values)
  make: 'gl',
  vertices: [0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, 0.5, 0.5],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// Simple rotatable element with a custom position
  make: 'gl',
  vertices: [0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, 0.5, 0.5],
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
  position: [-0.4, -0.4, 0],
  move: { type: 'rotation' },
// Assign a color to each vertex
  make: 'gl',
  vertices: [0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, 0.5, 0.5],
  colors: [
    0, 0, 1, 1,
    1, 0, 0, 1,
    0, 0, 1, 1,
    1, 0, 0, 1,
    0, 0, 1, 1,
    1, 0, 0, 1,
// Assign a color to each vertex, using just 3 numbers per color (no alpha)
  make: 'gl',
  vertices: [0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, 0, 0.5, 0.5],
  colors: {
    data: [
      0, 0, 1,
      1, 0, 0,
      0, 0, 1,
      1, 0, 0,
      0, 0, 1,
      1, 0, 0,
    size: 3,
// Texture filled square
  make: 'gl',
  vertices: [-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5],
  numVertices: 6,
  texture: {
    src: './flower.jpeg',
    coords: [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1],
    loadColor: [0, 0, 0, 0],
// Make a 3D cube using composed shaders
const { toNumbers } = Fig;
const [cubeVertices, cubeNormals] = Fig.cube({ side: 0.5 });
figure.scene.setProjection({ style: 'orthographic' });
figure.scene.setCamera({ position: [2, 1, 2] });
figure.scene.setLight({ directional: [0.7, 0.5, 1] });

  make: 'gl',
  light: 'directional',
  dimension: 3,
  vertices: toNumbers(cubeVertices),
  normals: toNumbers(cubeNormals),
  color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
// Custom shaders
// Make a shader with a custom attribute aVertex and custom uniform uColor,
// which are then defined in the options.
// Note, the `u_worldViewProjectionMatrix` uniform does not need to be defined
// as this will be passed by FigureOne using the Scene information of the
// figure (or element if an element has a custom scene attached to it).
  make: 'gl',
  vertexShader: {
    src: `
      uniform mat4 u_worldViewProjectionMatrix;
      attribute vec4 aVertex;
      void main() {
        gl_Position = u_worldViewProjectionMatrix * aVertex;
    vars: ['aVertex', 'u_worldViewProjectionMatrix'],
  fragmentShader: {
    src: `
    precision mediump float;
    uniform vec4 uColor;
    void main() {
      gl_FragColor = uColor;
      gl_FragColor.rgb *= gl_FragColor.a;
    vars: ['uColor'],
  attributes: [
      name: 'aVertex',
      size: 3,
      data: [0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0],
  uniforms: [
      name: 'uColor',
      length: 4,
      value: [1, 0, 0, 1],


GL buffer.

Type: {name: string, data: Array<number>, size: number?, type: TypeGLBufferType?, normalize: boolean?, stride: number?, offset: number?, usage: TypeGLBufferUsage?}

name (string) : name of attribute in shader
data (Array<number>) : array of values
size (number?) : number of values per attribute ( 2 )
type (TypeGLBufferType?) : ( 'FLOAT' )
normalize (boolean?) : ( false )
stride (number?) : ( 0 )
offset (number?) : ( 0 )
usage (TypeGLBufferUsage?) : ( 'STATIC' )


GL vertex - associated with attribute 'a_vertex' in shader.

Assumes buffer parameters of:

  • name: 'a_vertex'
  • size: 2
  • type: 'FLOAT'
  • normalize: false
  • stride: 0
  • offset: 0

Type: {data: Array<number>, usage: TypeGLBufferUsage}

data (Array<number>) : array of values
usage (TypeGLBufferUsage?) : ( 'STATIC' )


GL Uniform

Type: {name: string, length: (1 | 2 | 3 | 4), type: TypeGLUniform}

name (string) : name of uniform in shader
length ((1 | 2 | 3 | 4))
type (TypeGLUniform)






Type: ("STATIC" | "DYNAMIC")





GL primitive type that describes the shapes the vertices are creating. Analagous to WebGL drawing primitives where the mapping between the two are:



Type: ("TRIANGLES" | "POINTS" | "FAN" | "STRIP" | "LINES")


A fragment shader can be defined with either:

  • { src: string, vars: Array<string> }: a shader source code string and a list of attributes and uniforms
  • string: an identifier to a built-in shader
  • OBJ_VertexShader | Array<string | number | boolean>: composing options for a composable shader

Type: (string | {src: string, vars: Array<string>?} | Array<(string | number | boolean)> | OBJ_FragmentShader)


A vertex shader can be defined with either:

  • { src: string, vars: Array<string> }: a shader source code string and a list of attributes and uniforms
  • string: an identifier to a built-in shader
  • OBJ_VertexShader | Array<string | number | boolean>: composing options for a composable shader

Type: (string | {src: string, vars: Array<string>?} | Array<(string | number | boolean)> | OBJ_VertexShader)


Options used to compose vertex shader source code.

Shader source code can be automatically composed for different vertex dimension (2D vs 3D), coloring and lighting options.

Composed source code uses specific attribute, uniform and varying names. Attributes will need to be defined by the user in the attributes property of OBJ_GenericGL.


  • vec2 a_vertex: used to define vertex positions when dimension = 2.
  • vec4 a_vertex: used to define vertex positions when dimension = 3 - Note, for this case an attribute size of only 3 is needed as the fourth coordinate (w in the homogenous coordinate system) is automatically filled with a 1.
  • vec4 a_color: used to define the color of a vertex when color = 'vertex'
  • vec2 a_texcoord: used to define the texture coordinates to map the vertex to when color = 'texture'
  • vec3 a_normal: used to define the normal vector for a vertex used when light = 'point' or light = 'directional'

Uniforms will be defined and updated by FigureOne based on the color and transform of the primitive, and the scene being used to draw the primitive. Thus, the uniform variables listed below for are for informational purposes only.


  • mat4 u_worldViewProjectionMatrix: transfomration matrix that cascades projection, camera position, and any additional transformation of the shape
  • float u_z: define a specific z for all vertices when dimension = 2
  • u_worldInverseTranspose: transpose of inverse world matrix needed for to correctly transform normal vectors. Used when light = 'point' or light = 'directional'
  • vec3 u_lightWorldPosition: defines the position of a point source light used when light = 'point'
  • mat4 u_worldMatrix: defines the world matrix transform that orients the point source light relative to the shape used when light = 'point'.

Varyings are passed from the vertex shader to the fragement shader. They are listed here in case the user wants to customize one shader, while relying on composition for the other. All varying expected by the composed shader will need to be defined in the custom shader.

  • vec2 v_texcoord: pass texture coordinates to fragment shader used when color = 'texture'
  • vec4 v_color: pass vertex specific color to fragment shader used when color = 'vertex'
  • vec3 v_normal: pass normals (transformed with u_worldInverseTranspose) to fragment shader used when light = 'directional' or light = 'point'
  • vec3 v_vertexToLight: pass vector between point source light and vertex to fragment shader used when light = 'point'

Type: {light: ("point" | "directional" | null)?, color: ("vertex" | "uniform" | "texture")?, dimension: (2 | 3)?}

dimension ((2 | 3)?) : ( 2 )
color (("vertex" | "uniform" | "texture")?) : ( uniform )
light (("point" | "directional" | null)?) : ( null )


Options used to compose fragment shader source code.

Shader source code can be automatically composed for different coloring and lighting options.

Composed source code uses specific uniform and varying names.

Uniforms will be defined and updated by FigureOne based on the color and transform of the primitive, and the scene being used to draw the primitive. Thus, the uniform variables listed below for are for informational purposes only.


  • vec4 u_color: global color for all vertices used all times. When color = 'texture' or color = 'vertex', only the alpha channel of u_color is used.
  • sampler2D u_texture: texture used when color = 'texture'.
  • vec3 u_directionalLight: world space position of directional light source used when light = 'directional'
  • float u_ambientLight: ambient light used when light = 'directional' or light = 'point'.

Varyings are passed from the vertex shader to the fragement shader. They are listed here in case the user wants to customize one shader, while relying on composition for the other.

  • vec2 v_texcoord: texture coordinates from vertex shader used when color = 'texture'
  • vec4 v_color: vertex specific color from vertex shader used when color = 'vertex'
  • vec3 v_normal: normals from vertex shader used when light = 'directional' or light = 'point'
  • vec3 v_vertexToLight: vector between point source light and vertex from vertex shader used when light = 'point'

Type: {light: ("point" | "directional" | null)?, color: ("vertex" | "uniform" | "texture")?}

dimension ((2 | 3)?) : ( 2 )
color (("vertex" | "uniform" | "texture")?) : ( uniform )
light (("point" | "directional" | null)?) : ( null )


Color definition for a gl primitive.

Type: {data: Array<number>, normalize: boolean?, size: (3 | 4)?}

data (Array<number>) : color data
normalize (boolean?) : if true , then color data values are between 0 and 255 ( false )
size ((3 | 4)?) : if 3 , then color data is RGB, if 4 then color data is RGBA

2D Geometry Tools


Get the minimum absolute angle difference between two angles

angle1 (number)
angle2 (number)
const minAngleDiff = Fig.minAngleDiff;
const d1 = minAngleDiff(0.1, 0.2);
// -0.1

const d2 = minAngleDiff(0.2, 0.1);
// 0.1

const d3 = minAngleDiff(0.1, -0.1);
// 0.2


Get center of a triangle

const getTriangleCenter = Fig.getTriangleCenter;

const center = getTriangleCenter([0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]);
// Point {x: 0.3333333333333333, y: 0.3333333333333333}


Polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates conversion

mag (number)
angle (number)
theta ((number | null) = null)
const polarToRect = Fig.polarToRect;
const p = polarToRect(Math.sqrt(2), Math.PI / 4);
// Point {x: 1, y: 1)


Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates conversion

x ((number | Point))
y (number = 0)
z (number = 0)
{angle: number, mag: number, phi: number, r: number, theta: number}
const rectToPolar = Fig.rectToPolar;
const p = rectToPolar(0, 1);
// {mag: 1, angle: 1.5707963267948966}


Returns the angle from the line (p1, p2) to the line (p1, p3) in the positive rotation direction and normalized from 0 to Math.PI * 2.

p2 (Point)
p1 (Point)
p3 (Point)
const threePointAngle = Fig.threePointAngle;
const getPoint = Fig.getPoint;

const p1 = threePointAngle(getPoint([1, 0]), getPoint([0, 0]), getPoint([0, 1]));
// 1.5707963267948966

const p2 = threePointAngle(getPoint([0, 1]), getPoint([0, 0]), getPoint([1, 0]));
// 4.71238898038469


Returns the minimum angle from the line (p1, p2) to the line (p1, p3).

p2 (Point)
p1 (Point)
p3 (Point)
const threePointAngleMin = Fig.threePointAngleMin;
const getPoint = Fig.getPoint;

const p1 = threePointAngleMin(getPoint([1, 0]), getPoint([0, 0]), getPoint([0, 1]));
// 1.5707963267948966

const p2 = threePointAngleMin(getPoint([0, 1]), getPoint([0, 0]), getPoint([1, 0]));
// -1.5707963267948966


Clip and angle between 0 and 2π ('0to360') or -π to π ('-180to180'). null will return the angle between -2π to 2π.

angleToClip (number)
clipTo (("0to360" | "-180to180" | null | "-360to360" | "-360to0"))
const clipAngle = Fig.clipAngle

const a1 = clipAngle(Math.PI / 2 * 5, '0to360');
// 1.5707963267948966

const a2 = clipAngle(Math.PI / 4 * 5, '-180to180');
// -2.356194490192345

const a3 = clipAngle(-Math.PI / 4 * 10, null);
// -1.5707963267948966


Normalize angle to between 0 and 2π.

angle (number)


Get angle delta based on direction

startAngle (number)
targetAngle (number)
rotDirection (TypeRotationDirection = 0)


Get delta angle of a Point where the x, y, z components are rotations around the x, y, and z axes.


Geometry Creation


Create points a regular polygon.

Can return either:

  • Array<Point> - corners of a polygon
  • Array<number> - interlaced points of triangles used to a polygon fill
options (OBJ_PolygonPoints)
(Array<Point> | Array<number>)


Create a solid regular polygon line.

Can return either:

  • Array<Point> - [inner corner 0, outer corner 0, inner corner 1, outer corner 1, inner corner 2...]
  • Array<number> - interlaced points of triangles used to draw a polygon line
(Array<Point> | Array<number>)


Return points of a cone.

The points can either represent the triangles that make up each face, or represent the start and end points lines that are the edges of each face of the cone.

If the points represent triangles, then a second array of normal vectors for each point will be available.

options (OBJ_ConePoints)
options (OBJ_CubePoints) : cone options
[Array<Point>, Array<Point>]: an array of points and normals. If the points represent lines, then the array of normals will be empty.


Return points of a cube.

The points can either represent the triangles that make up each face, or represent the start and end points lines that are the edges of the cube.

If the points represent triangles, then a second array of normal vectors for each point will be available.

options (OBJ_CubePoints)
options (OBJ_CubePoints) : cube options
[Array<Point>, Array<Point>]: an array of points and normals. If the points represent lines, then the array of normals will be empty.


Return points of a sphere.

The points can either represent the triangles that make up each face, or represent the start and end points lines that are the edges of each face of the sphere.

If the points represent triangles, then a second array of normal vectors for each point will be available.

options (OBJ_SpherePoints)
options (OBJ_CubePoints) : sphere options
[Array<Point>, Array<Point>]: an array of points and normals. If the points represent lines, then the array of normals will be empty.


Return points of a prism.

The points can either represent the triangles that make up each base, or represent the start and end points lines that are the edges of the prism.

If the points represent triangles, then a second array of normal vectors for each point will be available.

options (OBJ_PrismPoints)
options (OBJ_PrismPoints) : cube options
[Array<Point>, Array<Point>]: an array of points and normals. If the points represent lines, then the array of normals will be empty.


Return points of a 3D surface created by revolving (or radially sweeping) a 2D profile around an axis.

The points can either represent the triangles that make up each face, or represent the start and end points lines that are the edges of each face of the cone.

If the points represent triangles, then a second array of normal vectors for each point will be available.

A profile is defined in the XY plane, and then revolved around the x axis.

The resulting points can oriented and positioned by defining a axis and position. The axis directs the x axis (around which the profile was rotated) to any direction. The position then offsets the transformed points in 3D space, there the original (0, 0, [0]) point is translated to (position.x, position.y, position.z)

All profile points must have a y value that is not 0, with the exceptions of the ends which can be 0.

options (OBJ_Revolve)
[Array<Point>, Array<Point>]: an array of points and normals. If the points represent lines, then the array of normals will be empty.


Return points of a 3D surface. A 3D surface is defined by a 2D matrix of points (a grid).

The points can either represent the triangles that make up each face, or represent the start and end points lines that are the edges of each face of the cone.

If the points represent triangles, then a second array of normal vectors for each point will be available.

options (OBJ_SurfacePoints)


Return points of a 3D line with optional arrows.

The points can either represent the triangles that make up each face, or represent the start and end points of lines that are the edges of each face of the shape.

If the points represent triangles, then a second array of normal vectors for each point will be available.

options (OBJ_Line3Points)
options (OBJ_Line3Points) : line options
[Array<Point>, Array<Point>]: an array of points and normals. If the points represent lines, then the array of normals will be empty.

Math tools


Rounds a number or numbers in an array

arrayOrValue ((number | Array<number>)) Value or array of values to be rounded
precision (number = 5) Number of decimal places to round to
(number | Array<number>): Rounded value or array of values


Creates an array with a range of numbers

start (number) Range start
stop (number) Range stop
step (number = 1) Range step
precision (number = 8)
Array<number>: Range of numbers in an array


Return a -1 or 1 randomly

number: -1 or 1


Return a random int.

If a max = null, then the returned integer will be in the range of 0 to minOrMax.

Otherwise the returned value is in the range of minOrMax to max.

Use sign to also return a random sign (negative or positive);

minOrMax (number)
max (number? = null)
sign (boolean = false)
number: random integer


Return a true or false randomly



Return a random number.

If a max = null, then the returned number will be in the range of 0 to minOrMax.

Otherwise the returned value is in the range of minOrMax to max.

Use sign to also return a random sign (negative or positive);

minOrMax (number)
max (number? = null)
plusOrMinus (boolean = false)
number: random number


Get a random element from an array.

inputArray (Array<T>)


Get a number of random elements from an array.

num (number)
inputArray (Array<T>)


Remove and return random element from an array.

inputArray (Array<T>)

Misc Figure Element


Element movement state

Type: {previousTime: number?, velocity: (Point | number)}

previousTime (number?)
velocity ((Point | number))


Element pulse state

Type: {startTime: number?}

startTime (number?)


Element state

Type: {isBeingMoved: boolean, isMovingFreely: boolean, isChanging: boolean, movement: ElementMovementState, isPulsing: boolean, pulse: ElementPulseState, preparingToStop: boolean}

isBeingMoved (boolean)
isMovingFreely (boolean)
isChanging (boolean)
isPulsing (boolean)
preparingToStop (boolean)


Drawing Object

Manages drawing an element to a WebGL or Context 2D canvas. Can also be used to manage a HTML element on the screen.

border (Array<Array<Point>>) : each array of points defines a closed boundary or border of the element. An element may have multiple closed borders. A border defines where a shape can be touched, or how it bounces of figure boundaries


FigureElementPrimitive that can be used to utilize custom shaders for WebGL.

Extends DrawingObject

webgl (WebGLInstance)
vertexShader (TypeVertexShader = {color:'uniform',dimension:2,normals:false,light:null})
fragmentShader (TypeFragmentShader = {color:'uniform',light:null})
selectorVertexShader (TypeVertexShader = 'selector')
selectorFragShader (TypeFragmentShader = 'selector')
Instance Members
addTexture(location, mapFrom, mapTo, mapToBuffer, points, repeat, onLoad, loadColor)
addUniform(uniformName, length, type, initialValue)


Built in figure primitives.

Including simple shapes, grid and text.

Instance Members


Path to a FigureElement within a FigureElementCollection.

string | {[name: string]: TypeElementPath } |FigureElement| Array<TypeElementPath>}

Consider a collection with the below heirachy. The collection has two children diagram and description of which diagram is another collection:

  • diagram

    • lineA
    • lineB
    • lines

      • lineC
      • lineD
  • description

The ways to define lineC, lineD and description are:

  • ['description', 'diagram.lines.lineC', 'diagram.lines.lineD']
  • ['description', { diagram: ['lines.lineC', 'lines.lineD'] }]
  • ['description', { 'diagram.lines': ['lineC', 'lineD'] }]

Type: (string | {} | FigureElement | Array<TypeElementPath>)


TimeKeeper keeps time for a figure, where time is the number of milliseconds after the page is loaded.

Time can be real time, sped up, slowed down or manually stepped.

The current time can be accessed using the now method.

In it's default form, now is the same as the system time or the animation time sent through on frames requested from requestAnimationFrame .

However, these system times diverge from now when TimeKeeper's time speed is changed, or manual time deltas are enabled.

When time speed is n times faster than real time, now will report n times more passage of time from the page load than real time. So if the speed is set to 2, then now will report time passing twice as fast.

If timeouts are needed in a figure's logic, use figure.timeKeeper. setTimeout and figure.timeKeeper.clearTimeout methods instead of the system equivalents so the timeouts follow figure time.

TimeKeeper can also be used to synchronize times (for example, for multiple animations being started where it is desired they all have precisely the same start time). See getWhen method for information on how to retrieve a synchronized time

Instance Members
setTimeout(callback, time, description, stateTimer, stateTime)



Type: {callback: (string | function (): void), num: number}

callback ((string | function (): void)) : callback to use when subscription is published
num (number) : number of notifications


Subscriber Map.

Type: {}

_id (OBJ_Subscriber?) : each key in this object is a unique identifier associated with a subscriber callback.


A single subscription

fnMap (FunctionMap = new FunctionMap())
subscribers (OBJ_Subscribers)
fnMap (FunctionMap)
Instance Members
add(callback, numberOfPublications, subscriptionName, numberOfSubscriptions)
publish(functionArgument, asArray)


Subscription Map.

Type: {}

_eventName (Notification?) : each key in this object is a unique notification name associated with an event.


Notification manager.

Publishes notifications of events to subscribers.

Figure, FigureElement, Recorder, and SlideNavigator all use notification managers for event nofitications.

Notification managers can also be added to custom objects, but will only publish to subscribers when it is told to publish.

fnMap (FunctionMap = new FunctionMap()) default function map to use. Function maps need only be used with Recorder .
notifications (OBJ_Notifications)
fnMap (FunctionMap)
// Subscribe to the `setTransform` notification of `ball1` to move `ball2`

// Add ball1 and ball2 to the figure
const [ball1, ball2] = figure.add([
    name: 'ball1',
    make: 'primitives.polygon',
    sides: 100, radius: 0.5, color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
    name: 'ball2',
    make: 'primitives.polygon',
    sides: 100, radius: 0.3, color: [0, 0, 1, 1],

// Subscribe to ball1's `setTransform` event notification, and use the set
transform to move ball2 with ball1
ball1.notifications.add('setTransform', (transform) => {

// Animate ball1 to show ball2 moves with it
  .position({ target: [1, 0], duration: 2 })
Instance Members
add(name, callback, num)
publish(eventName, payload, asArray, subscriptionName)
remove(eventName, subscriberId, subsciptionName)


setTransform event.

Fired whenever the transform is changed.

Type: [Transform]


Object where keys are property names of a FigureElement and values are the values to set the properties to.

Type: {}

_propertyName (any?)


Object where keys are equation element names, and values are objects describing which element properties to modify after creation.

Type: {}

_elementName (OBJ_ElementPropertyMod?)


All scenarios set to element.

Scenarios are preset transforms, color and visibility settings that can be easily animated to.

This is an object where the keys are scenario names and values are OBJ_Scenario objects defining the scenario.

Type: {}

_scenarioName (OBJ_Scenario) : where scenarioName can be any string that names the scenario


'pixel' | 'gl' | 'figure' | 'local' | 'draw'

Type: ("pixel" | "gl" | "figure" | "local" | "draw")

Misc Geometry


Test is a point is parsable

pIn (any)


Chech if input parameter can be parsed as a Plane.

pIn (any)


Test if a value can be parsed to create a transform.

value (any)


Parse a TypeParsablePoint and return a Point.



Parse an array of parsable point definitions (TypeParsablePoint) returning an array of points.



Parse a scale definition and return a Point representing the scale in x and y. Scale can either be defined as a TypeParsablePoint or a number if the x and y scale is equal.

Point: x and y scale


Convert a parsable line definition to a Line.

l (TypeParsableLine) parsable line definition
Line: Line object


Convert a parsable rectangle definition to a Rect.

r (TypeParsableRect) parsable rectangle definition
Rect: rectangle object


Convert a parsable transform definition to a Transform.



Parse a TypeParsablePoint and return a Point.



Get plane created with three points.

Normal is in the direction of the cross product of p12 and p13



Calculate the rotation axis and angle required to move from one vector to another.

fromVector (TypeParsablePoint)
toVector (TypeParsablePoint)
axisIfCollinear ((TypeParsablePoint | null) = null)
{axis: Point, angle: number}:


Curved translation path options, that defineds the control point of a quadratic bezier curve.

Use controlPoint to define the control point directly. This will override all other properties.

Otherwise direction, magnitude and offset can be used to calculate the control point based on the start and end points of the curve.

The control point is calculated by:

  • Define a line from start to target - it will have length d
  • Define a point P on the line
  • Define a control line from point P with length d and some angle delta from the original line.

The properties then customize this calculation:

  • magnitude will scale the distance d
  • offset will define where on the line point P is where 0.5 is the midpoint and 0.1 is 10% along the line from the start location
  • direction will define which side of the line the control line should be drawn
  • angle defines the angle delta between the line and the control line - by default this a right angle (Math.PI / 2)

The directions 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right' all reference the side of the line. The 'positive' direction is the side of the line that the line would move toward when rotated in the positive direction around the start point. The 'negative' side of the line is then the opposite side.

These directions only work when the angle is between 0 and Math.PI.

Type: {controlPoint: (TypeParsablePoint | null), angle: number, magnitude: number, offset: number, direction: ("up" | "left" | "down" | "right" | "positive" | "negative")}

controlPoint ((TypeParsablePoint | null))
magnitude (number)
offset (number)
angle (number) : ( Math.PI / 2 )
direction (("positive" | "negative" | "up" | "left" | "down" | "right"))


Line intersect result.

Type: {intersect: Point?, collinear: boolean, onLines: boolean}

intersect (Point?) : the intersection point. Will be undefined if there is no intersection
collinear (boolean) : true if the lines are collinear
onLines (boolean) : true if the intersection point is on both lines


Buffer for rectangle, where left, bottom, right and top are the buffer values for a rectangle's left, bottom, right and top sides respectively.

Type: {left: number, bottom: number, right: number, top: number}

left (number)
bottom (number)
right (number)
top (number)


Buffer for rectangle can be:

  • number: left, bottom, right, top buffer all the same
  • [number, number]: left/right and bottom/top buffer values
  • [number, number, number, number]: left, bottom, right, top buffer values
  • { left? number, bottom?: number, right?: number, top?: number}: object definition where default values are 0.

Can use getBuffer to convert the parsable buffer into

Type: (number | [number, number] | [number, number, number, number] | {left: number?, right: number?, top: number?, bottom: number?})


Convert a parsable buffer into a buffer.



A border is an array of points defining a contigous, closed border.

Array<TypeParsablePoint> | Array<Array<TypeParsablePoint>>

If a border is not contigous, but rather is several "islands" of contigous, closed borders, then an array of point arrays can be used, where each point array is one island.

Type: (Array<TypeParsablePoint> | Array<Array<TypeParsablePoint>>)


Recorder state definition of a Plane that represents a position and normal vector

  f1Type: 'pl',
  state: [[number, number, number], [number, number, number]],

Type: {f1Type: "pl", state: [[number, number, number], [number, number, number]]}

f1Type ("pl")
state ([[number, number, number], [number, number, number]])


Recorder state definition of a Line that represents the two end points of the line and the number of finite ends.

{ f1Type: 'l', state: [[number, number, number], [number, number, number], 2 | 1 | 0] }

Type: {f1Type: "l", state: [[number, number, number], [number, number, number], (2 | 1 | 0)]}

f1Type ("l")
state ([[number, number, number], [number, number, number], (2 | 1 | 0)])


Transform state definition of a Transform that represents an array of transform components.

  f1Type: 'pl',
  state: TypeTransformDefinition

Type: {f1Type: "tf", state: TypeTransformDefinition}

f1Type ("tf")


Recorder state definition of a Rect that represents the left, bottom, width and height of the rectangle.

  f1Type: 'rect',
  state: [number, number, number, number],

Type: {f1Type: "rect", state: [number, number, number, number]}

f1Type ("rect")
state ([number, number, number, number])


A border is an array of point arrays. Each point array is a contigous, closed border. Several point arrays represent a border that is several separate borders.

TypeBorder = Array<Array<Point>>

Type: Array<Array<Point>>


Orthonormal basis definition. Use either (i, j, k), (x, y, z) or (right, top, normal). They are identical, but different terminology may be useful for different contexts.

Type: {i: TypeParsablePoint?, j: TypeParsablePoint?, k: TypeParsablePoint?, x: TypeParsablePoint?, y: TypeParsablePoint?, z: TypeParsablePoint?, right: TypeParsablePoint?, top: TypeParsablePoint?, normal: TypeParsablePoint?}

normal (TypeParsablePoint?)


Rotation transform component definition. First number is the rotation value an the next three numbers define the x, y, and z components of the axis vector.

['r', number, number, number, number]

Type: ["r", number, number, number, number]


Direction transform component. The numbers are the xyz components of the vector to direct to.

This is equivalent to an axis rotation where the axis is the normal to the plane formed by [1, 0, 0] and d

['d', number, number, number]

Type: ["d", number, number, number]


Translation transform component. The numbers are the xy(z) components of the translation.

['t', number, number, number]

Type: ["t", number, number, number]


Scale transform component. Using just a single number scales xyz components equally. Using two numbers scales the xy components and sets z to 1. Using three numbers defines each xyz component.

['s', number, number, number] | ['s', number, number] | ['s', number]

Type: ["s", number, number, number]


Custom transform component defined by a 4x4 matrix.

['c', number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number]

Type: ["c", number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number]


Change of basis transform component definition. This is a change of basis from the standard basis: i: (1, 0, 0), j: (0, 1, 0), k: (0, 0, 1).

['b', number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number]

Type: ["b", number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number]


Change of basis transform component definition relative to a specified initial basis.

['bb', number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number]

Type: ["bb", number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number]


Change of basis transform component definition. This is a change of basis from the standard basis: i: (1, 0, 0), j: (0, 1, 0), k: (0, 0, 1).

A basis can be defined with either the definition object TypeBasisObjectDefinition where only two vectors need to be defined (the third will be automatically calculated), or with 9 numbers where all three vectors need to be defined in (ix, iy, iz, jx, jy, jz, kx, ky, kz) order.

['b',TypeBasisObjectDefinition] | TypeTransformBasis

Type: (["b", TypeBasisObjectDefinition] | TypeTransformBasis)


Change of basis transform component definition relative to a specified initial basis.

A basis can be defined with either the definition object TypeBasisObjectDefinition where only two vectors need to be defined (the third will be automatically calculated), or with 9 numbers where all three vectors need to be defined in (ix, iy, iz, jx, jy, jz, kx, ky, kz) order.

In either case, the first object or nine numbers define the initial basis and the second object or nin numbers define the basis to move to.

['bb',TypeBasisObjectDefinition,TypeBasisObjectDefinition] | TypeTransformBasisToBasis

Type: (["bb", TypeBasisObjectDefinition, TypeBasisObjectDefinition] | TypeTransformBasisToBasis)


Transform Component.

TypeTransformRotation | TypeTransformDirection | TypeTransformTranslation | TypeTransformScale | TypeTransformCustom | TypeTransformBasis | TypeTransformBasisToBasis

Type: (TypeTransformRotation | TypeTransformDirection | TypeTransformTranslation | TypeTransformScale | TypeTransformCustom | TypeTransformBasis | TypeTransformBasisToBasis)


Transform component defined by a user.

TypeTransformRotation | TypeTransformDirection | TypeTransformTranslation | TypeTransformScale | TypeTransformCustom | TypeTransformBasisUserDefinition | TypeTransformBasisToBasisUserDefinition

Type: (TypeTransformRotation | TypeTransformDirection | TypeTransformTranslation | TypeTransformScale | TypeTransformCustom | TypeTransformBasisUserDefinition | TypeTransformBasisToBasisUserDefinition | ["r", number] | ["t", number, number] | ["s", number] | ["s", number, number])


Transform array definition.


Type: Array<TypeTransformComponent>


Transform array user definition.


Type: Array<TypeTransformComponentUserDefinition>

Misc Shapes


Texture definition object

A texture file is an image file like a jpg, or png.

Textures can be used instead of colors to fill a shape in WebGL.

Each vertex in a shape is mapped to a color in the texture. A texture coordinate is used to define where to sample the color in the texture. Texture coodinates (x, y) are between 0 and 1 where the bottom left corner of the texture is (0, 0) and the top right corner is (1, 1). Note, even if the texture is being mapped onto a 3D surface, the texture coordinates are always two dimensional as the texture is two dimensional.

Texture colors can be mapped to vertices of the shape with either:

  • coords - directly define the texture coordinates for each vertex
  • mapFrom, mapTo - automatically map texture coordinates to the (x, y) draw space components of the shape's vertices. This is only useful for 2D shapes (3D shapes should use coords).

To automatically map the texture to a shapes vertices, a rectangular window in the texture (mapFrom) and a rectangular window in draw space (mapTo) is defined. The texture is then offset and scaled such that its window aligns with the draw space window.

Therefore, to make a 1000 x 500 image fill a 2 x 1 rectangle in draw space centered at (0, 0) you would define:

mapFrom: new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1)
mapTo: new Rect(-1, -0.5, 2, 1)

If instead you wanted to zoom the image in the same rectange by a factor of 2 you could either:

mapFrom: new Rect(0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5)
mapTo: new Rect(-1, -0.5, 2, 1)


mapFrom: new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1)
mapTo: new Rect(-2, -1, 4, 2)

Two ways of doing this are provided as sometimes it is more convenient to think about the window on the image, and other times the window in draw space.

If the shape has fill outside the texture boundaries then either the texture can be repeated, or a pixel from the border (edge) of the image is used (called clamping to edge). WebGL only allows images that are square with a side length that is a power of 2 (such as 16, 32, 64, 128 etc) to be repeated. All other images can only be clamped to their edge.

To repeat all other image resolutions, a texture can be mapped to a rectangle and then the rectangle repeated throughout the figure.

Type: {src: string?, mapFrom: Rect?, mapTo: Rect?, mapToAttribute: string?, coords: Array<number>?, loadColor: TypeColor?, repeat: boolean?, onLoad: function (): void?}

src (string) : The url or location of the image
coords (Array<number>?) : texture coordinates to map to each vertex in shape. If empty, then the texture coorindates will be automatically generated using mapTo and mapFrom . ( [] )
mapFrom (TypeParsableRect?) : image space window ( new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1) )
mapTo (TypeParsableRect?) : draw space window ( new TypeParsableRect(-1, -1, 2, 2) )
mapToAttribute (TypeParsableRect?) : attribute name of the vertex definitions to map the texture to ( a_vertex )
repeat (boolean?) : true will tile the image. Only works with images that are square whose number of side pixels is a power of 2 ( false )
loadColor (TypeColor?) : color to display while texture is loading. Use an alpha of 0 if no color is desired. ( [0, 0, 1, 0.5] )
onLoad (function (): void?)


Formatted Text line definition object.

Used to define a line of text in OBJ_FormattedText.

Type: {text: string, font: OBJ_Font?, lineSpace: number?, baselineSpace: number?}

text (string?) : string representing a line of text
font (OBJ_Font?) : line specific default font
lineSpace (number?) : line specific separation from top of previous line to baseline of this line
baselineSpace (number?) : line specific separation from baseline of this previous line to baseline of this line


Modifier Text Definition object.

Used to define the modifiers of a string within a text lines primitive OBJ_TextLines.

Type: {text: string?, offset: TypeParsablePoint?, inLine: boolean?, font: OBJ_Font?, touchBorder: (TypeParsableBuffer | Array<TypeParsablePoint>)?, onClick: (string | function (): void)?, followOffsetY: boolean?}

text (string?) : text to replace modifierId with - if undefined then modifierId is used
offset (TypeParsablePoint?) : text offset
followOffsetY (boolean?) : true will make any subsequent text have the same y offset as a starting point ( false )
font (OBJ_Font?) : font changes for modified text
inLine (boolean?) : false if modified text should not contribute to line layout (defqult: true )
onClick ((string | function (): void)?) : function to execute on click within the touchBorder of the modified text
touchBorder ((TypeParsableBuffer | Array<TypeParsablePoint>)?) : touch border can be custom ( Array<TypeParsablePoint> ), or be set to some buffer ( TypeParsableBuffer ) around the rectangle (default: '0' )


Modifier object.

Used to define the modifiers of a string within a text lines primitive OBJ_TextLines.

Type: {}

modifierId (OBJ_TextModifierDefinition?) : modifierId can be any key


Text modifier definition object.

Used to define the modifiers of a string within a formatted text element OBJ_FormattedText.

Type: {text: string?, offset: TypeParsablePoint?, inLine: boolean?, font: OBJ_Font?, touch: (boolean | TypeParsableBuffer)?, onClick: (string | function (): void)?, space: number?, eqn: TypeEquationPhrase?}

text (string?) : text to replace modifierId with - if undefined then modifierId is used
offset (TypeParsablePoint?) : text offset
font (OBJ_Font?) : font changes for modified text
inLine (boolean?) : false if modified text should not contribute to line layout (default: true )
onClick ((string | function (): void)?) : function to execute on click within the touchBorder of the modified text
touch ((TypeParsableBuffer | boolean)?) : use true to enable touch or a buffer to enable touch and define the touchBorder ( false ) buffer ( TypeParsableBuffer ) around the rectangle (default: '0' )
space (number?) : additional space to right of text
eqn (TypeEquationPhrase?) : use this to replace the text with an equation defined by an equation phrase - when using eqn the font property will be ignored


Pulse options object

Type: {duration: number?, scale: number?, frequency: number?}

scale (number?) : scale to pulse
duration (number?) : duration to pulse
frequency (number?) : frequency to pulse where 0


Curved Corner Definition

Type: {radius: number?, sides: number?}

radius (number?)
sides (number?)


Line style object

These properties are a subset of OBJ_Polyline which has more details on how a line is defined.

Type: {widthIs: ("mid" | "outside" | "inside" | "positive" | "negative")?, cornerStyle: ("auto" | "none" | "radius" | "fill")?, cornerSize: number?, cornerSides: number?, cornersOnly: boolean?, cornerLength: number?, forceCornerLength: boolean?, minAutoCornerAngle: number?, dash: Array<number>?, linePrimitives: boolean?, lineNum: number?}

widthIs (("mid" | "outside" | "inside" | "positive" | "negative")?) : defines how the width is grown from the polyline's points. Only "mid" is fully compatible with all options in cornerStyle and dash . ( "mid" )
cornerStyle (("auto" | "none" | "radius" | "fill")?) : "auto" : sharp corners sharp when angle is less than minAutoCornerAngle , "none" : no corners, "radius" : curved corners, "fill" : fills the gapes between the line ends, ( "auto" )
cornerSize (number?) : only used when cornerStyle = radius ( 0.01 )
cornerSides (number?) : number of sides in curve - only used when cornerStyle = radius ( 10 )
cornersOnly (boolean?) : draw only the corners with size cornerSize ( false )
cornerLength (number?) : use only with cornersOnly = true - length of corner to draw ( 0.1 )
minAutoCornerAngle (number?) : see cornerStyle = auto ( π/7 )
dash (Array<number>?) : leave empty for solid line - use array of numbers for dash line where first number is length of line, second number is length of gap and then the pattern repeats - can use more than one dash length and gap - e.g. [0.1, 0.01, 0.02, 0.01] produces a lines with a long dash, short gap, short dash, short gap and then repeats.
linePrimitives (boolean?) : Use WebGL line primitives instead of triangle primitives to draw the line ( false )
lineNum (boolean?) : Number of line primitives to use when linePrimitivs : true ( 2 )
forceCornerLength (boolean?)


Copy Step options object

A copy step defines how to copy existing points.

An array of copy steps will cumulatively copy points from an original set of points.

So, if there are two copy steps then:

  • the first step will copy the original points
  • the second step will copy the original points and the first copy of the points

For example, a grid of a shape can be made with two copy steps. The first replicates the shape along the x axis, creating a line of shapes. The second copy step then replicates the line of shapes in the y axis, creating a grid of shapes.

Each copy step appends its copied points onto an array of points that started with the original points. By default, copy steps operate on all points created in previous steps. However, the properties start and end can be used to make the current step only operate on a subset of the points.

start and end refer to the indexes of the copy steps where the original points is at index 0, and the first copy step is at index 1. Copy step arrays can also include marker strings which make defining start and end more convient (see the third example below). These marker strings can be used as start and end values. Marker strings are included in the copy step indexing.

There are two main ways to make a copy, either copy the points to a location, or copy the points along a path.

When using the to property, if a Point is defined then the points will be copied to that point. If a Transform is defined, then a copy of the points will be transformed by that transform. An array of points and transforms can be defined to make multiple copies of the points.

When using the along property, the points are copied a number (num) of times along a path with some step. The paths can be horiztonal ('x'), vertical ('y'), along the z axis ('z'), at an angle in the xy plane, (number), along a direction vector (TypeParsablePoint) or through a 'rotation' around a center point and axis.

When copying along a line (along is 'x', y', 'z', TypeParsablePoint or a number), then step will be the distance offset along the line.

When copying along a rotation (along is 'rotation'), then step will be the angular step in radians.

Any step can use the original property - but it will only operate on the last step that uses it. When original is false, then all points before that copy step will not be included in the returned Point array.

Type: {to: (TypeParsablePoint | TypeParsableTransform | Array<(TypeParsablePoint | TypeParsableTransform)>)?, along: ("x" | "y" | "z" | number | "rotation" | "moveOnly" | TypeParsablePoint)?, axis: TypeParsablePoint?, num: number?, step: number?, center: TypeParsablePoint?, start: (number | string)?, end: (number | string)?, original: boolean?}

to ((TypeParsablePoint | TypeParsableTransform | Array<(TypeParsablePoint | TypeParsableTransform)>)?) : copy points to a location or locations or transform a copy of the points
along (("x" | "y" | number | "rotation" | "moveOnly" | TypeParsablePoint)?) : copy points along a linear path where number is a path at an angle in radians in the xy plane, and TypeParsablePoint is a direction vector
axis (TypeParsablePoint?) : axis to rotate a 'rotation' copy around (default is the z axis so rotation is in xy plane [0, 0, 1] )
num (number?) : the number of copies to make when copying along a path
step (number?) : distance between copies if along is 'x' or 'y' or a number , delta angle between copies if along is 'rotation'
center (TypeParsablePoint?) : the center point about which to rotate the copies when using along = 'rotation'
start ((number | string)?) : copy step index or marker defining the start of the points to copy
end ((number | string)?) : copy step index or marker defining the end of the points to copy
original (boolean?) : false excludes all points before this step in the final result ( true )
// Grid copy
  name: 'triGrid',
  make: 'polygon',
  radius: 0.1,
  sides: 3,
  rotation: -Math.PI / 6,
  fill: 'tris',
  copy: [
      along: 'x',
      num: 4,
      step: 0.3,
      along: 'y',
      num: 4,
      step: 0.3,
// Radial lines copy
  name: 'radialLines',
  make: 'generic',
  points: [
    [-0.2, -0.1], [-0.2, 0.1], [0.2, 0.1],
    [-0.2, -0.1], [0.2, 0.1], [0.2, -0.1],
  copy: [
      to: [[0.6, 0], [1.05, 0], [1.5, 0], [2.2, 0]],
      along: 'rotation',
      num: 5,
      step: Math.PI / 5,
      start: 1,              // only copy last step, not original points
// Ring copy (without original shape)
  name: 'halfRings',
  make: 'polygon',
  radius: 0.1,
  sides: 20,
  fill: 'tris',
  copy: [
    'ring1',               // marker 1
      to: [0.5, 0],
      original: false,     // don't include the original shape
      along: 'rotation',
      num: 7,
      step: Math.PI / 7,
      start: 'ring1',      // copy only from marker 1
    'ring2',               // marker 2
      to: [1, 0],
      start: 0,            // make a copy of the original shape only
      end: 1,
      along: 'rotation',
      num: 15,
      step: Math.PI / 15,
      start: 'ring2',      // copy points from Marker 2 only


Defines whether a line is solid or dashed.


Leave empty for solid line.

Use array of numbers for a dashed line where indexes 0, 2, 4... are line lengths and indexes 1, 3, 5... are gap lengths. If line is longer than cumulative length of line and gap lengths, then pattern will repeat.

If array length is odd, then the first element will be the offset of the dash pattern - the length where the dash pattern starts. In this case index 0 is the offset, indexes 1, 3, 5... are the dash lengths and indexes 2, 4, 6... are the gap lengths.

For example [0.1, 0.01, 0.02, 0.01] produces 0.1 length dash, then a 0.01 length gap, then a 0.02 length dash, then a 0.01 length gap. This pattern will repeat for the length of the line.

Type: Array<number>


Arrow heads

'triangle' | 'circle' | 'line' | 'barb' | 'bar' | 'polygon' | 'rectangle'

Type: ("triangle" | "circle" | "line" | "barb" | "bar" | "polygon" | "reverseTriangle" | "rectangle")

OBJ_Arrow for properties related to each arrow head


Arrow end for a line or polyline.

Arrows on the end of lines have many of the same properties as stand alone arrows OBJ_Arrow.

The align property descripes where the line stops relative to the arrow. 'start' will be most useful for pointed arrows. When there is no tail, or a zero length tail, 'mid' can be useful with 'polygon', 'circle' and 'bar' as then the shapes will be centered on the end of the line. Note that in this case the shape will extend past the line.

Type: {head: TypeArrowHead?, scale: number?, length: number?, width: number?, rotation: number?, sides: number?, radius: number?, barb: number?, tail: boolean?, align: ("start" | "mid")?}

head (TypeArrowHead?) : head style ( 'triangle' )
scale (number?) : scale the default dimensions of the arrow
length (number?) : dimension of the arrow head along the line
width (number?) : dimension of the arrow head along the line width
rotation (number?) : rotation of the polygon when head = 'polygon'
sides (number?) : number of sides in polygon or circle arrow head
radius (number?) : radius of polygon or circle arrow head
barb (number?) : barb length (along the length of the line) of the barb arrow head
tail ((boolean | number)?) : true includes a tail in the arrow of with tailWidth . A number gives the tail a length where 0 will not extend the tail beyond the boundaries of the head
align (("start" | "mid")?) : define which part of the arrow is aligned at (0, 0) in draw space ( 'start' )
// Line with triangle arrows on both ends
  name: 'a',
  make: 'polyline',
  points: [[0, 0], [1, 0]],
  width: 0.02,
  arrow: 'triangle',
// Line with customized barb arrow at end only
  name: 'a',
  make: 'shapes.line',
  p1: [0, 0],
  p2: [0, 1],
  width: 0.02,
  arrow: {
    end: {
      head: 'barb',
      width: 0.15,
      length: 0.25,
      barb: 0.05,
      scale: 2
  dash: [0.02, 0.02],
// Three lines showing the difference between mid align and start align for
// circle heads
    name: 'reference',
    make: 'polyline',
    points: [[0, 0.3], [0.5, 0.3]],
    name: 'start',
    make: 'polyline',
    points: [[0, 0], [0.5, 0]],
    arrow: {
      head: 'circle',
      radius: 0.1,
    name: 'mid',
    make: 'polyline',
    points: [[0, -0.3], [0.5, -0.3]],
    arrow: {
      head: 'circle',
      radius: 0.1,
      align: 'mid',     // circle mid point is at line end


Line end's arrow definition options object.

start and end define the properties of the arrows at the start and end of the line. Instead of defining OBJ_LineArrow objects for the start and end, a string that is the arrow's head property can also be used and the size dimensions will be the default.

All other properties will be used as the default for the start and end objects.

If any of the default properties are defined, then the line will have both a start and end arrow.

If only one end of the line is to have an arrow, then define only the start or end properties and no others.

Type: {start: (OBJ_LineArrow | TypeArrowHead), end: (OBJ_LineArrow | TypeArrowHead), head: TypeArrowHead?, scale: number?, length: number?, width: number?, rotation: number?, sides: number?, radius: number?, barb: number?, tailWidth: number?, tail: (boolean | number)?, align: ("start" | "mid")?}

start ((OBJ_LineArrow | TypeArrowHead)?) : arrow at start of line
end ((OBJ_LineArrow | TypeArrowHead)?) : arrow at end of line
head (TypeArrowHead?) : default head to use for start and end arrow
scale (number?) : default scale to use for start and end arrow
length (number?) : default length to use for start and end arrow
width (number?) : default width to use for start and end arrow
rotation (number?) : default rotation to use for start and end arrow
sides (number?) : default sides to use for start and end arrow
radius (number?) : default radius to use for start and end arrow
barb (number?) : default barb to use for start and end arrow
tailWidth (number?) : width of the line that joins the arrow - if defined this will create minimum dimensions for the arrow
tail ((boolean | number)?) : true includes a tail in the arrow of with tailWidth . A number gives the tail a length where 0 will not extend the tail beyond the boundaries of the head
align (("start" | "mid")?) : define which part of the arrow is aligned at (0, 0) in draw space ( 'start' )


Transform, color and visbility scenario definition

translation will overwirte position, and translation,position, rotation and scale overwrite the first equivalent transforms in transform

Type: {position: TypeParsablePoint?, translation: TypeParsablePoint?, rotation: number?, scale: (TypeParsablePoint | number)?, transform: TypeParsableTransform?, color: TypeColor?, isShown: boolean?}

position (TypeParsablePoint)
translation (TypeParsablePoint)
rotation (number)
transform (TypeParsableTransform)
color (Array<number>)
isShown (boolean)


Angle move options object.

The angle corner has two arms. The startArm is the first arm of the angle (the one defined by startAngle), while the endArm is the second arm of the corner defined by angle.

Both arms can be set to either rotate the angle ('rotation') or change the size of the angle ('angle'). Invisible touch pads are overlaid on the arms with some width. When these pads are touched, the corresponding arm will move. The pads extend past the arm ends by width as well.

If movePadRadius is greater than 0, then a pad with that radius will be placed at the corner vertex. When this pad is touched, the angle will translate.

Type: {movable: boolean, movePadRadius: number, width: number, startArm: ("angle" | "rotation" | null), endArm: ("angle" | "rotation" | null)}

startArm (("rotation" | "angle" | null)?)
endArm (("rotation" | "angle" | null)?)
movable (boolean?) : true to make movable, false to not ( true )
movePadRadius (number?) : radius of move pad ( 0 )
width (number?) : width of pads over lines ( 0.5 )


Collections angle label options object.

An angle can be annotated with a label using the text property and can be:

  • text (string, or Array<string)
  • an equation (Equation, EQN_Equation)
  • real length of line (null)

In all cases, an actual Equation is created as the label. The equation can have multiple forms, which can be set using the showForm method.

If text: string, then an equation with a single form named base will be created with a single element being the string text.

If text: Array<string>, then an equation with a form for each element of the array is created. Each form is named '0', '1', '2'... corresponding with the index of the array. Each form is has a single element, being the text at that index.

Use text: Equation or EQN_Equation to create completely custom equations with any forms desirable.

If the label text is the real angle (null), then the number of decimal places can be selected with precision and the units with units.

By default, the label is placed at the same radius as the curve (if a curve exists). An independant radius can be selected with radius.

The space between the radius and the label is defined with offset. An offset of 0 puts the center of the label on the radius. Any positive or negative value of offset will move the label so no part of the label overlaps the line, and then the closest part of the label is separated from the line by offset.

To situate the label, use curvePosition, location and subLocation. By default the label will be a percentage curvePosition of the angle. location then defines which side of the radius the label is on, while subLocation defines the backup location for invalid cases of location. See TypeLabelLocation and TypeLabelSubLocation. location can additionaly place the labels off the ends of the angle.

To automatically update the label location and orientation as the line transform (translation, rotation or scale) changes then use update: true.

Type: {text: (null | string | Array<string> | Equation | EQN_Equation), units: ("degrees" | "radians")?, precision: number?, radius: number?, offset: number?, curvePosition: number?, location: TypeLabelLocation?, subLocation: TypeLabelSubLocation?, orientation: TypeLabelOrientation?, autoHide: number??, autoHideMax: number??, update: boolean?, scale: number?, color: TypeColor?}

text ((null | string | Array<string> | Equation | EQN_Equation)) : or equation to show. Use null to show real angle.
units (("degrees" | "radians")) : ( 'degrees' )
precision (number?) : ( 0 )
radius (number?) : overwrite default radius
offset (number?) : space to radius ( 0 )
curvePosition (number?) : where the label is along the curve of the angle, in percent of curve from the start of the angle ( 0.5 )
location (TypeLabelLocation?) : ( 'outside' )
subLocation (TypeLabelSubLocation?)
orientation (TypeLabelOrientation?) : ( 'horizontal' )
autoHide (number?) : hide label if angle is less than value ( null )
autoHideMax (number?) : hide label if angle is greater than value ( null )
update (boolean?) : ( false )
scale (number?) : size of the label
color (TypeColor?)


Angle Curve options object.

The curve annotation of an Collections Angle shape.

Type: {width: number?, fill: boolean?, sides: number?, radius: number?, num: number?, step: number?, autoHide: number??, autoHideMax: number??, autoRightAngle: boolean?, rightAngleRange: number?}

width (number?) : Curve line width ( 0.01 )
fill (boolean?) : Use a fill instead of a line ( false )
sides (number?) : Number of sides in full circle curve ( 100 )
radius (number?) : Curve radius ( 0.5 )
num (number?) : Number of curves ( 1 )
step (number?) : Step radius of curves if curve num > 1 ( 0 )
autoHide (number??) : if angle is less than this, hide curve ( null )
autoHideMax (number??) : if angle is less than this, hide curve ( null )
autoRightAngle (boolean?) : Right angle curve displayed when angle = π/2 ( false )
rightAngleRange (number?) : Range around π/2 for right angle curve display ( 0.01745329... or 1 degree)


Additional arrow properties specific to collections angle shapes.

By default, the arrows are placed at the same radius as the curve, but the radius can be changed with radius.

By default, the arrows will hide when the angle is small enough where the arrows will touch. To disable this, use autoHide.

As the curve is a polygon with a finite amount of sides, its actual length can look like it changes when the angle changes and a smaller number of sides are used. This can result in a gap sometimes appearing between the curve and the arrow head. To eliminate this gap, allow the curve to overlap with the arrow head a little with curveOverlap. Beware however, if using transparency, a large overlap will be obvious as the semi opaque color will be darker in the overlap area. Also, if pulsing curve thickness, then for small arrow heads, large width pulse scales and large overlap, the curve may break through the pointy edge of the arrow head. Therefore selecting curveOverlap can be a delicate balance that depends on application.

Type: {curveOverlap: number?, autoHide: boolean?, radius: number?}

curveOverlap (number?) : the percent of the arrow that the curve overlaps with ( 0.3 )
autoHide (boolean?) : true will hide the arrows when the angle is small enough that the arrows start to touch ( true )
radius (number?) : location of the arrows, by default they will be at the radius of the curve.


Arrow definition for advaned angles.

string | (OBJ_LineArrows & OBJ_AngleArrows)

Use single string to specify head type of two arrows with default dimensions. Otherwise use options object to select and/or customize one or both arrows.

Type: (string | any)


Collections angle corner definition.

Type: {length: number?, width: number?, color: TypeColor?, style: ("fill" | "auto" | "none")?}

length (number?) : length of corner's arms - by default it will be twice the length of the curve.
width (number?) : line width of the corner - by default it will be the same as the curve
color (TypeColor?)
style (("fill" | "auto" | "none")?) : style of the corner


Options object for setting properties of pulseAngle.

The curve, corner, label and arrow can all be pulsed with a simple scale number, or customization using the {@type OBJ_Pulse} object.

The thick property can be used to change the default scale pulse. When a 1 is used, the angle will pulse from the vertex of the corner in scale. When thick is greater than 1, then the curve will pulse in thickness. Use a much smaller scale for curve when doing this.

NB: When pulsing the thickness of a curve, the end corners of the curve may break through when the arrow heads are small or there is a large curve overlap between curve and arrow head. Use OBJ_AngleArrows to adjust curveOverlap and arrow head size, reduce the thickness scale, or increase the arrow scale to compensate.

Type: {curve: (number | OBJ_Pulse)?, corner: (number | OBJ_Pulse)?, label: (number | OBJ_Pulse)?, arrow: (number | OBJ_Pulse)?, thick: number?, duration: number?, frequency: number?, when: TypeWhen?, done: function (): void??}

curve ((number | OBJ_Pulse)?) : ( 1.5 )
corner ((number | OBJ_Pulse)?) : ( 1.5 )
label ((number | OBJ_Pulse)?) : ( 1.5 )
arrow ((number | OBJ_Pulse)?) : ( 1.5 )
thick (number?) : ( 1 )
duration (number?) : in seconds
frequency (number?) : in Hz
when (TypeWhen?) : when to start the pulse ( 'nextFrame' )
done (function (): void?) : execute when pulsing is finished


These properties are the same as the ones with the same names in COL_Angle.

Type: {position: TypeParsablePoint?, startAngle: number?, angle: number?, p1: TypeParsablePoint?, p2: TypeParsablePoint?, p3: TypeParsablePoint?}

position (TypeParsablePoint?)
startAngle (number?)
angle (number?)


Angle animation step.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_CustomAnimationStep

start (number?) : start angle ( current angle )
target (number?) : angle to animate to ( current angle )


Pulse angle animation step - see OBJ_PulseAngle for desicription of properties.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_TriggerAnimationStep

curve ((number | OBJ_Pulse)?) : ( 1.5 )
corner ((number | OBJ_Pulse)?) : ( 1.5 )
label ((number | OBJ_Pulse)?) : ( 1.5 )
arrow ((number | OBJ_Pulse)?) : ( 1.5 )
thick (number?) : ( 1 )
duration (number?) : in seconds
frequency (number?) : in Hz


Collections line label options object.

A line can be annotated with a label using the text property and can be:

  • text (string, or Array<string)
  • an equation (Equation, EQN_Equation)
  • real length of line (null)

In all cases, an actual Equation is created as the label. The equation can have multiple forms, which can be set using the showForm method.

If text: string, then an equation with a single form named base will be created with a single element being the string text.

If text: Array<string>, then an equation with a form for each element of the array is created. Each form is named '0', '1', '2'... corresponding with the index of the array. Each form is has a single element, being the text at that index.

Use text: Equation or EQN_Equation to create completely custom equations with any forms desirable.

If the label text is the real length of the line (null), then the number of decimal places can be selected with precision.

The space between the line and the label is defined with offset. An offset of 0 puts the center of the label on the line. Any positive or negative value of offset will move the label so no part of the label overlaps the line, and then the closest part of the label is separated from the line by offset.

To situate the label on the line, use linePosition, location and subLocation. By default the label will be a percentage linePosition along the line. location then defines which side of the line the label is on, while subLocation defines the backup location for invalid cases of location. See TypeLabelLocation and TypeLabelSubLocation. location can additionaly place the labels off the ends of the line.

To automatically update the label location and orientation as the line transform (translation, rotation or scale) changes then use update: true.

Type: {text: (null | string | Array<string> | Equation | EQN_Equation), precision: number?, offset: number?, linePosition: number?, location: TypeLabelLocation?, subLocation: TypeLabelSubLocation?, orientation: TypeLabelOrientation?, update: boolean?, scale: number?, color: TypeColor?, font: OBJ_Font?}

text ((null | string | Array<string> | Equation | EQN_Equation))
precision (number?)
offset (number?)
linePosition (number?)
location (TypeLabelLocation?)
subLocation (TypeLabelSubLocation?)
orientation (TypeLabelOrientation?)
update (boolean?) : ( false )
scale (number?) : size of the label
color (TypeColor?)
font (OBJ_Font?) : default font for label


Width pulse options object.

Type: {line: number?, label: (number | OBJ_Pulse)?, arrow: number?, done: function (): void??, duration: number?, when: TypeWhen?, frequency: number?}

line (number?) : width scale
label ((number | OBJ_Pulse)?) : label pulse options or scale. Use the options object for more control of how the label is pulsed (for example if the label should be pulsed from its bottom rather than its center).
arrow (number?) : arrow pulse scale
done (function (): void?) : execute when pulsing is finished
duration (number?) : pulse duration in seconds
frequency (number?) : pulse frequency in pulses per second
when (TypeWhen?) : when to start the pulse ( 'nextFrame' )


setMovable options object for COL_Line.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_LineMove

movable (boolean?) : true to make movable ( true )


Grow line animation step.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_CustomAnimationStep

start (number?) : line length to grow from ( current length )
target (number?) : line length to grow to ( current length )


Pulse Width animation step.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_TriggerAnimationStep

line (number?) : width scale
label ((number | OBJ_Pulse)?) : label pulse options or scale. Use the options object for more control of how the label is pulsed (for example if the label should be pulsed from its bottom rather than its center).
arrow (number?) : arrow pulse scale
done (function (): void?) : execute when pulsing is finished
duration (number?) : pulse duration in seconds
frequency (number?) : pulse frequency in pulses per second


Type: {}

Extends OBJ_PolylinePadSingle, OBJ_PolylineCustomization


Polyline side, angle and pad customization options object

Side annotations, angle annotations and movable pads in an CollectionsPolyline are defined with the options objects COL_Line, COL_Angle and (OBJ_Polygon & OBJ_PolylinePadSingle) respectively.

The properties in this object can be used in the side, angle and movable pad object definitions to allow for customization of specific sides, angles and movable pads.

Each side, angle and movable pad has an 0 based index associated with it. The zero index pad is associated with the first point of the polyline. The zero index side is between the first and second point of the polyline, and the zero index angle is between the first, second and third point of the polyline.

By default, any properties defined for pad will be applied to all pads of the polyline. To customize the first pad in the polyline, an object property with name '0' can be used with a value that includes the options object properties that should be customized. Similary, for side and angle annotations, keys with the index name can be used in their options objects to customize specific sides and angles.

The show and hide properties can be used to show and hide specific sides and angles.

See OBJ_PulseWidthAnimationStep for pulse angle animation step options.

Type: {show: Array<number>?, hide: Array<number>?, _padIndex: OBJ_Polygon}

show (Array<number>?) : list of indexes to show
hide (Array<number>?) : list of indexes to hide
_index ((COL_Angle | COL_Line | OBJ_PolylinePadSingle)?) : Customizations of annotation or pad by index where _index should be an object key name that is the index
_padIndex (OBJ_Polygon)
// Hide pad 0, and make pad 2 blue and not filled
  name: 'p',
  make: 'collections.polyline',
  points: [[0, 0], [2, 0], [2, 2], [-2, 1]],
  pad: {
    radius: 0.2,            // OBJ_Polygon
    color: [1, 0, 0, 1],    // OBJ_Polygon
    touchBorder: 0.1,       // OBJ_Polygon
    isMovable: true,
    hide: [0],
    2: {                    // Custom pad 2 properties
      color: [0, 0, 1, 1],  // Make blue
      line: { width: 0.01 } // Use an outline instead of a fill
// Customization of side and angle annotations
  name: 'p',
  make: 'collections.polyline',
  points: [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]],
  close: true,
  side: {
    showLine: false,
    label: {
      text: null,                 // By default, sides are length values
      location: 'negative',
    0: { label: { text: 'a' } },  // Side 0 is 'a' instead of length
  angle: {
    label: {
      text: '?',
      offset: 0.05,
    curve: {
      radius: 0.25,
    direction: 'negative',
    show: [2],                   // Only show angle annotation for angle 2


Orientation of the label.

'horizontal' | 'toLine' | 'awayLine' | 'upright'


  • 'horizontal': Label will be horizontal
  • 'baseToLine': Label will have same angle as line with text base toward the line
  • 'baseAway': Label will have same angle as line with text base away from the line
  • 'upright': Label will have same angle as line with text being more upright than upside down.

Type: ("horizontal" | "baseAway" | "baseToLine" | "upright")


Tick location type:

'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'left'

'bottom' and 'top' are only for x axes.

'left' and 'right' are only for y axes.

Type: ("bottom" | "left" | "right" | "left")


Label location relative to the line.

'top' | 'left' | 'bottom' | 'right' | 'start' | 'end' | 'positive' | 'negative'

'top' is in the positive y direction and 'right' is in the positive x direction. 'bottom' and 'left' are the opposite sides respectively.

'positive' is on the side of the line that the line rotates toward when rotating in the positive direction. 'negative' is the opposite side.

'start' is the start end of the line, while 'end' is the opposide end of the line.

Type: ("top" | "left" | "bottom" | "right" | "start" | "end" | "outside" | "inside" | "positive" | "negative")


Label sub location relative to line.

'top' | 'left' | 'bottom' | 'right'

The label sub location is a fallback for when an invalid case is encountered by the primary location. When the primary location is 'top' or 'bottom' and the line is perfectly vertical, then the sub location would be used.

Similarly, if the primary location is 'left' or 'right' and the line is perfectly horizontal, then the sub location would be used.

Type: ("top" | "left" | "bottom" | "right")


When shapes get too small, angle and side annotations can start to draw on each other. This object defines thresholds for when the angle and side annotations should be hidden.

Type: {minAngle: number??, maxAngle: number??, minSide: number??}

minAngle ((null | number)?)
maxAngle ((null | number)?)
minSide ((null | number)?)


Makes the sides and angles of a closed polyline consistent. Also reverses the point order if angles are on outside of shape instead of inside.

Floating point rounding errors will sometimes result in angles and side lengths being slightly larger or smaller than is possible. For instance, for a triangle, there may be a rare case where the three angles add up to 181ª instead of 180ª as a result of rounding the angle labels to no decimal places.

Making a shape consistent will go through all the side and angle labels and correct them, displaying a value without rounding error.

Currently, only 'triangle' is supported.

In addition, the angle and side annotations can be hidden if minimum or maximum thresholds of angle and side values are crossed. For example, for small triangles angle annotations may start to draw on top of each other being messy.

Type: {shape: "triangle"?, hide: OBJ_ValidShapeHideThresholds?}

shape ("triangle"?)


'updatePoints' subscription published whenever the Collections Polyline points are updated. No payload is passed to subscriber.

Type: []


Type: {}

Extends COL_Angle, OBJ_PolylineCustomization


Type: {}

Extends COL_Line, OBJ_PolylineCustomization


Collections Polyline pad addition options.

Each pad is associated with a point of the polyline.

Type: {isMovable: boolean?, boundary: (OBJ_RangeBounds | OBJ_RectBounds | RangeBounds | RectBounds | "figure")?}

Extends OBJ_Polygon

isMovable (boolean?) : true allows moving the pad and the associated polyline point ( false )
boundary ((OBJ_RangeBounds | OBJ_RectBounds | RangeBounds | RectBounds | "figure")?) : boundary the pad can move within


CollectionsTrace options object that extends OBJ_Collection options object (without parent).

A plot trace is a set of (x, y) points associated with an x and y axis.

The trace and can be drawn with either a set of markers at each point, or a line between each pair of adjacent points.

The axes are used to plot the trace - the trace can only appear within the bounds of the axes, and the axes provide the mapping from axis value to draw space so the trace can be drawn. Points that lie outside the axis will not be draw, and lines between pairs of points where one is outside will be interpolated.

While FigureOne isn't designed to process very large numbers of points, some steps can be taken to improve performance when large numbers of points are being used (tens of thousands or more):

  • Turn off corner interpolation between line segments in line: { line: { corner: 'none } }`
  • Use xSampleDistance and ySampleDistance to not draw points that are too close to each other
  • If using markers, use polygons with smaller numbers of sides, and use fills instead of outlines

Even using these methods, it can take up to a second to render a trace with hundreds of thousands of points (depending on the client device).

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Collection

points (Array<TypeParsablePoint>) : the x points of the trace
xAxis ((COL_Axis | string)?) : The x axis associated with the trace, if this is a string, the trace must be part of a plot with an axis with the same name. In plots, this will default to the string 'x' .
yAxis ((COL_Axis | string)?) : The y axis associated with the trace, if this is a string, the trace must be part of a plot with an axis with the same name. In plots, this will default to the string 'y' .
line (OBJ_LineStyleSimple?) : line style of the trace - if neither line nor markers is defined, then line will default to a solid line. If line is not defined, but markers is, then only markers will be used to represent the line
markers ((OBJ_Polygon | OBJ_Star)?) : marker style of the trace
color (TypeColor?) : color of the trace
name (string?) : name of the trace used in plot legends
xSampleDistance (number?) : If x distance between points is less than this value, then the later point will not be plotted. By default this is 1/4000th the range of the x axis
ySampleDistance (number?) : If y distance between points is less than this value, then the later point will not be plotted. By default this is 1/4000th the range of the y axis
For more examples on using traces, see CollectionsPlot

To test examples below, append them to the boilerplate.


FigureElementCollection representing an legend.

This object defines a legend in an CollectionsPlot.

The legend includes traces, trace names and a frame. Each can be customized using the COL_PlotLegend options object.

To test examples below, append them to the boilerplate.

All examples below also use this power function to generate the traces:

const pow = (pow = 2, start = 0, stop = 10, step = 0.05) => {
  const xValues = Fig.range(start, stop, step);
  return => new Fig.Point(x, x ** pow));

Extends FigureElementCollection

// By default, the legend will appear in the top right corner
  name: 'plot',
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: [
    { points: pow(2), name: 'Power 2' },
    { points: pow(2.5), name: 'Power 2.5' },
      points: pow(3, 0, 10, 0.5),
      name: 'Power 3',
      markers: { radius: 0.03, sides: 10 },
  legend: true,
// Change the line length, position and use a frame on the legend
  name: 'plot',
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: [
    { points: pow(2), name: 'Power 2' },
    { points: pow(2.5), name: 'Power 2.5' },
      points: pow(3, 0, 10, 0.5),
      name: 'Power 3',
      markers: { radius: 0.03, sides: 10 },
  legend: {
    length: 0.5,
    frame: [0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1],
    position: [0.2, 1.8],
// Make a horizontal legend
  name: 'plot',
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: [
    { points: pow(2), name: 'Power 2' },
    { points: pow(2.5), name: 'Power 2.5' },
      points: pow(3, 0, 10, 0.5),
      name: 'Power 3',
      markers: { radius: 0.03, sides: 10 },
  legend: {
    offset: [0.9, 0],
    position: [-0.3, -0.5],
    frame: {
      line: { width: 0.005 },
      corner: { radius: 0.05, sides: 10 },
// Customize legend trace text
  name: 'plot',
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: [
    { points: pow(2), name: 'Power 2' },
    { points: pow(2.5), name: 'Power 2.5' },
      points: pow(3, 0, 10, 0.5),
      name: 'Power 3',
      markers: { radius: 0.03, sides: 10 },
  legend: {
    offset: [0, -0.2],
    custom: {
      1: {
        font: { size: 0.1, style: 'italic', color: [1, 0, 0, 1] },
        text: {
          text: [
            'Power 2.5',
              text: 'Reference Trace',
              font: { size: 0.06 },
              lineSpace: 0.06,
          justify: 'left',
// Customize legend
  name: 'plot',
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: [
    { points: pow(2), name: 'Power 2' },
    { points: pow(2.5), name: 'Power 2.5' },
      points: pow(3, 10, 0.5),
      name: 'Power 3',
      markers: { radius: 0.03, sides: 10 },
  legend: {
    fontColorIsLineColor: true,
    length: 0,
    custom: {
      0: { position: [2, 0.2] },
      1: { position: [2, 0.7] },
      'Power 3': { position: [2, 2] },


CollectionsPlotLegend options object that extends OBJ_Collection options object (without parent).

A legend consists of a number of trace samples and their corresponding names, and may have an encompassing frame with a border and fill.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_Collection

position (TypeParsablePoint?) : position of the first trace in the legend
length (number?) : length of the line sample
space (number?) : space between the line and the text
offset ((Array<TypeParsablePoint> | TypeParsablePoint)?) : offset between trace samples - can be used to space out a legend, or make it horizontal
font (OBJ_Font?) : default font for trace sample text
fontColorIsLineColor (boolean?) : set the trace sample text color to the same as the line sample
frame ((Array<number> | OBJ_PlotFrame)?) : frame around the legend - specifying just a color will create a solid fill rectangle of that color
show (Array<number>?) : array of which trace indeces to show if only some should be shown
hide (Array<number>?) : array of which trace indeces to hide if some should be hidden
custom (OBJ_PlotLegendCustom?) : customizations to specific trace samples
traces (Array<COL_Trace>?) : the traces from the plot that this legend will display. This is used by CollectionsPlot and should not be used by the user.


Translation path options object

Type: {style: ("curve" | "linear" | "curved"), angle: number?, magnitude: number?, offset: number?, controlPoint: (TypeParsablePoint | null)?, direction: ("positive" | "negative" | "up" | "down" | "left" | "right")?}

style (("curve" | "linear" | "curved"))
angle (number?)
magnitude (number?)
offset (number?)
controlPoint ((TypeParsablePoint | null)?)
direction (("positive" | "negative" | "up" | "down" | "left" | "right")?)


Space Transforms

Type: {glToFigure: Transform, figureToGL: Transform, pixelToFigure: Transform, figureToPixel: Transform, pixelToGL: Transform, glToPixel: Transform, glToPixelMatrix: Type3DMatrix, figureToGLMatrix: Type3DMatrix, figureToPixelMatrix: Type3DMatrix}

glToFigure (Transform)
figureToGL (Transform)
pixelToFigure (Transform)
figureToPixel (Transform)
pixelToGL (Transform)
glToPixel (Transform)
glToPixelMatrix (Type3DMatrix)
figureToGLMatrix (Type3DMatrix)
figureToPixelMatrix (Type3DMatrix)


Line style definition object.

Type: {widthIs: ("mid" | "outside" | "inside" | "positive" | "negative" | number)?, width: number?, dash: TypeDash?, color: TypeColor?}

widthIs (("mid" | "outside" | "inside" | "positive" | "negative" | number)?) : defines how the width is grown from the polyline's points. When using number , 0 is the equivalent of 'inside' and 1 is the equivalent of 'outside'.
width (number?) : line width
dash (TypeDash?) : select solid or dashed line
color (TypeColor?) : line color


Axis Ticks and Grid options object for COL_Axis.

Type: {length: number?, offset: number?, width: number?, dash: TypeDash?, color: TypeColor?, location: TypeTickLocation?}

length (number?) : length of the ticks/grid (draw space)
offset (number?) : offset of the ticks/grid (draw space) - use this to center ticks around the axis or not ( -length / 2 )
width (number?) : width of ticks/grid (draw space)
dash (TypeDash?) : dash style of ticks (draw space)
color (TypeColor?) : color of ticks/grid (defaults to plot color)
location (TypeTickLocation?) : location of tick which if defined will overrides offset ( undefined )


Axis label options object for the COL_Axis.

By default, labels are positioned with the first ticks defined in the axis. Labels can also be positioned at custom values with values.

Labels will be values at the label positions, unless specified as a specific string or number in the text property.

Different properties are defined in different spaces.

  • values, is defined in axis space, or the values along the axis.
  • space and offset are defined in draw space and relate to dimensions in the space the axis is being drawn into.

Type: {precision: number?, format: ("decimal" | "exp")?, space: number?, offset: TypeParsablePoint?, rotation: number?, xAlign: ("left" | "right" | "center")?, yAlign: ("bottom" | "baseline" | "middle" | "top")?, font: OBJ_Font?, hide: Array<number>?, valueOffset: OBJ_ValuesOffset?, fixed: boolean?, location: TypeLabelLocation?, text: Array<string>?}

precision (number?) : Maximum number of decimal places to be shown
precision (number?) : Fix the decimal places to the precision (all labels have the same number of decimal places)
format (("decimal" | "exp")?) : 'exp' will present numbers in exponential form ( 'decimal' )
space (number?) : space between the ticks and the label
offset (TypeParsablePoint?) : additional offset for the labels ( [0, 0] )
rotation (number?) : label rotation ( 0 )
xAlign (("left" | "right" | "center")?) : horizontal alignment of labels ( 'center' for x axes, 'right' for y axes)
yAlign (("bottom" | "baseline" | "middle" | "top")?) : vertical alignment of labels ( 'top' for x axes, 'middle' for y axes)
font (OBJ_Font?) : specific font changes for labels
hide ((Array<number> | number)?) : value indexes to hide ( [] )
valueOffset (OBJ_ValuesOffset?) : offset the position of selected values (useful to offset values in position near axis cross over points)
location (TypeLabelLocation?) : location of label (defaults to 'bottom' for x axis and 'left' for y axis)
text (Array<string>?) : use custom labels

To test examples below, append them to the boilerplate.

For more examples see OBJ_Axis.

fixed (boolean?)


FigureElementCollection representing a trace.

This object defines a trace in an CollectionsPlot.

The trace includes all the points of the trace, and the axes that it should be drawn against and is defined using the COL_PlotTrace options object.

To test examples below, append them to the boilerplate.

All examples below also use this power function to generate the traces:

const pow = (pow = 2, start = 0, stop = 10, step = 0.05) => {
  const xValues = Fig.range(start, stop, step);
  return => new Fig.Point(x, x ** pow));

Extends FigureElementCollection

// When plotting a single trace, just the points are required. By default
// the line will be solid, and it will be plotted against the 'x' and 'y' axes.
  name: 'plot',
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: pow(),
// Change the thickness and color of the line
  name: 'plot',
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: {
    points: pow(),
    line: {
      width: 0.03,
      color: [0, 0.8, 0.4, 1],
// Default Markers
  name: 'plot',
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: {
    points: pow(2, 0, 10, 1),
    markers: true,
// Custom Markers
  name: 'plot',
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: {
    points: pow(2, 0, 10, 1),
    markers: {
      radius: 0.035,
      sides: 20,
      line: { width: 0.01 },
// Line and markers
  name: 'plot',
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: {
    points: pow(2, 0, 10, 1),
    line: { width: 0.01, dash: [0.02, 0.01] },
    markers: {
      radius: 0.035,
      sides: 20,
// Use names in trace definitions to customize legend
  name: 'plot',
  make: 'collections.plot',
  trace: [
    { points: pow(2.5), name: 'Power 2.5' },
      points: pow(3, 0, 10, 1),
      name: 'Power 3',
      markers: { radius: 0.03 },
      line: { width: 0.01 },
  legend: true,
Instance Members


Tick location type:

'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'left' | 'center'

'bottom', 'top' and 'center' are only for x axes.

'left', 'right' and 'center' are only for y axes.

Type: ("bottom" | "left" | "right" | "left" | "center")


Object passed to callback function that returns label strings for axis.

Type: {values: Array<number>, start: number, stop: number, step: number, z: number}

values (Array<number>)
start (number) : start value of axis at current zoom/pan
stop (number) : stop value of axis at current zoom/pan
step (number) : step value for current zoom
mag (number) : zoom magnification
z (number)


Simple line style.

Type: {width: number?, dash: TypeDash?, color: TypeColor?, arrowExt: number?, arrow: (OBJ_LineArrows | TypeArrowHead)?}

width (number?)
dash (TypeDash?)
color (TypeColor?)
arrowExt (number?) : extension to line length for arrow


Type: {values: Array<number>, offset: TypeParsablePoint}

values (Array<number>) : values to offset
offset (TypeParsablePoint) : position offset to apply to values


Axis title.

Type: any

rotation (number?) : title rotation
location (("bottom" | "top" | "left" | "right")?) : location of text relative to axis
offset (TypeParsablePoint?) : title offset from default location


Legend customization for a single trace sample in the legend.

Type: {font: OBJ_Font?, length: number?, offset: TypeParsablePoint?, space: number?, fontColorIsLineColor: boolean?, text: (OBJ_FormattedText | "string")?, position: TypeParsablePoint?}

font (OBJ_Font?) : default font
length (number?) : length of the line sample
offset (TypeParsablePoint?) : offset of this trace sample from the last trace sample
space (number?) : space between line sample and text
fontColorIsLineColor (boolean?) : use line color as font color
text ((OBJ_TextLines | "string")?) : custom text
position (TypeParsablePoint?) : position of the trace sample


Legend customization options object

Allows customization of specific trace samples in the legend. _arrayIndexOrName represents a generic key that should actually be the array index of the specific trace defined in COL_PlotLegend or the name of the trace. See examples in CollectionsPlotLegend for use.

Type: {}

_arrayIndexOrName (OBJ_PlotLegendCustomTrace?)


Gesture area extension. left and bottom should be negative numbers if extending beyond the plot area.

Type: {left: number?, right: number?, top: number?, bottom: number?}

left (number?)
right (number?)
top (number?)
bottom (number?)


Plot frame.

Type: {line: OBJ_LineStyleSimple?, fill: (TypeColor | OBJ_Texture)?, corner: OBJ_CurvedCorner?, space: number?}

line (OBJ_LineStyleSimple?) : line detail
fill ((TypeColor | OBJ_Texture)?) : fill detail
corner (OBJ_CurvedCorner?) : define if need curved corners
space (number?) : space between plot, labels and title and frame boundary


Type: {axis: ("x" | "y" | "xy")?, wheelSensitivity: number?, pinchSensitivity: number?, value: (TypeParsablePoint | number)?, min: (null | number)?, max: (null | number)?}

axis (("x" | "y" | "xy")?) : which axis to zoom ( xy )
pinchSensitivity (number?) : pinch zoom sensitivity where >1 is more sensitive and <1 is less sensitive ( 1 )
wheelSensitivity (number?) : mouse wheel sensitivity where >1 is more sensitive and <1 is less sensitive ( 1 )
value ((TypeParsablePoint | number)?) : fix value to zoom on - will override pinch or mouse wheel zoom location
min ((null | number)?) : minimum zoom where null is no limit ( null )
max ((null | number)?) : maximum zoom where null is no limit ( null )


Type: {axis: ("x" | "y" | "xy"), wheelSensitivity: number?, wheel: boolean?, momentum: boolean?, maxVelocity: number?}

axis (("x" | "y" | "xy")?) : which axis to zoom ( xy )
wheelSensitivity (number?) : mouse wheel sensitivity where >1 is more sensitive and <1 is less sensitive ( 1 )
wheel (boolean?) : enable mouse wheel to pan ( true )
momentum (boolean?) : enable panning momentum ( true )
maxVelocity (number?) : maximum panning velocity ( 10 )


An axis definition for a plot is the same as that for an CollectionsAxis with an additional property location which can be used to conveniently set the axis position. Note, if position is set in the axis definition, then it will override location.

Type: any

Extends COL_Axis

location (OBJ_PlotAxis?)


Plot title.

OBJ_TextLines& { offset:TypeParsablePoint}

Use offset to adjust the location of the title.

Type: any


Plot area label buffer where a positive value is more buffer

Type: {left: number?, right: number?, top: number?, bottom: number?}

left (number?)
right (number?)
top (number?)
bottom (number?)


Surround animation step.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_CustomAnimationStep

start (FigureElement?) : start element to surround ( this )
target (FigureElement?) : target element to surround ( this )
space (TypeParsableBuffer?) : space between rectangle and element ( 0 )


Defines a color

[number, number, number, number]

Color is defined as an RGBA array with values between 0 and 1. The alpha channel defines the transparency or opacity of the color where 1 is fully opaque and 0 is fully transparent.

Type: Array<number>


Add element Object

Type: {path: string?, name: string?, make: string?, options: Object?, elements: Array<(OBJ_AddElement | FigureElement)>?, mods: {}?, scenario: string?, position: TypeParsablePoint?, transform: TypeParsableTransform?, color: TypeColor?, touch: (boolean | OBJ_Touch)?, move: (boolean | OBJ_ElementMove)?, dimColor: TypeColor?, defaultColor: TypeColor?, scenarios: OBJ_Scenarios?, scene: (Scene | OBJ_Scene)?, touchScale: number?}

path (string?)
name (string?)
make (string?)
options (Object?)
mods ({}?)
scenario (string?)
position (TypeParsablePoint?)
transform (TypeParsableTransform?)
color (TypeColor?)
touch ((boolean | OBJ_Touch)?)
move ((boolean | OBJ_ElementMove)?)
dimColor (TypeColor?)
defaultColor (TypeColor?)
scenarios (OBJ_Scenarios?)
scene ((Scene | OBJ_Scene)?)
touchScale (number?)


FigureElementCollection options object.

Type: {transform: TypeParsableTransform?, position: TypeParsablePoint?, color: TypeColor?, parent: (FigureElement | null)?, border: (TypeBorder | "children" | "rect" | number)?, touchBorder: (TypeBorder | "border" | number | "rect")?, touch: (boolean | number | TypeParsablePoint)?, move: (boolean | OBJ_ElementMove)?, dimColor: TypeColor?, scenarios: OBJ_Scenarios?, scene: Scene?}

transform (TypeParsableTransform?)
position (TypeParsablePoint?) : if defined, will overwrite first translation of transform
color (TypeColor?) : default color
parent ((FigureElement | null)?) : parent of collection
border ((TypeBorder | "children" | "rect" | number)?)
touchBorder ((TypeBorder | "border" | number | "rect")?)
move ((boolean | OBJ_ElementMove)?)
dimColor (TypeColor?)
scenarios (OBJ_Scenarios?)
scene (Scene?)


Type: {side: ("s1" | "s2" | "s3")?, angle: number?}

side (("s1" | "s2" | "s3")?) : ('s1')
angle (number?) : (0)


Built in figure collections.

Provides advanced primitives the specific methods, animations and interactivity.

Instance Members
collection(transformOrPointOrOptions, moreOptions)


Button colors when clicked.

Type: {line: TypeColor?, fill: TypeColor?, label: TypeColor?}

line (TypeColor?)
fill (TypeColor?)
label (TypeColor?)


Collections button label options object.

A button can be annotated with a label using the text property and can be:

  • text (string, Array<string>)
  • an equation (Equation, EQN_Equation)

In all cases, an actual Equation is created as the label. The equation can have multiple forms, which can be set using the showForm method.

If text: string, then an equation with a single form named base will be created with a single element being the string text.

If text: Array<string>, then an equation with a form for each element of the array is created. Each form is named '0', '1', '2'... corresponding with the index of the array. Each form is has a single element, being the text at that index.

Use text: Equation or EQN_Equation to create completely custom equations with any forms desirable.

Type: {text: (null | string | Array<string> | Equation | EQN_Equation), font: OBJ_Font?, scale: number?, color: TypeColor?}

text ((null | string | Array<string> | Equation | EQN_Equation))
font (OBJ_Font?) : font to use
scale (number?) : size of the label
color (TypeColor?)


Button state options object.

Type: {colorLine: TypeColor?, colorFill: TypeColor?, colorLabel: TypeColor?}

colorLine (TypeColor?)
colorFill (TypeColor?)
colorLabel (TypeColor?)
label (string?)


Button state options object.

The label can either be the label text, or it can be the name of the form of the equation label.

Type: {colorLine: TypeColor?, colorFill: TypeColor?, colorLabel: TypeColor?, label: string?}

colorLine (TypeColor?)
colorFill (TypeColor?)
colorLabel (TypeColor?)
label (string?)


Border of circle or bar of slider.

Type: {width: number?, color: TypeColor?}

number (width?) : border width
TypeColor (color?) : border color
width (number?)
color (TypeColor?)


Slider marker options.

Type: {width: number?, style: ("polygon" | "rectangle")?}

style (("polygon" | "rectangle")?)
width (number?) : width of 'rectangle'


Collections toggle label options object.

A toggle switch can be annotated with a label using the text property and can be:

  • text (string, Array<string>)
  • an equation (Equation, EQN_Equation)

In all cases, an actual Equation is created as the label. The equation can have multiple forms, which can be set using the showForm method.

If text: string, then an equation with a single form named base will be created with a single element being the string text.

If text: Array<string>, then an equation with a form for each element of the array is created. Each form is named '0', '1', '2'... corresponding with the index of the array. Each form is has a single element, being the text at that index.

Use text: Equation or EQN_Equation to create completely custom equations with any forms desirable.

Type: {text: (null | string | Array<string> | Equation | EQN_Equation), offset: TypeParsablePoint?, location: TypeLabelSubLocation?, scale: number?, color: TypeColor?}

text ((null | string | Array<string> | Equation | EQN_Equation))
offset (TypeParsablePoint?) : offset to default loation
location (TypeLabelSubLocation?) : location of label relative to toggle
scale (number?) : size of the label
color (TypeColor?)


Border of circle or bar of toggle.

Type: {width: number?, color: TypeColor?}

number (width?) : border width
TypeColor (color?) : border color
width (number?)
color (TypeColor?)


Line move options object.

The 'centerTranslateEndRotation' movement will move the line when touched within the middleLength percentage of the line and rotate it otherwise.

Type: {type: ("translation" | "rotation" | "centerTranslateEndRotation" | "scale")?, middleLength: number?, includeLabelInTouchBoundary: boolean?}

movable (boolean?) : true to make movable ( true )
type (("translation" | "rotation" | "centerTranslateEndRotation" | "scale")?)
middleLength (number?) : length of the middle section of line that allows for translation movement in percent of total length ( 0.333 )
includeLabelInTouchBoundary (boolean?) : true to include the line's label in the touch boundary for 'centerTranslateEndRotation' ('false`)


Horizontal Alignment

TypeHAlign = 'left' | 'right' | 'center' | number

Where number is a percentage of the width from the left. So 0 would be equivalent to 'left', 0.5 equivalent to 'center' and 1 equivalent to 'right'.

Type: ("left" | "right" | "center" | number)


Vertical Alignment

TypeHAlign = 'left' | 'right' | 'center' | 'baseline' | number

Where number is a percentage of the width from the left. So 0 would be equivalent to 'left', 0.5 equivalent to 'center' and 1 equivalent to 'right'.

Type: ("top" | "bottom" | "middle" | "baseline" | number)


The Scene options object defines how the elements within the figure are viewed.

For 2D figures (style: '2D'), left, right, bottom, and top are required to define the x-y expanse to view. Any elements or portions of elements outside of this expanse will not be shown (be clipped).

For 3D figures, a camera, lighting and the near/far clipping planes also need definition.

Type: {style: ("2D" | "orthographic" | "perspective")?, left: number?, right: number?, bottom: number?, top: number?, near: number?, far: number?, aspectRatio: number?, fieldOfView: number?, light: OBJ_Light?, camera: OBJ_Camera?}

style (("2D" | "orthographic" | "perspective")?)
left (number?)
right (number?)
bottom (number?)
top (number?)
near (number?)
far (number?)
aspectRatio (number?)
fieldOfView (number?)
light (OBJ_Light?)
camera (OBJ_Camera?)



options (OBJ_Scene) scene definition options
onUpdate ((null | function (): void) = null)
Instance Members
setPanZoom(pan, zoom)


TypeRotationDirection = 0 | 1 | 2 | -1 | null

  • 0: quickest direction
  • 1: positive direction (CCW in 2D)
  • -1: negative direction (CW in 2D)
  • 2: not through zero
  • null: returns numerical delta angle

Type: (0 | 1 | 2 | -1 | null)


Line definition object.

Combinations that can be used are:

  • p1, p2, ends
  • p1, length, angle, ends (for 2D lines)
  • p1, length, phi, theta, ends (for 3D lines)
  • p1, length, direction, ends

Type: {p1: TypeParsablePoint?, p2: TypeParsablePoint?, length: number?, theta: number?, angle: number?, phi: number?, direction: (TypeParsablePoint | number)?, ends: (0 | 1 | 2)?}

p1 (TypeParsablePoint?) : first point of line
p2 (TypeParsablePoint?) : second point of line
length (number?) : length of line
theta (number?) : theta (elevation) angle of line in spherical coordinates
phi (number?) : phi (azimuth) angle of line in spherical coordinates
angle (number?) : angle of line in 2D definition
direction ((TypeParsablePoint | number)?) : direction vector of line from p1
ends ((0 | 1 | 2)?)


Bounds intersect result

Type: {intersect: (number | Point | null), reflection: (number | Point), distance: number}

intersect ((number | Point | null)?) : null means there is no intersect
reflection ((number | Point)?)
distance (number?) : distance from value or Point and boundary in direction specified


Point Bounds intersect result

Type: {intersect: (Point | null), reflection: Point, distance: number}

intersect ((Point | null)?)
reflection (Point?)
distance (number?)


Bounds value intersect result

Type: {intersect: (number | null), reflection: number, distance: number}

intersect ((number | null)?)
reflection (number?)
distance (number?)


Base class for all bounds.

Either a value or a Point can be bounded.

A Bounds must be able to:

  • store a boundary
  • check if a value or point is contained within the boundary
  • clip a value or point to within the boundary
  • find the intersect between the boundary and a value or point in some direction
boundary (Object)
precision (number = 8) default precision for calculations
Instance Members
intersect(valueOrPosition, direction)


Recorder state definition of a RangeBounds that represents the precision, min, and max bounds.

  f1Type: 'rangeBounds',
  state: [
    number, number | null, number | null,

Type: {f1Type: "rangeBounds", state: [number, (number | null), (number | null)]}

f1Type ("rangeBounds")
state ([number, (number | null), (number | null)])


A RangeBounds defines a bounds for a value or Point between some minimum and maximum value.

When using points, the minimum and maximum value is applied to each component of the point separately.

Extends Bounds

boundary (OBJ_RangeBounds)
Instance Members
contains(position, valueOrPosition)
intersect(value, direction)


Recorder state definition of a RectBounds that represents the precision, left, right, bottom, top, plane position, top direction and right direction of the rectangle

  f1Type: 'rectBounds',
  state: [
    number, number, number, number, number,
    [number, number, number],
    [number, number, number],
    [number, number, number],

Type: {f1Type: "rectBounds", state: [number, number, number, number, number, [number, number, number], [number, number, number], [number, number, number]]}

f1Type ("rectBounds")


A RectBounds defines a rectangular bounds for a Point.

Extends Bounds

boundary (OBJ_RectBounds)
Instance Members
contains(position, projectToPlane)
intersect(position, direction)


Recorder state definition of a LineBounds that represents the precision, first point, second point and number of ends.

  f1Type: 'lineBounds',
  state: [
    [number, number, number],
    [number, number, number],
    2 | 1 | 0,

Type: {f1Type: "lineBounds", state: [number, [number, number, number], [number, number, number], (2 | 1 | 0)]}

f1Type ("lineBounds")
state ([number, [number, number, number], [number, number, number], (2 | 1 | 0)])


A Line defines a line bounds for a Point.

Extends Bounds

boundary (OBJ_LineBounds)
Instance Members
intersect(position, direction)


Get bounds from a parsable bounds.

(Bounds | RectBounds | LineBounds | RangeBounds)


Surface grid options object.

Two components must be a fixed [min, max, step].

One component must be a function that takes in two components (x, y), (x, z), or (y, z) and outputs the third (z, y or x repsectively).

Type: {x: (function (number, number): number | [number, number, number]), y: (function (number, number): number | [number, number, number]), z: (function (number, number): number | [number, number, number])}

x ((function (number, number): number | [number, number, number]))
y ((function (number, number): number | [number, number, number]))
z ((function (number, number): number | [number, number, number]))


Create a matrix of points that define a surface.

Start with a grid of points in two components (x, y), (x, z), or (y, z), and define the third component (z, y or x repsectively) based on the first two.

Resulting matrix can be used to create a 3D surface.

components (OBJ_SurfaceGrid?)
const { Figure, surfaceGrid } = Fig;

// Orthographic scene with camera oriented so z is up
const figure = new Figure({
  scene: {
    style: 'orthographic',
    camera: { up: [0, 0, 1], position: [1, 0.5, 0.5] },

// Use surfaceGrid to generate a 3D surface from an xy grid
const points = surfaceGrid({
  x: [-0.8, 0.8, 0.02],
  y: [-0.8, 0.8, 0.02],
  z: (x, y) => 1 / ((x * 5) ** 2 + (y * 5) ** 2 + 1),

    make: 'surface',
    color: [1, 0, 0, 1],
    normals: 'curve',
    make: 'surface',
    lines: true,
    color: [0, 0, 0, 1],
    position: [0, 0, 0.0001],
  { make: 'cameraControl', axis: [0, 0, 1] },


Zoom options.

Type: {min: (null | number)?, max: (null | number)?, wheelSensitivity: number?, pinchSensitivity: number?, position: (null | TypeParsablePoint)?}

max ((null | number)?) : maximum zoom if value defined, no maximum if null ( null )
min ((null | number)?) : minimum zoom if value defined, no minimum if null ( null )
pinchSensitivity (number?) : pinch zoom sensitivity where values greater than 1 are more sensitive resulting in faster zoom changes ( 1 )
wheelSensitivity (number?) : mouse wheel zoom sensitivity where values greater than 1 are more sensitive resulting in faster zoom changes ( 1 )
position ((null | TypeParsablePoint)?) : zoom around a fixed point (instead of the mouse of pinch location) - leave undefined or use null to instead zoom around mouse or pinch location ( null )


Manual zoom setting.

Type: {mag: number?, position: TypeParsablePoint?, offset: TypeParsablePoint?}

mag (number) : zoom magnification ( last zoom )
position (TypeParsablePoint) : zoom around this position ( [0, 0] )
offset (TypeParsablePoint) : use this pan offset


Zoom values

Type: {mag: number, position: Point, distance: number, angle: number}

mag (number) : zoom magnification
position (Point) : zoom position
distance (number) : distance between pinch touches (in pixels)
angle (number) : delta angle from original pinch angle


Current zoom values

Type: {delta: number, mag: number, offset: Point, last: OBJ_ZoomValues, current: OBJ_ZoomValues}

mag (number) : zoom magnification
offset (Point) : pan offset
last (OBJ_ZoomValues) : last zoom values
current (OBJ_ZoomValues) : current zoom values
delta (number)


Pan options.

Type: {left: (null | number)?, right: (null | number)?, bottom: (null | number)?, top: (null | number)?, wheelSensitivity: number?, wheel: boolean?, momentum: boolean?, maxVelocity: number?}

left ((null | number)?) : maximum left pan allowed, or null for no limit ( null )
right ((null | number)?) : maximum right pan allowed, or null for no limit ( null )
bottom ((null | number)?) : maximum bottom pan allowed, or null for no limit ( null )
top ((null | number)?) : maximum top pan allowed, or null for no limit ( null )
wheelSensitivity (number?) : mouse wheel pan sensitivity for mouse wheel panning where values greater than 1 are more sensitive resulting in faster panning ( 1 )
wheel (boolean?) : enable mouse wheel panning - only possible if zoom gesture is disabled.
momentum (boolean?) : enable pan momentum for drag panning. NB, mouse wheel panning mamemntum cannot be controlled and will be browser dependent. ( true )
maxVelocity (number?)


Instantaneous zoom metrics.

Type: {mag: number, position: Point, normPosition: Point, angle: number, distance: number}

mag (number?) : zoom magnification
position (Point?) : position around which zoom is happening
normPosition (Point?) : position around which zoom is happening normalized to the gesture rectangle where (0, 0) is the bottom left corner and (1, 1) is the top right corner
angle (number?) : (pinch zoom only) pinch angle delta to start of pinch
distance (number?) : (pinch zoom only) distance between pinch points


Current zoom.

Type: {last: OBJ_ZoomInstant, current: OBJ_ZoomInstant, mag: number, offset: Point}

last (OBJ_ZoomInstant) : last zoom metrics
current (OBJ_ZoomInstant) : current zoom metrics
mag (number) : current zoom magnification
offset (number) : pan offset needed to keep the zoom position at a fixed location


Type: {style: ("orthographic" | "perspective" | "2D")?, left: number?, right: number?, bottom: number?, top: number?, aspectRatio: number?, fieldOfView: number?, near: number?, far: number?}

style (("orthographic" | "perspective" | "2D")?)
left (number?)
right (number?)
bottom (number?)
top (number?)
aspectRatio (number?)
fieldOfView (number?)
near (number?)
far (number?)


Type: {position: TypeParsablePoint?, lookAt: TypeParsablePoint?, up: TypeParsablePoint?}

position (TypeParsablePoint?)
lookAt (TypeParsablePoint?)


Type: {directional: TypeParsablePoint?, ambient: number?, point: TypeParsablePoint?}

directional (TypeParsablePoint?)
ambient (number?)


Type: {left: number?, right: number?, bottom: number?, top: number?}

left (number?)
right (number?)
bottom (number?)
top (number?)


Type: {left: number?, right: number?, bottom: number?, top: number?, near: number?, far: number?}

left (number?)
right (number?)
bottom (number?)
top (number?)
near (number?)
far (number?)


Type: {aspectRatio: number?, fieldOfView: number?, near: number?, far: number?}

number (aspectRatio?)
number (fieldOfView?)
number (near?)
number (far?)
aspectRatio (number?)
fieldOfView (number?)
near (number?)
far (number?)

Misc Geometry Creation


Type: {center: TypeParsablePoint?, radius: number?, sides: number?, rotation: number?, direction: (1 | -1)?, tris: (2 | 3)?, transform: (Type3DMatrix | TypeParsableTransform)?, close: boolean?}

center (TypeParsablePoint?) : center position of the polygon
radius (number?) : distance from center to polygon corner ( 1 )
sides (number?) : number of polygon sides ( 4 )
rotation (number?) : rotation offset for first polygon corner ( 0 )
direction ((1 | -1)?) : angular direction of corners - 1 is CCW in the XY plane ( 1 ) ( [0,, 0, 0] )
transform ((Type3DMatrix | TypeParsableTransform)?) : transform to apply to polygon
tris ((2 | 3)?) : if defined, return an array of numbers representing the interlaced x/y/z components of points that define triangles that can draw the polygon. 2 returns just x/y components and 3 returns x/y/z components.
close (boolean?)


Type: any

Extends OBJ_PolygonPoints

innerRadius (number?) : distance from center to inside polygon corner


Cone options object.

By default, a cone with its base at the origin and its tip along the x axis will be created.

Type: {sides: number?, radius: number?, normals: ("curve" | "flat")?, line: TypeParsableLine?, length: number?, rotation: number?, transform: TypeParsableTransform?, lines: boolean?}

sides (number?) : number of sides ( 10 )
radius (number?) : radius of cone base
normals (("curve" | "flat")?) : flat normals will make light shading across a face cone constant. curve will gradiate the shading. Use curve to make a surface look more round with fewer number of sides. ( flat )
line (TypeParsableLine?) : line that can position and orient the cone. First point of line is cone base center, and second point is cone tip.
length (number?) : length of the cone along the x axis if line isn't defined ( 1 )
rotation (number?) : rotation of base - this is only noticable for small numbers of sides ( 0 )
transform (TypeParsableTransform?) : transform to apply to all points of cube
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the edes of the faces will be returned. If false , then points representing two triangles per face and an associated normal for each point will be returned.


Cube options object.

By default, a cube will be constructed around the origin, with the xyz axes being normal to the cube faces.

Type: {side: number?, center: TypeParsablePoint?, transform: TypeParsableTransform?, lines: boolean?}

side (number?) : side length ( 1 )
center (TypeParsablePoint?) : center point ( [0, 0] )
transform (TypeParsableTransform?) : transform to apply to all points of cube
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the 12 edges of the cube will be returned. If false , then points representing two triangles per face (12 triangles, 36 points) and an associated normal for each point will be returned. ( false )


Cylinder options object.

By default, a cylinder along the x axis will be created.

Type: {sides: number?, radius: number?, normals: ("curve" | "flat")?, line: TypeParsableLine?, length: number?, ends: (boolean | 1 | 2)?, transform: TypeParsableTransform?}

sides (number?) : number of cylinder sides ( 10 )
radius (number?) : radius of cylinder ( 1 )
normals (("curve" | "flat")?) : flat normals will make shading (from light source) across a face cone constant. curve will gradiate the shading. Use curve to make a surface look more round with fewer number of sides. ( flat )
line (TypeParsableLine?) : line that can position and orient the cylinder. First point of line is cylinder base center, and second point is the top center.
length (number?) : length of the cylinder if line isn't defined ( 1 )
ends ((boolean | 1 | 2)?) : true fills both ends of the cylinder. false does not fill ends. 1 fills only the first end. 2 fills only the the second end. ( true )
rotation (number?) : rotation of base - this is only noticable for small numbers of sides ( 0 )
transform (TypeParsableTransform?) : transform to apply to all points of cube
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the edes of the faces will be returned. If false , then points representing two triangles per face and an associated normal for each point will be returned.


Arrow definition object for a 3D line.

Type: {ends: ("start" | "end" | "all")?, width: number?, length: number?}

ends (("start" | "end" | "all")?) : which end to put an arrow where 'start' is p1 and 'end' is p2 ( 'end' )
width (number?) : width of arrow (line width * 2.5)
length (number?) : length of arrow (arrow width * 3)


3D line options object.

A 3D line is a cylinder with optional arrows on the end. Unlike a 2D line, the arrow profiles can only be simple triangles.

Type: {p1: TypeParsablePoint?, p2: TypeParsablePoint?, width: number?, arrow: (OBJ_Line3Arrow | boolean)?, sides: number?, normals: ("curve" | "flat")?, transform: TypeParsableTransform?, lines: boolean?, rotation: number?}

p1 (TypeParsablePoint?) : ( [0, 0, 0] )
p2 (TypeParsablePoint?) : (default: p1 + [1, 0, 0] )
width (number?) : width of line
arrow ((OBJ_Line3Arrow | boolean)?) : define to use arrows at one or both ends of the line
sides (number?) : number of sides ( 10 )
normals (("curve" | "flat")?) : flat normals will make light shading across a line face constant. curve will gradiate the shading. Use curve to make a surface look more round with fewer number of sides. ( curve )
rotation (number?) : rotation of line around its axis - this is only noticable for small numbers of sides ( 0 )
transform (TypeParsableTransform?) : transform to apply to line
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the edes of the faces will be returned. If false , then points representing two triangles per face and an associated normal for each point will be returned.


Prism options object.

A prism base is defined in the XY plane, and it's length extends into +z. Use transform to orient it in any other way.

Triangles will be created for the ends if the base is convex. If the base is not convex, use baseTriangles to define the triangles.

Type: {base: Array<TypeParsablePoint>?, baseTriangles: Array<TypeParsablePoint>?, length: number?, transform: TypeParsableTransform?, lines: boolean?}

base (number?) : base border points defined in the XY plane - the points should be defined in the counter-clock-wise direction.
baseTriangles (Array<TypeParsablePoint>) : triangles in the XY plane that create the base fill. If the base is convex, then the triangles can be auto-generated and this property left undefined.
length (number?) : length of the prism
transform (TypeParsableTransform?) : transform to apply to all points of prism
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the edges of the prism will be returned. If false , then points representing triangle bases and associated normals will be returned. ( false )


Options object for revolve.

Revolve (or radially sweep) a profile in the XY plane around the x axis to form a 3D surface.

Type: {sides: number?, profile: Array<TypeParsablePoint>?, normals: ("flat" | "curveProfile" | "curveRadial" | "curve")?, axis: TypeParsablePoint?, rotation: number?, position: TypeParsablePoint?, transform: TypeParsableTransform?, lines: boolean?}

profile (Array<TypeParsablePoint>) : XY plane profile to be radially swept around the x axis
sides (number?) : number of sides in the radial sweep
normals (("flat" | "curveRows" | "curveRadial" | "curve")?) : flat normals will make shading (from a light source) across a face of the object a constant color. curveProfile will gradiate the shading along the profile. curveRadial will gradiate the shading around the radial sweep. curve will gradiate the shading both around the radial sweep and along the profile. Use curve , curveProfile , or curveRadial to make a surface look more round with fewer number of sides.
rotation (number?) : by default the profile will start in the XY plane and sweep around the x axis following the right hand rule. Use rotation to start the sweep at some angle where 0º is in the XY for +y and 90º is in the XZ plane for +z. initial angle of the revolve rotation
axis (TypeParsablePoint?) : orient the shape so its axis is along this vector
position (TypeParsablePoint?) : offset the final vertices such that the original (0, 0) point in the profile moves to position (this step happens after the rotation)
transform (TypeParsableTransform?) : apply a final transform to shape
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the edes of the faces will be returned. If false , then points representing two triangles per face and an associated normal for each point will be returned.


Sphere options object.

By default, a sphere with its base at the origin will be created.

Type: {sides: number?, radius: number?, normals: ("curve" | "flat")?, center: TypeParsablePoint?, transform: TypeParsableTransform?}

sides (number?) : number of sides around sphere's half great circle ( 10 )
radius (number?) : radius of sphere ( 1 )
normals (("curve" | "flat")?) : flat normals will make light shading across a face cone constant. curve will gradiate the shading. Use curve to make a surface look more round with fewer number of sides. ( flat )
center (TypeParsablePoint?) : center position of sphere ( [0, 0] )
transform (TypeParsableTransform?) : transform to apply to all points of cube
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the edes of the faces will be returned. If false , then points representing two triangles per face and an associated normal for each point will be returned.


Options object for defining a 3D surface.

Type: {points: Array<Array<TypeParsablePoint>>?, normals: ("curveColumns" | "curveRows" | "curve" | "flat")?, closeColumns: boolean?, closeRows: boolean?, transform: TypeParsableTransform?, lines: boolean?, invertNormals: boolean?}

points (Array<Array<TypeParsablePoint>>?) : A grid of points that define a 3D surface
normals (("curveColumns" | "curveRows" | "curve" | "flat")?) : flat normals will make shading (from a light source) across a face of the object a constant color. curveRows will gradiate the shading along the rows of the grid. curveColumns will gradiate the shading along the columns of the grid. curve will gradiate the shading along both rows and columns. Use curve , curveRows , or curveColumns to make a surface look more round with fewer number of sides.
closeColumns (boolean?) : Set to true if first row and last row are the same, and normals is 'curveRows' or 'curve' to get correct normal calculations ( false )
closeRows (boolean?) : Set to true if first row and last column are the same, and normals is 'curveColumns' or 'curve' to get correct normal calculations ( false )
transform (TypeParsableTransform?) : apply a final transform to shape
lines (boolean?) : if true then points representing the edes of the faces will be returned. If false , then points representing two triangles per face and an associated normal for each point will be returned.
invertNormals (boolean?) : if true , all normals will be inverted

Misc Text


FigureElementPrimitive that handles drawing text on a 2D canvas.

Extends FigureElementPrimitive

drawContext2D (DrawContext2D)
options (any)
Instance Members


Define the width, descent or ascent of a text element. This can be used if the estimated width, descent or ascent is not what is desired.

Type: {width: number?, descent: number?, ascent: number?}

width (number?)
descent (number?)
ascent (number?)


Options object for setting new text in FigureElementPrimitiveGLText and FigureElementPrimitive2DText elements.

Type: {text: (string | Array<string>)?, location: (TypeParsablePoint | Array<TypeParsablePoint>)?, font: OBJ_Font?, xAlign: ("left" | "center" | "right")?, yAlign: ("top" | "bottom" | "middle" | "alphabetic" | "baseline")?, adjustments: OBJ_TextAdjustments?, color: TypeColor?}

text (string?) : new text to use
font (OBJ_Font?) : define if font needs to be changed
xAlign (("left" | "center" | "right")?) : xAlignment of text
yAlign (("top" | "bottom" | "middle" | "alphabetic" | "baseline")?) : y alignment of text
adjustments (OBJ_TextAdjustments?) : adjustments to the calculated borders of the text
color (TypeColor?) : text color (will be overriden by a font color if it is specified)


FigureElementPrimitive that handles drawing text in WebGL.

WebGL text is rendered using a texture atlas of fonts - an image with all the glyphs, and a map of the locations, ascent, descent and width of each glyph.

Extends FigureElementPrimitive

Instance Members


TypeText = 'gl' | '2d'

'gl': bitmapped text drawn in webgl from a autogenerated atlas. Use when text size changes rarely, or text needs to be behind other shapes.

'2d': text drawn on a '2d' html canvas. Text will always be ontop of the webgl canvas. Use when text must be displayed a large dynamic range of scales, or text needs to be always on top.

Type: ("gl" | "2d")


Outline options.

By default the glyphs will not be filled, with the outline the same color as the font.

Glyphs can be filled with the fill property, but both fill and outline will be the same color unless the color property is used to override the outline's color.

Type: {width: number?, fill: boolean?, color: TypeColor?}

width (number?) : line width
fill (boolean?) : include fill ( false )
color (TypeColor?) : outline color that overrides the font color - use if including a fill


Underline options.

An underline is defined as a horizontal line with some width with a bottom edge descent below the text baseline.

If descent is negative, the line can be moved into a strike through position, or placed above the text.

Type: {width: number?, descent: number?, color: TypeColor?}

width (number?)
descent (number?)
color (TypeColor?)


Texture atlas font individual glyph ascent, descent and width modifiers.

Type: {w: number?, d: number?, a: number?}

number (w?) : width
number (d?) : descent
number (a?) : ascent
w (number?)
d (number?)
a (number?)


Font weight definition. 'normal' | 'bold' | 'lighter' | 'bolder' | '100' | '200' | '300' | '400' | '500' | '600' | '700' | '800' | '900'

Type: ("normal" | "bold" | "lighter" | "bolder" | "100" | "200" | "300" | "400" | "500" | "600" | "700" | "800" | "900")

Misc Animation


Animation step base class. All animation steps extend this class.

optionsIn (OBJ_AnimationStep = {})
duration (number) : in seconds
startDelay (number) : delay before animation starts in seconds
name (string) : animation name identifier
completeOnCancel ((null | boolean)?) : true to skip to end of animation on cancel
removeOnFinish (boolean?) : true to remove the animation from the animation manager when it is finished ( true )
precision (number?) : precision to do calculations to ( 8 )
state (("animating" | "waitingToStart" | "idle" | "finished"))
Instance Members


Animation Step tied to an element

Default values for the animation step will then come from this element.

Extends AnimationStep

optionsIn (OBJ_ElementAnimationStep = {})


PositionAnimationStep options object

Type: any

Extends OBJ_ElementAnimationStep

start (TypeParsablePoint?) : start position - if undefined then current position is used
target (TypeParsablePoint?) : target position - if undefined then delta is used
delta (TypeParsablePoint?) : target delta - only used if target is undefined
velocity ((null | TypeParsablePoint | number)?) : velocity of position overrides duration - null to use duration ( null )
path (OBJ_TranslationPath?) : ( { style: 'linear' } )
maxDuration ((number | null)?) : maximum duration to clip animation to where null is unlimited ( null )
PositionAnimationStep for description and examples


RotationAnimationStep step options object.

The RotationAnimationStep animates the rotation value of a the first rotation component in a Transform.

To rotate from a start rotation to a target rotation use the start, delta and/or target properties.

If start is not defined, the current rotation angle (when the animation is started) will be used as start.

Either target or delta (from start) can be used to define the target.

The animation can either move to the target with a duration, or the duration can be determined by a velocity.

Rotation animation targets can also be created with velocity, start and duration. In this case, the rotation angles will grow with velocity. If duration is null, then rotation duration will continue indefinitely until the animation is cancelled.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_ElementAnimationStep

start (number?) : start rotation - current rotation used if undefined
target (number?) : target rotation
delta (number?) : a delta rotation that can be used to define target if target is undefined
velocity ((null | number)?) : velocity of rotation can either define the duration of a rotation if target or delta is defined, or can define the target of a rotation if duration is defined. If duration is null, then velocity determines the change in rotation over time ( null )
maxDuration ((number | null)?) : maximum duration to clip animation to where null is unlimited ( null )
RotationAnimationStep for description and examples


ElementAnimationStep options object

Type: any

Extends OBJ_AnimationStep

element (FigureElement?)
progression (("linear" | "easeinout" | "easein" | "easeout" | AnimationProgression)?) : how the animation progresses - defaults to linear for color, opacity and custom animations and easeinout for others


Transform, color and visbility scenario definition

translation will overwirte position, and translation,position, rotation and scale overwrite the first equivalent transforms in transform

Type: {position: (TypeParsablePoint | number)?, translation: (TypeParsablePoint | number)?, rotation: number?, scale: (TypeParsablePoint | number)?, transform: TypeParsableTransform?, color: number?, opacity: number?}

position (TypeParsablePoint?)
translation (TypeParsablePoint?)
scale ((TypeParsablePoint | number)?)
rotation (number?)
transform (TypeParsableTransform?)
color (TypeColor?)
opacity (number?)


Animation builder options object

Type: any

Extends OBJ_SerialAnimationStep

element (FigureElement?)


Animation Step options object

Type: {onFinish: function (boolean): void??, completeOnCancel: boolean??, removeOnFinish: boolean?, name: string?, duration: number?, delay: number?, precision: number?, timeKeeper: (TimeKeeper | null)?}

duration (number?) : in seconds ( 0 )
delay (number?) : delay before animation starts in seconds ( 0 )
name (string?) : animation name identifier (a random string)
removeOnFinish (boolean?) : true to remove the animation from the animation manager when it is finished ( true )
completeOnCancel ((null | boolean)?) : true to skip to end of animation on cancel ( null )
precision (number?) : precision to do calculations to ( 8 )
timeKeeper (TimeKeepr?) : animations need to be tied to a time reference. If this is not supplied, then the default browser time reference will be used and methods with TypeWhen parameters will allow only 'now' and 'nextFrame' and not 'lastFrame' , 'syncNow' . When the animation step is created from an element in a figure (using element.animations or ), then the animation step will automatically inherit the figure's TimeKeeper.
onFinish (function (boolean): void??)


Start animation options object.

Type: {name: string?, startTime: AnimationStartTime}

name ((null | string)?) : name of animation to start - f null, then all animations associated with this animation manager will start ( null )
startTime (AnimationStartTime) : when to start the animation


Serial animation step options object

Type: any

Extends OBJ_AnimationStep

steps (Array<AnimationStep>?) : animation steps to execute in series


Parallel animation step options object

Type: any

Extends OBJ_AnimationStep

steps (Array<AnimationStep>) : animation steps to perform in parallel


ScaleAnimationStep options object

Type: any

Extends OBJ_ElementAnimationStep

start ((TypeParsablePoint | number)?)
target ((TypeParsablePoint | number)?)
delta ((TypeParsablePoint | number)?)
velocity ((null | TypeParsablePoint | number)?) : velocity of scale overrides duration - null to use duration ( null )
maxDuration ((number | null)?) : maximum duration to clip animation to where null is unlimited ( null )


CustomAnimationStep options object

Type: any

Extends OBJ_AnimationStep

callback ((string | function (int): void)) : function to run each animation frame
startPercent (number?) : percent to start animation at ( 0 )
progression (("linear" | "easeinout" | "easein" | "easeout" | AnimationProgression)?)


TransformAnimationStep options object

Type: any

Extends OBJ_ElementAnimationStep

velocity ((null | TypeParsableTransform)?) : velocity of transform overrides duration - null to use duration ( null )
path (OBJ_TranslationPath?) : translation path style and options ( { style: 'linear' } )
rotDirection ((0 | 1 | -1 | 2)?) : where 0 is quickest direction, 1 is positive of CCW direction, -1 is negative of CW direction and 2 is whichever direction doesn't pass through angle 0 ( 0 ).
clipRotationTo (("0to360" | "-180to180" | null)?)
maxDuration ((number | null)?) : maximum duration to clip animation to where null is unlimited ( null )


ScenarioAnimationStep options object

Type: any

Extends OBJ_ElementAnimationStep

start ((string | OBJ_Scenario)?)
target ((string | OBJ_Scenario)?)
velocity ((null | string | OBJ_ScenarioVelocity)?) : velocity will override duration with a calculated duration based on the start , target and velocity . If null is used then duration will not be overriden. Any scenario velocity elements that are undefined will default to 1 ( null )
maxDuration ((number | null)?) : maximum duration to clip animation to where null is unlimited ( null )
zeroDurationThreshold (number?) : value considered 0 to stop animation - this is useful when numbers get very small and rounding problems with javascripts floating point implementation arise
path (OBJ_TranslationPath?) : translation path style and options ( { style: 'linear' } )
rotDirection ((0 | 1 | -1 | 2)?) : where 0 is quickest direction, 1 is positive of CCW direction, -1 is negative of CW direction and 2 is whichever direction doesn't pass through angle 0.
clipRotationTo (("0to360" | "-180to180" | null)?)
progression (("linear" | "easeinout" | "easein" | "easeout" | AnimationProgression)?) : ( 'easeinout' )


TriggernAnimationStep options object

Type: any

Extends OBJ_AnimationStep

callback ((string | function (any): number | void)) : if desired, return a number from callback to update the duration of the trigger animation step. Doing so will make any previous calculations of remaining animation time incorrect. Make sure to initialize this step with a non-zero duration for this to work.
payload (any?) : payload to pass to callback ( null )
element (FigureElement) : FigureElement to associate with callback - if the callback is a string then this element's FunctionMap will be searched for the corresponding function


Pulse options object

Pulsing can be useful to highlight a figure element to a user, without changing its underlying properties.

When an element is pulsed, it will be scaled, translated or rotated from a start value (1 for scale, 0 for rotation and translation), to a maximum value (scale, translate or rotate), to a min value, and then back to the start value. An element can be pulsed through this cycle frequency times per second, over some duration.

The pulse does not change the FigureElement.transform property, and only changes the draw transform.

By default, a scale or rotation pulse will scale or rotate around the the center of the rectangle encompassing the border of the element. centerOn can be used to define a different FigureElement or point to center on. If centering on a FigureElement, xAlign and yAlign can be used to center on a point aligned within it. For instance, xAlign: 'left' will center on a point on the left edte of the FigureElement.

The pulse can also draw multiple copies of the element with pulse transforms distributed between the min and maximum pulse values. This is particularly useful for shapes with outlines that have a regular spacing from a center point (such as regular polygons) as it will look like the thickness of the outlines are becomming thicker.

Type: {duration: number?, frequency: number?, scale: number?, rotation: number?, translation: number?, angle: number?, min: number?, centerOn: (null | FigureElement | TypeParsablePoint | string | "this")?, x: ("left" | "center" | "right" | "origin" | number)?, y: ("bottom" | "middle" | "top" | "origin" | number)?, space: ("figure" | "gl" | "local" | "draw")?, done: function (any): void??, num: number?, when: TypeWhen?, done: (string | function (): (void | null)), progression: (string | function (number): number)?}

duration (number?) : pulse duration in seconds ( 1 )
frequency (number?) : pulse frequency in Hz - a frequency of zero will set the frequency so just one cycle will be performed in the duration ( 0 )
scale (number?) : maximum scale value to pulse to ( 1.5 )
rotation (number?) : maximum rotation value to pulse to
translation (number?) : maximum translation displacment value to pulse to ( 1.5 )
angle (number?) : translation angle ( 0 )
min (number?) : minimum value to pulse to
centerOn ((null | FigureElement | TypeParsablePoint | string | "this")?) : center of scale or rotation pulse. null is point [0, 0] , string or FigureElement are elements to centerOn, and 'this' is the calling element ( 'this' ) will be the default centerOn .
xAlign (("left" | "center" | "right" | "location" | number)?) : if centerOn is a FigureElement then this property can be used to horizontally align the pulse center with the element. 'location' is the (0, 0) draw space coordinate of the element. number defines the percent width from the left of the element ( 'center' )
yAlign (("bottom" | "middle" | "top" | "location" | number)?) : if centerOn is a FigureElement then this property can be used to vertically align the pulse center with the element. 'location' is the (0, 0) draw space coordinate of the element. number defines the percent width from the left of the element ( 'center' )
space (("figure" | "gl" | "local" | "draw" | "pixel")?) : if centerOn is a point, use this to define the space the point is in ( 'figure' )
num (number?) : the number of draw copies of the pulse to make ( 1 )
done ((null | string | function (): void)?) : callback when pulse is finished. If string then the element's FunctionMap fnMap will be used ( null )
when (TypeWhen?) : when to start the pulse ( 'syncNow' )
progression (("sinusoid" | "triangle")?) : function that defines how the scale should progress over time ( sinusoid )
x (("left" | "center" | "right" | "origin" | number)?)
y (("bottom" | "middle" | "top" | "origin" | number)?)
// For all examples below, use this to add an element to the figure
const p = figure.add({
  make: 'polygon',
  radius: 0.3,
  line: { width: 0.05, },
// Scale pulse
  duration: 1,
  scale: 1.3
// Rotation pulse
  duration: 1,
  rotation: 0.15,
  frequency: 4,
// Translation pulse
  duration: 1,
  translation: 0.02,
  min: -0.02,
  frequency: 4,
// Thick pulse
  duration: 1,
  scale: 1.1,
  min: 0.9,
  num: 7,


PulseAnimationStep options object

Type: any

Extends OBJ_ElementAnimationStep

frequency (number?) : pulse frequency in Hz - a frequency of zero will set the frequency so just one cycle will be performed in the duration ( 0 )
scale (number?) : maximum scale value to pulse to ( 1.5 )
rotation (number?) : maximum rotation value to pulse to
translation (number?) : maximum translation displacment value to pulse to ( 1.5 )
angle (number?) : translation angle ( 0 )
min (number?) : minimum value to pulse to
centerOn ((null | FigureElement | TypeParsablePoint)?) : center of scale or rotation pulse. By default, the element calling the pulse will be the default centerOn .
xAlign (("left" | "center" | "right" | "location" | number)?) : if centerOn is a FigureElement then this property can be used to horizontally align the pulse center with the element. 'location' is the (0, 0) draw space coordinate of the element. number defines the percent width from the left of the element ( 'center' )
yAlign (("bottom" | "middle" | "top" | "location" | number)?) : if centerOn is a FigureElement then this property can be used to vertically align the pulse center with the element. 'location' is the (0, 0) draw space coordinate of the element. number defines the percent width from the left of the element ( 'center' )
space (("figure" | "gl" | "local" | "draw" | "pixel")?) : if centerOn is a point, use this to define the space the point is in ( 'figure' )
num (number?) : the number of draw copies of the pulse to make ( 1 )
done ((null | string | function (): void)?) : callback when pulse is finished. If string then the element's FunctionMap fnMap will be used ( null )
when (TypeWhen?) : when to start the pulse ( 'syncNow' )


ColorAnimationStep options object

Type: any

Extends OBJ_ElementAnimationStep

start (Array<number>?)
target ((Array<number> | "dim" | "undim")?) : use dim to animate to element's dimColor , and undim to animate to element's defaultColor
delta (Array<number>?)


OpacityAnimationStep options object

Type: any

Extends OBJ_ElementAnimationStep

start (number?)
target (number?)
delta (number?)
dissolve ((null | "in" | "out")) : will override target opacity if not null ( null )
dissolveFromCurrent (boolean) : ( false )


ScenarioAnimationStep options object

Type: any

Extends OBJ_ElementAnimationStep

target (string?)
velocity ((null | string | OBJ_ScenarioVelocity)?) : velocity will override duration with a calculated duration based on the start , target and velocity . If null is used then duration will not be overriden. Any scenario velocity elements that are undefined will default to 1 ( null )
maxDuration ((number | null)?) : maximum duration to clip animation to where null is unlimited ( null )
zeroDurationThreshold (number?) : value considered 0 to stop animation - this is useful when numbers get very small and rounding problems with javascripts floating point implementation arise
path (OBJ_TranslationPath?) : translation path style and options ( { style: 'linear' } )
rotDirection ((0 | 1 | -1 | 2)?) : where 0 is quickest direction, 1 is positive of CCW direction, -1 is negative of CW direction and 2 is whichever direction doesn't pass through angle 0.
clipRotationTo (("0to360" | "-180to180" | null)?)
progression (("linear" | "easeinout" | "easein" | "easeout" | AnimationProgression)?) : ( 'easeinout' )


Animation progression function.

As the animation time progresses, a percentage of the total animation duration will be passed to this function.

This function then calculates and returns the percent progress of the animation.

This function can be used to make non-linear progressions of an animation. For instance, it could be used to create a progression that is slowed at the start or end of the animation.

Type: function (number): number

percent (number) percentage of duration
number: percent of animation complete


'nextFrame' | 'prevFrame' | 'syncNow' | 'now'

'syncNow' is a synchronized 'now' time. The first time 'syncNow' is used, the current time will be stored and used for all subsequent calls to 'syncNow'. 'syncNow' is reset every time a new animation frame is drawn, or 100ms after a first syncNow call has been made after a reset.

'now' is the instantaneous time

'nextFrame' will be the time of the next animation frame

'prevFrame' is the time of the last animation frame

Type: ("now" | "nextFrame" | "prevFrame" | "syncNow")


Animation start time options.

TypeWhen | number | null

When multiple animations need to be started, it is often desirable to synchronise their start times.

'nextFrame' will start the animation on the next animation frame. Starting several animations with nextFrame will ensure they are all synchronized to that frame time.

Similarly 'prevFrame' starts the animation on the last animation frame.

'syncNow' will start an animation at a synchronized 'now' time. The first time 'syncNow' is used, the current time will be stored and used for all subsequent calls to 'syncNow'. 'syncNow' is reset every time a new animation frame is drawn.

Alternately, 'now' can be used which will use the current time as the animation start time. As javascript is single threaded, using 'now on multiple animations will result in them all having slightly different start times.

A custom time can be used if a number is defined.

null will result in 'nextFrame' being used

Type: (TypeWhen | number | null)

Misc Equation


Equation Functions.

Contains methods for all equation functions.

Instance Members
bar(options, forceOptions)
topComment(args, options)
bottomComment(args, options)
topStrike(args, options)
bottomStrike(args, options)


Annotation options object.

An annotation's layout is defined by its position and alignement. For instance, an annotation at the top right of the content:


has a position relative to the content:

  • xPosition: 'right'
  • yPosition: 'top'

and an alignment relative to the annotation:

  • xAlign: 'left'
  • yAlign: 'bottom'

In comparison, if yAlign were equal to 'top', then it would result in:


Type: {xPosition: ("left" | "center" | "right" | number), yPosition: ("bottom" | "baseline" | "middle" | "top" | number), xAlign: ("left" | "center" | "right" | number), yAlign: ("bottom" | "baseline" | "middle" | "top" | number), offset: Point, scale: number, content: TypeEquationPhrase, inSize: boolean, fullContentBounds: boolean, reference: string?}

content (TypeEquationPhrase)
xPosition (("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?) : where number is the percentage width of the content ( 'center' )
yPosition (("bottom" | "baseline" | "middle" | "top" | number)?) : where number is the percentage height of the content ( 'top' )
xAlign (("left" | "center" | "right" | number)?) : where number is the percentage width of the annotation ( 'center' )
yAlign (("bottom" | "baseline" | "middle" | "top" | number)?) : where number is the percentage width of the annotation ( 'bottom' )
offset (Point?) : annotation offset ( [0, 0] )
scale (number?) : annotation scale ( 1 )
inSize (boolean?) : ( true )
fullContentBounds (boolean?) : ( false )
reference (string?) : calling getBounds on a glyph can return a suggested position, alignment and offset of an annotation with some name. If this name is defined here, then xPosition , yPosition , xAlign , yAlign and offset will be overwritten with the glyph's suggestion.
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: {
      annotate: {
        content: 'a',
        annotation: {
          content: 'b',
          xPosition: 'left',
          yPosition: 'top',
          xAlign: 'right',
          yAlign: 'bottom',
          scale: 0.5,
  make: 'equation',
  forms: {
    form1: {
      annotate: {
        content: 'a',
        annotations: [
            content: 'b',
            xPosition: 'left',
            yPosition: 'bottom',
            xAlign: 'right',
            yAlign: 'top',
            scale: 0.5,
            content: 'c',
            offset: [0, 0.05],
            scale: 0.5,


Encompass glyph options object.

A glyph can encompass (surround or overlay) an equation phrase (content). The glyph can also be annotated.


Type: {symbol: string?, annotation: EQN_Annotation?, annotations: Array<EQN_Annotation>?, space: number, topSpace: number?, rightSpace: number?, bottomSpace: number?, leftSpace: number?}

symbol (string)
annotation (EQN_Annotation?) : use for one annotation only instead of property annotations
annotations (Array<EQN_Annotation>?) : use for one or more annotations
space (number?) : default space the glyph should extend beyond the top, right, left and bottom sides of the content ( 0 )
topSpace (number?) : space the glyph extends beyond the content top
rightSpace (number?) : space the glyph extends beyond the content right
bottomSpace (number?) : space the glyph extends beyond the content bottom
leftSpace (number?) : space the glyph extends beyond the content left
// surrounding content with a box glyph
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    box: { symbol: 'box', lineWidth: 0.005 },
  forms: {
    form1: {
      annotate: {
        content: 'a',
        glyphs: {
          encompass: {
            symbol: 'box',
            space: 0.1, // e.g. only, this will be overwritten by next props
            topSpace: 0.1,
            rightSpace: 0.1,
            bottomSpace: 0.1,
            leftSpace: 0.1,


Left/Right glyph options object.

A glyph can be to the left or right of an equation phrase (content). The glyph can also be annotated.

      ggg   CCCCCCCC   ggg
      ggg   CCCCCCCC   ggg
      ggg   CCCCCCCC   ggg
      ggg   CCCCCCCC   ggg

Type: {symbol: string?, annotation: EQN_Annotation?, annotations: Array<EQN_Annotation>?, space: number?, overhang: number?, topSpace: number?, bottomSpace: number?, minContentHeight: number?, minContentDescent: number?, minContentAscent: number?, descent: number?, height: number?, yOffset: number?, annotationsOverContent: boolean?}

symbol (string)
annotation (EQN_Annotation?) : use for one annotation only instead of property annotations
annotations (Array<EQN_Annotation>?) : use for one or more annotations
space (number?) : horizontal space between glyph and content ( 0 )
overhang (number?) : amount glyph extends above content top and below content bottom ( 0 )
topSpace (number?) : amount glyph extends above content top (overrids overhang )
bottomSpace (number?) : amount glyph extends below content bottom (overrids overhang )
minContentHeight (number?) : force min content height for auto glyph scaling
minContentDescent (number?) : force min content descent for auto glyph scaling
minContentAscent (number?) : force min content ascent for auto scaling
descent (number?) : force descent of glyph
height (number?) : force height of glyph (overrides overhang , topSpace , bottomSpace )
yOffset (number?) : offset glyph in y ( 0 )
annotationsOverContent (boolean?) : true means only glyph is separated from content by space and not annotations (false`)
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    rb: { symbol: 'angleBracket', side: 'right', width: 0.1 },
  forms: {
    form1: {
      annotate: {
        content: 'a',
        glyphs: {
          right: {
            symbol: 'rb',
            space: 0.05,
            overhang: 0.1,
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    arrow: { symbol: 'arrow', direction: 'down' },
  forms: {
    form1: {
      annotate: {
        content: 'a',
        glyphs: {
          left: {
            symbol: 'arrow',
            space: 0.05,
            overhang: 0.1,
            annotations: [
                content: 'b',
                xPosition: 'center',
                yPosition: 'top',
                xAlign: 'center',
                yAlign: 'bottom',
                scale: 0.7,
                offset: [0, 0.05],
                content: 'n',
                xPosition: 'center',
                yPosition: 'bottom',
                xAlign: 'center',
                yAlign: 'top',
                scale: 0.7,
                offset: [0, -0.05],
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    brace: { symbol: 'brace', side: 'right', width: 0.05 },
  forms: {
    form1: {
      annotate: {
        content: 'c',
        glyphs: {
          left: {
            symbol: 'brace',
            space: 0.05,
            overhang: 0.2,
            annotations: [
                content: 'a',
                xPosition: 'left',
                yPosition: 'top',
                xAlign: 'right',
                yAlign: 'middle',
                offset: [-0.05, 0],
                content: 'b',
                xPosition: 'left',
                yPosition: 'bottom',
                xAlign: 'right',
                yAlign: 'middle',
                offset: [-0.05, 0],


Top/Bottom glyph options object.

A glyph can be to the top or bottom of an equation phrase (content). The glyph can also be annotated.




Type: {symbol: string?, annotation: EQN_Annotation?, annotations: Array<EQN_Annotation>?, space: number?, overhang: number?, width: number?, leftSpace: number?, rightSpace: number?, xOffset: number?, annotationsOverContent: boolean?}

symbol (string)
annotation (EQN_Annotation?) : use for one annotation only instead of property annotations
annotations (Array<EQN_Annotation>?) : use for one or more annotations
space (number?) : vertical space between glyph and content ( 0 )
overhang (number?) : amount glyph extends above content top and below content bottom ( 0 )
width (number?) : force width of glyph
leftSpace (number?) : amount glyph extends beyond content left
rightSpace (number?) : amount glyph extends beyond content right
xOffset (number?) : offset glyph in x ( 0 )
annotationsOverContent (boolean?) : true means only glyph is separated from content by space and not annotations (false`)
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    rarrow: { symbol: 'arrow', direction: 'right' },
    larrow: { symbol: 'arrow', direction: 'left' },
  forms: {
    form1: {
      annotate: {
        content: 'a',
        glyphs: {
          top: {
            symbol: 'rarrow',
            space: 0.05,
            overhang: 0.1,
          bottom: {
            symbol: 'larrow',
            space: 0.05,
            overhang: 0.02,
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    brace: { symbol: 'brace', side: 'top' },
  forms: {
    form1: {
      annotate: {
        content: ['2_1', 'x_1'],
        glyphs: {
          bottom: {
            symbol: 'brace',
            space: 0.05,
            overhang: 0.2,
            annotations: [
                content: '2_2',
                xPosition: 'left',
                yPosition: 'bottom',
                xAlign: 'center',
                yAlign: 'baseline',
                offset: [0, -0.2],
                content: 'x_2',
                xPosition: 'right',
                yPosition: 'bottom',
                xAlign: 'center',
                yAlign: 'baseline',
                offset: [0, -0.2],


A glyph can be a line EQN_LineSymbol between some content and an annotation.


Type: {symbol: string, content: EQN_LineGlyphAlign?, annotation: EQN_LineGlyphAlign?, annotationIndex: number?}

symbol (string)
content (EQN_LineGlyphAlign?) : alignment and spacing to content
annotation (EQN_LineGlyphAlign?) : alignment and spacing to annotation
annotationIndex (number?) : annotation index to draw line to
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: {
    l: {
      symbol: 'line',
      width: 0.005,
      dash: [0.005, 0.005],
      arrow: { start: 'barb' },
  forms: {
    0: {
      annotate: {
        content: 'abc',
        annotation: {
          content: 'def',
          xPosition: 'right',
          yPosition: 'top',
          xAlign: 'left',
          yAlign: 'bottom',
          scale: 0.6,
          offset: [0.2, 0.2],
        glyphs: {
          line: {
            annotationIndex: 0,
            symbol: 'l',
            content: {
              xAlign: 'right',
              yAlign: 'top',
              space: 0.02,
            annotation: {
              xAlign: 'left',
              yAlign: 'bottom',
              space: 0.02,


Object defining all the glyphs annotating some content.

Multiple glyphs are ok, but only one per position.

Type: {left: EQN_LeftRightGlyph?, right: EQN_LeftRightGlyph?, top: EQN_TopBottomGlyph?, bottom: EQN_TopBottomGlyph?, encompass: EQN_EncompassGlyph?, line: EQN_LineGlyph?}

encompass (EQN_EncompassGlyph?)
bottom (EQN_TopBottomGlyph?)
line (EQN_LineGlyph?)


Options object for Equation#goToForm.

Often, goToForm is called to animate from a shown form to a desired form. Therefore there will be some equation elements that:

  • Are currently shown, but need to be hidden as they are not in the desired form
  • Are currently shown, are in the desired form, and need to be moved to the correct layout position for the desired form
  • Are currently hidden and need to be shown in the desired form

The order that elements are shown, hidden and moved is defined by the animate property:

  • 'move': Dissolve out elements to hide, move existing elements to new, dissolve in elements that need to be shown
  • 'dissolveInThenMove': Dissolve out the elements to hide, dissolve in the elements that need to be shown in the correct locations of the form, then move existing elements to their correct locations
  • 'dissolve': Dissolve out the entire current form, and then dissolve in the entire new form
  • 'moveFrom': Shows the desired form at the position defined in the formRestart property of EQN_Equation, then moves it to the current location
  • 'pulse': Same as 'dissolve', but once finished will pulse the element defined in the pulse object in the formRestart property of EQN_Equation

If a form is already animating, then the ifAnimating property will define the behavior of the animation:

  • cancelGoTo: true, skipToTarget: true: Current animation will skip to the end, and current goTo call will be cancelled
  • cancelGoTo: true, skipToTarget: false: Current animation will stop in its current state, and current goTo call will be cancelled
  • cancelGoTo: false, skipToTarget: true: Current animation will skip to the end, and current goTo call will then be executed
  • cancelGoTo: false, skipToTarget: false: Current animation will stop in its current state, and current goTo call will be executed

Type: {name: string?, index: number?, animate: ("move" | "dissolve" | "moveFrom" | "pulse" | "dissolveInThenMove")?, delay: number?, dissolveOutTime: number?, duration: number??, dissolveInTime: number?, blankTime: number?, prioritizeFormDuration: boolean?, fromWhere: (string | null)?, ifAnimating: {cancelGoTo: boolean?, skipToTarget: boolean?}?, callback: (string | function (): void)??}

name (string?) : form name to goto
index (number?) : form index to goto (can be used instead of name)
animate (("move" | "dissolve" | "moveFrom" | "pulse" | "dissolveInThenMove")?) : default: "dissolve"
delay (number?) : delay before goto start. Default: 0
dissolveOutTime (number?) : Default: 0.4 of duration, or 0.4s if no duration
duration (number?) : animation duration. Default: null
blankTime (number?) : time between dissolve out and dissolve in when animating with dissolve or pulse . Default: 0.2 of duration, or 0.2s if no duration
dissolveInTime (number?) : Default: 0.4 of duration, or 0.4s if no duration
prioritizeFormDuration (boolean?) : use duration from the form definition EQN_FormObjectDefinition . Default: true
fromWhere (("fromPrev" | "fromNext")?) : prioritze fromPrev or fromNext duration from the form definition. EQN_FormObjectDefinition Default: null
ifAnimating ({cancelGoTo: boolean?, skipToTarget: boolean?}?)
callback ((string | function (): void)??)


Equation label

collections (FigureCollections)
options (TypeLabelOptions = {})


NextFormAnimationStep options object.

OBJ_TriggerAnimationStep & EQN_EquationGoToForm

Duration will be automatically calculated (unless duration is set to 0). To specify it exactly, the duration, dissolveOutTime, dissolveInTime and blankTime must all be specified (or at least the ones that will be used in the form change).

Type: any

Extends OBJ_TriggerAnimationStep, EQN_EquationGoToForm

Equation , NextFormAnimationStep


GoToFormAnimationStep options object.

OBJ_TriggerAnimationStep & EQN_EquationGoToForm & { start?: 'string', target?: 'string'}

Duration will be automatically calculated (unless duration is set to 0). To specify it exactly, the duration, dissolveOutTime, dissolveInTime and blankTime must all be specified (or at least the ones that will be used in the form change).

The form property of EQN_EquationGoToForm is not used. Use target instead.

Type: any

Extends OBJ_TriggerAnimationStep, EQN_EquationGoToForm

start (string?) : form to start from. If undefined, then current form will be used
target (string?) : form to go to. If undefined, then current form will be used


Next form animation step

Animation step that animates to the next equation form in a formSeries. Equivalent to a triggering a Equation.nextForm call.

This animation step is only available in Equation.

Extends TriggerAnimationStep

To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Example showing both ways to access GoToForm animation step
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: { times: ' \u00D7', equals: ' = ' },
  forms: {
    0: ['a', 'equals', 'b', 'times', ' ', '_1'],
    1: ['a', 'equals', 'b', 'times', { strike: [[' ', '_1'], 'strike'] }],
    2: ['a', 'equals', 'b'],
  formSeries: ['0', '1', '2'],
const e = figure.getElement('eqn');
    e.animations.nextForm({ animate: 'move', duration: 1 }),
    e._times.animations.dim({ duration: 1 }),
    e.__1.animations.dim({ duration: 1 }),
  .nextForm({ animate: 'move', duration: 1 })


GoToForm form animation step

Animation step that animates moving between equation forms. Equivalent to a triggering a Equation.goToForm call.

This animation step is only available in Equation.

Extends TriggerAnimationStep

To test examples, append them to the boilerplate
// Example showing both ways to access GoToForm animation step
  name: 'eqn',
  make: 'equation',
  elements: { times: ' \u00D7', equals: ' = ' },
  forms: {
    0: ['a', 'equals', 'b', 'times', ' ', '_1'],
    1: ['a', 'equals', 'b', 'times', { strike: [[' ', '_1'], 'strike'] }],
    2: ['a', 'equals', 'b'],
const e = figure.getElement('eqn');
    e.animations.goToForm({ target: '1', animate: 'move' }),
    e._times.animations.dim({ duration: 1 }),
    e.__1.animations.dim({ duration: 1 }),
  .goToForm({ target: '2', animate: 'move' })


Object where keys are element names and values are tranlation definition objects.

[elementName: string]: TypeEquationElement

Type: {}

_elementName (EQN_TranslationStyle?)
EQN_TranslationStyle , EQN_FormObjectDefinition , EQN_FromForm .


Single equation line definition

Overrides default values of baselineSpace and space from EQN_Lines.

Use justify to define a specific element of the line to align the other lines with.

Type: {content: TypeEquationPhrase, baselineSpace: (null | number)?, space: number?, justify: string?, offset: number?}

content (TypeEquationPhrase) : Array of equation phrases or equation line objects
justify (string?) : when EQN_Lines .justify is 'element' , use this property to define which element of the line to justify with. If no element is specified, then left justification will be used.
space (number?) : default space between descent of previous line and ascent of the this line ( 0 ).
baselineSpace ((number | null)?) : default space between baseline of previous line and ascent of this line. If not null then will override space ( null ).
offset (number?) : x Offset of line from justification position ( 0 )


Options object that aligns a line glyph with either the content or annotation.

Type: {xAlign: ("left" | "center" | "right" | number | string)?, yAlign: ("bottom" | "baseline" | "middle" | "top" | number | string)?, space: 0?}

xAlign (("left" | "center" | "right" | number | string)?)
space (0?)
yAlign (("bottom" | "baseline" | "middle" | "top" | number | string)?)


Object that defines new text for a selection of equation elements.

Each key in the object is the name of the equation element whose text is to be updated.

Type: {}

_elementName ((string | FigureElement)?)

Misc Morphing


Creates triangles to the width of a polyline.

A polyline is defined by a series of points.

The polyline can either be converted directly to triangles that create its width (num undefined), or split into num equal segments first.

simple polylines are rectangles formed between two points in a polyline or segmented polyline. When there are bends in the line, gaps will form on the outside border. These gaps will become more visible as the line gets thicker.

When simple = false, each corner has an additional two triangles to fill in the gaps.

The final number of vertices depends on simple, num and close. Each line segment as 6 vertices. Each corner fill has 6 vertices. If num is undefined or null then the total number of line segments will be points.length + 1.

This method is useful for morphing between lines, but is of limited use. If the line segments gradient change quadrants, then the line thicknesses will change during morphing. Especially for thick lines, it will often be better to use polylineToShapes.

options (OBJ_MorphPolyline)


Options object for polyline in morph tools.

Type: {points: Array<TypeParsablePoint>, num: number?, close: boolean?, width: number?, simple: boolean?}

points (Array<TypeParsablePoint>) : points that define the polyline
num ((number | null)?) : split the polyline into num equal segments. Use null or leave undefined to not split the polyline
close (boolean?) : true to close the polyline
width (number?) : width of the polyline
simple (boolean?) : false fills corners.


Calculate vertices of a polygon

Array<Point>: Array of vertices tuples


Options object to calculate vertices of a polygon

Type: {radius: number?, sides: number?, position: TypeParsablePoint?, rotation: number?, direction: (1 | -1)?}

radius (number?) : radius of polygon ( 1 )
sides (number?) : number of polygon sides ( 4 )
position (TypeParsablePoint?) : center position of polygon ( [0, 0] )
rotation (number?) : polygon rotation (first vertex will be along the positive x axis) ( 0 )
direction ((1 | -1)?) : 1 is CCW, -1 is CW ( 1 )


Create a square fill from two triangles

sideLength (number = 0.01)
Array<number>: array of interlaced x and y components of 6 vertices (12 numbers total)


Create a hexagon fill from four triangles (12 vertices)

radius (number = 0.01)
Array<number>: array of interlaced x and y components of 12 vertices (24 numbers total)


Create a polygon fill with n sides from n-2 triangles - (3 * (n-2) vertices)

sides (number)
radius (number = 0.01)
sideLength (number)
Array<number>: array of interlaced x and y components of vertices


Create an array of num copies of the same color

color (TypeColor)
numCopies (number)
Array<number>: color copies juxtaposed in single array

Misc SlideNavigator


CollectionsSlideNavigator Button.

Type: any

Extends COL_Rectangle, OBJ_Arrow

type (("arrow" | "rectangle"))


CollectionsSlideNavigator equation animation defaults

Type: {duration: number?, animate: ("move" | "dissolve" | "instant")?}

duration (number?)
animate (("move" | "dissolve" | "instant")?)


An animation definition object defines an animation in a json like object.

One key of the object defines the animation to use, while the remaining keys are the properties of the animation.

The value of the key (with the exception of the delay key) that defines the animation is a TypeElementPath defining which elements to apply the animation to. When using delay, the value will be a number in seconds.

The remaining keys in the object then come from the definition objects of the associated animation.

The possible key names that define animations are:

Several animation steps will automatically set their final targets just before steadyStateCommon is set. This means, if the slide is navigated to from a slide that doesn't trigger the transition, then these targets will still be set. In many cases, this reduces doubling up desired steady state targets when defining a slide. However, if the target should not be automatically set, then use final: false in the animation steps's options to disable this behavor. The animations that automatically set targets are:

  • in
  • out
  • scenario
  • dim
  • undim
  • rotation
  • position
  • scale

If a transition definition contains in or out animation steps, then before the transition starts, the elements that will dissolve in are automatically hidden, and the elements that will dissolve out are automatically shown. If this behavior is not wanted, then for out steps use show: false in the animation step definition, and for in steps use show: true.

Type: Object

A zoom pan can be defined as: 1) what coordinate is in the middle of the screen (C) 2) what the zoom factor is

A pan zoom in a scene then:

  • Pans camera so C is in middle of screen
  • Zooms

If a point is zoomed on, then it stays in its relative position in the zoomed scene space, meaning C keeps changing.

Therefore to find C:

  • Find relative position of point in scene
  • using the zoom factor find the center point in the zoomed scene

A gesture primitive is a rectangle within an associated scene.

The rectangle has a center point.

To define a zoomed area of the rectangle, two points are needed:

  • point of the rectangle that will be the new center point of the screen
  • zoom magnification

A gesture primitive has an associated scene.

The gesture rectangle covers a portion of space within the scene Any zoom and pan combination in a scene can be represented by: center position zoom magnification